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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18589989 [Reply] [Original]

I think the solution for the problem of falling levels of literacy in the western world is by bringing back Latin to school curriculums, and killing every child who doesn't master it by the age of 6. If Montaigne can do it in shit-eating france of the 16th century, you can do it too, sweaty.
That way we'll also solve the problem of over-population.
>this is lit related because picrel, jannies

>> No.18590223

Nobody with a shitty, reactionary, regressive take on the classics in the classroom today actually knows a GODDAMN THING about literacy or the point to English instruction in public schools. Hint, dumbasses: it's NOT to churn out English majors. We teach English to foster reading & writing in young people's lives, to guide them to mastery of skills they really need, to instill in them a love for and ability to use written language that will last them a lifetime. We don't need the old books y'all fools love for that.

In fact, studies have shown repeatedly that forcing kids to read work well outside their zone of proximal development, books that have no relevance to children's lives, actually HAMPERS their literacy. It raises their affective filter, turning them AGAINST reading & writing. This is especially true for children from communities of color, where different dialects of English or different languages may be the principal means of communicating.

Literature that isn't even written in the PRESENT-DAY VERNACULAR / TARGET DIALECT consigns them to failure. THERE IS NOTHING INHERENTLY IMPORTANT ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN FAVORITE CLASSICS. Have you read THE TALE OF GENJI? JOURNEY TO THE WEST? POPOL VUH? RAMAYANA? NO? Then please shut the fuck up. You know a tiny fucking SLIVER of the world's literature, ignorant assholes. You disgusting worms, I can read in TWELVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. I have a MA in English and a doctorate in Education and EVEN I think that the "classics" are shit for modern kids. You're not on my level, trust me. So take a MOTHERFUCKING SEAT & leave my people alone.

Your supercilious, privileged, frankly RACIST tirades against middle-grade and young-adult literature come from a place of DEEP IGNORANCE about the books that have been written over the past 30 years by writers that could MOP THE FUCKING FLOOR with your out-dated asses. The teachers you're attacking? Fools, they KNOW PEDAGOGY. They understand that their job is to TEACH KIDS TO READ, deeply and critically, and then to set those kids free in the world to dive into the books THEY choose, not what your simple-minded adherence to custom dictates.

They need literacy, not to conform to your egregiously backwards notions of literary quality, BUT TO LIBERATE THEMSELVES FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!! Written language is a tool. A tool we wield: to carve our happiness out of the crude stuff of reality, to stave off the darkness of existential despair, to fight against those who would snuff out our spark, our essential dignity & humanity, to assert our right to EXIST in the face of fools like you.

So curl up with the books you love & let us help young people discover the ones THEY love. They won't be the same titles, I'm afraid. Millions of books exist. We're not sticking to the few dozen you've declared holy writ. Our kids deserve more. They deserve freedom

>> No.18590233

I hate modern Whites so goddamn much, I can't believe that they descend from the Europeans of the past.

Latin's not a bad idea. Attic Greek, Classical Arabic, or something like it might work too,

>> No.18590253

Making school more fucking autistic than it already is. Amazing, OP. Marvelous insight!

>> No.18590271

KEK triggered.

>> No.18590290

Heh, I remember this twitter thread. IIRC it was from a YA author that just used this fake outrage as a pretext to advertise his shit and say kids need to be reading the type of garbage he's churning out.

>> No.18590305

>quantity over quality


>> No.18590307

Could you please remove/substitute "y'all", please? That word clued me in to the nature of your post, the nature of "the game".

>> No.18590344
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Schools should stop trying to reach specific literary goals, and focus on creating a new race of superior human beings.

Just enforce mandatory military service. Make all youths spend four years living in self-sufficient camps in the woods where they clean up after themselves, chop firewood, repair generators, and build cabins.

Teach them to write poetry, sword fight, ride horses, and shoot a gun. Make them spend four hours a day marching and singing in synch with each other. Discipline. Virtue. Pride.

If they want to learn book shit they can study it on their own. Take them away from screens and drugs and stick them in the woods for four years and work them physically for 12 hours a day and I bet a lot of them will pick up reading as a way to unwind. If they don't its no big deal.

All the eggheads and yuppies and bureaucrats that plague the western world will be lined up and shot. It doesn't matter if they read latin or not. Burn the universities to the ground. Burn the libraries. Burn the federal buildings. From now on there is only the legion and the enemy, all other distinctions are meaningless.

>> No.18590350

yes good goy, listen to (((Steiner))), be divided and hate each other, wh*tes!

>> No.18590355

This is literally a super criminal hatching camp.

>> No.18590370

This, but also make the west white only

>> No.18590374

holy based, how do i cast a vote for you to be president of earth?

>> No.18590379
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Criminal gangs are the modern equivalent of knightly orders and samurai brotherhoods.

Narcoterrorism or global techno-slavery governed by hysterical eunuchs. These are the only two paths from which modern man has to chose.

>> No.18590385

>Criminal gangs are the modern equivalent of knightly orders and samurai brotherhoods.

>> No.18590425

Wow a state monopoly on education doesn't work, no surprise there

>> No.18590499
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holy based