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[ERROR] No.18607689 [Reply] [Original]

>Deuteronomy 23:1 ESV
“No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord."

>> No.18607712

Matthew 19:12
>For there are eunuchs, who were born so from their mother's womb: and there are eunuchs, who were made so by men: and there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. He that can take, let him take it.

>> No.18607719
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>> No.18607765

>there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven
That's in reference to celibates, not snippies

>> No.18607834

Acts 8:36-38
>And as they went on their way, they came to a certain water; and the eunuch said: See, here is water: what doth hinder me from being baptized? And Philip said: If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. And he answering, said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still; and they went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch: and he baptized him.

>> No.18607960

Passages like this make it hard for me to suspend my disbelief, especially when people tell me things like "the Bible is full of knowledge that will reveal itself to you when you read it".
I'm trying to keep an open mind and heart but how should I interpret passages that really give off the "desert tribe made shit up and came up with arbitrary tenets for their religion two millennia ago" vibe?

>> No.18607974

The takeaway is that trannies go to hell and Christians may not support trans rights

>> No.18607984

What about people who get their balls crushed accidentally?

>> No.18608004

Kill yourself

>> No.18608005

"No one whose testicles are crushed [...] shall enter the assembly of the Lord."

>> No.18608012

Eternal damnation

>> No.18608018


>> No.18608038

Because it says so retard

>> No.18608044

So I can guarantee someone I don't like will go to hell for eternity if I crush his balls? That's convenient.
How can you seriously believe this shit? It's laughably arbitrary. Christians on this board have been telling me things like "Yahweh is Plotinus' One" but I've obviously been tricked.

>> No.18608051

No one gives a shit what you believe in retard

>> No.18608056

God wouldn’t let you crush someone’s balls unless he wanted that person to go to hell anyway.

>> No.18608066

Your reading comprehension is very poor. I asked how you could believe in this arbitrary bullshit and actually take this to be the word of God revealed to man. What mental gymnastics do you go through?
I didn't bring up my own beliefs. Read more slowly.
That's convoluted.

>> No.18608077

>I didn't bring up my own beliefs.
You started crying about how mean Christians lied to you about your shitty paganism larp. And my faith is none of your business retard

>> No.18608086

I said your reading comprehension was poor but that's an understatement, actually you might be genuinely mentally impaired. I'll be waiting for someone with a triple-digit IQ to address my points, move along.

>> No.18608092

I accept your concession retard

>> No.18608100

The New Testament undoes that law

>> No.18608106

>calls the airtight metaphysics of the Enneads a larp (never read any of it obviously; nor did he read the Bible, most likely)
>pretends to believe that the almighty creator of existence cares a lot about the state of people's dick and balls
Yep, I'm thinking some kind of cretinism.
Why make that law in the first place?

>> No.18608141

Look retard, let me help you out here: you complained Christians "tricked you" about the equivalence of YHWH and Plotinus' One and I told you that no one gives a shit about what you believe in. I'm not here to sell you anything, I told you what the verse says. I don't care about your paganism crap. You're obviously retarded

>> No.18608151

if your thoughts on christianity are dictated by out of context verses (which you put no research into) posted on a mongol basket weaving forum then you are retarded. "The assembly of the lord" doesn't refer to heaven it refers to admission into the land of Israel and the ability to marry into the Hebrew people

>> No.18608158

You'd have to be either extremely disingenuous or downright retarded to pretend one of the main points Christians make on this board when discussing the nature of God is to say he is indeed similar to the One, or to link God and the form of the Good, and Christ and the Logos. These claims start to seem shoddy when reading the OT. Just because you're an underage faggot who "converted" because it's based to be an epic tradcath doesn't mean everyone shares your sentiment.

>> No.18608177

Why do Christians care about books that detail the intricacies of hebrew legalism?
This question >>18608106 still stands, why does God care about such specific and inconsequential details, of which there are several examples in the OT?

>> No.18608180

>You'd have to be either extremely disingenuous or downright retarded to pretend one of the main points Christians make on this board when discussing the nature of God is to say he is indeed similar to the One, or to link God and the form of the Good, and Christ and the Logos.
I didn't say that. Are you both retarded and delirious?

>> No.18608181
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>be me
>glorious conqueror and destroyer of christcuckery
>see before me a monument to the desert tale cross, a church/monastary
>after looting and setting everything on fire i line up the judeo-christian value practioning believers in a row
>have my companions use hammers to pulverize the testicles of those who believe in desert tales
>cut them loose and let them roam the earth as eunuchs who not only suffer greatly in this plane, but also are in full belief that they will not reach the kingdom of heaven
Nothing personnel.

>> No.18608184

Then what is your point you fucking buffoon, are you even arguing for anything here or do you just feel lonely and want attention?

>> No.18608187

Maybe if you knew how to read you wouldn't confront so many issues in one single thread

>> No.18608189

I accept your concession.

>> No.18608199

That's one way to avoid having to learn how to read

>> No.18608208
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>18 No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; 19 no man with a crippled foot or hand, 20 or who is a hunchback or a dwarf, or who has any eye defect, or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles.

>> No.18608223

>I'll be waiting for someone with a triple-digit IQ to address my points,
Here I am
>how should I interpret passages that really give off the "desert tribe made shit up and came up with arbitrary tenets for their religion two millennia ago" vibe?
That's literally it, desert tribe made shit up two millennia ago. Nothing else.

>> No.18608227

Maybe the gnostic schizos are on to something and only the NT should be taken into account

>> No.18608228

>Yep, I'm thinking some kind of cretinism.
Cretinism is literally Christianity
>The word “cretin” itself is derived from the Swiss French Alpine dialect word “crestin,” from the Latin word “Christianum,” which means “Christian.”.

>> No.18608248

>jewish book
>people are surprised it's full of lies
You deserve to suffer

>> No.18608253

>Maybe the gnostic schizos are on to something and only the NT should be taken into account
Nah, not really

>8 You go to the festival. I am not going up to this festival, because my time has not yet fully come.” 9 After he had said this, he stayed in Galilee.

>10 However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went also, not publicly, but in secret.


>> No.18608262

I don't get what's wrong with that passage.

>> No.18608312

Jesus contradicted the Father (The Ninth: Do Not Lie)

But yeah, God also lies (2Thessalonians 2 11)

>> No.18608363

Does God have to follow his own rules?
Why do Christians even have to follow the commandments if the old covenant was abolished by Jesus?

>> No.18608381

>Does God have to follow his own rules?
I don't know if he "has" to, but if he doesn't he's an hypocrite, therefore not immensely good, therefore not a real god, and therefore not worth worshiping.

>> No.18608439

But a parent doesn't have to go to bed at the same time as their kids.

>> No.18608468

Irrelevant/not an argument

>> No.18608473

Not really

>> No.18608495
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What if I had a testicle removed because of cancer??

>> No.18608502

If you got cancer then god hates you

>> No.18608506

Prepare yourself for hellfire. Muahahaha

>> No.18608781

>why does God care about such specific and inconsequential details
he was telling the israelites how to run their nation, and a lot of the seemingly "unimportant" details are there in order to distinguish the jews from the people of the nations. As to how they are still relevant to Christians today, there is the ceremonial law (for keeping ritual purity) which is generally discarded and the moral law which is upheld.

>> No.18608799

>That's convoluted
No it isn't. Read a fucking book you absolute mongoloid. Have you read any other ancient texts? Don't answer, I only know you exclusively read genreshit and actually have the audacity to fancy yourself capable of thought and sentience.

>> No.18609036


As pointed out above,
>The New Testament undoes that law

See the baptism of the eunuch described in Acts: >>18607834

>> No.18609256

Eunuchs in this context used to cut their privates to remove all lust. Either for Spiritual purposes or as guards for a female queen. In no way did Jesus refer to eunuchs who did so for the sole purpose of acting like a woman.

>> No.18609286

>glorious conqueror and destroyer of christcuckery
Stopped reading right there.
I can feel all my internal organ cringe after seeing that

>> No.18609299

Absolute nigger

>> No.18609404

How dense are you?
>for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. (John 7:1)
>His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into [the feast], that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest. (John 7:3)
>Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready. (John 7:6)
>The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil. (John 7:7)
>Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast: for my time is not yet full come. (John 7:8)
>[...] then went he also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret. (John 7:10)
>Then the Jews sought him at the feast, and said, Where is he? (John 7:11)
>Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)
>Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. (7:15)
Jesus knows of his faith and controls it. It seems to me he's referring to His death and not to the feast in 7:8.

>> No.18609531

>In no way did Jesus refer to eunuchs who did so for the sole purpose of acting like a woman.
I never said he did

>> No.18609630

The moral of the story is that all Christians should kill themselves so they can't get damned for eternity by somebody that doesn't like them chopping their balls off.

>> No.18610966

B a z e d

>> No.18611155

>every time something bad happens to someone, it's because God wills it
You can't have this and pretend that evil has no substance of its own and is only the product of free will, you fucking mouthbreather. Get your story straight.

>> No.18611900
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>> No.18612210

>How dense are you?
You didn't provide a single argument to justify why Jesus is lying.
>It seems to me
>he's referring to His death
Not an argument. The prophets are now allowed to lie when they're talking about the future? lol

>> No.18612226

>eunuchs who did so for the sole purpose of acting like a woman.
Did any eunuchs do so for this reason? I was under the impression most were forced to do so. Be it because they were guards in a kings brothel or like singers or assistants of egyptian priests etc

>> No.18612657

he's talking about trannies

>> No.18613474

It doesn't really undo the law, Christians manage to escape Levitical law under the technicality that they aren't Jewish converts due to not being circumcised. They just need to follow some moral commandments that apply to everyone anyway and to have faith in Christ.

>> No.18613506

It doesn't undo The Law (Matthew 5:17), but the New Testament makes it clear that eunuchs can be saved, therefore any Old Testament law that says otherwise is obsolete

>> No.18613519

what about circumcision? i wouldn't want to have a mutilated dick AND not go to heaven either

>> No.18613534

>what about circumcision?

>> No.18613900

I didn't think it necessary to justify his lie because there is no lie to speak of. Without having to dive deeper into the passage, and with only a few of the sentences from around the ones you quoted, it was apparent to me that Jesus was referring to his death and not to the feast. We can try to look at it in a different way for your sake.
>My time is not yet come (John 7:6)
What does this mean? Does it mean, as you purport, that Jesus will never go to the feast? From the OED:
>Yet. II. Senses relating to time. 2. Implying continuance from a previous time up to and at the present time: Now as until now. 4a. Often also implying contrast to a future or subsequent state more emphatically expressed by as yet (7a). 3. Referring to the period preceding the present or some stated time, without necessarily implying continuance: Up to this time, till now, hitherto, thus far. Usually implying expectation of possible change, more fully expressed by as yet (7a). 4a. With negative preceding.
>Macbeth II, iii, 50. Macd. "Is the King stirring, worthy Thane?" Macb. "Not yet".
Ok, so one of the possible meanings of "not yet" is a continuance in action up to the present which can be changed in the future. That being said, is that the meaning implied here by Jesus?
The word Jesus uses here is οὔπω, we can look at other usages of this word elsewhere to clarify its meaning.
When explaining the parable of what defiles a man, Peter says he doesn't understand, so Jesus says:
>Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever [...] (M't 15:17)
as to say, "do you still not understand?"
When foretelling of the temple destruction to come, but which has not yet happened
>[...] but the end shall not be yet. (M'k 13:7 - KJB)
>[...] but the end is not yet (Douay-Rheims)
As for the passage in John 7 relating to his death and not to the feast, you can look at other usages of οὔπω in John specifically:
>Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come. (7:30)
>These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come. (8:20)
There's a few more but you get the point.

>> No.18614702

>I didn't think it necessary to justify his lie because there is no lie to speak of.
stopped reading there

>> No.18614832
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>> No.18614844

>haha im here to honour god
>yeah, i also get drunk a lot, why do you ask ahah
>exactly, im a real christian too ahha