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[ERROR] No.18603580 [Reply] [Original]

What languages do you know anons?

>> No.18603674


>> No.18603680

I'm not a tranny

>> No.18603701
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you will never be a man

>> No.18603708

the language of subtlety

>> No.18603728

disappointing, i'm sure you'd make a great girl

>> No.18603811


>> No.18603818

That wasn't very subtle. You just out and said you were subtle.

>> No.18603900


>> No.18603909

*cums a tablespoon's worth of semen*

>> No.18604039

Japanese, only semi literate though

>> No.18604196

English and French
A little bit of Latin and Polish
Studying French and Polish right now, will study Latin in the future.

>> No.18604213

None, not even my native language. Which isn't English. I can't seem to understand what the fuck people mean when they talk things. I'm a somewhat decent reader in Portuguese, English, French, some Spanish, a bit of Japanese.

>> No.18604250

I was learning Norwegian for like a week but then I had a realization that it was kinda useless so I switched to German, I just made the switch tonight. Hope to be fluent in like 3 years idk. I want to read Jung's big red color book the way it was intended, that's not the only reason though, so many benefits to being bilingual.

>> No.18604427

English and I can read some German and Spanish

>> No.18604447

Learning Polish. Will learn French i think after. I am making my escape

>> No.18604538

Why bother learning these?

>> No.18604567

hindi,sanskrit,english,german, russian
want to learn something different now
spanish and french make me puke so not them

>> No.18605187

Romanian, English, French, a little Latin and I've been thinking of starting Italian.

>> No.18605230

romanian and english, for the moment

>> No.18605238

Greek, English, Latin, Italian, French

>> No.18605244

piss off tranny pedo

>> No.18605248

tfw retarded

>> No.18605259

Are you serious? Arabic is one of the most useful languages in the world. Its english, spanish, mandarin, arabic, french, and russian.

>> No.18605260

Learning Italian
Want to learn Turkish after that
Should learn french but I hate it

>> No.18605271

Serbian, Croatian, all the other fuckall made up languages in the Balkans
Learning Russian and Japanese

Also fuck lolicon faggots

>> No.18605430
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>> No.18605940

Only Portuguese and English.
I can read some texts in Castilian from my experience playing videogames in that language as a child, but I suck in both speaking and writing.
Trying to learn German as I am in interested in both the language and the culture that revolves around the language. Tried to learn Japanese in the past, but then I realized that I am not that into Japan's culture even though I would really enjoy reading my set of raw classic manga in the most pure experience.
As I get better on learning German, maybe I will start to learn Classical Greek for the classics or French, or even Russian. Who knows.

>> No.18606083


>> No.18606362

English, Italian, German, Russian. Learning Chinese and French.

>> No.18606440

I have an .iso of an encyclopedia which contains Odissey, Iliad, Aeneid, "Italian classics (from pre-Dante to XX century)" and lots of aphorisms.
If you're interested I might post it. You just have to suggest me what to use to share it (it's 4.6 GB)

>> No.18606453
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>> No.18606484

English, Russian.

>> No.18606670

Can you post it here or a link to it?

>> No.18606772

Sure, I just need an advice on where to upload the file because it's huge
>You just have to suggest me what to use to share it (it's 4.6 GB)

>> No.18606810


ok try this
also, I'm dumb, it's 400mb not 4 giga

Install the program
then, while running the iso in daemon tools, run the program you installed (OmniaPBib). You might have to run as "compatible with Win95" or 98


>> No.18606873

Let me know if it works

>> No.18606910

English and German, English as my first language

>> No.18606917
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>> No.18606948

English (native), Spanish (intermediate-advanced), Punjabi (fluent)
I would like to learn a new language but I cannot decide which one. German is very interesting to me but European languages outside of English seem to be on their way out at this point. Chinese is very complex and I wouldn't really have reason to use it. Japanese is cool, I might end up learning that one, if only for manga/anime.

>> No.18606988

>but European languages outside of English seem to be on their way out at this point.
kek imagine having this zoomer understanding of the world

>> No.18607009

I mean, practically every German/Swede/Dutch/etc person can speak English, and the kids all learn it from vey early on. It seems fair to assume that eventually English will replace these languages. I've heard you can comfortably live as an expat in Berlin or Munich without knowing any German at all.

>> No.18607049

Spanish and English. Learning Nip. I also want to learn Russian and Italian.

>> No.18607205

Say the levels you are in, typing a list of languages doesn't really mean anything.
Spanish native, English C1-C2, French B2 and Italian between A1 and A2.
I want to keep studying French to be able to read good poetry but honestly I got too bored a few months back and switched to Italian instead.

>> No.18607501


CEFR levels don't seem fit for those of us who only learn in order to read and maybe watch movies.

They test all-around fluency and their descriptions are designed around the most common goals of people learning languages; they include stuff like "can describe his dreams and plans" or "can take part in a basic conversation on matters related to his work".

>> No.18607695

>"can describe his dreams and plans"
I guess I'm not fluent in any language, then.

>> No.18607713

some english
some german
some hungarian
some japanese

>> No.18607791

I can live comfortably in Korea just knowing english too. You wont make many friends or really assimilate into the culture and society without knowing the language. Just because people are bilingual doesnt mean that they stop using their first language.
Also keep in mind there used to be a time when aristocrats would speak almost exclusively in french in some countries and yet their still languages didnt die. And this is not the case today at all.

>> No.18607853

It works, thanks a lot

>> No.18608011

I speak 2/3 of a language what do I win

>> No.18608082

Happy to hear that
For some works there should be also a short audio reading it (of course, not the whole thing - but like the first few lines of Divine Comedy should be there. Guess that can help you too if you're trying to learn the language)

>> No.18608105
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I think my brain capped at 3, though. I can't fathom realistically learning another language for the time being. Maybe in a decade after I use all three often enough for the switch to be less like the one Nabokov mentioned, and more of a second nature.

>> No.18608113

American Badge of Honor

>> No.18608212

English native, know a decent amount of Spanish and had been dedicated lots of time to learning it, but now learning Latin because a great opportunity came along to learn it from a credentialed classicist. Only started recently, and memorizing the declensions is a bit tedious, but I'm enjoying it so far.

>> No.18608435

languages I can read books in :
languages I can understand/speak but can't read complex shit :

>> No.18608452

True, but if you want to get to very high levels of reading comprehension you will most likely need to practice other skills anyways.
Even if you have a very thick accent, if you can read complex texts fluently that means you know vocabulary and grammar that you can use to speak.
Plus it would be very unwise to focus exclusevely on reading even if your goal is the lit, cause only diversifying the studying a bit you can open up a lot of doors with the language (films, music, travel, work, etc)

>> No.18608648

Please don't learn our language. Anglos invariably butcher it and you will never attain sufficient proficiency to enjoy books written in Polish. But we all know you're learning it just to be able to come here and fuck Polish whores so whatever

>> No.18608680

Arabic and Indonesian combined make up a total of 550 Million people, why wouldn't you want to learn them?

>> No.18608692

>gaia online
Holy fuck I forgot that even existed

>> No.18608694
File: 143 KB, 599x900, ffm-threesome-with-natalia-starr-natasha-starr-1521645-2969922532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But we all know you're learning it just to be able to come here and fuck Polish whores so whatever
Not sure that's needed, honestly

>> No.18608695

>he speaks like a robot

>> No.18609670


>> No.18609675

>It seems fair to assume that eventually English will replace these languages.
Even if it does, it won't happen in your lifetime so you are still retarded

>> No.18609685

If Spanish is your native language you can easily learn other romance languages like French, Italian or Portuguese, with French being the hardest one.

>> No.18610179

English, German.