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[ERROR] No.18591624 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading too much philosophy bound to lead towards existential depression or are certain kinds of people just prone to react in that manner?
I feel like every work of philosophy from 1600 onward should come with a warning label

>> No.18591690
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Always this same question with you

>> No.18592153

Don't know. But if you have a cure for existential depression that'd be great.

>> No.18592164
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>> No.18592179

>Is reading too much philosophy bound to lead towards existential depression
No lmao. Why are you scared of Truth and Beauty?

>> No.18592214

>Why are you scared of Truth and Beauty?
Because the world in the year 2021 is so devoid of both of those things.

>> No.18592224


People read it but don't understand it.

They cannot get past the physical world and thus find no real depth and get depressed and nihilistic.

>> No.18592254

So far, yes. No one agrees on anything. Everything is up for interpretation. Time keeps passing. Even if reality is real it isn’t the reality that was once known. The more philosophy I read the more I know that I and everyone else knows absolutely fucking nothing about the human condition, or meaning, or beauty, or nature. Science doesn’t even understand magnets. Data continues to pile up that shows catastrophic futures of the human race and yet we continue to isolate ourselves while sucking on the teat of technology and hegemonic global capitalist firms that feed on our very internal thoughts manifest upon the world. No amount of Kant or Hegel will stop this spiral and make it okay. No about of platonic troll questioning will give me purpose. No Nietzschean triumph of my will will make me a better person. Schopenhauer taught me everything other than how to tie a noose. The more zizek i read the less my friends can understand me. The more jung and Aristotle I read the more people become literal npcs.

It’s not fun. The magic is gone. I hate this. Thanks a fucking lot /lit/. This is your fault. Am I going crazy? Would I even know?

>> No.18592541

You'd only be depressed about something else, like lack of pussy.

>> No.18592552

Literally me

>> No.18592651
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Your philosophical interests just bring your innermost feelings and desires to the surface. I didn't start reading philosophy until my 20s but I had always had something of a certain feeling about myself and the world that I never could have articulated or was even really aware existed, nevertheless with retrospect I can see very clearly that the genesis of my current self was contained in that young version of me. That nascent worldview saw life as a heroic struggle against a world that continually attempts to wear man down, while remaining positive and confident about one's existence all the while. Years later this kind of thinking eventually brought me to Spinoza and his philosophy of activity, in which a being is only a being when it is in opposition to not being.
But it was Spinoza's intellectual heirs that took his philosophy to its logical conclusion and it was in them that I found the words to describe and nourish my own particular feeling about the universe. Today I describe my philosophy as one of life, of living, of the unity of thought and beauty, of perfection and freedom. It is one's soul that breathes life into reality. Ultimately, the art that has influenced me has done so only tangentially, for I first must have possessed a certain disposition in order to seek such things out in the first place.

>> No.18592789

I'm scared of the prospect that what happens after death is not something I'll enjoy

>> No.18592829

Reading philosophy has so far only made me less depressed, but i read autistic stuff like spinoza and enjoy it

>> No.18592858
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Didn't make me depressed but I think it's altered my brain chemistry a little. Mostly talking about post structuralists here. I've fallen off of it and I'm more into history, international relations and media studies to help navigate and make sense of this late capitalist hell world. Pilosophy has given me cool perspectives on this stuff. Would highly recommend checking out other fields if you're getting sad from reading philosophy.

>> No.18592868

Oftentimes, it is too much theoria, not enough praxis. How does a given thing enrich you life, or does life even matter.
As for the human fate of temperment? Man is often inclined to a certain way, by both nature and nurture. A Saturnine disposition, to live in misfortune and melancholia, is so much more bound to something like philosophy than that of someone who is jovial, sanguine, or solar.
No, only the martial, mercurial, and saturnine
Why else would we be here, save for trying to throw off the blanket of misery, light or heavy, that covers our thoughts?

>> No.18593098

Just read Theory of everything the origin and fate of the universe.

>> No.18593516

sucks to be you i guess

>> No.18593638

Reading without (sub)sequential cogitation, creation, and communication, results in degeneration; Sofia's optimism outweighs, and outruns, Ialdabaoth's pessimism, hence the difference between evolution, and devolution, in humans.

>> No.18593654

Depends. Christian philosophers only make you feel better

>> No.18593681

You're just sad because you forced yourself to sit through Slapjock Spitsuck