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File: 10 KB, 228x221, sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18613424 No.18613424 [Reply] [Original]

>gf found the 300+ page rough draft for your alternate history novel on Cambodia in the 1970s.
fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuckkkk

>> No.18613433
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>Mom found the fart letters

>> No.18613439
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>> No.18613459

hes assasinated in the novel

>> No.18613545

>cousin found the creature erotica collection

>> No.18613663
File: 38 KB, 680x589, 4u8tgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dog found theWMAD love-jihad short stories collection

>> No.18613680
File: 5 KB, 220x229, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor found the 200 word essay that was due last monday

>> No.18613698

>alternate history novel on Cambodia in the 1970s.
So what’s your position on physical versus social relations liquidation in Marx or are you just a larping wehraboo who lacks the ability to write Cambodian alternate history of the 1970s? Who is Marat?

>> No.18613706

>alternate history novel on Cambodia in the 1970s

That's my country, why are you writing an alternate history? We are thankful for the development

Fucking Americans are idiots

>> No.18613721

>OPs gf

>> No.18613850

>That's my country

You dont own shit

>> No.18613871

You're thankful for Pol Pot?

>> No.18613877
File: 33 KB, 421x468, Huoy Meas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. its not really political its supposed to be a fun story of vengeance
its a romanticized story of the sudden decline of Phnom Penh's thriving music industry caused by the rise of the Khmer Rouge. Its ends with Pol Pot being assassinated.
Cambodias most famous musicians serve as a lot of the main characters and the story shifts from different characters perspectives including Pol Pot.

also I am Canadian and of Italian descent

>> No.18613948
File: 5 KB, 180x280, sinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she keeps saying that she doesnt care but i can tell she thinks im extremely weird(weirder than she already thought i was) for having an obsession with cambodian music. theres a very clear aura of judgment and animosity.
it is now a situation where i know im being heavily judged for being weird but she doesnt want to admit it.
and shes mad at these accusations.
not only has my future magnum opus been revealed but i am going to lose my gf over my obsession with Cambodian music.
its unironically over bros...none of this is a joke....everything i am living for has been ruined.....

>> No.18613996

Get help, you are pathological

>> No.18614001


>> No.18614042
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>dogwalker's boyfriend refuted the kitchenette comedy in one act

>> No.18614050
File: 6 KB, 205x246, DE050D96-D5A4-431D-84F9-7C53E3C00A60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey son, when you gonna let me take a look at some of your writing?

>> No.18614067

No. You people (including my gf) just don't understand how good the music of Cambodia was
thank you. im glad someone understands

>> No.18614080

My point is that you for some reason think any of this is a big deal.
Get help.

>> No.18614083

she probably has a bigger issue with you obsessing over her supposed thinking you are weird. Just accept it or you will destroy the relationship.

>> No.18614086

>Wife’s son found the buck breaking erotica
Man my bull is NOT gonna be happy...

>> No.18614092


>> No.18614102

>Brother found the German language diary

>> No.18614132

Fucking based, link some Cambodian bangers

>> No.18614136

fine maybe you guys are right.

>> No.18614144
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 1601950550124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon found the template thread

>> No.18614162

i have to leave the house rn so i dont have time to link a bunch of shit but if you look up 60s/70s cambodian music you will find a bunch of good shit. the biggest musicians at the time were Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Serey Sothea but there is plenty of other good artists.
Virtually every musician died brutally in the killing fields of the Cambodian genocide.

for now ill leave you with one of my favorties: https://youtu.be/3SYfOZc1IU0

>> No.18614237

Godamn how can a song be so gritty and so clean at the same time, thanks for sharing that bro.

>> No.18614249

Come to Long Beach dude, most Cambodians outside of the old country, all the restaurants in Anaheim street Little Cambodia are playing these bangers.

>> No.18614250

This guy is right, it's kinda cool desu own it

>> No.18614269

People think I’m weird for being super into Ethiopian psych and jazz from the 70s. They think I’m trying to be purposely obscure like a hipster from 2011, but like damn I don’t give a shit because it’s so fucking good.

>> No.18614401

Link me some anon, I wanna hear it

>> No.18614424

I feel you. People don't respect my taste in Syrian pop and folk music.


>> No.18614464

Haunting isn't it, especially when you know he was marched out and Phnom Penh and killed by the Khmer Rouge not long after it was recorded.

>> No.18614466
File: 140 KB, 500x566, D0B189B3-BE7B-4355-B3E0-932B7F8D0F5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in the screencap

>> No.18614539

If she can't accept it she's not the one. A woman who is truly in love with you will have no problem dealing with weird quirks like this. Let her go mate

>> No.18614561

This sounds like the sort of thing TMS-era death grips would have sampled

>> No.18614569

I have a Vietnamese girlfriend and whenever we have sex we roleplay with me as an American soldier and her as a Vietkong spy I'm interrogating

>> No.18614580

Now this is a man that has something to write for.

>> No.18614588

Delightful, is it not?

>> No.18614597

>the sheikh found the homosexual jihad letters
I'm gonna get kicked out of our Bedouin tribe wat nou

>> No.18614607

Marat is some guy from the French revolution who's probably in hell now like all the others

>> No.18614621

This one is great, so funky. Thanks for sharing. Old pot still cooks good rice. Haha! I can imagine hearing that from an old Asian prostitute.

>> No.18614633

>its not really political its supposed to be a fun story of vengeance
So it’s not alternate history.

>> No.18614848

hey bro i fkn love ethiopian music too.
hmmm maybe ill write a fictional account of hailu mergia and the wailas too...
its looking like i might have to :( its just too awkward these days. i just hope she doesn't tell anyone what im writing.
yea. easily one of my favorites. such a good title too
did Pol Pot get assassinated by a musician irl? no he didnt. so what would you call that.

>> No.18614885

Dangerously based, keep it up king. I remember finding an LP of cambodian hits in a record store on holiday in Europe. Reading the back it went on about how Pol Pots rule led to the development of a fantastic music scene, didn't bother processing further but it sounded interesting so I tossed it on spotify on the train to the airport. Thought to myself Pol Pot wasn't so bad after all - really groovy stuff. Only later did I realise I'm a dyslexic retard and Pol Pot actually killed them all youtu.be/HtH4uQuzyMw

>> No.18615069

I sunk in such a deep rabbit hole rn because of this thread, the (cultural) history of Cambodia is insanely interesting - keep your based work up and fuck anyone who's being weird about it, thanks

>> No.18615107

>did Pol Pot get assassinated by a musician irl? no he didnt. so what would you call that.
Magical realism. Alternate history explores historicity even when it’s PKD or Jewish Policemans. You’re exploring realistic interpersonal relations and adding magic. Your interest is fuck not history.

>> No.18615137

Post it, Canadian cambodaboo, post it

>> No.18615308

Yea its extremely sad what happened to Cambodia. Reading about what he did and how all these great musicians were brutally murdered had such a profound affect on my listening experience. I get sad listening to this music because it just makes me think of how much they didn't deserve the fate they all got. And the saddest part is that to this Cambodia has not recovered from what Pol Pot did. He ruined a beautiful culture.
The reason why all the recordings are low quality is because all the good ones were destroyed by the Khmer Rouge and we are only left with rips.
I was hoping that this thread would have this effect. I implore you to watch the documentary "Don't Think I've Forgotten" (https://youtu.be/Ipq4FefX5Ps).). This is perhaps my favorite documentary I've ever seen. This is where my interest in Cambodia began. I love this documentary so fucking much. Please watch this if you are curious about Cambodian music.
Someday friend....someday...

>> No.18615474

That looks sick, too bad all the torrents are dead...
Seems like I have to throw my principals overboard once again and online-rent from vimeo, thanks anyway for the recommendation and inspiration!

>> No.18615478


>> No.18615492

>gf found the 300+ page rough draft for your alternate history novel on Cambodia in the 1970s.
Ok, I'll bite.
What the fuck where you doing OP

>> No.18615493

here you go bro. RARBG has it. only 1 seeder but hey its better than spending money.

>> No.18615532

what a fucking king man - thank you
I hope you publish your book, I'll find it once you do
If anyone else wants to watch it, I'll keep seeding for another hour or 2
Long live the lost bangers of cambodia

>> No.18615614

read this post >>18613877
it mostly follows the struggle of some of the most famous Cambodian musicians as they have to adjust to the horrifying totalitarian state they now live in.
it constantly switches perspectives of characters(kinda like catch-22 if you've read that), even from the perspective of Khmer rouge officials and Pol Pot himself.
Eventually, one of the musicians who has now become a band member for the Khmer Rouge military (based on an actual member of the band Drakkar) plots to assassinate Pol Pot and succeeds. The Khmer Rouge quickly dissipates and Cambodia is restored as a thriving happy nation. And that's how the story ends.

The book is essentially how I wish the history of Cambodia in the 70s went down. Instead, everyone died horrifically and Cambodia never recovered.

>> No.18615660

Unironically catchy as fug

>> No.18615676


>> No.18615700

yea unfortunately she was raped, mutilated and murdered by the Khmer Rouge military.
Not the fate she deserved at all.

>> No.18615705

>omar souleyman
>syrian pop and folk

>> No.18615716

if you cant download it and you have any private trackers its on ptp cg hdb etc

>> No.18615722

>Even those who were stereotypically thought of as having intellectual qualities, such as wearing glasses[...]were executed for fear that they would rebel against the Khmer Rouge

>> No.18615730

The bit that always gets me is the airport. The Khmer Rouge put out an international call to Cambodian students and professionals abroad to come home and help establish the new state. They killed them all when they stepped off the planes.

>> No.18615738
File: 8 KB, 176x286, Pol-Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. people talk about all the other totalitarian rulers like they are the worst. Pol Pot was the worst. Completely ruthless. Essentially anyone the Khmer Rouge didn't like was murdered. It didn't matter what you were or weren't, if they didn't like you, you died. There wasn't even a real goal to what he was trying to do. He was trying to turn Cambodia into a backwards country that just farms rice or some shit. And the worst part is he got away with it all. Nothing happened to him and he denied everything he did until his death. Truly the worst.

>> No.18615748
File: 100 KB, 853x802, 1599271438549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish this book, OP. By god you have a higher calling

>> No.18615749

The kicker is he was a history teacher. Shooting himself would have been his first goal if he meant any of it.

>> No.18615766

>shooting a different person

You sound actually retarded. And it's not magical realism, not by a long shot. Are you seriously on this board without even a basic grasp on the concept? Go read One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.18615790

there is so much pressure now.
and because I'm Canadian and have nothing to do at all with Cambodia its so hard to make it super authentic. I feel as though this is a stupid idea and it will never work, simply because i am not Cambodian. I want it to be so epic bros....the forgotten music culture of Cambodia needs to be glorified and remembered...
exactly, completely goalless sociopath. interviews of him are so disturbing, hes so clearly out of touch with human reality

>> No.18615827
File: 41 KB, 439x285, 1600033403541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol pot lived until 1998

wat de fug

>> No.18615845

watch videos of him interviewed in his older years.
He just denies everything and plays victim while they try to explain that he brutally murdered half the population of Cambodia.

>> No.18616226

I genuinely could not tell you whether Cambodia was in South America or in Asia.
t. American

>> No.18616235

I actually gave a rough draft for one of my novels to my at the time manager in a kitchen. He never got time to read it and I took the papers back.

How hard should I drink to drown the self-cringe?

>> No.18616275

don't worry. he's even dumber for thinking his country benefited from the Cambodian genocide

>> No.18616290

What the FUCK does the Wehrmacht have to do with Cambodia in the 70s you politics-brained retard?

>> No.18616508

Keep grinding and finish this thing OP

>> No.18616590

idk i really get discouraged at the thought of it being inauthentic because im not Cambodian.
but ill try.
ill try.

>> No.18616966

Oh my fucking god he's right. She for the streets OP, she doesn't know what's good for her, probably doesn't know what's bad for her either.

>> No.18616974

you should write a non fiction work of cambodian history too accompany it.

>> No.18617219

Cheers man getting this now, good luck with the book. Not weird at all desu
>>18615532 Thanks for seeding

>> No.18617226

meh i think there's already enough

>> No.18617273

>my younger self found /lit/

>> No.18617623

History isn’t things in the past. Fuck me stop chewing lead paint.

>> No.18617641

>my inner child has embraced Stirner and calls me a spook

>> No.18617684

Post pics of her feet pls

>> No.18618107

I would read that book, especially now that I fell into Cambodian music

>> No.18618115

I don't have pics of her feet but I have some soft porn pics of her tits and pussy, would you like me to post them?

>> No.18618141

Post them

>> No.18618640

Pseud hands typed this4U4GN

>> No.18618878

>im not Cambodian.
Interview old Cambodians as research. They'll probably love to help you but you might need to get the younger generations to translate for some. Basically anyone fun who loved music before the revolution might not exist today, and the few that still exist would probably excuse inaccuracies.
There are very few autists who will correct stuff when their other option is listening to the music, and practically everyone on the scene hates them because they love being right more than they love the music. Nobody likes those dicks. History is vague, and music is beautiful.

>> No.18619286

Watched that documentary, very good - hit me in the feels. Thanks anon, godspeed

>> No.18619387

yea ive thought about interviewing some survivors or some shit(if they are still around)
yea its pretty sad right. cheers
glad to hear!

>> No.18619633

>interviewing some survivors or
I saw a recent documentary called The Donut King about a Cambodian refugee who had been lucky enough to get out before the Khmer Rouge, and who took over the donut business in California by sponsoring refugees to come to the country and start more donut shops. You can probably find an enclave like that in Canada or just put out a Facebook/Twitter/whatever post asking for survivors memories and explaining the basic plot. You'll probably get lots of stories about which clubs were best and nice small details about the music culture and fans.

>> No.18619688
File: 68 KB, 1010x897, 1606081798315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
Even after close to 14 years on this fucking site, there's still quality to find.

>> No.18619800

fuck it maybe ill travel to Cambodia myself and spend 5years studying the khmer language and the Cambodian genocide and rewrite the whole thing in the Khmer. i think it would be pretty funny for some 3rd generation italian-canadian to contribute to the Cambodian canon of literature
im glad my shitpost turned out like this.
if i tried to tell people irl to check out cambodian music from the 60s and 70s they would just laugh at me...they'll never understand...

>> No.18619900

>spend 5years studying the khmer language
This could be based because there's probably idiosyncrasies in the lyrics you can't pick up on without knowing it. You might have to study older Khmer though because a lot of languages in the area have modernised with the rest of the culture. Kind of like if you want to write a story about 1960s rock in the US you couldn't use the word based or redpilled as part of the characters' vocab.

>> No.18619917

wow true. ive never really thought about that in terms of other languages. you just blew my mind

>> No.18619925


>> No.18619952

I've fallen in love with Pov Varrany because of this thread and I demand you do her justice OP

>> No.18619966

yea shes one of my favorties. the saddest thing is her career began right when all of this was ending

>> No.18619979

Her voice is beautiful. I'd have loved her if she was physically uglier than Janis Joplin and fatter than Mama Cass but she's unbelievably beautiful in photos too. Please take good care of my waifu.

>> No.18620002
File: 43 KB, 297x337, Huoy Meas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea and i love that she switches between Khmer and English sometimes.
But for me anon...its Huoy Meas.
I've never had much of a thing for Asian women. But for some reason this is one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen. I guess its the smile of innocence.
Sadly she was raped, murdered and mutilated.

>> No.18620068

As much as I respect your life choices, OP, and encourage you in your work, you have to understand my heart only has room for Pov.

>> No.18620116

wow i dont even think ive heard that one before. beautiful.
you've really fallen in love anon. cheers

>> No.18620131

She's the only person besides Harry Nilsson who is allowed sing Without You

>> No.18620155

Did you make up a fake story to promote Cambodian music?

>> No.18620173


>> No.18620180

If he has, I still want to thank him for introducing me to Pov.

>> No.18620197

no this is an actual idea i came up with and have been working on.
the only exaggeration is that its a 300+ page rough draft. it is not 300 pages and its more of an outline than a draft. i still have a lot of research to do about the Cambodian genocide

>> No.18620207

I'll still be in love with her whenever you publish.

>> No.18620925

If this isn't a troll, can you share some of it? I'd be very interested in reading this.

>> No.18620940

>The bit that always gets me is the airport. The Khmer Rouge put out an international call to Cambodian students and professionals abroad to come home and help establish the new state. They killed them all when they stepped off the planes.
What the fuck.

I will read this anon. Post what you have so far, finish it, can drop my email if you want to stay in touch. This thread has piqued my interest. I need to read this book.

>> No.18620968

Listen OP, this is a beautiful idea and you sound like exactly the kind of man to carry it through to completion. If you ever want an editor or a proofreader my email is in the name slot and I'd love to read what you have so far. Really enjoying the music ITT too.

>> No.18620983

dude, could you upload your draft here?
The story seems so batshit insane i would really like to comment on it and give you some ideas

>> No.18621137

At this moment I have nothing worth sharing. As I said, the 300+ page rough draft was an exaggeration. I deeply apologize, i did not think this thread would go down like this, it was mostly meant to be a shitpost(my girlfriend really did find my notes thought. that part is not a joke).
I only have a rough outline of the direction of the story with notes on specific themes, characters and aspects of the story.
For now I can only give you a more detailed summary of the story and description of various characters.

The novel will mostly follow 2 story lines taking place in separate locations.
- The struggle of various characters in labor camp (this storyline is meant to detail the cruel and harsh suffering Cambodians were subjected to)
- The plotting of the assassination of pol pot by members of the official band for the khmer rouge military (this part is meant to add a suspenseful vengeance aspect to the story along with potentially detailing the inner workings of the khmer rouge)

the labor camp storyline will mainly follow Sinn Sisamouth (who is essentially the father of cambodian music) and the curel and harsh suffering he and those around him face. Through his diary entries the reader will learn what Cambodia was like before the Khmer Rouge and this is hopefully how i can insert some non-fiction history writing into the book. A central element to his character will be the guilt he feels over not being able look after Ros Serey Sothea(the mother of cambodian music) due to his work duties(in real life they had a brother/sister kind of relationship and he looked out for her throughout her career). this storyline is far from being fleshed out but i do know that i want Sinn as the main character. i still dont know how ill fit Ros into the story. maybe shes already been killed off before it begins and thats where he gets his guilt from
this labor camp storyline will also feature brutal episodes describing the actual deaths of certain musicians
- the rape, mutilation and murder of Houy Meas
- the execution of Meas Samon for playing music on break
- and probably a fictionalized death of Yol Aularong

the Khmer rouge storyline will mainly follow a group of musicians who managed to avoid working in labor camps by becoming bandmembers for the official band for the Khmer rouge military(this is based off of Drakkar guitarist Touch Chhatha) and their plot to assassinate Pol Pot at an upcoming parade. Another important aspect of this storyline will be detailed descriptions of the innerworkings of the khmer rouge and the psychopathy of Pol Pot himself. It will have episodes depicting the planning of large "killing fields" executions and there will be first person perspective chapters of Pol Pot himself.

im tired of writing. I would like to once again deeply apologize for not actually having anything presentable that i can show.

>> No.18621167

>would like to once again deeply apologize for not actually having anything presentable that i can show.
It's okay OP. Everyone loves your idea. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to write a book about being in love with Pov, and mention you in passing. If you mind, it won't go anywhere but my diary desu

>> No.18621183

please write that lol
what does that even entail? are you just going to write a book about a westerner in love with a Cambodian musician whos been dead for many years? and his struggle to accept that he will never be able to have her?

>> No.18621187

Yes exactly that.

>> No.18621196

>im tired of writing. I would like to once again deeply apologize for not actually having anything presentable that i can show.
Don't worry about it anon. I really love what you've got so far and I hope you'll keep us updated as you progress.

>> No.18621244

This is where I mention you (rough draft- I've decided to call her Pau in the story so readers cannot steal my waifu):

It was an act of undoing, and a wholly conscious one. It had been consciously stolen too: a stranger had presented the possibility of Pau, of a world in which she lived, and where someone hummed her Water Flow next to you on the bus. The pen hung over the scrap of paper as our narrator, the undoer, the thief, paused to gather the correct intention, atmosphere, and breath to begin.
>Pau looked at her guitar for the last time...
It was a consciously futile act too. Pau would never love our narrator. But our narrator would immortalize her so some passing casual spectator could observe it accidentally as a romance.

>> No.18621285

nice lol

>> No.18621299

Since we're /mu/ now, a fun music rabbit hole to go down is Argentine National Rock. Basically during the 70s the dictatorship banned most forms of creative expression, "disappeared" a lot of people, and generally organized an Orwellian reign of terror where he'd go so far as banning specific words or expressions.
This led to a lot of rock musicians making extremely melancholic songs full of coded messages as a form of protest. They couldn't directly state their discontent with the dictatorship, so they buried it under layers of allegory and imagery while singing about depression and heroin abuse.
Maybe some of you will like it. Not to detract from all the Cambodian bangers in this thread.

>> No.18621308

great prose. you better write this thing OP

>> No.18621320


Assuming you have halfway decent prose, this is the kind of vaguely-woke yet surreal enough to be engaging story that has a realistic chance of being publishable. Like PKD meets The Interview.

>> No.18621431
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>GF found the 200 page outline for the historical novel about female vietcong using CBT to interrogate captured americans

>> No.18621457

ill check it out. love foreign music.

>> No.18621484
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1572688125547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf found the lolita fanfiction collection

>> No.18621492

This thread has not left my mind since I saw it last night. Have actually been thinking about most of the day. Back to the topic of your GF, have you tried to explain to her why you feel this way, as you have done with us here on /lit/? If you have earnestly expressed yourself to her like this, and she is still unhappy with you, that is a damning sign about her. Your partner should be supportive and understanding about your passions.

fuck this new captcha is awful

>> No.18621538

desu i think i was just being retarded and itll blow over by the end of this weekend.
i just got too offended by the natural confusion the average gf would experience upon finding out that their bf is writing an epic fanfiction about Cambodian musicians in the 1970s.
im generally a pretty self aware person but sometimes i forget how unusual i am and get offended by the suggestion that i am.

im not too stressed about the gf situation anymore. we had a good night last night

on another note. im sorry my thread has consumed your headspace for the last 24hrs

>> No.18621607
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>cutie gf found the way out of the basement

>> No.18621676

>That's my country
I'm very sorry to hear that.

>> No.18621689

so so so SO BASED

>> No.18622147

this thread is fucking hilarious
I'll make a screencap after I get bored from reading
brb in 1 hour or so

>> No.18622223
File: 18 KB, 437x405, if only you knew how bad things really are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf found the word document with the copypastas

>> No.18622288

Why are Cambodian chicks so hot?

>> No.18622349
File: 206 KB, 771x804, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you just going to write a book about a westerner in love with a Cambodian musician whos been dead for many years?

>> No.18622355

Based and redpilled, joyce-tier prose

>> No.18622362
File: 19 KB, 800x1024, 1625860647343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what’s your position on physical versus social relations liquidation in Marx or are you just a larping wehraboo who lacks the ability to write Cambodian alternate history
Midwit: the post

>> No.18622452

She's beautiful, listen to her

>> No.18623066
File: 109 KB, 490x350, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18623080
File: 48 KB, 670x1094, 1531230389204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Other found the trash can

>> No.18623095

You seem to have an itchy arsehole.

>> No.18623164

>Why are Cambodian chicks so hot?
Because they will "love you long time".

>> No.18623189

Damn this sounds gay as fuck. I hope your girlfriend cheats on you

>> No.18623193

Just to be clear, are you Cambodian?

>> No.18623215
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Absolute dog shit. I work for a publishing house too. Your gf was correct to be revolted.

Faggot redditors

>> No.18623304

>If this isn't a troll, can you share some of it? I'd be very interested in reading this.
As a wanna-be musician, I'm seconding it.

>> No.18623338

why would this be an issue? unless you wrote severe cringeworthy material just say you're working on a book...you literally have proof and most bitches are not going to willingly read the whole thing unless actually into reading.

>> No.18623341

She’s probably just annoyed at how you’re acting so insecure about it. Just keep working on it and don’t bring it up around her and you’ll be fine.
Sounds like a cool concept by the way.

>> No.18623354

Is your gf uncreative or something? Why would writing a story be out of hand. While this is a quirk that may make me consider you "weird," granted I don't know about your other interests, just say you like to understand others' cultures or some bullshit. Only have to say the reason you listen to the music is because you've been working on your story. I think it's really about owning it, but you seeming to be so embarrassed about it makes me think there's some other things going on. Like you should be able to tell your partner one of your own hobbies.

>> No.18623375

this is about indonesia but similar vein, good watch

>> No.18623397

Unironically, source on this? Really intrigued me, but I couldn't find anything.

>> No.18623442

I think this idea of yours OP would also make a great film.

>> No.18623443

Seconding this. Great documentary on a lot of levels.

>> No.18623494

I really like the first and the last song:
The first one is pretty catchy, the last one is pretty trippy. Why can we make this kind of crazy lyrics in the mainstream anymore, bros?
These guys were so lucky to be in the right zeitgeist.
As a curiosity, some argentinian girl compared me to the Sumo guy once. Kek

>> No.18623500

hey everyonee im back and im drujnk as fuck. didnt thjnk this thread would still be alive but here we are. cheers,
idk but yea its pretty cool right
nicew. cheers
i am not cambodian. whatsoever
icant as i have nothing presentable. im sorry
i guess
thanks brother. cheers
yea like i said earlier in this thread. that situatuin will likely clear over the weekend.
im just retarded
damn, ill definitely watch this. hasvent gotten into indonesian music yet. thanks man
probably would. i am giving you permission to steal the idea and produce the movie quicker than i can write the book.

>> No.18623525

Lol, idk if lucky is the right word, but it was definitely something. Argentina honestly has a great rock scene, even today. I lived in Cordoba for a while and there where tons of punks, metalheads, and various musicians around. Cool city. Cool country really, other than the economic and political issues its easily one of the best places in the world.
For some reason miserable dictatorships seem to produce the best music. Here's some Russian stuff you might enjoy:

>> No.18623539

torrent guy here - watched the documentary as well and enjoyed it a lot
I hope I'll be as based as Yol Aularong too someday, I bet he was among the first ones to get killed just because he refused to cut his hair or some other trivial thing
His music is like a blend of beach boys and garage rock, really unique

>> No.18623610

yea bro he forsure got murdered instantly. he seemed like a reall "belief put into action" guy. definietley didnt cut his hair or stop being a hippe

>> No.18623667

Found the midwit again

>> No.18623732


fucking sick language

>> No.18624245

>Verification not required.

>> No.18624518

Yeah, I entered this thread expecting nothing but memes, I'm glad I was wrong.

>> No.18624529

don't come crying to me chad. you have a gf. you don't know pain

>> No.18624597

Can't find the original source I had but
>As foreign minister, Ieng Sary helped persuade hundreds of Cambodian diplomats and intellectuals to return home from overseas to help the new revolutionary government. They were sent to “re-education camps”, and most were executed.
That's the name of the guy who organised the return of the expats. You have to keep in mind that the Khmer Rouge had a lot of international support even after the genocide was revealed, with the UN seat belonging to the Khmer Rouge into the 90s. A lot of the stuff the international community put their fingers in their ears for is especially poorly documented. I'll keep trying to find the documentary I originally learnt this from, because it had two of the "airport workers" who were responsible for killing everyone.

>> No.18624651

Seems like a plotline from pynchon: some poor schmuck absolutely obsessed with the death of the cambodian musicians fumbles around and destroys all his relationships one by one while famtasizing about what could have been different, but in his own life and in cambodia

>> No.18625094

die normalfaggot

>> No.18625259

This song kicks. I’m sorry I ever doubted your obsession. If you were smart, you’d abandon that ho gf for a cambodian qt

>> No.18625311

OP my friend please, can you make a playlist that we can save or something to introduce us to Cambodian music? I beg you. I really want to get into this music after this thread but there's just a few videos posted and many song titles are written in a foreign alphabet.

>> No.18625406
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>tutor found the picaresque novel
>is now bitching about how I should only read 'real' literature

>> No.18625622

Not OP, but search up Cambodian Nuggets on spotify/youtube, pure bangers from the major artists

>> No.18625698

Ryuichi on YouTube has lots of compilations

>> No.18626062

im back again and very hungover
lol nice.
you should write it
if you have spotify look up "60s-70s khmer psychedelia / cambodian rock" its a 10hr playlist
theres also good compilations on youtube of specific artists
it was truly a thriving and prolific music scene so you will basically never run out of music.

>> No.18626585

Bless you OP. This is one of the best threads we've had on /lit/ for a while

>> No.18627464

kek but your still tripfag

>> No.18627497

I’ve been out of /lit/ for some months and returned just in time to witness this incredible thread. 4chan is really full of shit but sometimes there is gold hidden in it. Thank you so much OP.

>> No.18627654

damn bros you're being too generous. didn't even mean for this thread to have this effect. was just a shitpost. Im no god. I'm just a dude with a lot to share but no one to share it with. I guess this time I happened to land on the right crowd.

Since this thread did have this effect though, id like to take this opportunity to promote the exploration of other cultures and other cultures music and music in general. Its all too common for youth and people in general to just consume what's "given to them"(ill leave you to interpret what that means). As the years go by, the decline in individuality increases. Were living in the age of information, you can obtain information on anything you want from anywhere in the world, and yet no one has a drive to do so. There are plenty of other countries that make beautiful music and there are plenty of other countries that have beautiful cultures, don't stop at Cambodias.
Music is a universal language. The art of things sounding nice. Explore it. Appreciate it. Be eclectic. I live by the idea that somewhere out there, there is the most beautiful music ever and I have yet to hear it. So I am on a constant search for it.
And when you like something. Read about it. Knowing the history behind anything increases the enjoyment of it.

>> No.18627676

Bro you are amazing.

>> No.18627709

Posting in this glorious thread. God bless you Cambodiaanon

>> No.18627744

it is not over, in fact it is just beginning

>> No.18628412
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Good post. For me it's North Korean synth https://youtu.be/5u2UhBMZdjc . I strongly suspect that the North Koreans took a while to replace the keyboards the Soviets probably gave them, and by the time they replaced them the musical style enforced by lazy use of those keyboards had stuck

>> No.18628553

Damn bro that sounds super sick ill check it out more

>> No.18628829

There's a movie called Aim High in Creation! which is about an Australian woman who was worried about a gas company that was going to destroy her local park. So she did the obvious thing, and asked North Korea to teach her how to make a propaganda film that would lock the gas company down like the North Korean people.
Her propaganda movie isn't as good as theirs, but she did get access to basically everything that goes into those films.

>> No.18628862

I am actually loling

>> No.18628958

Fuck it. OP, you've inspired me to finally start my historical fantasy novel about the Polish-Soviet War.
See you on the flip side.

>> No.18629606

my first gf was adopted from cambodia. her ass was perfection

>> No.18629654
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>best friend found suicidal posts on 4chan

>> No.18629658

>gf found the evola collection

>> No.18629855

drubnk again. hows everyine doing
Nice. Finish it.

>> No.18630565

Thanks for this thread anon. It really inspired me and I've been writing all day listening to all the Cambodian bangers you recommended. I look forward to reading your book when you finish it. Please keep us updated on your progress.

>> No.18630579

And stop being a fucking drunk

>> No.18631665
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Post excerpt

>> No.18631755

Glad to hear that anon. As for the drinking; leave me alone.
I got nothing bro sorry. Been drinking for 3 days

>> No.18632912

Bump. Let's take this into next week

>> No.18633387

Really hope I could read your book in the future OP

>> No.18633644

>history novel on Cambodia in the 1970s
>hes assasinated in the novel
I guess everybody is assassinated in the novel
after being tied and rape tortured

>> No.18633649

>its supposed to be a fun story
what made you chose cambodia in the 70's?

>> No.18633651

>I am Canadian
ok leaf, that explains the weirdness

>> No.18633677
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let me guess, she is not cambodian right?
(nor another leaf)

>> No.18633818

idk. Previously i had only heard of cambodia as an extremely poor country so when i learnt that it was once glowing with culture i was amazed and felt that it would be fun to write about these forgotten times.

>> No.18633871

What are you planning for researching this novel?

>> No.18634187

thats my main problem. i have to decide how authentic i want it to be.
im probably just going to do 50x the amount reading ive already done and watch interviews of survivors and shit.

>> No.18635539

You know I took a chance on this thread and im glad I did. Very cool idea OP

>> No.18635552

Do you need help getting your chapters in order and such?

>> No.18635622

Dude just write this. Even if you get stuff wrong, have a first draft you can work on with 'corrections'.
But please OP.
Write this book.
I want, nay, need, to read it.

>> No.18635676

this sounds great, go ahead and finish the story op

>> No.18635707

>ITT Sublime Frequencies

>> No.18635847

based cambodian music thread
here's my favorite artist, sinn sisamouth, singing house of the raising sun

in phnom penh you can still find some old musicians who made it through the genocide. this one old blind guy, man, just the thought of the songs i watched him play gives me chills.

>> No.18636092

Why'd it end bro?

>> No.18636825

I will write it
thank you
nice. id like to travel to phnom penn someday. from what i understand you can still find all this music on cassettes in stores

>> No.18637819

I like it

>> No.18637866

>school counselor found the "I JUST WANT TO FUCKING DIE" notes
High school sucked

>> No.18637924
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>mom, dad, and pre-school found the drawings of skeletons and people dying brutally

>> No.18638626
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I could've saved her

>> No.18639125

in an alternate reality we saved them all...

>> No.18639581

That's not magic realism, ffs magic realism it's not even a genre, it an editorial label of a reduced quantity of novels from the LatinAmerican Boom. Garcia Marquez is not even a "magic-realist" writer (How the fuck are "the Colonnel" or "Cronic of a foretold story" magic realism?). The other Boom writers didn't even wrote magic realism: Vargas Llosa was 'realist' all the way, Cortazar wrote fantastic short stories (ala Borges, Maupassant, Poe).
Who the fuck wrote "magic realism"? Allende, Murakami? It's also a marketing descriptor for what have already been writting some time ago, the fantastic and the marvellous, see: Alejo Carpentier, Borges, Rulfo.

>> No.18639667

Top tier thread. I will read your book, should you ever get it published

>> No.18639857
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>Le Wehrmarat

>> No.18639867

>everything i am living for has been ruined.....
How can this possibly be the case if you're living for Cambodian music and your magnum opus? Surely, only your relationship with a judgy slag has been ruined.

>> No.18639882

>Sinn Sisamouth
Ha that is pretty funny. I also stumbled across his story after watching because of you. Such a beautiful song and what a tragic story.
Mou Pei Na is also great.

>> No.18639896

yea i was just fucking around lol.
life is fine, my gf is fine, been doing more Cambodia research and ive been on a 4 day bender
damn this one really is great. yea sinn is too cool. i find it so cool how he is singlehandedly the father of popular music in Cambodia, its not an exaggerated title or anything.

>> No.18640011

Here is a Cantonese version of Because of You
which is also beautiful imho.
I actually do not know who recorded this first or if this is just a Chinese folkore song, but I like Sinn's version the best.

I went down quite the rabbit hole to find more Cambondian recordings in the past. But most that you find that is even of decent quality is by crate-digger labels or reworks such as this one

>> No.18640056

Also this set has a couple wonderful tracks in it, particularly at the end.

As mentioned before, what is left from that time is not much. You will always stumble across the same set of tracks. Still worth checking out.

>> No.18640110

>can tell she thinks im extremely weird(weirder than she already thought i was) for having an obsession with cambodian music. theres a very clear aura of judgment and animosity.
>it is now a situation where i know im being heavily judged for being weird but she doesnt want to admit
Dump her anon. You have a special gift and she doesn't appreciate it. Find a woman who does.

>> No.18640139

wow its crazy how different the feel is of that Cantonese version. way more upbeat. Cool but i still prefer Sinn's too.
yea I'm pretty sure most of the master tapes got destroyed by the Khmer Rouge so all we've got is cassette rips :(
ah that all passed. everything is cool now but someday i will probably have to face the fact that she is not "the one"
but for now i shall continue to suppress that realization

>> No.18640263
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here you have it anon
sorry for the delay; I'm a lazy fuck
good luck with your novel and thank you for this thread!

>> No.18640560

Wow. I still don't understand how or why this thread resonated with people so much but this has been incredibly fun and I will forever be grateful for the encouragement and inspiration you guys have given me. You cannot get this kind of encouragement in the real world; People are usually just confused or they laugh whenever I show them Cambodian music.

>> No.18642089

Song title means Poet's Hope apparently

>> No.18642959

Damn this one is amazing.

>> No.18643042

I mean this sounds super original and history doesn't show the millions of men who were talked out of great plans by cunt spouses. GO FOR IT.

>> No.18643620

My future wife is always amazing

>> No.18643667

Lily chou-chou esque thread.

>> No.18643675

How will she be your wife in the future?
also this ones epic

>> No.18643683

I'm going to find a crooked Buddhist monk. I think she's the guitar in it too.

>> No.18643855

is any1 else here into life-affirming-techno-beat chinese love songs?

>> No.18643880

no but now i want to be. send more

>> No.18644808

Maybe only one got out?

>> No.18644884

nah i found a few more from the same channel

i wonder if anon has any more beyond this

>> No.18644896

Are these Korean not Chinese? I'm shit at both but it def seems Korean subs and I'm recognising more Korean words than Chinese?

>> No.18644966

i have no idea what these are. but whatever they are. they're good

>> No.18645070

I'm ignorant enough to be dangerous but I think we're looking at Korean trot

>> No.18645385

these are japanese titles, with korean subtitles. It also sounds like japanese. No chinese to be seen. Japanese fan website btw lol

>> No.18645435

How easy would it be to learn just enough Khmer to understand these songs?

>> No.18645454

Under a year with consistent study

>> No.18645475

>tfw spent two months in cambodia
>tfw the first thing you notice is how little old people there are
>All the old people are always together in groups sitting on the ground silently
>They all are missing at least one limb because of landmines
>Lots of young people too are missing limbs cause of landmines
>Even saw a fucking baby with scaring cause of one
>So many beautiful Buddhist temples but all the statues are missing their heads and covered in bullet holes cause the Khmer rouge tried to stomp out Buddhism
>You can still fucking find pieces of bone floating in rivers where it pushed up from the ground because so many people just died and decomposted in random places around the country
>There a look in everyone's eyes, even younger people like ptsd, the entire culture has like a unconscious trauma from the events
>It's quiet and people rarely talk, which is so different from Thailand or even Vietnam.
>People are still super friendly and always treat you with open arms
Cambodia is sad but a nice place. I recommend visiting if you can handle it.

>> No.18645486

Yeah also all the old people always have instruments with them. There's like group of roving old men across Cambodia who all lost limbs or their sight in the genocide and make their living playing music and begging.

>> No.18645493

I'm starting today with this video:
There doesn't seem to many resources but I guess that's expected.

>> No.18645503

I really got to get there one day. How safe did you feel while visiting?

>> No.18645530

Literally landmines were my biggest fear while there. My female friend cause she's an idiot ran off from us and spent an entire night till 6am drinking and doing blow in Siem Reap and she returned unharmed so that says something.
I found the people there kind, but I wouldn't want to wander around some poorer areas late at night.
The only sea country I've ever had a problem with the locals in was when I got in a fist fight with a mugger in Vietnam who climbed in my window (but that's another story).
If you go Angkor Wat isn't just a tourist attraction it's 100% worth the visit. You need to get there around 6am though, you can see the light come up through these little slits they built to make it shine on certain tiles and it's literally transcendent because no one else is there.
If you go when all the chink tourists are there I'm sure it would be misserable.

>> No.18645538

yea ive been wanting to visit since i got into the music but now since im working on this book i feel like i have to visit.
where did you visit?
do a lot of people speak English in Phnom Penh? will i be able to get around easily if i learn just basic greetings and shit?
i really wanna visit because of the food too. the pho looks so fucking good

>> No.18645567

Step on my urethra and peg my large intestine into my fucking skull

>> No.18645593

Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, a few smaller villages I can't remember the names of.
People speak English decently in Phnom Penh, in the touristy area you should have no trouble but those arent probably the place you want to go unless you want to buy blow and get your dick sucked, it's a nice city though outside of it, and it's a mixed bag if people know English. You can get by with food vendors and those stands on every corner sell fresh fruit milkshakes for 1$, which might be what I miss most about sea. Even if they don't know a lot of english I never struggled to get by with just a few basic Khmer phrases.
To be honest I thought the food was a bit dissapoointing, I mean don't get my wrong it's great and fresh, but every Cambodian meal tends to be a fried meat and vegetable dish and rice. Compared to Thailand (which had great cuisine) and especially Vietnam (which had the best cuisine I've ever had traveling anywhere) it was dissapointing but still very tasty don't get me wrong.

>> No.18645754

Cool, thanks for the intel bro!

>> No.18645881

Thanks. If you're looking for a big city to go to id recommend Siem reap it's great there.

>> No.18646130

Just do the good ol' switcheroo and call her a racist cunt that she is, kek.

>> No.18646160

I do not think my gf is racist. just a standard north American who is closed minded about other cultures.

>> No.18646171

Call her that, she is being an obnoxious asshole for bashing you for what you like. Or don't do a single thing about it.

>> No.18646498

Chapter One: Annihilation

The Cambodians joined the Japanese by being nuked. There is now a bay where Cambodia once was. Good riddance.

>> No.18647397

All the ugly ones were killed

>> No.18647418
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why does it seem like the opposite :(

>> No.18647423

OP I will actually read this book from beginning to end if you go through with it. Sounds interesting. Just remember to make a thread when it’s done.

do you have experiences writing other things? Is this your first time?

>> No.18647432

I have decided that I will have cambodian music playing in the background while I read your book

>> No.18647459

Yea I like Japanese 80’s, German Industrial music like rammstein, and Russian post punk. You’d be surprised there’s a lot of good foreign music guys.

When you’re the type of person who cares more about instrumentals than vocals (like me) it’s easier to find.

>> No.18647462

ive started a bunch of shit but never finished(mostly short story ideas).
i only got into reading recreationally about a year ago.
i dont know how good of a writer i am. i cant describe my prose but i can say the kinda prose i do like. I usually like simple and effective shit, not into flowery prose much but i respect it.

>> No.18647494


And now I’m adding cambodian to the list of foreign music I like, in exchange here’s some future funk from japan

>> No.18647520

I really do think your idea is great, and want you to finish this.

There’s a lot of feels involved, knowing that most of Cambodia’s great musicians were murdered by a brutal regime. It’s not fair. They probably just wanted to live their life and produce art, and then pol pot happened.

>> No.18647521

Alternate history, as a genre, just requires that a historical event play out differently. Something like Roth's Plot Against America is alternate history because Lindbergh wins the presidency, and despite the fact the POV is a young boy who has little access to the alternate history unfolding beyond what he years on the radio or from his elders.

>> No.18647534

unfortunately man that isn't from japan. that's just standard future funk that samples Japanese music :/
no shame tho! I've been a huge vaporwave fan since i was in highschool, i just thought you should know.
in exchange for the future funk here's some Nigerian funk/disco https://youtu.be/nuCabYRwWls
yea its horrible. really changes the context of the music :( thats why i became so obsessed with it

>> No.18647578 [DELETED] 

>have to adjust to the horrifying totalitarian state they now live in.
It’s not even that it was totalitarian, pol pot’s cambodia was a straight up horror movie. Full on psychopathic hell hole. You’d have to be genuinely schizophrenic or crazy to believe in what he believed in.

He moved everyone outside of the cities to have them live in series of small farming communes dictated by soldiers. Just working all day long in the fields farming rice. That is your life. If you don’t work you get murdered and dumped in the killing fields.

If you had any qualities displaying even the slightest hint of “un-equalness” to anyone else, you would be murdered. If you wore glasses, you would be murdered because some people consider it a sign of intelligence. 1/4th of the population was killed. Every single Cambodian alive has a friend or family member who was killed. The music industry probably didn’t just decline, it straight up disappeared over night.

>> No.18647599 [DELETED] 
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If you do not do this, I will steal your idea and do it for you.

I am not joking, or else you will spend the rest of your life regretting that you could’ve made it.

>> No.18647624
File: 79 KB, 360x450, AD0836D4-3780-4E47-B557-38554C02A57D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unfortunately man that isn't from japan. that's just standard future funk that samples Japanese music
Dammit now I look stupid

I hope this next one is real

>> No.18647655

now thats real. thats a good playlist. lots of classics in there. if you like that you should check out Tatsuro Yamashita, the husband of Mariya Takeuchi. Hes got some good stuff:

>> No.18647657 [DELETED] 

>On 25 December 1978, Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion of Kampuchea, and subsequently occupied the country and removed the government of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from power.

This is a testament to how bad the Khmer Rouge and pol pot really were. “communist countries” have historically been allies but this time they had to put the foot down and say “you went too far”

>> No.18647762

Bump before I go to sleep

>> No.18647768

300 page draft is a lie. OP just made that up so he could have a thread about cambodian music.

>> No.18647790

don't do that.

>> No.18647923

This sounds like it checks all the boxes for a published historical fiction novel.
>niche topic that OP knows way more about than the average American
>set during a tragedy that most westerners know about
>several characters are shout-outs to famous historical figures
>surreal, slightly pulpy plot mixed with horrifying depictions of actual genocide
Sounds like a better version of most novels set during the Holocaust.

>> No.18647931

Yeah all that genocide in “in King Arthur’s court”kom4m