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[ERROR] No.18616289 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you get to the end of a really good book

>> No.18616294

Why do endings exist if people can't experience them

>> No.18616302
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>tfw I reread a really good book and experience it again

>> No.18616303
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>tfw you get to the end of a mobius strip

>> No.18616377

Now you get to start another good book.

>> No.18616462

>That feeling is spamming stupid frogs on 4chan


>> No.18616827
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>when you get to the end of a really good book except it's not really the end because the author was a degenerate piece of trash who died from alcoholism and there were supposed to be several more volumes.

>> No.18616853
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>when you start a new book and it immediately pulls you in and you know you're in for a whole new and wonderful experience

>> No.18616887
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>tfw you stay up past dawn because of a great book you wouldn't put down

>> No.18617413

>When you are taking ages to finish a book because it's boring, and you are only managing one chapter per day. But you have an interesting book you can't start until you finish this one.

>> No.18617436

unironically felt like this after finishing Infinite Jest I miss the ETA and the AA bros

>> No.18617451
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>tee you finish a really good book, and it's now in your memory forever

>> No.18617456
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>tfw you read two bad books one after the other
this just happened to me bros

>> No.18617458
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>tfw you finish a really good book, and it's now in your memory forever

>> No.18617467
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>>>18616289 (OP)
>>That feeling is spamming stupid frogs on 4chan


>> No.18618540

Oh yeah, The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.18618549

Jeez dude, relax

>> No.18618567


>> No.18618973
File: 177 KB, 815x544, 4A41CC6C-C109-451C-A45C-96CF9FF2B873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you marathon 2 pages and feel sleepy

>> No.18619031
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>tfw you get to the end of a horrible book
I just finished The Waves. What a load of absolute rambling nonsense, the epitome of style over substance. Percival's death is basically the only thing that actually happens. Nice prose, though.

>> No.18619928
File: 778 KB, 855x1297, James_Joyce_by_Alex_Ehrenzweig,_1915_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to the end of a really good back
>the last sentence is a fragment that directly connects to the opening fragment

>> No.18619934

Fuck I meant book damn it fuck this stupid captcha.