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18615900 No.18615900 [Reply] [Original]

Other than this book what can I read that talks about the decline of literature and art? I want to know why it happened and if we can stop the decline.

>> No.18615917

Stop shilling your shitty book cunt

>> No.18615925

Roger Scrutton

>> No.18615946

It's not my book but I wish it was

>> No.18616624


>> No.18616652

I have that chair.
Do they still make them?

>> No.18617335

The more interesting question is why conservative retards can't make even mediocre art.
Let's be honest, the only art conservatives have is black metal, which is just really bad hardcore punk riffs played monotonously through poorly chosen and cared for instruments, trying to delay the start of the song over and over again, and then with autistic screeching to cover up the fact that there is no actual song. The music isn't ever going anywheres because it can't even begin to begin with. All the worst aspects of intros and choruses and without any of the benefits of fading out. Each time it takes nearly ten minutes.

It's literally a microcosm of conservative art, that is if they had any conception of art beyond mere criticism and autistic sceeeching.
And now even this 'art' is being taken over by trannies, because well there's nothing inherently traditional about it. In fact, it's the least traditional of all art because there's no skill, no aesthetics, and no meaning. There's nothing. It's just juggalo for incels. no festivals, not even any cheap consumerism. The shows are so bad that you have to take pictures in the woods of your Kiss larp and post it to instagram. Imagine ethot simps in the age of boomer losers. That's what black metal is.
I mean, they don't even use tube amps. If you can't understand the musical aspects of your own time, and be able to uphold its traditions, how could you ever go beyond that? People complain about rap but really just take a look at metal, it's like one tape poorly recorded over and over again but you can't even tell the difference because there are no musical aspects to begin with.The
Just imagine the iq of the average person passing this shit on. Just watch Varg's youtube to see what they think a genius is.The


>> No.18618993


Take your finasteride, Hasan.

>> No.18619095

All of classical music? The best writers? The best filmmakers?

>> No.18619105

Most of the Western art prior to the 1960s is conservative.

>> No.18619147

just read real art history, faggot

>> No.18619148


>> No.18619181

How is he wrong?

>> No.18619208

Don't ask he is a leftie retard who no actual knowledge of the subject

>> No.18619233


>> No.18620388

Some people are just too stupid and require someone else to spoonfeed them the ideas they originally agree with

>> No.18620413

Bach and 99% of people prior to 1900 would be considered fascists today.

>> No.18620425

Also, what do you think someone like Caravaggio or Ovid would think of mosern leftist viewpoints?
Not to mention people lik Dostoevsky or Aristotle.

>> No.18620811

The Decline of Pleasure by Walter Kerr and Hofstadter's book on Anti-Intellectualism are related. The cult of utility has done a lot to degrade and commodify art. Modernism and abstract expressionism transformed the medium from something intended to capture and render the sublime to something participatory and processional. There is a focus on immediate experience and sentiment over thought.

>> No.18621031
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Martial Industrial
Black Metal
70s country
pre-90s rock music
these are just examples within the last generation or two, and as other anons mentioned basically anything pre-1960 was "conservative" art. your 40 or so years of your progressive mockery of art stands on the shoulders of thousands of years of traditional and conservative art you loser. You people have been trying to push this idea for years and it will never work because it will never be the truth.

>> No.18621082

Is this where we're moving now that >>>18616759 is dying? I didn't see good replies to >>18620688

>> No.18621232

Trying to classify any pre-modern and especially any pre-Revolutionary artists as being leftist or conservative is the height of idiocy. You all need to kill yourselves.

>> No.18621296

That's like saying you can't call people theists before atheism became an actual thing in modernity.

>> No.18621307

No it isn't.

Stop obsessing about politics you petulant /pol/turd.

>> No.18621862

>there have always been neocons

>> No.18621913


>> No.18621976
File: 1.14 MB, 1898x1801, 20210710_104642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this book, it's quite good I put it on par with the ones around it. The author needs to stop trying to walk the status quo line and and instead go full siegepill because he will be censored in the future. He just needs to accept that censorship is coming so he may aswell openly say what his book inherently suggests.

>> No.18622142


>> No.18622179

This. You metal head faggots are no different to trannies trying to claim lotr as a story of trans-rights.

>> No.18622195

Explain in detail why without resorting to
>if you don't agree you are retarded no explanation given

>> No.18622220

The left-right dichotomy did not exist. Just like trans-rights did not exist. Therefore trying to shoehorn historical figures who predate such concepts into modern ideology just does not work.
The atheist theist analogy posted above doesnt fit either, as man as always known God.

>> No.18622228

I don't know why you would want to read such pessimistic nonsense. Art is on the 'decline' to midwits who can't reconcile the fact that metaphysics has shifted and so has art's role in it. There is no space for genius in such uninspired conservatism

>> No.18622240

Are you saying metaphysics has moved from philosophy to representations in art? I'd have to agree somewhat but then again most artists have no background in metaphysics.

>> No.18622282

based. a conservative by definition cannot produce groundbreaking art.

>> No.18622289
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>> No.18622321

Holy cringe

>> No.18622326

No, just that metaphysics in art has moved from re-presentation to presentation. There is an underlying onto-theological metaphysics of presence that most people are familiar with in one way or another as all our humanistic systems are dependent on the idea of a self-present consciousness as what defines the human in the first place. There is a correspondence between consciousness as a re-presentation of God and moving towards re-joining with God, with the rules of conventional craft as re-presenting the presence of the subject. Likewise a correspondence between a shift towards the secular, rational, republican model of consciousness as individual; and the shift in art towards self-expression, immediacy, presence of self, the role of self in forming society - some sort of society that is direct and based on 'being' as separate from a pre-ordained 'being'. You don't have to like individual works of art in this mode just as you don't have to like individuals themselves, but no one helps anyone by complaining.

>> No.18622336

>Let's be honest, the only art conservatives have is black metal
lmao what

>> No.18622347
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>> No.18622411


>> No.18622736

>black metal

>> No.18622832

It absolutely is not. The entire concept of left and right came about during the French Revolution as a reaction to radical change in politics and ideology.

>> No.18622843

That doesn't mean we can't look at the positions of figures before then and know where they'd stand in terms of modern politics though. It's pretty obvious that Aristotle wouldn't be a Marxist Tranny, isn't it, even if such qualifiers didn't exist in his own time we know enough about his own political worldview to know he'd be considered a radical right wing reactionary if he had those views today.

>> No.18622852

Are you trying to claim that any artist prior to 1900s would identify with modern left wing politics if they lived today?

>> No.18622880

>It's pretty obvious that Aristotle wouldn't be a Marxist Tranny
He'd say all /pol/ posters are a waste of oxygen though.

>> No.18622893

So? That doesn't change the fact that if you're a bonafide Aristotlean in 2021 you're basically considered a fascist. The fact that Aristotle wouldn't like anime watches doesn't mean he's on your side. That's like the retards who think the infantry who stormed Omaha beach were the first antifa when almost all of them were strongly against voting rights for niggers

>> No.18622963

Did it occur to your vast intellect the new label was applied to something which already existed, which always existed? The Discourses on Salt and Iron are an excellent example of left-right political debate from the Han Dynasty court in 81 AD. The Council of Jerusalem was a right-left dispute. The content of Left-Right changes a great deal depending on the time and place but "progressive" and "conservative" orientations are enduring. The left tends towards feminine virtues, novelty and xenophilia. The right tends towards masculine virtues, tradition and xenophobia.

>> No.18622971

On the Genealogy of Art Games

>> No.18622976

That's not what I'm saying at all you dribbling tard.

>> No.18622997

Saying that it's impossible to categorize people into categories that didn't exist when they lived is pretty stupid regardless. Of course you can do that. Just because Aristotle didn't identify as a fascist because he predated fascism doesn't mean he wouldn't strongly identify with it over liberalism because his political philosophy as we know it is far closer to fascism than liberalism.

>> No.18623006

If you define "left" and "right" in such pointlessly broad and vague terms as "tending towards masculine/feminine virtues" without even bothering to define THOSE terms first, sure.

>> No.18623025

nobody is saying that it is impossible to do, just that it is a retarded and meaningless pursuit. its on the level of pop-historical books about "how xeno of elea was a protofeminist zomg!" there is zero value in assigning a historical figure to a modern ideology other than intellectual political onanism. only retarded wingcucks do it. that is not to say that you cant analyse the tendencies of past figures (for example, thomas more's utopianism) and compare them with modern political theory. but this whole "all western art prior to 1960 is conservative" meme is retarded.

>> No.18623037

Maybe it's better to say of all modern political ideologies that modern paleo conservatives are the closest to the people who created the art? Would that satisfy your autism?

Or we could just say the best art in history is always created by people who think women shouldn't have voting rights. Either way works really.

>> No.18623039

It's probably all over now since the art establishment wholly endorses and teaches degenerate art. Not only are they pushing peak degeneracy, they moving as fast as possible to "debunk European values".
Art museums are putting old European art in their basements, and mobilizing like crazy to shove garbage into their galleries.

Also, it's of key important to block people from having transcendental experiences of beauty. It's counterproductive in a society that wants "inclusiveness".

They hate civilization because it judges them.

>> No.18623043

>pre-90s rock music
Get a load of this retard

>> No.18623046

the question is who gives a fuck. you think that the renaissance boyfuckers were akin to paleocons? second comment is pretty accurate tho.

>> No.18623058
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It just makes it more obvious that modern progressivism is not an ideology capable of producing beauty. On the contrary it can only produce ugliness, and deform natural beauty since it lacks the true transcendental basis of creation which is belief in God.

>> No.18623604

Yeah modern progressivism instead uses mathematics to achieve things of actual value

>> No.18623615
File: 50 KB, 645x973, 1605251953841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah like funko pops and starbucks

>> No.18623623

>chairs were more beautiful back in the day

>> No.18623820

Someone post the Rothko Chapel dude from the other thread please

>> No.18625028

How could anyone think culture is dead?

>> No.18626118

Pure retarded bait

>> No.18627609

Very based. Metalfags seething

>> No.18628431

Aristotle's entire program is essentially just to put what every educated Athenian already thought on firmer philosophical ground. If he was alive today he would write unreadable tl;dr monographs on why systemic racism is real and transwomen are women.

>> No.18628468

>pre 90’s rock
I’m sure conservative “cut your hair” dads loved Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, etc

>> No.18628997

Holy based anon.

>> No.18629090
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>> No.18629112
File: 360 KB, 1100x704, socialist realism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists have always had left-wing leanings due to their bohemian upbringings. The modern nihilism of abstract art was propped up by wealthy art dealers and the CIA (fact) because in its incomprehensibility it suggests nothing that might encourage the workers to revolt.

>> No.18629143
File: 73 KB, 522x305, 1406322786792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's be honest, the only art conservatives have is black metal,
Am I missing something here? How are you associating these things?

>> No.18629171

He says while posting a piece from an era utterly devoid of any creative freedom without the slightest inclination of irony because his understanding of history is so stunted. I implore you to look into the structure that propped up Soviet realism. You might of heard of them before? In its rigid guidelines for expression there is nothing to suggest that life behind the curtain is ideal. A message that worked hook, line, and sinker on your ignorance.

>> No.18629209

Not him, but lots of black metal bands are right-wing reactionaries. Anon is also wrong, since conservatives have plenty of nice sculpture, painting, ballet, opera, etc. But nowadays, under pressure from American politics, people tend to conflate conservatism with right-wing extremism. The two are almost opposites.

>> No.18629440

literally just nepotism
talented probably still exists but they rarely get opportunities nowadays

>> No.18629452

Holy cringe

>> No.18629461

>The two are almost opposites.
Say that to the Groyper/MIGA LARPing chuds on this very board.

>> No.18629700

Based anon. She is the only woman I respect

>> No.18630516

If they do, they'd be out of plastic or a vastly inferior wood. The quality of everything has gone to shit along with the quality of people. The cheap trinkets our fathers bought look like priceless heirlooms compared to the absolute retard nigger monkey shit being sold now.

>> No.18630801

Actual good answers. I swear you "muh trad paintings and sculptures" fans are as annoying as litteral trannies and most of you don't even have a fucking clue of what classical, modern and contemporary art entails, so you pretend to be deeply in awe in front of amateur socialist realism tier paintings and then go Larp about "traditional right wing art".