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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18605199 [Reply] [Original]

City of Light Edition

Previous Thread:>>18593340

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.18605204

Sex Books

>> No.18605214
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Daily Reminder to read the Prince of Nothing.

>> No.18605242

Opinions on Steven Erikson's sci-fi work?

>> No.18605282

Everybody in Hyperion's Fall is so fucking based, holy shit

>> No.18605293
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Bow down before the Queen of sff

>> No.18605303

first you must attain the Absolute

>> No.18605315

To my knowledge, it is a neurological fact that the human brain can only process one stream of language at a time. Barring obscure disorders or what have you, this is not a projection, but a statement of fact. Like I said. Anyone can test this themselves. Maybe challenge yourself to read 5 pages while listening to a 10 minute history video, or something. Whatever suits your reading speed. Then see if you can finish the 5 pages before the video is done. Then test yourself on your comprehension of the pages and the video. 99.999% of people will completely fail this kind of test. It's just neurology; we can only attempt to listen to two language streams at a time by flicking back/forth between them rapidly, but this is very hard, and prone to information loss anyway. If you are one of the .001% or whatever that can listen to two language streams with perfect comprehension and no effort, then you are very lucky.

(I will re-empathize though that it's easy to "cheat" on these tests since it relies on one judging themselves without bias. Be sure to keep an open, clear mind while attempting any tests. Be sure to recognize when you did indeed not catch a part of the video, or started skimming the pages of the book without actually reading them, etc.)

>> No.18605334

all the trannies on Twitter are seething about her because of what she did to that attack helicopter story tranny, so she is /ourgal/

>> No.18605359

>“Either she carries her weight like a man,” he shouted as he walked away. “Or she carries our weight like a woman!”

>> No.18605361
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No such passage on those books.

>> No.18605372

>posting the same thing in the new thread
I really, REALLY don't understand what you're trying to do here.

>> No.18605417


>Book Club Selection
Priest of Bones

>The war is over, and army priest Tomas Piety heads home with Sergeant Bloody Anne at his side. But things have changed while he was away: his crime empire has been stolen and the people of Ellinburg--his people--have run out of food and hope and places to hide. Tomas sets out to reclaim what was his with help from Anne, his brother, Jochan, and his new gang: the Pious Men. But when he finds himself dragged into a web of political intrigue once again, everything gets more complicated.
> As the Pious Men fight shadowy foreign infiltrators in the back-street taverns, brothels, and gambling dens of Tomas's old life, it becomes clear:
> The war is only just beginning.

>> No.18605437

He's just trying to get noticed by senpai

>> No.18605526

Note the times. I posted it in the new thread, abandoning the old thread as is custom, and some other guy reposted it in the old thread. His reasoning is beyond me. Perhaps he really wanted to ensure you saw the post.

>> No.18605851

What’s some good schizocore SFF?

>> No.18606031

Whenever the argument of if fantasy has any literary value or merit comes up, midwits start foaming at the mouth and pointing to that one Terry Pratchett quote, or they start naming some ancient literature that academics hold in high regard and claim that it falls under 'fantasy' because it has 'fantastic elements.' Both of these approaches are brain-numbingly retarded and betray a very misguided view of literature in general. I found this quote buried away in a review Jorge Luis Borges wrote about Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles in 1955, and I would like to share it here
>“How can these fantasies move me, and in such an intimate manner? All literature (I would dare to answer) is symbolic; there are a few fundamental experiences, and it is unimportant whether a writer, in transmitting them, makes use of the "fantastic" or the "real," Macbeth or Raskolnikov, the invasion of Belgium in August 1914 or an invasion of Mars. What does it matter if it this is a novel, or novelty, of science fiction?”

>> No.18606061

Ok what is with authors(including female ones) and writing women as absolute garbage human beings. They constantly bicker for no reason, fight for no reason and are toxic to their companions constantly.
Why would you write them like this? Men are written with some flaws but usually also with quite a lot of redeeming features, while women sometimes seem to have none.
One of the few instances where I can recall really liking the female characters is in LOTR, because they had agency personality and weren't there just to make everyone's lives miserable. However I hear people complain about how they are not really characters, do people want them do be obnoxious assholes?
The worst part is when other character say these, quite honestly bad people, are very loveable and cute in the way they act.
I have met very few people who are as women spirited as the somehow "good" women characters in books.

>> No.18606080

Just finished Mass Effect, whats a good sci-fi series to get lost in?

>> No.18606095

Can't write a third book or an ending to save her fucking life

>> No.18606102

Blindsight, Echopraxia

>> No.18606103

I absolutely hated the 2nd or 3rd book in this series.

First one's fun but then the author decides he's not being grimdark enough so he makes the protagonist even more of a cunt just to hammer the point home and kills all of the fun.
And it's not like there's a deeper point being made like other books with repulsive protagonists it's just schlock but now without anyone you even care about.

>> No.18606121

I mean, this is kind of spinning in circles. The question of whether fantasy has literary merit is a philosophical question founded in language games. There is no correct answer, it depends on the game, how people are defining "literary." If someone says fantasy isn't literary, just ask what they mean by literary. They'll probably be unable to give any concrete meaning behind their words, which makes them meaningless and thus something you are free to ignore.

>> No.18606133

>what is with authors(including female ones) and writing women as absolute garbage human beings
It's called realism.

>> No.18606139

If fantasy or scifi gets canonised people stop calling that work fantasy or scifi, it's not worth really discussing or debating "merit" beyond finding that amusing.

>> No.18606151

Book about long lived/immortal people? they don't need to be the main character but they should have a prominent role.
I'm finishing a time for love and i liked the endless adventures aspect of it, but didn't much enjoy the endless masturbation of the main character's ego.

>> No.18606164

Perry Rhodan

>> No.18606166

Mass Effect Andromeda of course :)

In all seriousness, I wish I knew. Finishing the trilogy has left a hole that I have yet to find a book that can fill. It's my #1 universe I would choose to get sent to when I die. The Expanse might do it for me, but I doubt it'll scratch the same itch

>> No.18606173

I like this quote a lot. It doesn't get hung up on labeling like the Pratchett quote does.

>> No.18606194

Thanks, Sci-fi is definitely good but I don't mind if it's fantasy either.

>> No.18606202

I'm not sure that is fair since, as I have said, there are quite a few women that are nothing like that.
People can eb shitty but putting a spotlight on said shittiness, especially when men are made to be so heroic and noble, just seems weird.
I would understand if it was just male author being "Mysoginsitic and anti-wo,en" but some of the worst women characters I have read are from women authors.

>> No.18606203


I stumbled on this quite a while ago and managed to find it again last summer. A bit rough around the edges but still a nice short story.

>> No.18606219
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>want to read an older, less-known or out of print fantasy book or short story
>dig through all the IRC book channels, private archives, the internet archive, Calibre dumps, libgen and b-ok, and the colossal sf&f torrent
>finally find what I'm looking for somewhere on the internet
>its always either a poorly formatted epub with lots of errors and mistakes or missing characters, or a shitty nigh-unreadable PDF scan
every fucking time

>> No.18606230

And the Aspect-Emperor.
The last two books are the most incandescent work of fantasy literature in the 21st century so far.

>> No.18606233
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Post your favorite SFF art

Bonus points if it's not just some cute girl

>> No.18606234

Can you sell me on how it's so grossly incandescent?

>> No.18606237

Based AF. I will always support anyone who can make the troons seethe.

>> No.18606240

They are. Middle two were a let down unfortunately. I still think that the first trilogy are his Magnum Opus. And as much as the story and characters shine in the last two books, I think that the Warrior Prophet is still my favorite book.

>> No.18606242

It’s in The Judging Eye or White-Luck Warrior I believe.

>> No.18606244
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>> No.18606245

That's exactly what you should expect. It's a lot more effort to transcribe something than to OCR. The person who did it probably didn't personally care about it.

>> No.18606246

Correct. Judging Eye.

>> No.18606262

It’s a tragic inversion of The Return of the King layered with some profound philosophical illuminations (or obscurements perhaps) that stick with you long after you’re done reading. Also, Ishterebinth. Also, Dagliash. Also, the Golden Room. Also, mass cannibal murderrape atrocity fun.

>> No.18606270
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>Jodo's Dune
patrician as fuck

>> No.18606272

So you're telling me I should start reading Bakker.

>> No.18606278

You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to pull a Library of America's and learn how to create epubs and I'm going to go through all those shitty PDFs and epubs and restore them so that they're easily available and easy to read with no errors or anything like that. I'd have to do it anonymously (maybe I only do dead authors' books) because of copyright issues, but at least all those stories would be restored. The epubs will be nicely formatted and everything, maybe with some explanations about what version of the story is presented and a history of the story and the author who wrote it.

>> No.18606287
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Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.

>> No.18606299
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>So you're telling me I should start reading Bakker.
Hello, newfriend.

Bakker is /sffg/'s cannon.

>> No.18606302

Well sir, I have room in my reading schedule around August

>> No.18606314

>read one page of bakker
>quadaleth from crangtechoon was the illigandor the sixth porgendo of wellengino. He was returning from manestepth where he had retreated from battle with the burnevedo

>> No.18606318

Didn't ask.

>> No.18606320

Checked and I wonder if Bakker still lurks these threads, or if he’s too thin-skinned/easily butthurt/was frightened off by the animefag (who thankfully seems to have found a new autistic hobby than ruining these threads)

>> No.18606323
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>> No.18606328

Who else would keep talking about him without ever mentioning that he can't actually write?

>> No.18606329
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>> No.18606332

His prose is unironically excellent, way above the league of the typical fantasist. Even la goblina youtuber admitted it despite muh zero star review.

>> No.18606336

Praising prose is what happens on /lit/ when you can't actually articulate anything a writer does well

>> No.18606345

How about you read it?

Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.18606367

well I can't read any more Bakker because he got dropped by his publisher for being so shit lol

>> No.18606373
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>> No.18606380

> he posts while worshiping the most reddit atheist' writer currently alive

>> No.18606383
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Ad hominem attacks on an author is what happens when /lit/ proselets can't actually articulate anything the writer does wrong because they can't read him.

>> No.18606387

>ad hominem
why are you posting like it's 2012

>> No.18606395

Sorry, sweetie :^) Is that expression too hard for you?

>> No.18606401

> has complains about ad hominem while attacking the character of the people he is arguing with.
Being a midwit must be hell.

>> No.18606402
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>Imagine having to google "ad hominem"

>> No.18606407

>has complains
We unironically accept your defeat.

>> No.18606409
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>has complains

>> No.18606417

I'm referencing the time online when all people would do is (often inaccurately) cite argument fallacies like anyone actually cares.
I obviously have to know what ad hominem means to make that post.
Also you learn what it means in school at about age 14 so I guess it came up for you in last week's lessons.

If you could actually explain anything good about Bakker's writing we wouldn't have ended up in this dumb sideline.

>> No.18606438

This general spends more time fighting about bakker than actually talking about books.

>> No.18606446

I'm just getting sick of people who've read Bakker and maybe two other books recommending it every fucking time someone asks a question.
Go look at the last thread and you'll see it happen over and over.

>> No.18606448

Does it trouble you?

>> No.18606452

People shouldn't comment on books/authors they've never read.

>> No.18606462

I think it's probably inevitable for any community to end up developing an obsession for one piece of media in particular and reference it the most. It's just human nature.

>> No.18606475

I've been getting conflicting information about malazan, should i go for it? i was really in the mood for a big fantasy epic, but i got burned bad by the wheel of time got turn off form literature as a whole for a while after fighting trough 8 books before drooping it.
I malazan around the same level of quality? because if so i ill have to pass.

>> No.18606479
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>Imagine getting angry at an author over not understanding the words in a book.

>> No.18606480

Is it really a community or is it just 1-3 dedicated shitters?

>> No.18606486

download it right now and see for yourself, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.18606487

I made posts about about multiple books towards the end of last thread but the only posts getting engagement were
1. an excuse to spam revisionist right wing history
2. "women don't actually post on boards"
3. Discussion of LOTR (something everyone knows at least from the films)

There's only a very small group of posters here who actually read a significant breadth of books within the genre and we don't actually overlap on what we've read that often.

>> No.18606490

Malazan is decent. If you've made through 8 Waste of Time books, you should have no problem with it.

And yes, it is way better than WoT.

>> No.18606492
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>2. "women don't actually post on boards"
They don't, though.

>> No.18606496

I get invested in the first book, get exited on the second and waste a few months reading 6 more while wanting to kill myself more and more every chapter that passes.,.

>> No.18606499

Malazan imo is worse than Wheel of Time in terms of "quality" (it's very disorienting to read at times) but much more interesting in terms of how unique the world and characters are.

>> No.18606510

Malazan is horribly written compared to WOT tho. The first books of WOT are a joy to read, malazan is bad trough out.

>> No.18606518

WoT isn't badly written but I was bored by book 2 which is supposedly the peak

>> No.18606525

First books is Ok. Second one is probably the best in the series. After that, you will have a very large mix of PoVs and even an entire book that is a gigantic flashback. It's not a slog like WoT, for sure.

>it's very disorienting to read at times
So, it's not for dumb people. Thank you for telling us.

>> No.18606526

Eye of the World was cringe-inducing with how directly it plagiarized Lord of the Rings, it will never be a joy to me to read it.
Malazan was pleasant to me from the beginning.

>> No.18606529

>Thugs her braid

Even Sandershit is better than WoT.

>> No.18606536

What about when WoT was Sandershit?

>> No.18606538

I've been reading sff since 2016 or so but it was mostly classic sf, while the only fantasy I've read has been LOTR and ASOIAF, so not too much. I feel like I have a decent spread but I've been thinking of branching out of sff lately.

I like talking about those here but it seems like most people here care more about F than SF. Because of that I can only really chime in when we get our daily "rec me some Sci-Fi" posts.

Unfortunately 4chin isn't a great place for actual discussion, but I try to do my part to make sure the general doesn't completely degenerate into Bakker shitposting.

>> No.18606539

Yeah Sanderson never makes me think what I'm reading is good but it's capable of being fun at times and his better books keep me interested in the plot. Wheel of Time didn't.

>> No.18606543

is this a copypasta? I swear I've seen this exact post several times before

>> No.18606544

What I was meant to imply was that inevitably 1-3 dedicated shitters will pop up in any community. It only takes 1, and every general on 4chan has its own ritualposters. The ritualposting then infects discussion and so the subject of ritual posts seems to dominate discussions.

>> No.18606548

Robert Jordan had ZERO originality, which is something I seldom say about any author that's discussed here. He also had the single worst pace I've ever read in a series.

>> No.18606554
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2021.... I am forgotten...

>> No.18606556

What does this man do for a living?

>> No.18606558

>Eye of the World was cringe-inducing with how directly it plagiarized Lord of the Rings
Are you stupid? It's a love letter to the hero monomyth. It starts with a fucking farmer boy getting his home town attacked by monsters. The main antagonist is called the Dark One. There's no plagiarism, it is just drawing upon the same fundamental legends that LOTR did. Are you going to say it ripped of Le Morte d'Arthur because there's a character called Artur Hawkwing? So stupid. If you guys can't even understand Wheel of Time, how can you understand any literature at all?

>> No.18606561

he copes, seethes, and dilates in front of an audience on Twitch

>> No.18606564


>> No.18606566

Do you have clips to prove this?

Where is this pasta from? I hope it's not just bad bait.

>> No.18606569

heh. You probably feel like you've seen it before since it's not exactly a novel opinion or experience, but it's my honest take.

>> No.18606570

I think he gets donation from streams?
>It's a love letter
It's lifting things so directly from Lord of the Rings it's not a love letter, it's just copying. The story is set in the Third Age, do you think this is a coincidence?
>Artur Hawkwing
You know damn well that this is meant to evoke images of King Arthur and the Horn = The Holy Grail
Wheel of Time eventually becomes its own thing but The Eye of the World is too much of a pastiche to be worthwhile.

>> No.18606579

Posting "read throne of glass" before that faggot spammer does, get fucked nerd

>> No.18606583

Not that anon but you can go Rothfuss channel on twitch and check it yourself, the man just spends his days playing videogames and talking like an insufferable redditor from the early 2010s

>> No.18606588

Living the absolute dream, but it's still pathetic.

>> No.18606608

Your understanding of how art is created is so infantile it's embarrassing. Do you even realize how much Tolkien was inspired by existing art when his own stuff? Smaug, for example, might as well be a rip-off of the dragon from Beowulf, which Tolkien identified as a key influence: they're almost identical. But is this copying? Stealing? No. It's inspiration. It's how art is made; drawing from the world, and giving it your own spin in your creation. To draw EXTREMELY shallow and basic connection like "the third age" and think of it as meaningful copying is actually embarrassingly shallow.

>> No.18606612

lmao at calling a quickly written attempt to cash in on the american fantasy boom art

>> No.18606614

But Tolkien WAS copying and stealing, some of his Dwarfs are lifted straight out of Norse myths down to their names.
You're incredibly butthurt over this. I don't see how it has an impact on you personally that your favorite writers were unoriginal.

>> No.18606623

He copied almost everything from Tolkien.

>> No.18606628
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>Tolkien WAS copying and stealing
Dangerously retarded. Ngmi

>> No.18606635

I'm stating facts my good man. You're just too insecure.

>> No.18606650


The Wheel of Time showed it was possible to do an uninspired rewrite of Tolkien. After that the doors were flung wide, and the next to profit off the scheme was Robert Jordan. Of course, I'm not suggesting it's bad to take inspiration from older authors--all authors do this, as Virgil did from Homer, and Milton from Virgil, and Byron from Milton. Tolkien himself drew on the Norse Eddas, Welsh myths, English fairy tales, and Blake's myth-making.

But when a skilled author takes inspiration, they expand and change what came before, combining many influences to produce their own unique voice and vision. Jordan didn't have the knowledge of language, history, or culture to truly copy Tolkien's style, nor was he able to add a unique spin.

The Eye of The World is a more accessible version of Tolkien, but Tolkien is already a simplified version of the Norse Sagas, meaning that Jordan felt a need to dumb-down the accessible, which doesn't leave his book with much personality.

Jordan also takes influence from the Sword & Sorcery tradition, particularly R.E. Howard (Jordan even wrote and published some of his own Conan stories). However, unlike other authors of rollicking adventure Fantasy, like Leiber or Charles Saunders, Jordan kept Tolkien's plodding length. It is difficult to comprehend how an author could take such a simple, familiar story and stretch it out over so many pages.

The hero is an orphan who looks different, he gets his father's magic sword, he goes on a quest with an old, wily mentor, gets attacked by evil (dark-skinned) mongoloids from the mysterious East, meets the princess by accident, becomes embroiled in an ancient prophecy, discovers a magic 'force' which controls fate (and the plot), &c., &c.

There's no reason for this sort of repetition: a new book should be more than just fanfic of an older, financially successful book. There are countless different influences out there, long before Tolkien or Howard ever touched pen to paper (many of which can be found in the link at the end of this review), so it's disappointing to see authors continually rehashing the same tedious cliches completely unchanged half a century later.

But Jordan's characters are dull and shallow, his dialogue bland, and his plot (though it possesses many parts) lacks twists or turns. We are given an unending parade of new characters and lengthy asides, which masterfully suck all the drive, purpose, and life from an otherwise simplistic story. At half this length, the book would have been merely another two-star fantasy rehash. At a third the length, it might have started to show some pep--but Jordan had to stretch out his all-to-familiar story to doorstop proportions.

>> No.18606663

You're almost close to realizing the truth. Let's see if you can make the final step.

WoT stole from Tolkien. Tolkien stole from Norse myths. Norse myths were, subsequently, stolen from somewhere else - the Norse didn't just make them up out of thin air. There's always a source, always somewhere that the source was taken.

Basically, the "original creation" you're attached to doesn't exist. You can always trace things back to their source. Sometimes there's more mixing done to disguise this, sometimes the source is so obscure no one will identify it, but everything has a source. There's a saying: "Nothing is original." It's very true.

In conclusion. To look at this cycle of inspiration and accuse those of participating as stealing is just blindingly ignorant; the statement of someone who has never created, nor understand the process of creation. Your perspective when taken to it conclusion (rather than being vague poorly thought out posts) is that everything is stolen, at which point the concept loses all meaning.

>> No.18606668

Okay, now that you've flailed shit everywhere can you calm down and acknowledge Robert Jordan's lack of originality in Eye of the World?

>> No.18606689
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>> No.18606714

based spammer-preëmptor

>> No.18606718

I don't really expect an intelligent reply from you, but a non-reply like this where you can't even back up your positions just reflects how weak and ignorant they are.

>> No.18606722
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post pleb filters

>> No.18606743

The "actually just a soap opera with flowery language" point kinda rips the book to shreds desu

>> No.18606745
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Entertainment for ages.

>> No.18606752

But when people are asking for shit like
>a fantasy that’s like malazan but better written and more philosophical
>a grimdark fantasy that makes you think
>a fantasy with aliens conquering a low tech world
>a dark horror fantasy with boatloads of rape
etc., etc., there’s only one answer that comes to mind. If they were asking for
>a gentle fantasy with zen themes and lots of boats
I’d recommend Earthsea. Simple as

>> No.18606773

Bakker is the absolute epitome of fantasy literature.

The overwhelming majority of the people who have read him seriously are well read individuals.

You're just getting annoyed because you probably never read him yourself.

>> No.18606786

Waste of Time chills absolutely BTFO!

>> No.18606796

That’s most fantasy desu. Game of thrones is the same.

>> No.18606800

No point explaining that to MCU Cape Shitters.

>> No.18606827
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Does this series get better after this? Because this is the best fantasy book that I've read.

>> No.18606835

>poster count stayed the same

>> No.18606847

There's no way it could have, because I missed the new thread post in the last thread and left that one open for hours. I just opened this one. You don't need to lie.

>> No.18606880

Any good novels with a little girl protagonist?

>> No.18606883
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We accept your surrender.


>> No.18606887

As a Marxist what book series would be best for me to continue exploring Theory?

>> No.18606890 [SPOILER] 
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Haven't read it myself, but a lot of Marxists seem to enjoy it.

>> No.18606894

You might try Le Guin’s the Dispossessed. But avast, peasant; /sffg/ is a thread for chad Absolute Monarchists.

>> No.18606936
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>Maedhros! Noooooooo…..

>> No.18607001

Why is it so hard for you to just admit it? You're not Robert Jordan, this is not a personal attack against you.

>> No.18607012

Not an argument. We're done here.

>> No.18607017

Dreamt GRRM died and was buried in a unknown grave with the last two completed books with him. People got furious and began to riot and began digging up every cemetary

>> No.18607019
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Is this the best series of all time?

>> No.18607046

What a very ambitious project. Hopefully you understand how much effort that would be.

>> No.18607050

But you already conceded my argument here
>WoT stole from Tolkien.
What arguments could I possibly need beyond this?

>> No.18607078

China Tom Miéville

>> No.18607082

I gave you plenty of arguments which you chose to ignore: >>18606650

>> No.18607088

>[noun] of [noun]

>> No.18607095

I was playing your language game in that post to guide you to understanding. If you're not going to work to understand t he intent and meaning of those you're speaking to, then there's really no point to talk to you.
I'm not going to respond to some dude's Goodreads review from fucking 2007. Come up with your own arguments.

>> No.18607100

>I'm not going to respond to some dude's Goodreads review from fucking 2007. Come up with your own arguments.
We accept your surrender then.

>> No.18607110



>> No.18607114

It is quite clear that you cannot continue to defend Eye of the World and are giving up.

>> No.18607116
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>Come up with your own arguments.
Why, when Jordan copied Tolkien? You don't seem to have a problem with that. I agree with those arguments. You lost if you can't refute them. Simple as.

>> No.18607124

I hope you are intelligent enough to understand that you've been absolutely BTFO.

>> No.18607127

Stop samefagging, it's really pathetic

>> No.18607132
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>Come up with your own arguments.
>Those arguments don't count!!!!!

>> No.18607142
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>> No.18607157
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>> No.18607175

Anyone got Blacksmith book recs? As well as books with wizards/sorcerers/magicians

>> No.18607177
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Oh no no no no

>> No.18607182

No, now fuck off already, you ask this last thread and got one answer.

>> No.18607184

It really took you this long to fake it? LMAO
You've had it, your non-arguments have FAILED

>> No.18607189

I will deign to give a sincere reply despite the immature mockery.

The point of a conversation is to communicate with someone; to express your ideas and consider the ideas of others, to attempt to influence others as they influence you. Ideally this is an honest and good-faith process where everyone is working to understand each other as much as possible, so they communicate accurately.

Pasting some dude's goodreads 2007 review is not communication. It is, at worst, an attempt to "dunk" on someone without actually putting any effort to express your own thoughts. Put up the wall of text with zero effort, lean back, and watch them flail. You have owned them. No communication has occurred, but you feel victorious and satisfactory. The other person, in turn, will two choices. One, speak to a wall: the other person is not interested in communicating, and has constructed an inanimate facsimile for you to communicate with instead. Two, not reply at all. I selected the latter. I could go through every point on that goodreads review, express my disagreements, point out poor arguments, blah blah, but what's the point? The dude who wrote the review isn't here. The dude who pasted the review is only interested in "dunking", not in communicating. It would be a waste of my time.

I'm willing to communicate with people who at least put up some effort to express themselves, even if they rarely attempt to understand others. But I'm not about to communicate with a wall while the person who posted the wall points and laughs, completely uncaring and unengaged.

>> No.18607198

We already accepted your surrender. No need to further humiliate yourself.

>> No.18607203

Fact 1: Eye of the World lifts so much from Lord of the Rings it's distracting and detracts from the quality of the work
Fact 2: You accept fact 1
Hypothesis: You should not be arguing about this.
Observation: You argue anyway
Hypothesis 2: You are too emotionally attached to Wheel of Time to accept criticism of it.
Sadly I cannot stand by for further observations.

>> No.18607216

The absolute, pathetic state of Jordanfags.

Even the hack’s invented languages are uninspired drivel that seem closer to what you’d expect to find at a fantasy-themed amusement park than the intricate and philologically sound beauty of Tolkien’s Elvish.

>> No.18607219

>Still can't refute.

>> No.18607232

I have a feeling that WoT fans that get mad at any criticism of the first few books is that they don't want to feel like their time was wasted reading a 14 book mega series where only the first and last few were worth a shit

>> No.18607244

I disagree with fact 1, so I don't know where fact 2 is coming from. In that post, when I said "WoT stole from Tolkien", I'm playing the language game where all clear/direct inspiration is "stealing." And I do this to emphasize how the word "steal" loses all meaning in this context, because then everything in the world steals from everything else. This is fairly obvious and would be immediately understood if you were attempting to understand other posts instead of whatever the hell you're doing here.

>> No.18607261

Merchant Princes is a fun series where alt-world Marx is a minor character
It's about a character who discovers portal worlds and starts rapidly developing them by importing real world tech and patents

>> No.18607269
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Imagine unironically defending The Waste of Time.

It's literally the worst shit I've ever seen discussed here. Even woke authors do a better job at being original. Jordan has ZERO literary depth and isn't even capable of incorporating philosophy in his series.

>> No.18607280

He wasn't even a real writer. Just a wise ass trying to make a bank on copying Tolkien during a time when nothing was published.

>> No.18607281

Sunk-cost fallacy. These tards spent months of their lives slogging through Jordan’s shit streams, so they feel compelled to defend their massive personal time investment. Quite sad.

>> No.18607353
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>> No.18607362

are there any fantasy novels with the same apocalyptic or brutal themes of Blood Meridian?

>> No.18607363

>inb4 coping pseuds seethe and cry “bakker is midwit”
what philosophy phd program did you attend? debunk his arguments in detail, if you can.

>> No.18607366
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>> No.18607375

Does Sanderson often incorporate his religious sentiments into his works?

>> No.18607380

I need to keep working on my novel— which I hope will be a worthy successor to Bakker’s work, and propel the fantasy genre forward as the next game-changing genre series for the 20s— and yet I keep getting distracted by shitposting in /sffg/. How can I discipline myself?

>> No.18607382

He sounds like a retard

>> No.18607384

>be away from /lit/ for a few months
>come back to /sffg/
>its still exclusively run by the Bakker schizo and his botnet
See you in another few months.

>> No.18607386

see >>18607363

>> No.18607387
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Didn't ask.

>> No.18607393

I don't care if this is lazy bait I'm gonna keep answering this as I think of stuff because the rest of the thread stinks.

Stephen Brust is a trot and the worst book in his Vlad Taltos series is the most political one (not because of politics it's because it's all about how much he hates his ex-wife) but he's a fun writer who never falls into the trap of writing "good" aristocrats.
Ken MacLeod's another trot. The Star Fraction is about an assorted political bunch rebelling against an earth of microstates. Fun read even without the politics
Michael Moorcock, more anarchist than Marxist but probably the most important rejoinder to the 20th century fantasy mainstream.
Mars Trilogy obviously
The Iron Dream, more post-modern joke than political work but it's so good. What if Hitler was a shitty scifi writer instead of a dictator, we found his book, read it!
The Culture, obviously. Especially the books which are honest about how a Utopian society must still be fueled by resource extraction on the fringes.
Brown Girl in the Ring
Also Octavia Butler and Le Guin obviously
Finally Poor Things. Hard to really classify this but it's a play on Frankenstein wrapped in multiple meta-texts and references both oblique and direct to the ruin of thatcherism.
Amazing book and writer.

>> No.18607402

its just 1-3 dedicated shitters.

>> No.18607422

>runs away
>wonders why only bakker posters are left

>> No.18607426

I’m a Bakkerchad and I also post extensively about LotR, Earthsea, Malazan, Wolfe, Watts, and others. I just happen to find Bakker’s work the most interesting out of all of those.

>> No.18607434

I'm gonna start forcing a completely random author if this carries on

>> No.18607504
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Books for this feel? The art obviously, although I like to listen to surf rock while I read so if there's anything for that kind of vibe that would be cool.

>> No.18607526
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Read J.-H. Rosny aîné.

>> No.18607535
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What are some ultra emotional novels for special snowflakes?

>> No.18607551

He looks pretty based, not gonna lie

>> No.18607595

Is DH Lawrence based?

>> No.18607661

are the malazan books good?

>> No.18607748

fine, I'll read Bakker

>> No.18607770

read the thread

>> No.18607774

i won't

>> No.18607826
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Are you a Visenya or Rhaenys man?

>> No.18607946

I'll keep asking

>> No.18607978

Gurm has been able to be pretty based when he wanted to. Too bad the lazy fat fuck will never finish what he set out to do. All for nothing because he let himself be lured into complacency by the HBO money.

>> No.18608054

I got meme’d into it too. Gotta say: Glad I was. They were right. It’s great

>> No.18608073

Visenya hands down. She looks like a freak, also more loyal. Rhaenys seems a common skank that would fuck other men.

>> No.18608127

Based. Truth Shines!

>> No.18608327


I think /sffg/ and /lit/ in general would be more into Rhaenys since she seems to be more on the artistically cultured side of the Targaryen madness. Visenya is probably a huge freak in bed.

>> No.18608386

What is the appeal of sword and sorcery fantasy like Conan or Elric?
It seems kind of a dumbed down version of traditional fantasy

>> No.18608416

do you think the AI main character in Klara and the Sun is a reliable narrator? It seems like Klara is very good at telling people what they want to hear.

>> No.18608472


Tried to get into it but I can't and I generally love older fantasy but it seems pretty dated

>> No.18608543

Well, I’m a trashy hillbilly. I’m not really into ineffectual or cultured women. Trying not make this post sound like “I’m not like everyone else on lit hehe”, but that looks like what I’ve done. I pretty much just said: “I’m not like the other girls”, but /lit/ kms

>> No.18608550

>There's always a source, always somewhere that the source was taken
Now this just enters into an infinite regress of sources.

>> No.18608559

>but it seems pretty dated
books can't be "dated"

>> No.18608623

Hilariously wrong take

Not saying that Conan or Elric are dated. But claiming that books cannot be "dated" is fucking retarded.

>> No.18608629

>Not saying that Conan or Elric are dated. But claiming that books cannot be "dated" is fucking retarded.
they literally can't. writing is writing. It's not like old tv shows, movies, or video games compared to new ones

>> No.18608636

Yes, the second book is probably the best one in the entire series and the third is a solid conclusion to those events.

>> No.18608656

you misunderstand what dated means, if a movies was week dine, such as Lawrence of Arabia, it doesn't get dated no matter what technological developments we comes across in film making. Similarly if a book if full of pop culture references and other such nonsense like ready player one it will get dated the movement we move past those cultural pehnomenosm.

>> No.18608658
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Bro, hear me out on this. All possible configurations of letters and words already "exist". The author is more like a sea-captain navigating the oceans of potential existence.

>> No.18608671

> “By ‘can’t’ you did not question the possibility of my words, you meant I should not say such things, under local human law. You are correct. I erred. I thought only to diminish present pain. But I concede and recognize that the laws and master of this house are not wrong to rank duty over pity.” His eyes drifted to Ockham. “I apologize, Member Saneer, for this mismatch in the radii of our consequentialisms.”

>> No.18608673

>ready player one
Dated within 3 years.

>> No.18608681

>you misunderstand what dated means
more like you have no idea what it means. Old tv shows, movies, etc use dated techniques.

>> No.18608690

Stories that have Venus as a jungle planet is a dated concept, because at the time they were written that's what Venus was assumed to be. Now we know better.

>> No.18608698
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Galactic North - Alastair Reynolds (2006)

This is a collection of eight Revelation Space stories that were published from 1990 to 2006. The "Revelation Space Trilogy" was published from 2000 to 2003. Three of these stories were originally published in this collection, which means that that only "Glacial" was published after the first book in the trilogy before this collection was published. This puts it in an odd position with regards to spoilers. Of all his novels, Chasm City is probably the one that is most referenced to and is referenced by these stories. I think it would probably be better to read the novels before these stories, if only because they may have more value that way, which is strange, since they precede the novels. It seems to me that extra supporting material is usually presented after the primary work, but that isn't the situation here.

Great Wall of Mars
A diplomatic mission to Mars goes wrong. The diplomat was formerly their prisoner.

A murder mystery on an ice world that is mostly to present a theory.

A Spy in Europa
A spy mission goes wrong.

A space chase, a questionable love story, and a tech reveal.

Dilation Sleep
The first "Revelation Space" story published in 1990. It shows its age and that it was one of his earliest works. I don't know when he decided this would be his primary setting, but the continuity is mostly there. A story of experimentation gone wrong.

Grafenwalder's Bestiary
Wealthy people show off their exhibits to each other for social prestige.

A horror story of a retrieval mission gone wrong.

Galactic North
I couldn't take this story seriously at all. It's about a personal vendetta set against the backdrop of galactic changes that don't matter because of how all-consuming their relationship is. That's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's done well. This was published two years before Revelation Space and technically contains series spoilers.

>> No.18608720

Some technics can be dated, but not all of them, early use of cgi is an example of something that easily gets dates, by looking at it you can almost tell precisely what year the movies was released in, other techniques don't suffer the same. Just look at John carpenter's the thing the pristine use of special effect and puppetry made it so it looks more realistic than the sequel which used much more advanced CGI.
SOME old and shows movies use dated technics, but just them being old doesn't mean they are dated.

>> No.18608724

Only if you are dealing with hard sci-fi. There is nothing "dated" about simply changing this star system to be a batter vehicle for a story.

>> No.18608728

So do old books. Do you think writing techniques haven't changed over the last centuries?
Style and structure aside, like that other Anon said, pop culture references do exist in older books and they are often nonsensical or even imperceptibly to modern readers because they have never heard of the events referenced.

>> No.18608785

>So do old books
maybe if you're a brainlet

>> No.18608792

You're such a child. Your pointless posturing is revealing.

>> No.18608811

You're the idiot. cultural references don't take up most of a book. Things like the Epic of Gilgamesh, Iliad, Odyssey, etc. are popular today. The simple fact is it is impossible for writing to be dated humans are humans and haven't changed much since writing was invented. I bet you're one of those retards who can't read books with thou

>> No.18608817

Not everyone is as blind to your ignorance as you are.

>> No.18608821

You are the idiot here

>> No.18608824

You are such a pseud it's not even funny. Mate for fucks sake none of those were even written originally, they were sang/ dictated as poetry or songs.

>> No.18608840

Nice straw man, no one said that but YOU said literature can't be dated which is blatantly false.
Giving examples of literature that survived the passage of time doesn't change that. Just as saying movies can't be dated because Citizen Kane is still good is ridiculous.

>> No.18608845

Look at this datelet, trying to pretend he knows of which he speaks.
Books get dated fagget, if the activities don't in modern times, it's dated. If you don't instantly know what a book is referring to in regards to events, it's dated.

Get your dated ass out of here you Pretend Intellectual

>> No.18608851

>Giving examples of literature that survived the passage of time doesn't change that
yes it does when its over 5000 years

>> No.18608853

Literally show me where someone said this fag. You got exposed for being a brainlet now you are trying to double down and reflect blame, you vapid faggot.

>> No.18608862

this is how the argument started retard

>> No.18608867

>if the activities don't in modern times, it's dated. If you don't instantly know what a book is referring to in regards to events, it's dated.
if you pay attention you can easily understand what kind of event is being referenced but of course a retard like you doesn't have that basic ability

>> No.18608876

Well, first of all it didn't survive the passage of time because you are not reading it, well actually listening to it, in archaic creek. What you are reading is a remake of a translation in a complete different medium than the original.
2 of all, the length of time doesn't change anything. Again going back to the "movies can be dated" argument. Several Charlie chapeling movies in black and white are still relevant to this day, and some movies made in 2010 are already dated and obsolete.

>> No.18608884

No the original post said "I generally love older fantasy..." (meaning older fantasy in general is still good in his eyes) "...but it seems pretty dated" (making reference to the fact THESE particular book series are dated in contracts with most other old fantasy).

>> No.18608893

At the final battle of the Unholy Consult and it is very cool except when Khellus brings the horn down it is retarded. Bringing down a mountain sized object like that would abso-fucking-lutely collapse the shit out of any man made structure at the bottom and kill people far from it. Look at 9/11 and the buildings around them. And those weren't solid and the horns sound like they were twice as tall.

>> No.18608955

What is supposed to be "dumbed down" about it? It's just a difference in settings, atmosphere, and themes.

>> No.18608989

Emmie didn't like Red Rising...

>> No.18609077

as anybody read the Sun Eater books?

The description looks pretty neat but reviews seem to be all over the place.
Premise sounds interesting at least

>> No.18609117
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>> No.18609151

it's so funny how /lit/ pseuds have to drop the classics within 5 posts of every argument because they don't actually know much else

>> No.18609195

Who the fuck is Emmie? The first Red Rising is fun, and it keeps getting better. Pure mindless kino, I love those books. Don't try to be anything their not, just cool military sci-fi with lots of plot twists

>> No.18609213

quick rundown?

>> No.18609282

Best genre fiction I've read

>> No.18609285

It’s on my list to read. I’ve heard good things and bad. Don’t go by goodreads faggotry. That’s a worse platform for reviewing books than here. “Hehe it was bad because womyn and minorities weren’t adequately represented.” Or “omg trigger warning.” If you want buzzword reviews go there.

>> No.18609320

Oh, I forgot to add: I watched a interview with the author Ruocchio, and he seems like a genuine dude. He loves the genre, big dune fag too. Again, I can’t attest to the quality of his work though.

>> No.18609360

>as anybody read the Sun Eater books?
I got like 75% of the way through Empire of Silence and had enough

Very very slow book and the narrative where you're told "I did something bad soon" way too often.
Might go back but I was tired of it when I stopped

>> No.18609380
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I wanna get started with some Vintage/Pulp Fantasy/Science-Fiction
Any recommended authors or works?

>> No.18609388

read the fuckin op if you're gonna ask something that stupidly broad

>> No.18609405

I checked it and there was no comprehensive list of that!

>> No.18609406

>>18608559 <-- This guy is the retard on exhibition

>> No.18609445

In a Glass Darkly is the oldest pulp worth reading. Someone change my mind.

>> No.18609562

Prince of Thorns and >>18607366

Darkness That Comes Before is better, but Prince of Thorns is lighter as a read, but darker in terms of what a piece of shit the main character is.

>> No.18609617

Speaking of, where do I get my grimdark fantasy after I finish the Unholy Consult. Not much left.

I've read the Black Company and loved it but it went downhill after the second book IMO. Read Game of Thrones. Prince of Thorns is alright, but don't know if I'll carry on.

Anything else? The Red Knight was ok but I ended up dropping it so I guess it wasn't that good.

Been reading Beserk through the deluxe editions so I don't get more until August.

Is The Blade Itself or Malazan similar? I'm afraid their too long, I'm working my way through PoS with Hegel's Ladder so I already have 2,200 pages of super dense shit to study, hoping my lesiure books are lightish.

>> No.18609637

Try Abercrombie, not for me but people like him. Got better after first law
KJ Parker's writing more comically this day but his trilogies are grimdark
Adrian Selby is the best recent writer of it imo but he hasn't had a book get breakout levels of popular yet

>> No.18609716

Are we still supposed to say BotNS or is it just assumed everyone read that? Abercrombie is easy reading. Not as deep or complex as Bakker or GRRM, but more polished than Cook. Good bedtime reading. I'll admit I'm filtered by Malazan. Don't have the patience for it.

>> No.18609781

Exactly. Which is why it's more important to look beyond the surface level of similarities between works, and focus more on the detail and execution.
Fairly irrelevant and meaningless.

>> No.18609980

>alien gold

>> No.18609985

That’s why I asked here.
Amazon/goodreads/etc are not to be trusted.

>> No.18610460
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Are any of Raymond Feist's books good or are they just lame YA Fantasy?


>> No.18610546

Dahlgren or whatever.

>> No.18610552

How do you people not understand the new captcha system? It's pretty goddammed simple.

>> No.18610559

I myself was thinking of looking into the John Carter Of Mars books myself.

>> No.18610686

Ay gringos where can I get these new editions of Prince of Nothing at a discount. Cheapest I found was ~15.50. These things are good looking and I’m reading the first in the series now

>> No.18610699

I think the series lost something when the main character changed for the last two books in this five book collection. We go from a character that has a view point closer to that of the reader, in that they're both new to the setting of the story, to two different characters that have been raised in the setting. Also the fourth and fifth books just end. It's like the author hit a word count and then wrapped up the rest as quickly as possible in the last two pages. Of the five books, the fifth is I think the weakest of the set, in that it contained alot of the problems as the fourth book, and gave us a main character that was such a departure from the ones in what came before hand. The main characters of the first four books were active; they looked to do things when put in the situations they encountered. In the fifth book, the main character was very passive. When something happened, the character's response was often to have a positive outlook based on the fact that they were still alive and to do nothing that would actually improve the situation.

Given that I feel there was a definite decline in the series as it went along, I don't see myself seeking out and reading any of the other works that take place in this setting at any time in the near future.

>> No.18611017
File: 224 KB, 1100x1420, Soulcatcher_by_Mikey_Patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read the Black Company and loved it but it went downhill after the second book IMO
Yeah. They dropped off my waifu Soulcatcher, if course it would go downhill, she's the best character and inspiration for my own characters.

>> No.18611070

One of the first fantasy novels I read as a teenager. Feist remains one of my favorite authors to this day. Pug is a struggling magician's apprentice when a ship from another world washes up to shore. Most of this first book is an entryway to the world of Midkemia, building up the world and relationships between the races. I love Pug's (and Tomas's) journey through the Riftwar Saga.

I would recommend this to anyone who has read other fantasy adventure series like A Song of Ice and Fire , The Kingkiller Chronicle , or The Codex Alera and is looking for another series to burn through. Feist and his world of Midkemia continue on for some 30 odd books and over 30 years of stories, bringing me joy throughout my adulthood. Feist has ended the Riftwar Cycle at this point and moved onto a new series of books.

>> No.18611203

>Amazon/goodreads/etc are not to be trusted.
So an Anonymous board full of people is?

>> No.18611211

>Amazon/goodreads/etc are not to be trusted.
So an Anonymous board full of people willing to fuck you over is?

>> No.18611239

People are fucking retarded. What else is new? You got idiots on this board sharing writing tips instead of seeking actual help.

>> No.18611252

She denounce a book as written by a trans.

>> No.18611265

Damn, a negro author calling out a trans writer. Don’t know how to feel about that.

>> No.18611291


>> No.18611316

>Fairly irrelevant and meaningless.
It is neither of those things. The original post was discussing how "everything" is stolen. It is not so much that it was "stolen" but that nothing can actually be created at all. When someone discovers a pacific island they are not called the "creator of that island". Similarly, people who discover certain configurations of words should not be called a creator either.

>> No.18611322

Wait, we give a shit about Jemisin now? I thought /lit/ didn’t like this Negress for woke scolds and shit tier writing?

>> No.18611337

We always cared about her.

>> No.18611430

Jemisin is just the typical shitlib.

Her friends got offended by a title and started doxing the writer. Jemisin then got triggered too and argued it's good to cancel and dox somebody when their writing is bad. (In this case, when the title offends people)
Now they're backpedalling because their prejudice was wrong, and they turned another one into the 42%.

Mind you, none of them actually read the short story.

>> No.18611434

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that the language game is completely different. Obviously people are talking about "creation" here are thinking about a creative process not the theoretical of all configurations of letters already "existing" (which is kind of irrelevant anyway since this is theoretical and there is no list of all configurations anywhere). What you're doing is projecting your concept of "creation" onto how other people are using the word "creation."

>> No.18611460

>Mind you, none of them actually read the short story.
Who even reads?

>> No.18611464

Kek, they really do eat their own. Will she ever recover from this?

>> No.18611483

>Will she ever recover from this?
Yes, but she will lose standing over her error.

>> No.18611498

I wonder how long until even black authors will get canceled. We’re already seeing parts of it now.

>> No.18611511

The Straight Male Blacks are going to be canceled. They're not even hiding that fact anymore.

>> No.18611519

Why aren't you reading chink kino?
>He broke out in laughter, his worries gone and his gaze once more became unclouded.
>All the worries, all the pressure, all the impatience since the start till now dispersed with the wind.
>He gazed at the night sky and breathed out all the turbid air in him, and suddenly felt that his current life was so beautiful; giving everything to pursue the greatest goal, having no regrets.
>He came to an understanding, his heart was clear like a mirror that could not be stained by dust, tranquil like this crescent lake.
>Since his rebirth at Qing Mao mountain, he had always been exhausting his mind, and now he suddenly understood something.
>This comprehension was unclear as it lingered around his heart before finally turning into a sentence, he mumbled: "The night sky is really beautiful."
>This was his heartfelt emotion.
>The moment he said these words, Fang Yuan's body lightened and felt he had unloaded a thousand jin of weight, as if he was about to fly.
>His entire disposition also seemed to have changed. The cold aura disappeared without a trace, turning into a clear and carefree aura. >The dark pupils with abysmal depths let out a clear light now, just like a newborn baby or like a star.

>> No.18611523

I am, I'm exclusively reading Asian literature, with the occasional western self-publish novel.

>> No.18611530

What would you recommend?

>> No.18611556

Not him, but Reverend Insanity

>> No.18611597

I'm reading the manga Kingdom, does that count

>> No.18611598

please anon… post excerpt of the “prose”
so we can laugh at you for reading machine translated weeb garbage KEK

>> No.18611603

what are you reading right now, anon?

>> No.18611609

>Caring about prose at all
Why are pseuds like this?

>> No.18611610

cage of souls by adrian tchaikovsky, another anon recommended it. it’s pretty good i guess, but it’s no prince of nothing. now fuck off with your weebshit.

>> No.18611612

no thanks
I doubt you're actually reading anything

>> No.18611613

Literally everything is better than that cuck shit. Why are bakkercucks so delusional.

>> No.18611621

>I am deeply sorry that I contributed to Ms. Fall’s distress, and that I was not as thoughtful as I should have been in my response. Let me also apologize specifically to my trans and NB readers
Sounds like it's fucking nothing and she bent the knee, cause what else would you expect from a sheboon riding the woke wave.

>> No.18611632

They're still after her.

>> No.18611641

if apologizing worked, nobody would get canceled

>> No.18611645

Jemisin should get raped to death by a pack of AIDS infected coyotes. That is the extent of my giving a shit about her.

>> No.18611646

Then you can't say nothing happened.

>> No.18611647

I'm not that dude

>> No.18611649

Yes this prose certainly appeals to my human man sensibilities, and that's coming from a fellow human man so you know you can trust my judgment on these human matters.

>> No.18611650

you sound like an american, so I doubt you're human

>> No.18611655

It's nothing because she didn't get into a fight with trannies out of conviction. Apparently just bumbled into out of carelessness and wants to get out of it by kissing their feet. Not /ourgirl/ as the original anon asserted.

>> No.18611661

She could be redpilled.

>> No.18611664

I’ll read it. Better than any western shit now.

>> No.18611667

I know how you feel. I still hope western web serials can still succeed here.

>> No.18611672

It’s getting there, but it’s still a long way until it becomes the norm.

>> No.18611678

No. I won’t read cuckshit.

>> No.18611680

She built her entire career on being a nigger woman at the cutting edge of social justice fads. You'll sooner see hell freeze over.

>> No.18611681

>ocore SFF?
The fuck are you on about?

>> No.18611682

Yeah, and once the crowd turns on her, she could either go broke and go conservative. Lots of those happened in the pass.

>> No.18611686

Stop being delusional.

>> No.18611693

They've been caught samefagging multiple times, they don't care.

>> No.18611697

Wished they just fucked off already.

>> No.18611702

New thread

>> No.18611705

It's simply not going to happen. Being both a nigger and a woman has already earned her enough oppression points to last her a lifetime. If push really came to shove, she could just pretend to be queer too. Plus she's the face of successful "diversity" in scifi after all the awards that were showered on her. She's in far too deep.

>> No.18611717

>Kek, they really do eat their own
this isn't eating their own
You have to have the most simplistic far right politics possible to think a wealthy liberal with industry power is part of the same group as a poor trans person with meaningful left wing politics
There's less of a gap between you and jemisin than there is between jemisin and fall

>> No.18611744

>a poor trans person with meaningful left wing politics
Trying to normalize the desire to cut your dick off is not "meaningful left wing politics". Fuck that shit and fuck all these mentally ill freaks hogging the limelight while the rich become more brazen in their exploitation of the lower classes every day. The only meaningful left wing politics are concerned with class warfare and economic injustice. The old guard communists would have thrown your troon ass straight into the gulag for being a bourgois degenerate of the highest order.