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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 484 KB, 752x927, 1624741815972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18597035 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some non-midwit podcasts that I can listen to during my daily chores. inb4 Kantbot's 20th century shit, content is ok but the half assed structure makes it unlistenable

>> No.18597070

Peterson’s biblical series

>> No.18597075

Listen to audiobooks instead

>> No.18597076

I said non-midwit

>> No.18597082

Philosophize this and history of philosophy without any gaps.

>> No.18597083

If you're interested in Ancient Rome: Duncan's History of Rome.

>> No.18597086

podcasts are midwit by definition.

>> No.18597087

I don't know what do you mean by midwit, but both of those are an introduction to philosophy. So it is not like they go way beyond what you get in a textbook.

>> No.18597102

>non-midwit podcasts
Lmao. Good one OP.

>> No.18597113

>non-midwit podcasts
Those are called books

>> No.18597143
File: 8 KB, 194x259, brace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trueanon. Also Blowback has been really good if you're interested in American foreign policy

>> No.18597185


>> No.18597193

Myth of the 20th Century

>> No.18597198

>im a midwit and cant dwell in my own thoughts while doing chores
Any podcasts about why people need constant stimulation and believe passively listening to someones opinions is the same as actively learning?

>> No.18597215


>> No.18597217

In Our Times is the only good lit podcast I know of.

Good ol boyz is becoming one of my favourites if you're looking for political podcasts. It's of course midwit in a sense, but they're not pseuds or pretentious if that's what you actually mean. It's like the opposite of the annoying faggot hipster leftoid style without being explicitly right-wing.

>> No.18597221

Based, check this one out

>> No.18597248

I want to lick her belly

>> No.18598565

Ok I’ll be the first to help you out here OP, these are the best YT channels for just audio
>hermetix podcast
>John David Ebert
>Chad Haag
>Bronze Age pervert
>Keith woods
>prof. Edward Dutton
>the ark
>thoughts on thinking
>the new pill (you’ll probably want to watch)
>Charles carrol (big recc)
>Jonathan pageau

>> No.18598615

Why not audiobooks?

>> No.18598619

yeah and his new podcast, Revolutions, is honestly more interesting. Mike Duncan has good podcasts OP, check them out.

>> No.18598631

Holy shit what a total retard

>> No.18598634

Only sensible reply here

>> No.18598647

Partially Examined Life is like 4 Philosophy PhD dropouts talking about philosophy. I like them because I don’t trust anyone doing academic philosophy

>> No.18598652

Kraut has some decent stuff. His work is so well researched that he's worth listening to even when you disagree with some of what he says.
Funny one making fun of Tariq before Buck Breaking was a thing: https://youtu.be/JfIeburPnio
Interesting one about China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhMAt3BluAU

>> No.18598654


>> No.18598659

*Do not listen to podcasts*.
Listen to TTC courses instead, they can be downloaded at Pirate Bay.
TTC courses are given by top-tier university lecturers who are known for their teaching skills. The music courses of Robert Greenberg are amazing, much better than reading any book on the subject because he actually plays the passages his discussing.

>> No.18598672

>https:// .org/search/ttc%20audio%20archive/1/99/0

Substitute the spaces for "thepiratebay10" in order to get to the list of torrents. (I don't think I can post the full link, because it would get flagged as spam).
Those are the audio packs, containing around 100 courses.

If you're American I recommend buying at least one of their courses, though, in order to show your appreciation. TTC is one fo the few things that makes me feel a little bad when pirating, because I have learned a lot from it throughout the years.

>> No.18598688
File: 673 KB, 1728x1446, 1C24EE51-E5F2-4E4E-8F17-859B61FB671B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha ok now your turn

>> No.18598754

Does it work as a podcast even missing the illustrations he shows?

>> No.18598774

I listened to them during work for a while. Most of the time it worked but sometimes he didn't explain them so I had to look back because I couldn't quite visualize his explanation. So I guess it's more a personal thing

>> No.18598862

wie heisst diese semen demon?

>> No.18598872

Fuck, that's a beautiful tummy.

>> No.18598875

I feel so sorry for you anon

>> No.18598895

>>Bronze Age pervert
>>prof. Edward Dutton
You can listen to one of his videos and you'll already have seen all the rest

>> No.18598898

Kys faggot. Kraut is a retard who just reads off Wikipedia pages(like all other "history" YouTubers)and forces his shitty political beliefs into all his videos. His China vid is typical yellow scare garbage.

>> No.18598923

Most 4channelers (latino) are being assaulted by heavy-machinery and loud music for up to 24 hours a day. If they show any interest in silent pursuits they will be tagged and dropped in on by demon servants of the antichrist who will physically attack them and steal their books. Please try to understand how stressful that is.

>> No.18598925

can't take any of these wannabe eceleb uneducated social-climbing sociopaths seriously bros. the biggest ones literally have no idea what they're talking about at all. just recycling repetitive memes in their closed community. and the apparently knowledgeable ones are scarcely better, just different branding.

>> No.18598927

>Fuck, that's a beautiful tranny.

>> No.18599038

Came here to post this. Based

>> No.18599053

Atheist Sunday School and Friday Apocryphal Podcast.
Both are done by Milwaukee Atheists on YouTube.
Literally the best bible studies out there. They go into good detail on history, language, manuscripts, everything you might need related to the bible, and they use a shitload of commentaries and stuff as they read.

>> No.18599054

Oh but the early episodes of Atheist Sunday School are not that great. They've definitely improved over time.

>> No.18599137

The Joe Rogan Experience

>> No.18599171

I require sauce on this transvestite

>> No.18599289

Wew, I'm not huge on podcasts to be honest but since you've had no good recommendations I'll suggest one of the only podcasts I've ever heard, Mike Duncan's "Revolutions" series. Really great overview of big period of change in history.

>> No.18599558

true anon

>> No.18599665

The Kali Tribune Podcast is sometimes pretty interesting

>> No.18599692

The Birdy and Paul Podcast

>> No.18599701

download the librivox app on ur phone, listen to poetry and audiobooks instead

>> No.18599934

Duncan is good but it's worth noting that History of Rome starts out a bit bumpy. You can skip ahead to the Social War or just go in knowing the quality will be off a bit to start.

Slow Burn has good break downs of Watergate and the Clinton sex scandal, but the new one on the Iraq invasion is the best.

>> No.18600039

cum town

>> No.18600136
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a Whore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you listen to a podcast you are a lesser human being. If you jezebelpost, you're somehow even worse.

>> No.18600300

>unironically recommending content from fucking Slate
Kill yourself for real.

>> No.18600322

>I've never listened to your recommendation but the publisher (not the producer) is muh culture war enemy, reeeeeeeeee!

>> No.18600440

Red Scare is two NYC vocally fried bitches talking shit

>> No.18600446

The History of Fire

>> No.18600466

>an atheist podcast
double midwit

>> No.18600473

based drööööd :DD

>> No.18600487


>> No.18600493
File: 128 KB, 1024x614, McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Cormac McCarthy, the "Reading McCarthy" podcast is pretty good. They actually had his brother on one episode.

>> No.18600497

nah he's right, kys war crime revisionist lib

>> No.18600548


>> No.18600564

The lectures of Michael Sugrue on yt

>> No.18600579

Weird Studies, esp if you like spooky shit, they cover a lot of different art forms (film, literature, music etc.) and have imo pretty sophisticated philosophical discussions that are still accessible

>> No.18600653

just wanted to chime in here that this is one of the sexiest girls i've ever seen
good day to all of you gentlemen

>> No.18600667

Any favorite episodes anon? I'll probably get burnt out before getting through all 100 episodes.

>> No.18600717

Literature and History
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

The first one is especially good for going in depth on under served periods in history. The second is really good and pretty comprehensive. Nothing will ever replace just reading of course but they're both great for finding new things to read.

>> No.18600976

Muscle Intelligence with Ben Pakulski

>> No.18600986

That's fuckwit below midwit

>> No.18601002

partially examined life (even though i fucking can't stand the guitar player)
machinic unconscious happy hour
acid horizon
(sub)text (just one dude from PEL)
unironically red scare when i wanna have a laugh

>> No.18601032

John David Ebert channel

>> No.18601073


I like Our Interesting Times by Tim Kelly, he has good guests on and can lead a discussion well.

>> No.18601074
File: 192 KB, 232x198, 1625501997383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us about the buttplugs and vibrating nipple clamps, Kraut!

>> No.18601093

>recommend me something that no one can mention since if it's mention it will be accused of being known and thus midwit tier.

Saying something is midwit without giving a personal recommendation qualifies you for being a pussy. You're all pussies.

>> No.18601113

Red Sulphur podcast

>> No.18601366

Feel sorry for me? Thanks but I would appreciate an explanation, alternative recommendations, or at least a promise for you to pray for me, feeling sorry for something is some spiritually low level women tier reaction. These channels are purely more entertaining and often uplifting, real, and more honest than any content I’ve come across.

>> No.18601542

Please anon

>> No.18601661

thanks for this, i had listened to this a few years ago but forgot it existed. got something to listen to for awhile

>> No.18602284
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>> No.18602300

also, Bowden-chad

>> No.18602328

who is this lissome jissom magician?

>> No.18602336

Add Russians With Attitude.

>> No.18602366

Some of these look really good, thanks.

>> No.18602418


>> No.18602426

Why do women do this shit? Are they that attention hungry?

>> No.18602428

>Why do women do this shit?
Takes photos? Everyone does that.

>> No.18602446

Frodi's "Guide to Kulchur"

>> No.18602450

just listen to cumtown, podcasts will never be smart

>> No.18602462
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Horton heaves a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spiritualist hippie
>it's not even Guenonian spiritualism but rather it's cthonic earth-worship
into the trash she goes

>> No.18602483
File: 1.56 MB, 600x449, 1599661560509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss her tummy...

>> No.18602616
File: 971 KB, 609x716, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her and her bf

No amount of literature, no art, no amount of effort, will ever amount to the beauty of two gorgeous people in their 20s sharing a space. You will never have this.

>> No.18602654

Very good red

>> No.18602725

I've had this, it smells.

>> No.18602814
File: 219 KB, 736x735, strike-and-mike-logo-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for my podcast-listening litnigs, I'm serving you a bootlegged episode of STRIKE & MIKE, hot off the TRS website.


Episode 169 - "Things Fall Together Apart"

Topics include
•Joe Biden literally kneeling before Israelis
•Bloodsoaked 4th of July weekend
•Cagney Mathews, the cops, and black rioters
•Successful Patriot Front protest in Philly exposes system hypocrisy
• MSNBC slanders Patriot Front with stupid libtard Q narratives
•Anti-white colonialist US foreign policy
• Taliban destroys its second empire
• How Jews exploit virtue signaling gentiles
Striker's libertarian view of foreign policy

Never have you heard a highbrow podcast sound so salt-of-the-earth.

Rather than be jealous, I'm happy that they're together and will probably have a couple white children.

>> No.18603029

I have this right now nigga wtf are you talking about
Granted I'm not as gorgeous as he admittedly is. Those feet though, ew.

>> No.18603290

big bear's stream
if you're in the know
probably the most entertaining

>> No.18603318


>> No.18603324

Nice cope simplord

>> No.18603342

listen. to. audio. books. retard.

ywn enjoy commentary

>> No.18603346

When did this board begin to fill with /pol/tards looking for new beginnings?
e.g. 50% of posters in this thread.. including OP

>> No.18603352
File: 2.41 MB, 640x360, women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a woman gotta take pictures of my face constantly have to keep taking pictures with my face in them I have three different websites just to post pictures of me looking cute for my family friends and total strangers did you see me wearing this new clothing did you see me standing in front of this building one time I went to the library and just so you know that I went there I took fifteen pictures of myself standing next to it and looking cute haha look at this one it's of a burger I ate that I wanted to show everyone and also 80% of the frame is my face can you believe the cutesy affected expression I'm making don't I look cute when I'm doing absolutely everything that I ever do on a daily basis that I photograph myself doing have you seen these 214 pictures of me visiting Madrid for one day have you seen how I stood next to all the things and my face was there and I was cute hang on don't take a picture of me let me make sure I'm posing my facial muscles in a way that perfectly makes me look youthful and girlish and attractive in a series of gestures and expressions that are half-conscious because I'm a narcissist but also half-unconscious because I've simply introjected a constant need to be posing and preening and peacocking in every moment of my fucking life and everything I do is just a vehicle for appending my face to it because I'm a woman WOW excuse me are you misogynistic or something it's not like I do this for you are you kidding me you actually think that I spend all day every day every hour of my entire waking life specifically accentuating all the secondary sex characteristics you find attractive and posing my face to look cute and young for YOU are you delusional I do this for me and nobody else I just like to feel attractive nevermind the fact that attractive presupposes the question to whom I do it for me and nobody else now excuse me while I take a picture of myself factitiously soullessly smirking in a way that I've unconsciously learned makes me look Dorky-Cute Variant #81 while I try on sunglasses in a fucking Walmart

>> No.18603367

Back to /pol/ until you learn women have been and always will be cows (not something to get upset about as it always has been)

>> No.18603370

This. To some extent.

Long-form audio content is always best when an audiobook. There was an age on the internet when response videos (not streams) were worth listening to. If you know of any good chains of videos/creators please share.

>> No.18603372


>> No.18603382
File: 127 KB, 600x602, 1624836094556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you listen to a podcast you are a lesser human being. If you jezebelpost, you're somehow even worse.

>> No.18603571

Fuck off cuckboy.

>> No.18603578
File: 47 KB, 545x558, 34FACDBF-722F-4C1B-9EE4-8EC61F1D95D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-midwit podcasts
This in an oxymoron and you know it.

>> No.18604374

Thank you sirs
Gotta listen to something while driving and working out

>> No.18604430

(((Yale))) open courses

>> No.18604640

Correct response

>> No.18604650
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>> No.18604653
File: 16 KB, 379x234, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these insecure comments from other jezebels are fucking hilarious

i feel so bad for women

>> No.18605119


>> No.18605137

Remember that this is literally what incels look like when they complain about chad.

>> No.18605152

Incels dont really complain about Chad

>> No.18605217

Shes clipped her t shirt from behind with a peg. If you see a photo of a woman on the Internet you can guarantee there's at least one sleight of hand trick involved designed to make them look more attractive

>> No.18605258

And the tranny shills arrive like clockwork

>> No.18605274

>Listening to someone's thoughts is fundamentally different to reading someone's thoughts.
This is an 18+ board, pseud child.

>> No.18605280
File: 657 KB, 1442x1063, lf22izai00e11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one has mentioned Dan Carlin's Hardcore History series yet. WW1 and Mongol Invasion ones are both excellent, currently making my way through his Japanese one.

Regardless of what you think of Carlin himself, he doesn't try to tell you what to feel or think about the events. He offers first hand accounts wherever possible and a range of interpretations from all sides of the political spectrum. Also they're long enough to be audiobooks in their own right.

>> No.18605331

>white children
That guy is obviously native or something.

>> No.18605606
File: 82 KB, 620x349, stone cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the damn microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you entitled ass Off-Topic pieces of trash running your damn mouths.
Every single day, I see 'em!
BLACKED posters!
R9K defeatists!
Lookism baiters!
Feelsposting carcasses!
Vegan and Carnivore posters!
And worst of all, Discord trannies!
So I tell you what I'm'on do, you sum'bitches!
I'm gonna take my mouse,
I'm gonna click on the post number,
I'm gonna click on the reply box,
And I'm gonna type in the reply box!
I said I'm gonna type in the god damn reply box!
I'm gonna call you a nigger!
A pavement ape!
A porch monkey!
A no good son-of-a-sheboon!
An auto-zone-burning, store-looting, low-life piece of subhuman trash!
I'm gonna [CENSORED]
I'm gonna [CENSORED]
And then I'm gonna solve the captcha,
The one with the fire hydrants,
The one with the traffic lights,
The one with the bicycles,
The one with the cars,
The one with the buses,
The one with the CROSSWALKS!
I'm gonna click Post!
I said I'm gonna click Post!
I'm gonna make everyone [CENSORED]
I'm gonna [CENSORED]
I'm gonna hide the thread!
And then I'm gonna do it again the moment I see one,

>> No.18605628

Come on you fucking nigger

>> No.18605686

Samefag calling himself based, pathetic

>> No.18605983

Came here to say this. 30 minute lectures by decent professors are infinitely better than podcasts by zoomers and millenials.

>> No.18606021

Aye, finally a fellow Surgue fan

>> No.18606046

I was so surprised to find out that he's like 55- he sounds 70

>> No.18606059

Are those her class pictures on her shirt? Why the fuck would you want to remember high school?

>> No.18606079

Ty for the rec anon, which course from Greenberg are you personally recommending anon?

>> No.18606089

How can you forget when you ve taken half the cocks in your school?

>> No.18606107

They know who the whores are. Many such cases.

>> No.18606390

Episode 32 on Tlon by Borges, Episode 51 on Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor, Episode 52 "On Beauty", Episode 53 on Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, Episode 57 on Raiders of the Lost Ark, Episode 75 on 2001: A Space Odyssey, & Episode 87 on Hieroglyphs by Arthur Machen are my personal favorites

>> No.18608050
File: 100 KB, 240x301, anne-frank-bumble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff anon

>> No.18608461

I leik that belly