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[ERROR] No.18599825 [Reply] [Original]

Why has 4chin become invested with jesus freaks?
Being a chantard doesn't exactly chime with the teachings of Christ.
Is it some kind of "chuds" triggering "soibois libs" kind of thing?

Also, the new captcha is shit. I'm never going to be able to complete it whilst drunk.

Any way Christianity general. Anyone ever read any decent books about early Christianities that didn't make it into the fold of accepted, mainstream Christianity? Marcionites, Gnostics, Montanism, Ebionites etc.

>> No.18599834

Being Christian is the latest hip counter culture move to do op.
You either in or you out and a fedora LOL.

>> No.18599839
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They're just teenage incels getting their first taste of social inadequacy and decide to pick up the most accessible cope - religious LARP.

>> No.18599847

No one’s real Christian here. They’re just pretending to trigger the anti-Christians and it works all the time.

>> No.18599852

These same retards were became atheist during the peak of new atheism. Give it sometime and they will hop on some other trend to larp as based and redpilled.

>> No.18599876

Notice how the most depraved corners of the internet are always the most thoroughly infected with moralists! You will, without doubt, find the strongest outbursts of offended moral feeling on /d/ and /y/ and /aco/ and all the other boards and threads catering to savage and delinquent tastes. The man in the pornographic state of mind, the most subjective and dictatorial state of mind, wants to impose his own preferences upon others, whether they be sensual or aesthetic or political—sexual arousal engenders a rapacious intellect. Shotacons and lolicons are particularly guilty of this. They delude themselves into thinking that because they worship rarefied, hyper-idealised, non-threatening simulacra of innocence and cuteness that they actually value those things more than other people and, what’s more, they develop such unrealistic standards that their attitude toward things that fail to meet the mark becomes patently genocidal. The weeaboo would blot out all 3D life if he could. Now this might sound based, and it might be if it occurred on any conscious level, as a deliberately chosen evil. But the fact is that the typical resident of 4chan is unconsciously conditioned by the board culture to engage in a 24-hour doublethink that allows him to indulge in amorality and hedonism and cruelty and yet also to (completely self-seriously, without the faintest trace of irony) in the very same moment stand on his soapbox and lecture others about their degeneracy; to wail about how fags or trannies or libtards or poltards—or whatever transitory stimulus happens to be causing him (self-inflicted) psychic pain at the moment—are THE one ill responsible for the coming collapse of civilisation. It is a kind of ethical schizophrenia. And it is extremely annoying and extremely tiring. A clone army of immoral moralfags. Who could’ve thought! This is the real nihilist, this is the miserable species of future man Nietzsche warned us about. In terms of unscrupulousness, the conscious egoist cannot hope to surpass the hypocrite!—Of course, you say, this is just human nature. Yes, indeed, but never has it been so potent, so highly concentrated... a maximum of degeneracy and a maximum of Puritanism in the very same creature, duplicated thousands of times, churned out in their digital hundreds. Quite the achievement!

>> No.18599878

Because I'm European, retard, and my parents were Christian and my grandparents and everyone in my family tree, and I was passed down faith in God and I'm not rejecting it because muh science and muh redditors like a rebellious fuckwit. I accept what I've been passed down and will continue passing it down and all atheists can forever screech in hell because I don't give a shit about your teenage life crisis and your lack of purpose in your pathetic incel life.

God bless.

>> No.18599881

Why are faggots here so sure that nobody is actually a Christian anymore? Were you faggots just born in atheist homes and communities? Or did you just convert to nietzscheanism, leftism, and ((post-)post-) modernism, nihilism, etc. later in your life and felt like nobody could possibly as "unrational" as to sincerely believe in a higher-power and meaning in life?

>> No.18599893

>le enlightened centrist take
No, having morals and a spine isn't a bad thing retard.

>> No.18599895

>Resentful worm thinks he is beyond gutter in which he is crawling in
Many such cases on 4chan

>> No.18599908

It is entirely performative to present as a moralist on an anonymous racist pornography website

>> No.18599911
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Nice spooks nerds