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1859464 No.1859464 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche was a gnostic.

>> No.1859475
File: 31 KB, 281x219, jung_tomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was Jung. What's your point?

>> No.1859489

Nietszche was really hard to spell.

>> No.1859496

Nietzsche was a natural born hustler

>> No.1859497

Nietzsche was a Russian spy.

>> No.1859498

i can remember his name by thinking of che guevara. who was a doctor. i think doctor's office and i think of cleanliness. so it's neat. neat che. nietzsche.

>> No.1859503

>Nietzsche was agnostic


>> No.1859505

Dawkins is a theist.

>> No.1859507

Nietzsche was an atheist. Fixed even more.

>> No.1859508

Prove it.

>> No.1859510

Nietzsche didn't care about the existence/inexistence of God because he understood that it's irrelevant. The only thing that matters is how the belief in the Christian God affects ones life and values, and how the morals attached to it is weak and against life.

>> No.1859513
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"I am an atheist." - Nietzsche

>> No.1859514
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i dont even

>> No.1859515


That's not gnosticism, you fucking tool. That's AGNOSTICISM.

Fucking retarded cunts all over this fucking board.

Gnosticism is the belief that every human being can come to knowledge of God themselves, and can acheive personal enlightenment through this knowledge, and personal relationship with the numinous.

>> No.1859516

That's not Nietzsche, that's some Japanese guy.

>> No.1859520

I didn't mention anything about gnosticism, calm the fuck down.

>> No.1859521
File: 26 KB, 446x480, nietzsche_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am an atheist." - Nietzsche

>> No.1859527


well, I'm convinced

>> No.1859533
File: 23 KB, 354x529, mong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you even fucking read?

Read the OP, twat.


Fucking retarded spastic.

>> No.1859540


I knew it.

>> No.1859539


Nietzsche identified himself with Jesus on the cross. His philosophy is not unlike Jesus presented in the gnostic scriptures.

>> No.1859536
File: 16 KB, 363x391, jesus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am an atheist." - Jesus

>> No.1859538

Nietzsche was neither a gnostic nor an atheist in the obvious sense.
God existed insofar as people were able to believe in his existence and according to Nietzsche people were becoming less and less able to do so, hence "God is dead" -- which is different from saying, "God has never existed" or "God doesn't exist".

>> No.1859542

There are certain indicators that you may be overwhelmingly unhappy with an aggressive tinge.

>> No.1859545

>Nietzsche didn't care about the existence/inexistence of God because he understood that it's irrelevant.

Actually, the "existence/inexistence of God" was at the centre of all of Nietzsche's thought and I think the question of God's existence had a profound influence on him.

>> No.1859546

The question of God's existence is important, but the actuality is not.

>> No.1859547

Your joke did make me giggle, but it should be thrown out there that there was a pretty good chance that Jesus actually was an atheist. His recorded sayings that seem to be closest to the source barely even mention God.

>> No.1859550

The question of God's existence is important but wether or not he actually exists is not important?

>> No.1859551

Yeah the first guy said it a bit more eloquently though.

>> No.1859553

True. Also the whole preferring to call himself the son of man and not the son of God.

>> No.1859554

No, he just said something that doesn't make sense, and words like "actuality" don't make for eloquence when they only create a lack of clarity.

>> No.1859559

That was an unambiguous statement. Question vs. Actuality. Learn to read English before you call somebody's prose unclear.

>> No.1859563
File: 28 KB, 400x300, agreed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't clarify post, just restates it: "question vs actuality"
>implies I can't read English
>calls a single, short sentence "prose"

Well, you're a faggot, I think we can agree on that.

>> No.1859565

I guess I could define those two words for you. Well, three I guess, if you need a definition of prose. You'd probably be better off just coming back to /lit/ when you're a bit older though. Maybe read a book or two first.

>> No.1859567

>Actually, the "existence/inexistence of God" was at the centre of all of Nietzsche's thought
Not really, no. He was more concerned about the morality Christianity promoted than with whether a god existed or not.

I would agree that the question had a marked influence on his life, but I wouldn't say it was the center of his work.

>> No.1859569

>doesn't clarify anything . . . again.
>continues with pretentious snobbery, implying i'm a moron

And yes, you wouldn't refer to a single written sentence a someone's "prose", in the same way you wouldn't refer to a single spoken sentence as someone's "oration."

>> No.1859571

ITT: cunts

>> No.1859572

I think it did. The "death of God" meant, according to him, the onset of nihilism and a call for the "reevaluation of all values"; which essentially makes up the core of his philosophy.

>> No.1859573
File: 16 KB, 182x255, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was a gnostic.

And so was Nietzsche.

In fact, nearly all of the greatest minds were gnostics.

>> No.1859574

Know what word I like more than "gnostic"?


it has that great "gno" start, and it's WAY more delicious

>> No.1859579

You're right in part, but the "death of God" was not about the existence of God (since God had never existed in the first place), but rather about the inability of people to believe in God resulting mainly from scientific discoveries. That's a very subtle difference, but it's still a difference.

>> No.1859587

Nobody needed to imply you were a moron.

>> No.1859596

I agree, they're just being dicks.