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[ERROR] No.18591288 [Reply] [Original]

What are christian works which address this issue pointing to its falsity? I mean falsity in both its weak and superficial rationale, but also in its passivity, its hipocrisy, secularist moralism grounded on the very religious consciousness. The lack of identification of the highest good with the highest being, depriving God of its reality in favor of a self-affirmation through personal moral englightenment. I am sure that if we care about justice, we can find someone like Nietzsche in heaven, but no atheist, no christian, who affirms such a false and hypocritical imperative.

>> No.18591430

In the fresh light shone on the genocidal tendencies of your institutionally intolerant cult/church in the Canadian news lately, I would just like to say, follow your fucking leader.

>> No.18591493

Exactly, it is your lot I'm talking about. I don't even feel like getting into the merit of the circumstances and facts about this incident. We are just too tired of you aberrations, whatever we say your npc-like behavior won't change.

>> No.18591498

Fuck every last one of those dead babies you kike tranny bitch, also you arent the real butterfly.

>> No.18591507

Francis never said that. There's a really good series called "Anthropology of Antichristianity" that goes over the difference between secular morality and the Christian worldview and how secularism is an inversion of Christianity. It's very good. There's also The Justification of the Good by Vladimir Solovyov which is the best work on Christian ethics ever written.


>> No.18591568

Thanks for the wonderful recommendations.

>> No.18591580

>genocidal tendencies
Spanish flu got those kids. What is disgusting is people instrumentalizing this tragedy to blame the people that tried to help them live a better life from the very start.

>> No.18591616
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...Im sorry anon, I am just having a hard time following your thesis here. Everything you said was both overarching and very specific, and I could think of good examples of the exact opposite withineach claim as well, as well as claims of the inverse. Christianity is kind of a massive topic with many billions of people that make and made up it. I just dont see your position. Seems like you are percieving a monolyth that in not quite there. If you specifically said Catholic doctrine and pointed to specific overarching problem, I would be better able to engage with you, or something to a similar effectin another denomination or in regards to a certian core aspecit you see in the wider cult. Something in its ontology or some such,

However, at this point It seems you are simply saying words bereft of meaning.

>> No.18591633

Both of these seem great, thank you!

>> No.18591636

I slit throats in Afghanistan whiter than yours, kike.

>> No.18591676

>follow your fucking leader
That's the one you say to Nazis, retard

>> No.18591677

Can you link me up on a reliable source on what really happened there? I haven't really followed on that and would like an unbiased report on that

>> No.18591680

Read the damn testimonies. Not only were they brainwashing out their culture, they neglected the sick, beat, molested and raped them. A commonly known haven for such abusers.

>> No.18591696

>Not only were they brainwashing out their culture
You mean they were teaching them not to be savages? Those monsters.

>> No.18591716

Same thing someones going to do to you, you miserable dyke cunt

>> No.18591721

youre boiling over with impotent rage

>> No.18591731

They were savaged by the primitive catholics, anon.

You’re projecting

>> No.18591742

Fucking dyke

>> No.18591749

The schools were literally created and operated by the Canadian government. The Church was contracted to run them at the government's behest. The Anglican Church likewise ran a few schools. This is all the Canadian government's fault, they're just trying to throw the Church under the bus to deflect blame away from themselves.

>> No.18591760


>> No.18591769

Ive heard someone say this recently, but this isnt the real buttercunt, not the same trip.

>> No.18591779

>brainwashing out their culture
A dead culture that had not reached the written word.
>they neglected the sick
The schools were isolated as fuck, and the death tolls at the time were high as fuck everywhere. The Catholics at the time had the best hospitals, so they likely received much better care than they would have received at home.
Native parents will beat the shit out of their kids until they pass out.
>molested and raped
Schools have always been a haven for pedos. Wonder why?

>> No.18591782

You should know I am an anarchist and understand who and what’s to blame here.

It is actually me. But eh, news is news

>> No.18591796

oh you're right it isn't the same trip
why the fuck would someone larp as butterfly what a creep

>> No.18591798
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>You should know I am an anarchist and understand who and what’s to blame here.

You're also a stupid atheist who never resists an opportunity to grind an axe at Catholicism, or religion in general.

>> No.18591803
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>the written word
>Homer’s Greece

>Goes on to describe this enlightened literate world that murders children

>> No.18591812
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>> No.18591836

>>Goes on to describe this enlightened literate world that murders children
As opposed to the illiterate world of noble savages that would never hurt or neglect their own children?
Fuck off Butters. When's the last time you've stepped on a reservation? You are talking about events that happened 90+ years ago as if it was a mugging you had seen in front of your eyes, only to reinforce your own fucking white Ontarian bougie sapphist biases.
Shut the fuck up for once.
Just shut up.

>> No.18591863

lol nah i dont think so, you literally started seethposting right off the bat
>REEEEEEEE follow your fucking leader!
was that cathartic for you?

>> No.18591904

You know the noble savage is a myth right? Hunter gatherer tribes basically live like animals. Plenty of rape and killing for you to be outraged about in tribal life. You just have some idealized dances with wolves type idea of natives. The world doesn't work like that butters. Life in a stone age tribe isn't Avatar, its violent, brutal and animalistic.

>> No.18591920

>posting Nietzsche while moralizing over the death of Injun children
Nietzsche would've denounced the Canadian government for not just genociding them outright lol

>> No.18591941

Ive been trying to tell people this but people actually fight me on it like they want it to be the real buttercunt, its really sad.

the real>>18591920

>> No.18591968
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First, no information about the bodies found in Kamloops was released (Indians refused to say where the bodies are and no one is allowed to verify what they say they have found). Second, the bodies reported more recently are actually within a cemetery. They're just unmarked graves (which isn't actually uncommon for old cemeteries dating back more than 150 years). Third, Christian churches across Canada, not just Catholic ones, are being vandalized and a few have been burned to the ground.

Residential schools were fucked up but it was based on 18th-century logic. You'd have to know more about the history of Canada and the part the church played in building schools across the country to understand their role in residential schools. Taking children away from their families in an attempt to extinguish their culture, even if the impetus of it contained the idea of helping them assimilate to modernity at the time, is inexcusable...but mortality rates weren't exactly great in the first place and it should be put in that context.

>> No.18591994

Residential schools were an "enlightened, Progressive" idea at the time. As is often the case, when such ideas have undesirable outcomes, current "enlightened, Progressive" people can just brand it racist and use it to justify more "enlightened Progressivism". The cycle repeats itself.

>> No.18592105

The beauty of it, I thought at the time, was that he either accepts his Pope in being good, or he dies on a cross. But then this anon >>18591507 pointed out this is a fake quote, so whatever.

Look Catholic. I don’t judge individuals for the crimes of the institutions they worship. I seek to save them from those bastions of evil. Your noble savages in the church fail systemically. Oh and the last of these schools to close was in 1996. Not sure when the last murder, rape or molestation was though. Yeah, Native American quarantine zones aren’t pretty. No poverty hole is.

As if that had anything to do with their seethe-fits

>> No.18592147

You aren't wrong. The book I posted is a good resource.


>> No.18592166

>Our religious schools were no less abusive than an illiterate hunter gatherer society, take that atheists!
You realise what you are saying, right?

>> No.18592203
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Look at this fucking shit. This is not how Buttercunt wrote. Its a poor imitation.

>> No.18592217

I think he's saying that residential schools need to be contextualized according to the time period and the level of understanding Western societies had concerning interacting with relatively primitive groups.

As far as atheism goes...that's an entirely different argument.

>> No.18592228

This is a silly meme, anon.

>> No.18592244

It doesn't speak this way either.

>> No.18592249
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Do an impression, Mr Expert.

>> No.18592253

I dont have to because your posts speak for themselves, impostor.

>> No.18592259
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We're not going to be talking about the OP's topic at all, are we?

>> No.18592264

Why would we do that, this is /lit/.

>> No.18592268
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>> No.18592278

When native tribes warred, they just completely wiped out their rivals and never wrote any shit down about them. This was the fatal flaw of the British Empire.

>> No.18592290

this is now a butterfly thread

>> No.18592293

Checking all the boxes this thread huh?

>> No.18592414

This is a lie.

>> No.18592465
File: 2.30 MB, 2000x1333, Foggy Notion by The Velvet Underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our lepidopteran is as right as usual; convert to Islam instead, my brothers.

>> No.18592542

> 25k+ Canucks have supposedly died of the coof in the last year and a half, but 700 dead kids, from an era were tuberculosis killed people everywhere in Canada is absolute proof that the Cathos are evil.
Retard insect.

>> No.18592599

Natives were perfectly peaceful and lived in harmony before the white man came? How naive are you?

>> No.18593530
File: 68 KB, 401x662, peter-sloterdijk-nietzsche-apostle-theoryreader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related OP. Sloterdijk addresses this in 70 short pages and absolutely decimates humanism and the enlightenment.

>> No.18593538

Bro it's so obvious you're a girl it's painful.

>> No.18593548


I'd also recommend that people read the related link. The US had these things too but shut them down when a doctor realized how shit they were and then put nearly all of them on their own reservations in 1928. Additionally, how is mandatory schooling for Natives bad when it's totally fine for Americans? Because it is cultural genocide? Wtf is public school?

>> No.18594135

Nice. This seems interesting, thanks

>> No.18594158

This argument helps you sleep at night, but it falls flat.
They weren’t living like they are now. How would you like to be persecuted for generations?

Shall we go down the list?

Fuck all Abrahamic cults

>> No.18594644

This is a fake.

>> No.18594671

Its a fake

>> No.18594793

>What are christian works which address this issue pointing to its falsity?
Uh, have you, like, read the bible?

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Get it? On Judgement Day, what matters is if you have gave food, water and clothes to the poor or you didn't. That's it. Nothing else.

>> No.18594859

so be good without christ and you can go to heaven? this is not christianity.

>> No.18594876

>Shall we go down the list?
The list of reasons why white anglo liberal saphists should shut the fuck up?

>> No.18594884

>it's literally written in the bible
>i-it's not christianity!
Your "faith" is irrational. That's the whole point of having faith. Yes, Chr*stianity does not make any sense. And that's exactly why you embrace it. But somehow you seem surprised by this.
Have you not read the dude named "Churchyard"?

>> No.18594893

You could probably start with a bible for one. Take special care to at least read the pentateuch, Historical books, major prophets, Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. Then check out Augustines works *City of God, Confessions in particular)

>> No.18595024

>Christ literally affirming doing good as doing it to himself.
>yes it means christianity is literally post-christian secular moralism!
You are retarded to say the least.

>> No.18595056

Not a single argument?
Those who fed the poor will be on the right and inherit the kingdom, those who didn't will go into everlasting punishment. This is what is written. This what (You) believe is the Word of God Himself. Can you refute that?

If you don't believe in Bible, that's fine, I don't either. Just don't call yourself a Ch*istian, that's hypocrite.

>> No.18595069

The list of crimes the Catholic institution has committed to advance its intolerant cult and just plain house and protect predators.
Not to let let other such institutions off the hook, mind you.

>> No.18595073
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>> No.18595093

In your opinion what did Christ mean when he said 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'?

>> No.18595144

Probably something that he never said and was added later. But yeah, Bible is contradictory, I already tackled that here>>18594884

>> No.18595161

So I should trust the Bible and at the same time distrust it?

>> No.18595211

not that anon, but yeah, take everything with a grain of salt. Ultimately it's been written (and rewritten) by people.

>> No.18595228

>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 14:6

>> No.18595229

But then how can I interpret it correctly? How do I know what Jesus said and what was added later? How do I know the passages were originally written and the ones rewritten?

>> No.18595233

The real butterfly didn't understand Nietzsche either so at least that part is accurate.

>> No.18595284

You can't. What part of take with a grain of salt can't you understand? The original may be a load of aggressive intolerant bullshit and the rewritten passages may be the actual good stuff.
If it says something like:
>we are all connected and a good deed may improve the society you live in, therefore helping you in the long run
sounds OK.
However if it says:
>we should ban one legged people from voting because the soul is stored in the legs, therefore amputees are evil
you probably should be critical of that part. It's actually not hard if you think for yourself.

>> No.18595406

Why should I not take a passage you think is ok with a grain of salt if I should take everything with a grain of salt?
You are just telling me what you think and not offering any objective measure for interpretation.

>> No.18595470

If you are a true Christian, you should accept all conflicting views at the same time, it's called doublethink.

>> No.18595491

I applaud your humanism and morals, but unfortunately you are just shouting to a bunch of trolls and/or manchildren that inhabit this forsaken bog. I feel like some of us could spend our energy in better places, but at least you are trying. Godspeed, and whatever you do, don't let them get to you

>> No.18595636

What conflicting views?

>> No.18595771

Two different accounts of Creation
Two different genealogies of Jesus
Wildly different accounts of the empty sepulchre
The fact that Joseph and Mary in Luke 2,49-50 "understood not" when Jesus told them he "must be about my Father's business", and this after that in Luke 1,26 et seq, literally angel Gabriel told her that she will give birth to the "Son of the Highest". I mean, seeing a literal angel telling you that the "holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God." is not exactly something you could just "forget" after 10 years or so. How did she not "understand" what Jesus meant?

>> No.18595874

>two different accounts of creation
How is that conflicting? Only if you are a materialist-literalist you can find that conflicting since all there is for you is matter.

>two different genealogies
Don’t forget NT is a historical document. There are cases of divergences between biological and adoptive fathers, for example, also having conflict preserved here attests to the genuine character of its historicity.

>different accounts of the empty sepulchre
Such as?

>Mary forgot because she could not grasp what Jesus could be on about with the Father
How are these even related?

>> No.18595934

>They weren’t living like they are now.
Leeching resources off a more dominant society?