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[ERROR] No.18594424 [Reply] [Original]

Is The Name of the Rose an enjoyable book?

>> No.18594469
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one should not read such childish things!

>> No.18594474

Worth more of a read than Eco’s other shit for sure

>> No.18594883

It is an excellent book. One of the rare books where the erudition involved does not come out as nerdy.

>> No.18594967
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Read Prague Cemetery

>> No.18596292

I enjoyed it.

>> No.18596304

kek I bought my copy specifically because of that

>> No.18596313

Very enjoyable. Not sure if it's a good book though. It tells an exciting story about monks. The part about the name of the rose is beautiful. Otherwise it's just a well(ish) plotted mystery murder novel. When you're done with it, there's nothing to discuss and it doesn't use any interesting poetics like Pinecone or Joyce.

Think hipster Dean Koontz.

>> No.18596320

Such a comfy pic. I now want to go to a cafe and read

>> No.18596322

I was really enjoying it before my copy walked off.
>t. drone

>> No.18596330

Just finished reading this and i enjoyed it a lot. At the very least its not a waste of time even if it may not be a masterpiece

>> No.18596338


>> No.18596367

Yes. It sparked an interest in medieval history for me particularly medieval heresies and revolts.
And oddly enough it tangentially sparked an interest in Italy’s “Years of Lead” and communist terror groups like the Brigate Rosse or Red Army Faction

>> No.18597446

I enjoyed it a lot
The mystery, the characters, the setting and the dialogue is all great

>> No.18597473

You really need to master Italian post war communist disputes to enjoy it. That and Sherlock Holmes. I am not joking.

>> No.18597489

Is the William Weaver translation ok?

>> No.18597502

ONLY THE CHURCH OF THE POOR IS PURE. The true spirit of Francis is with us.

>> No.18597594

To understand it deeply maybe but I know jack shit about all that and I still loved the book

>> No.18598114

Look when the fraticelli burn and the peasants ignore them it was like the arrest of negri