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[ERROR] No.18612072 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to /lit/ quarterly, &amp, etc?

>> No.18612089

They all got Japanese girlfriends.

>> No.18612148


>> No.18612263

Amp is supposedly on its way. Quart is dead

>> No.18612304

>Quart is dead
rip in piece
how did it deaded?

>> No.18612351

Damn, the saddest thing ever is watching people try to follow their dreams. It'd be better if she never even tried.

>> No.18612353

>It'd be better if she never even tried.
same is true for you btw

>> No.18612798

What is this supposed to be? I'm not familiar with oriental culture.

>> No.18612814

Seeing that is Japan and that the picture on the poster has a price tag and a DVD mark in the corner, I suspect she is selling a porno.

>> No.18612848

Ah, she looked like a student, so it threw me off.

>> No.18612851

A struggling voice actor that is selling her mixtape for 5 bucks on the streets. This is her if i remember correctly.


>> No.18612922

>She was freelance between October 31, 2014 and July 31, 2020. She became affiliated with Toy's Factory on August 1, 2020.
What an odd kind of hopium.

>> No.18612929

The face in the picture is shopped if you can't tell. It's an old image.

>> No.18612939

I know the new 2021 is done and was supposed to come out months ago (because I'm in it and got a copy).
A bit bummed that it died just as I got in, but oh well.

I'd post it here, but I don't want to do it without hearing from the editor. Maybe he ran into some issues, idk

>> No.18612947

She's kinda cute desu
That's not even 5', she's a midget. Never mind.

>> No.18612948

> C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Fucking based. One of the only anime with some actual creativity. I'd give her money just for that (but also to see her smile, she looks sad).

>> No.18612971

>she's a midget.
How is that not the best part? Women should only be below 5 foot or above 6 foot.

>> No.18613004

Fuck that she did it. Will probably still do it.
She'll always have as a part of her the knowledge that she didn't back down, that she didn't buckle and went for some shit. 99% of people alive are cowards.
She may not have achieved renown through "success," but she was a part of something real and she manifested reality through that.

She will always carry that strength with her and no amount of online jeers from people who don't have 1/10th the courage and will to live that she does can ever take that away from her.

>> No.18613043

I've developed a dating heuristic to stop entitled women dunking on guys under 6'. After all, if people like Saori were born exactly genetically the same, bar inheriting a Y chromosome instead of an X chromosome from their dad, they would be nowhere near 6' themselves.
The rule of thumb goes like this.
For men:
1) Calculate your height percentile in respect to guys of your nationality (I'm 98.8th for mine).
2) Refuse to date any woman who falls below that percentile in respect to women of her nationality or your nationality or for whichever country you're both resident in (you can allow some optional leeway of say, 5 points).
3) Keep in mind that by doing so, you are protecting any sons you potentially have from being ridiculed for being too short.

For women:
1) Calculate your height percentile in respect to women of your nationality (Saori is 19.9th percentile for Japanese women).
2) Calculate what height that percentile equates to for men of the nationality you're trying to date into.
3) Come to terms with the fact that you are not entitled to date anyone taller than this.
In the case of Saori, she shouldn't expect, or feel entitled to date any guy above 5'5", or belittle any guys between that height and 6' as so many women do.

I know it sounds autistic as fuck, but it's one dispassionate and effective solution to a social ill.

>> No.18613050

was meant to be a reply to >>18612971
sorry dude

>> No.18613066

According to /jp/ this is fake. The hair and face do look weird but I've never see the original pic

>> No.18613068



>> No.18613075

This will never work because woman don't date down, but men do. Your heu

>> No.18613089

>The hair and face do look weird
Bit racist don't ya

>> No.18613105

>I'm 98.8th for mine
No one believes that manlet.

>> No.18613126

As a manlet, I'm more than happy when woman decides to dunk on me for my height. That way there's no chance I'll get stuck in the simp mindset and think she's so great just because she's hot.
As for men, it is only annoying when they decide to chimp out on you because of it. If someone cracks a joke, I usually laugh, because I'm usually around good folks who know how to make a good joke.
Also, the ability to defuse aggressive jerk I had to learn in order to survive youth ended up helping me a lot a a criminal lawyer.