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[ERROR] No.18610562 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.18610809


>> No.18612363

Great book.

>> No.18612451
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Which is it then

>> No.18612645

Good writing and scenes hurt by a meandering plot that doesn't really go anywhere or get you invested in it and seems more like a series of sketches.

>> No.18612668

Gene Wolfe is fucking trash, his/her popularity is a meme.

>> No.18613442

I just finished reading it after seeing it pushed a lot on 4channel. I didn't really get it I suppose. It wasn't that much fun. I'll still pick up and read the second half though at some point.

>> No.18613484


>> No.18614833

great work of fantasy with several stories within stories

>> No.18614912
File: 93 KB, 600x450, FF186029-8C85-4BCF-A001-DA10B7E5EC98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddest pacing I’ve ever seen, coupled with way too many plotlines

>okay, so he saves a revolutionary. >Oops, that revolutionary doesn’t appear for the rest of the book
>okay, so he gets sort of kicked out of his guild and has to leave the city
>oops, never does any torturing or executing for the rest of the book, doesn’t leave the city till the very ending
>okay, he meets some wacky zany companions who are performers
>oh, he will meet up with them again, but not before he interacts with a random shopkeeper who wants to steal his sword in what turns out to be the main plotline that takes up half the book for whatever fucking reason
>also it’s never explained why the sword is so valuable, and we through in a bunch of other random shit too like uhhh prophetic dreams and weird visions in a greenhouse and a girl who was dead in a lake. Oh, let’s crash a taxi into a church and grab the McGuffin for book to while we’re at it. Also let’s throw in a bunch of weird Latin words because they’re the closest thing to certain future objects in this future society
I dropped book two when he goes into the cave and met the glowing monkeys.

>> No.18614967

This, it's giga cringe. Apparently fantasy tards like this guy because he leans "literary" but man I read the first chapter and it was just as corny as the Malazan guy with magic anime swordfights in the first fifty pages, oof.

>> No.18615152

Fictional memoir of a crazy nigga.

>> No.18615975
File: 133 KB, 600x600, MemeWolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filtered by Pringle man

>> No.18616003

misadventures of a horny savior

>> No.18617632

Shut UP

>> No.18619258

The second book is the most disconnected one. All of the threads do get eventually resolved.

>> No.18619790


I really like New Sun and definitely consider it worth reading, but I can agree with this take.

However, the other two series set in the same universe, Long Sun and Short Sun, are much better stories with more likeable characters. They're also less cryptic than New Sun.

>> No.18620028

I really like the part in the first book when he mogs and beats up the executioner newbie that tries to mog him. I dominate people at work that way frequently short of beating them up so it was very refreshing to see some blue collar action in the book desu.