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[ERROR] No.18597386 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my tier list and make your own.

>> No.18597513
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>> No.18597572
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Why yes I am based how can you tell?

>> No.18597756

I forgot to put him. He is S tier

>> No.18597810

imagine unironically putting jordan peterson above wittgenstein and hegel LMFAO please get cancer and die asap

>> No.18597833
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>> No.18597898

holy shit based

>> No.18598092
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>> No.18598128

Camus and NEETcha would both be lower imo but that is a based list

>> No.18598195
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Here's the correct list
Also you missed a ton of big names like Augustine of Hippo and Kant for starters.

>> No.18598274
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>> No.18598290
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8/10 consistently based
Confirmed bottom boy 3/10
Would say fairly based but why is Laozi at the bottom? 7/10
Kys christcuck 1.5/10
Very interesting. I really like it. 9/10
idk, I have mixed feeling about this.

>> No.18598305

Camus is a Z tier

>don't kys xD

>> No.18598332
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>> No.18598674
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Wrong picture of Kant btw

>> No.18598740

cucked list desu

>> No.18598751

who is at the top? beside the cynic

>> No.18598757

>Diogenes, Epicurus, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy in S tier

>> No.18598870
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Didn't really read anyone else, just starting phil

>> No.18598905
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Objective ranking coming through!

>> No.18599396







pretty cool

more patrician than me

>> No.18599400
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wtf happened to the captchas on here? pretty sure i attached my picture to this

>> No.18599433

>Nietzsche A but Stirner G
Doesn't make any sense, faggot. Nobody who really read them both would do that.

>> No.18599440
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>Both Russell and Wittgenstein in F tier
other than that, pretty good
Impressively extensive, but incorrect

>> No.18599444

>he unironically started with the greeks

>> No.18599455
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I rated not-Kant even though it's obviously meant to be Kant.
Lots of literally whos while people like Malebranche, Suarez, Duns Scotus, Boethius, Montaigne or Bolzano don't even make it to the list. Probably why mine is more crowded at the bottom.

>> No.18599498

I am unable to recognise most ancient authors and I'm not looking them up, I recognise the best ones.

>> No.18599502
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forgot pic

>> No.18599560
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I am beyond all of you

>> No.18600048

>Freud in the last tier
Holy fucking cringe

>> No.18600220
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outta my way

>> No.18600534

How could they be anything else?

>> No.18600556

I just got Augustine’s confessions and i’m looking forward to it. Im not a fan of Kant, tho. Let me ask u - what useful thing did you learn from Kant?

>> No.18600645
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I guess it’s up to me to make the objective tier list since no one else has

>> No.18600647

How dare you put Voltaire, THE ETERNAL REDDITOR, up there? What has he written worth of being so highly regarded?

>> No.18600733
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Only ranked the philosophers I have read

>> No.18600760

Haha. I always put an asterisk next to Voltaire as a philosopher. I think he was more of a witty author than a philosopher. He makes me laugh. Thats why I like him.

>> No.18600767

Diogenes is goated. Why do u have him so low?

>> No.18600847

Was going to say this. Diogenes would btfo plato regularly.

>> No.18600859
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I judge philosophers based purely on their physiognomy

>> No.18600892
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honestly this
yeah it's a picture of jacobi, also based
weird choices sometimes but u ayt
what a reta—
>I judge philosophers based purely on their physiognomy
holy mother of based

>> No.18601262

>based on wikipedia

>> No.18601527

>Putting Jordan "Clean your room" Peterson in the same tier as actual influential thinkers

>> No.18601549
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t.loser who didn't clean his room

>> No.18601569

I dont think thats is fair/logical to put a subjective thing like philosophy in tiers

>> No.18601599
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this list fucking sucks and you're a fag. fuck you op

>> No.18601659

based. this is a good list.

Should I read Schelling?

>> No.18601671


>> No.18601750

Ridiculous and likely unjustifiable list by someone who seems to have a taste for aphorisms more than philosophy.

Incoherent/10, with points lost for Reddit Diogenes worship

Good stuff, some real depth, 8/10

8/10, Lacan too high and Nussbaum too low but you have something going on here.

Kierkegaard and Weil in S tier, my dude.

>> No.18601770

Its not subjective lol

>> No.18601805

why's Foucault that high knock that faggot down a couple tiers

>> No.18602311

They aren't the anywhere near as original or important as someone like Plato, great though they are.

>> No.18602316

You should have names underneath the pictures

>> No.18602326

>No RC Waldun
Dropped desu

>> No.18602388


>> No.18602695
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Yes. His oeuvre is the most beautiful philosophical development in print. The way he goes from Fichtean Critical Idealism to Spinozist Naturphilosophie (but with a twist) then into Absolute Idealism of then Identity System and the proto-Existentialist and eerily Thomist Idealism of his late period is a journey in thought that really addresses the central problem of the entire tradition of philosophy.

>> No.18602717

Damn that sounds fucking fire! I had him on my reading list but time to move him up a little higher

>> No.18604028

>Freud in S tier
Holy fucking cringe

>> No.18604472

Libtard detected

>> No.18604481


>> No.18605233
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Sorry for being sympathetic to the Fr*nch

>> No.18605240


>> No.18605490
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A pretty good list, OP. Captcha's absence prevented me from posting this earlier so here's mine.

>> No.18605572
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I assume the greek in S tier is Heraclitus, I am not sure.

good list

>> No.18605654

Jung should be higher you faggot

>> No.18605670

Why do you hate GWF so?

>> No.18605726
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my list is better than yours

>> No.18605736

who is the guy next to Deleuze? can you redpill me on him?

>> No.18605885
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Sorry, can't be bothered with the rest
One of the best in the thread
Mixed feelings
Nope nope

>> No.18605907
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>> No.18606017
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>> No.18606024

>Witty and Hegel under Peterson

Delicious bait

>> No.18606137

Based and Weilpilled

>> No.18606149

What did u learn from hegel?

>> No.18606161

Hegel was indeed bait. Witty is dogshit tho. “if i put a book into a drawer and close it, i am not sure that its there” “BRICK!! Brick? Brickkkkkkkk!” Headass

>> No.18606191
File: 31 KB, 220x268, based.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man who single-handedly destroyed the notions of "relationships" in the Absolute, putting and end to the concepts of time and space. All the rest is just footnotes to this chad.

>> No.18606205
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The man who sodomized Descartes and his autism out of philosophy for centuries to come and single-handedly shaped almost all american philosophy from them on while at the same time being a mathematician, scientist and logician.

>> No.18606223

The man who finally brought modal logic back to life and brought common sense back to "philosophy of language" ending decades of ultra-autistic and pointless debate started by Wittgenstein(most overrated philosopher in history)

>> No.18606227
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forgot pic

>> No.18606251


since none of you mentioned those three absolute chads I am led to believe that you are all absolutely retarded.

>> No.18606266
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>> No.18606303
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>> No.18606396
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shut the fuck up everyone

>> No.18606461

Autistic screeching does not make you a good philosopher and it didn't make Diogenes a good philosopher

>> No.18606636
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>> No.18606712

>S: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Jesus, Aristotle, Albert Camus, Friedrich Nietzsche, Diogenes, Can't See, Can't See, Carl Jung, Plato, Socrates, Job
>A: King George, Marcus Aurulieus
>B: Guy Fawkes, Niccolo Machiavelli, Martin Luther
>C: Albert Kafka
>D: Tony Stark, Sigmund Freud
>F: Franz Kafka, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Hegel

>> No.18607143
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>> No.18607527

based mole rat poster

>> No.18608268

Felix Guattari. Most of the more politically-driven works of Deleuze were written jointly between him and Guattari. I've never actually looked at any of his solo work but I put him up there mostly because of how he brought a characteristic kind of radically novel thought into Deleuze's philosophical framework. Again, not to be sympathetic to the French.

>> No.18608284

Niggas actually "Start with the Greeks"? Shit, I thought it was just a joke.

>> No.18608305


>> No.18608708
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I don't think you guys are being honest about who you've read

>> No.18608718

oh I included Diogenes and Parmenides and Heraclitus though even though they don't really have any works of their own

>> No.18608797
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This is the objective right answer.

>> No.18608842


horrible list. You start well at S tier, putting Fichte at A tier is ridiculous tho. In B tier things just go to absolute shit. Descartes, Frege, Aquinas, Kripke, Peirce and Spinoza are at the same level of Lacan, Sartre and Stirner? Does it make sense to you saying this? Sounds dumb for me, since I actually read those authors, gives me the impression you just dumped a bunch of names you found on Wikipedia.

>> No.18608856

B is a big tent. Sartre is fine, Being and Nothingness is nothing to make fun of. Stirner isn't as good as Nietzsche but he's not spectacularly terrible either. I quite love Fichte and he deserves his place.

>> No.18608864

Idk why would anyone put Camus above Sartre and Hegel, Wittgenstein also is undeserved in F tier

Especially since you places Aurelius in A tier, and nigger Voltaire in S tier. Same for Spinoza

I guess you dont read much philosophy, or are still an undergraduate

>> No.18608878

You dont recognise Max Weber, Kripke, Bauvioure, Thomas Hobbs, Rousseau, Saint Augustine, Bakunin, Habermas, Popper, Sartre, Pascal, Avicenna, Baudillard, Husserl, Thomas Kuhn, Voltaire and Hayek? Is it because you never read them or?

>> No.18608881

>Thomas Hobbs, Rousseau, Saint Augustine,
>Popper, Sartre, Pascal,
>Voltaire and Hayek
I know these ones, I just made it pretty fast. I also know chomsky.

>> No.18608932


The point is not that Sartre and Stirner are crap... the point is that none of them come even close the other guys. Frege literally changed logic in such a radical way that most of philosophy today owes him A LOT. Kripke did the same for modal logic. Those changes are not local, they totally changed all the fields of philosophy in a radical way. Descartes is literally the father of modern philosophy, dude was an absolute genius and even if we don't accept most of his ideas, his approach just changed EVERYTHING. Aquinas is THE catholic philosopher, his work is literally official church doctrine to this day. Peirce is the inventor of pragmatism, he may not be as influential as the other guys, but go read his stuff, the guy was a total genius, probably the most intelligent American to ever exist. That is the criticism here.

>> No.18608964
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Looking at you S and A tier i guess Avicenna would be good to read, he expands on Aristotles metaphyics

Also mine

>> No.18609019

Oh trust me I'm not rating based on verisimilitude or even influence alone. That's like only ranking artworks based on their realism, and devaluing anything that did something different. I just finished reading Dummett's book on Frege after taking a whole grad seminar on him, and I've read Naming and Necessity four times by now and the Meditations about as many times, you shouldn't assume you're talking to some continental kiddy just because I'm not anti-continental, as if the default position for someone in an analytic PhD program was to hate continental philosophy the way it seems you do? For autobiographical reasons as well as things that have to do with self-consciousness' importance to me and the beauty of his subjective idealism, Fichte ranks highly for me. If influence matters so much to you, just realize that the guy was very much directly responsible for Hegel and thus for Marx as well, and you can see where that influence leads if you keep going from there. He's just underrated.

>> No.18609041

>Bachelard and Weil
Extremely based

>> No.18609095


Ranking Fichte by direct influence to Hegel is unfair, because if gives to much weight for older philosophers(that should be weighted more heavily, but not to much, we need to control for the impact they had). I do not hate continentals, I unironically praised you putting Kant on S and Hegel on A. I am also a huge fan of Nietzsche despite his total lack of logic and anything analytical-looking. Lacan for me is just a no-no tho. What made me triggered is seeing guys who had "ok cool" ideas like Sartre and Camus put side by side with absolute geniuses like Descartes, Peirce and Leibniz. I can't argue against personal preference, so my autism is just about "who was the best" kind of in a childish way.

I like idealism by the way. Have you read Bradley, unironically loved his stuff. Also I am extremely biased towards mathematicians, since it is the area I am from.

>> No.18609110

Well I still think Sartre is not just "ok cool" because of Being and Nothingness. As I said I made B a big tent. If you look at what I put under B you'll understand the little joke I'm playing there. I have a copy of Appearance and Reality but I did not finish reading it, however I do have two secondary works on Bradley (also didn't finish) so I do know him somewhat. I think he's fantastic. And I like mathematicians, I think Frege is fantastic and if you like Frege I think Dummett's book is really good, not just for Frege scholarship, but it's also systematic in its own way, and he's regularly responding to Quine, Geach, and other then-contemporary analytics and it's really great stuff, just very long. What are some other philosophers you'd add to the tiermaker list besides Bradley? Cause there's definitely a lot of missing analytics for one.

>> No.18609159
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help me identify these ones

>> No.18609164


Well, from my head I would ask for Cassier. He is the guy that followed Kant most autistically so I think he deserves some respect. I will read the book on Frege, sounds cool.

>> No.18609194
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S stands for Spinoza

>> No.18609238

aAre karl jaspers and roland barthes the same person?

>> No.18609274

1. Philipp Mainländer
2.Kurt Göde
3.Karl Jaspers
4. Roland Barthes
6.antonio negri
7. anthony flew
8.Jiddu Krishnamurti
9. Alvin Plantinga
10. emile durkheim
11.Al-Asmaʿi (?)

>> No.18609277

putting Spinoza in anything less than A should be a crime. I agree on everything else though, even though I'm not a huge Wittgenstein fan

>> No.18609278


Oh, also that other British idealist that had a real funny name and proved time does not exist.

>> No.18609294

12. felix-guttari
13. Antisthenes
14. Gaston Bachelard
15. hypatia
16. Miyamoto Musashi (?)
17.marquis de sade

>> No.18609331

18. Marshall McLuhan
19 .Michael Dummett
20. saul kripke
21. Al-Ghazali
22. giordano bruno
23. Pierre Bourdieu
24. seneca
25. thomas nagel
26. Jean François Lyotard
27. Zygmunt Bauman
28. Claude Lévi-Strauss
29. Rumi
30.Vladimir Solovyov
31. Martha Nussbaum

>> No.18609743

Pantheism is gae thats why

>> No.18609760

Didnt realise that Goedel was 2, and i knew he was familiar
Same for Durkheim

>> No.18609841

>s tier
thinking for yourself
>other tiers
useful in showing all the ways humans have looked for answers and been wrong over the years, or more rarely found some ways of thinking that can be useful

>> No.18609992

>t. Someone who has a pathology Freud described to a t

>> No.18610001
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I am too based for this board

>> No.18610037

Ah I forgot Bruno, but I would put him in the Great Guys category

>> No.18610128
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>> No.18610429

>Pretty Lame
You almost had it

>> No.18610701

The Stoics and the Cynics aren't my thing, although I've only read Whether the Life of a Cynic is Preferred as far as Cynical texts go.

>> No.18610814

If you like Machiavelli, then you'll like John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism. The guy perfected the art of means vs. ends.

>> No.18611081

Nice projection faggot

>> No.18611441

S - mishima

F - dazai

t. Mishima

>> No.18612144

Spinoza's ideas and method were very revolutionary for that time. I find it hard to feel anything special while reading him

>> No.18613013


>> No.18613032
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sorry just passing through the answer sheet

>> No.18613058
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Mishima on suicide watch

>> No.18613321
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Official list just dropped:

>> No.18614639

Not bad, Heidegger and Husserl should be higher.

>> No.18615173

Are you the Bradley anon from earlier? Nice list.

>> No.18615247

>Heidegger and Freud that low
>Hobbes and Locke that high

>> No.18615531


thank you dude.


I would put Freud lower if I could. Also I just said that Heidegger is overrated, not that he is bad, what seems to me pretty fair. Locke had a shit ton of original ideas and some are ultra influential till today(distinction between primary and secundary qualities, inverted color spectrum and also his ideas on identity). Hobbes is just cool, I listened to his books by audio on YouTube and they are just really cool.(same with Bacon).