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[ERROR] No.18593338 [Reply] [Original]

Any books to understand Fascism in Greece, Portugal and other states that are not well known for it (i.e. not Italy and not Spain).

>> No.18593353

Read about Horthy

>> No.18593409

I don't get the comic

>> No.18593429

It tackles this idea that Lulberts have about not giving the Government power to restore order in society, because they believe that this power given to said Government could be used against them as well. What they fail to realize is that if one side is using the Government to push their ideology and they themselves don't, that in the end will lose the battle, hence the execution

>> No.18593430

Libertarians refuse to use governmental power to stop totalitarian ideologies that take away their freedoms.
In the comic a libertarian is holding fast to his principles moments before he is executed
jfc this isnt hard anon

>> No.18593440

Libertarians would use the government if they were actually in power. Any majority automatically starts imposing their ideology when they come to power.

>> No.18593453

Libertarians would use the government to cripple it to the point it could no longer do anything because muh freedom.

In reality, Lulberts don't have a moral framework except freedom good, more freedom gooder and thats why they are losing the culture war in the US. Socialism and Fascism are just much more potent ideologies in that regard, because they impose a moralistic stance on their form of governance

>> No.18593664

Libertarians do have a moral framework read rothbard or hoppe.

>> No.18593673
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>Libertarians do have a moral framework read rothbard
The dude who said you can sell your children? Lmao, nice one, now face the wall

>> No.18593687

>murderous incel critiquing libertarian morality

>> No.18593706
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>> No.18593721

God I hate this board

>> No.18593745

>culture war
Retarded term. The people who control the left control the banks and the media and have for over 100 years. There is no culture war.

>> No.18593753

there's a culture genocide

>> No.18593777

Why do you think kids should have to stay with parents who don't want them?

>> No.18593788

Soucy, French Fascism: The First Wave, 1924–1933 (1985) + French Fascism: The Second Wave, 1933–1939 (1995)

Antliff, Avant-Garde Fascism: The Mobilization of Myth, Art, and Culture in France, 1909–1939 (2007)

Bracher, A History of Political Thought in the Twentieth Century

Payne, A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 (1995)

Orlow, The Lure of Fascism in Western Europe: German Nazis, Dutch and French Fascists, 1933–1939 (2009)

Williamson, The Age of the Dictators: A Study of the European Dictatorships, 1918–53 (2007)

Pauley, Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis: A History of Austrian National Socialism (1981)

Hionidou, Famine and Death in Occupied Greece, 1941–1944 (2006)

Lecoeur, Mussolini’s Greek Island: Fascism and the Italian Occupation of Syros in World War II (2009)

Mazower, Inside Hitler’s Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–1944 (1993)

Koliopoulos and Veremis, Modern Greece: A History since 1821 (2010)

>> No.18593789

I read Hoppe, Rothbard, von Mises and Friedmann. Their moral framework breaks down to freedom good, state bad, because state make freedom less. It's really just that veiled by a lot of justification. There is a reason why there will never be a Libertarian society

>> No.18593805

>Why do you think kids should have to stay with parents who don't want them?
This has nothing to do with owning your children as property

>> No.18593811

I unironically think lolbertarians are right, muh freedoms really is the only sensible political motive. In reality though it doesnt work this way, it's just a carnival of crime, the entire notion of law is basically a big fucking meme, it's all crime. I was actually dumb enough to think there was a better time 'before' for a while but this is just wildly naive

>> No.18593861

it's a low IQ bivalency

>> No.18593888

Not OP, but thanks bro

>> No.18593891
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try this

>> No.18593948
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Solid post lad.

>> No.18593955
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This is the best book I've read on the subject and it covers a lot of the "lesser known" fascisms.

The Legion of the Archangel Michael (commonly known as the Iron Guard) was definitely the goofiest one, and they ended up getting thrown in a ditch at the hands of the standard right-wing conservative authoritarian government.

>> No.18594008

Rothbard explicitly claims this isn't the case. Read: https://mises.org/library/egalitarianism-revolt-against-nature-and-other-essays/html/c/352

>> No.18594176

Solid list but
>Koliopoulos and Veremis
are both old school leftie nut-jobs. Veremis doesn't even believe in nations...His "career" was mostly debunking "ethnic myths" like Κρυφό Σχολειό etc

>> No.18594204

You got any non pozzed historians who specialize in Greece since the revolution. I am a foreign born Greek and want to learn more about my origins. I can also read Greek if it is not translated

>> No.18594344

Well most of the mainstream historians are pozzed. There are some extremely based ones eg Πλεύρης but those are too far right for the average reader. I'm not sure there is a well established middle ground historian at the moment. You are probably better off reading any random Greek historian that wrote before the 60s except Ραφαηλίδης, Βακαλόπουλος, Κορδάτος and the other marxists.

>> No.18594382

Also your first order of business would be to read both the Epistoles of Kapodistrias (the first governor before (((they))) assasinated him) and the Memoirs of the revolutionary heroes Κολοκοτρώνης, Φωτάκος, Τερτσέτης, Μακρυγιάννης etc.
They are very based calling out the "allies" for betraying the country again and again. After that for a general view of the Revolution and the aftermath you should read Σπυρίδων Λάμπρου.

>> No.18594414


Σου ευχαριστώ, αδελφέ

>> No.18594599

Imagine thinking the government is capable of doing something right now.

>> No.18594606

Yeah because waiting until they're 18 and then selling them to the military for the price of "getting them out of the house" is all very strictly moral and legal and appropriate.

>> No.18594637

You seem to be oblivious to Libertarian talking points.
Lucky you.

>> No.18594721

thank you

>> No.18594822

Selling your children used to be standard practice before liberals started complaining

>> No.18594848

I'm portuguese and how tf is fascism not a portuguese thing? We had a fucking dictatorship for decades, you really think those ideas stay asleep forever? Ther rise of Ventura just proves that

>> No.18594851

I'm not american so that argument doesn't work with me. I'm from a first world country, no conscription here

>> No.18594867

Surely if the libertarian were confronted with any form of totalitarianism, he would use some sort of forceful defense.
A more accurate depiction would have the testudo as a bunch of skinny twenty year olds donating money to some midget with a transvestite porn addiction.

>> No.18594983

My brother, I think you misunderstand. I want to learn about countries that had fascism but where it is not known by the general public. Which books can you recommend me about Portuguese Fascism?

>> No.18594998

Like lock us down and forbid us to meet with people? Or make protesting illegal? Or make going out after 22:00 illegal? Yeah they did that in Germany

>> No.18595063

To the Long Island you go

>> No.18595102

Βακαλόπουλος was a nationalist not a marxist. He is the best historian of the Greek Revolution. You will find his works in LibGen
Καργάκος writes very good pop-history too.

Ραφαηλίδης wasn't even a historian, just a commie journalist. Neither is Πλεύρης, as based as he might be.

>> No.18595131

Greece neved had an actual fascist movement or government. The Metaxas regime 1936-1940 borrowed from Mussolini and Hitler in terms of aesthetics, but it was more of a petit-bourgeois monarchist dictatorship, without the characteristics of a fascist regime.
I do not know if there is bibliography in english.

>> No.18595163

I speak Greek, fren

>> No.18595225

Ιωάννης Μεταξάς (Σπύρος Μελάς)

>> No.18596377

>Libertarians would use the government if they were actually in power.
Libertarianism can only work when 80% of the population is libertarian. That's why it is not for tomorrow.

>> No.18596409

So called "libertarians" are crypto-nazis

>> No.18596419

Any ideology works if 80% of the populace aligns themselves with it. An ideology is potent if it can stay in power even though many would disagree, so Neoliberalism is one hell of an Ideology in terms of potency, seeing as most people dislike it and yet it still is in power

>> No.18596855

Those weren't fascism.

>> No.18596863

Ernest Nolte, Three Faces of Fascism
Check out the work of A. James Gregor as well.

>> No.18597163

You should check out the late Kargakos. He wasn't an academic which can be both good and bad... But he has written about every single period in a solid non pozzed old school way.

>> No.18597307

Neoliberalism is just Capitalism ideology. I mean, that's what strikes me when i read the wikipedia definition of neoliberalism. You cannot abolish neoliberalism without abolishing Capital.

>> No.18597507

Rightists have an insane victim complex even when they hold most of the power. Also so called libertarians are crypto-fascists. Very weasely individuals.