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[ERROR] No.18616038 [Reply] [Original]

>it is certain that the action by which God preserves the world is precisely the same as that by which he created it; so that, even if, in the beginning, he had never given it any form at all but that of a chaos, provided he established the laws of nature and bestowed his concurrence in order for nature to function just as it does ordinarily, one can believe, without doing injustice to the miracle of creation, that by this means alone all the things that are purely material could over time have been rendered such as we now see them.
Holy fucking shit

>> No.18616088

Holy fuck dude, it's like God is one of those autistic kids making giant Rube Goldberg machines ! DESCARTES WAS A G!

>> No.18616113
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>> No.18616168


Based, I like Descartes.


No retard, he would be more analogous to some dude inputing the initial conditions of a system of differential equations in a computer(established laws of nature) and then using some software to draw the trajectory formed in the phase-space while the results are being printed(bestowed his concurrence in order of nature to function).


nice self-portrait

>> No.18616181

how can one so passably jump from higher order abstractions like the indiscrimination of preservation in substance to basic low order abstractions like law?
fuck language

>> No.18616182

Entropy can't decrease like that though. Nice clear and distinct idea God implanted there.

>> No.18616441

derp herp. when water molecules from surface tension has the entropy increased or decreased?