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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18595363 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that a random coomer on /tv/, creating off the cuff erotica, is a better writer than you?


>> No.18595384

I can write better than that.

>> No.18595386

>'FUCK' I scream as I cum, as loud as I can. 'FUCK!'

literally GRRM tier

>> No.18595400
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>> No.18595409

Leave my butters alone she is the cutie of the board

>> No.18595416


>> No.18595417

Kek. /tv/ is more creative than the faggots on this board ever will be. This place is a marginally better /his/ and that isn't saying much

>> No.18595625

Unironically good. It shouldn't surprise you. A single glance at the utter shit posted in /wg/ will tell you everything you need to know about the """"writers"""" on this board

>> No.18595656

It reads like he is describing a scene from a movie. Not very good.

>> No.18595663

Most of the writers here avoid the circle jerk of /wg/.

>> No.18595706

/wg/ is like the island of the lotus eaters in the Odyssey. Someone writes four sentences, posts it for crit, masturbates to the one semi-positive feedback comment they get, then slack off. Half the posters hate on literary fiction, the other half hate on genre fiction. 'how do I write X words a day' 'how do I write good dialogue' 'give me advice on worldbuilding' 'how do I get past this ridiculous plot point' just fuck off, fuck off, fuck off and try reading for once and get your answers that way, through reading and writing until you're good. You certainly won't get them from the fucking writing general on the """literature""" board of 4chan. F Gardner is unreadable fucking trash yet some of /wg/ have actually bought into the meme. Bunch of self-publishing lowers who will never amount the anything, the threads should be nuked..

>> No.18595728

better than Boccaccio I KNEEL

>> No.18595762


Weirdly similar

>> No.18595796

why are you so mad, anon?

>> No.18595804

He did not even get one semi-positive review from them.

>> No.18595827
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heh, that seems likely.

>> No.18595836

Being in those threads genuinely caused me to stall on a short story for three months. So many big name published writers have historically warned never to share or talk about work in progress, and for good reason. /wg/ is perpetually walking in circles through mud.

>> No.18595891
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 00157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I actually agree. I only posted there once because I was curious, and I got answers ranging from "terrible" to "pretty gud." Worthless threads. Please disregard the attached anime girl.

>> No.18595906

Nah, it was sarcasm, /wg/ loves to give out participation rewards.

Yeah, not good to seek general advice on your current works, hire an editor if you want useful help. General advice is best used for more general things, /lit/ is best utilized for research and the like.

>> No.18595953

>hire an editor
don't, under any circumstances, do this if you're writing literary fiction.

>> No.18595985


>> No.18596018

good thing no one asked you

>> No.18596036

He has a simplistic view of editors and does not realize that many specialize in literary fiction.

these new captchas suck, I will give up this place if they stick around.

>> No.18596040

I know right it's doing my fucking nut in. Feels like I have to be Alan fucking Turing to shitpost

>> No.18596115

>He has a simplistic view of editors
Hmm, maybe you're right, anon. How do I go about finding an editor, if I'm not planning to publish my book with a publishing house?

>> No.18596126

Do a search for literary editors. A good one is going to sit down and talk with you to figure out what you are trying to achieve and the editing process is a back and forth sort of thing, an evolution.

>> No.18596200

Thanks for the tip. This seems kinda expensive (at least for someone with a PhD who isn't a woman), but I might still look into it.

>> No.18596243

A good editor will help make your work more cohesive and your intentions more clear. Part of the reason so many authors see a substantial shift in quality on their second or third novel is because they had an editor who did more than check grammar. These days most seem to start with short stories, and it is also the easiest way, establish yourself through short stories in magazines/journals/competitions to get a publishing deal or a manager to help you get a publishing deal and then let the publisher pay for your editor or provide one if they keep them on staff.

>> No.18596401

such a helpful anon.
Personally waiting for my hired editor to return my script with comments. It's gonna hurt, but my asshole is prepared

>> No.18596435

Most people on this board have never bothered to research how the modern publishing industry works and just look for reasons to not even try.

Good luck anon, remember not to just take the notes as gospel, respond directly to your editor about the ones you do not agree with or are unsure about, work with them.

>> No.18596442

I don't want to be a writer. And definitely not writing smut.