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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18608892 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about a character who becomes jaded and introverted and essentially retreats into a life of solitude?

This isn't just a feels-related post, I'm genuinely curious about a book like this.

>> No.18608897

Just read all of Herman Hesse. Start with Steppenwolf or Siddhartha (would probably be better if you read the Dhammapada first)

>> No.18608911


A lot of Kobo Abe books have his narrators do this but they are usually forced into isolation by some outside force or accident

>> No.18608917

Against Nature by Huysmans' may be what you're looking fkr

>> No.18608930

Against Nature by Huysmans may be what you're looking for.

>> No.18608957

Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.18608960

is herman hesse compareable to hquellebcqc, and if so how?
i love the french frogs suicidal writing

>> No.18609020

Perfume, Patrick Suskind. Go away

>> No.18609027

My diary desu

>> No.18609108
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>> No.18610168

Is there a writer that captures the milieu of 4chan more than Houellebecq? Something about Houllebecq is so easy for me to read, but I don't exactly feel like it's high literature. I can barely ever finish a book but elementary particles I read in a few days. The last time I felt that way was >>18608957 or Bataille. I'm not sure if it's the sex or the alienation.

>> No.18610175

Is against nature the one where he is describing his house? how long does it take to get into it?

>> No.18610807

thats so icy

>> No.18611751

The whole book pretty much takes place in his house and there is no real plot persay. Most of the book is filled with him making stylistic choices about his house, relating old stories about people he used to know, and heavily critiquing other art and literature. If you think you'll enjoy that, then the book gets into itself pretty quickly as you immediately start getting a feel for Des Esseintes' mind and some of the introductory stories are very entertaining. That being said, the book certainly isn't for everyone and the a lot of people find this format boring.

>> No.18611949
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>El Camús de Alberto Estraño

>> No.18612308

la sombra del cipres es alargada

>> No.18613382

The Fall by camus