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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18616777 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ arrange their bookshelves?

>> No.18616781

by feel

>> No.18616785

I always get too bored at the start of arranging that I just put the books back on my shelfs in a random order

>> No.18616789

history,classics, and scifi/general genre fiction all grouped together

>> No.18616796

Alphabetically by author's last name and chronologically inside each author.

>> No.18616807

Alphabetical by author last name, and then in order of release date. It's the only non-spergy way to do it

>> No.18616816


>> No.18616838

by touch

>> No.18616857

Came to post just this

>> No.18616873

paperback and hardcover
then by height

>> No.18616928

One bookcase for fiction and one for nonfiction. I order by country of origin > author’s last name > chronological release date regarding fiction books. Non fiction I order in categories (like history, economics, literature studies) > last name > release date.

>> No.18616929
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i dont

>> No.18616956
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>> No.18616972


>> No.18616989

Category -> Author
My Philosophy shelf is ordered chronologically.

>> No.18616991
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i put my books on it in the order i read them
this is nice because i can look back at it and see all the things i read and when i read them and it's cozy and helps me remember them
ignore the cook books, i'm gonna get a small shelf in my kitchen for them when my current reading encroaches on their territory

>> No.18616995


>> No.18617029

What deranged kind of paedophile buys the illiad, and not the odyssey?

>> No.18617044
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based retard

>> No.18617075

What deranged kind of paedophile buys the illiad, the odyssey and not the Aeneid?

>> No.18617097

shut up

>> No.18617249

>Penguin Dostoevsky
How are McDuff's translations? I tried reading his notes from the underground and it felt like chewing glass

>> No.18617283

Why aren't they next to eathother? It triggers my inner autist

>> No.18617300

I don't
sometimes I use them as a monitor stand

>> No.18617319

yeatschad winning

>> No.18617396
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Color, size, author, thematic, edition, randomly.

>> No.18618153

this was robert maguire, i liked it
i compared a few extracts against my friend who had p&v and i preferred this.

>> No.18618157

because i put my books on the shelf in the order i read them

>> No.18618286

At random within their assigned shelves.

>> No.18618305

based on this hierarchy: (1) subject (2) size (3) publisher

>> No.18618327

I have a bookshelf for my Everyman’s collection organized alphabetically by author surname but the rest of my books are highly disorganized

>> No.18618338

alphabetically by subject matter (with fiction and non fiction being seperate), within subject matters, alphabetically by topic and within those, alphabetically by author. the easiest way to arrange books if you've got enough of them.

>> No.18618680

by date of publishing

>> No.18618689

Patrician style

>> No.18618741

This is the right answer

I like to see the evolution of world literature in my shelves. Although it's a massive pain to arrange because I have to look up the release dates every time I add a new book

>> No.18618991

in autobiographical order, obviously

>> No.18619009

The female authors go in the back

>> No.18619025

By height mostly. Which kind of ties with publisher

>> No.18619542

I prefer McDuff Karamazov

>> No.18619571

fat ones on bottom
similar books next to each other in the middle shelves
Japanese book (not manga) shelf is on top since jap books are small for some reason

>> No.18619575

by language