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/lit/ - Literature

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18588110 No.18588110 [Reply] [Original]

Write a story with 3 simple sentences about anything.

>> No.18588236

<<You smell good>>
Said the ant
To the trap.

>> No.18588255

for sale
babby shoes
tree fiddy

>> No.18588256


>> No.18588272

She was elsewhere. My time was wasted in the realisation. I made my way home.

>> No.18588300


>> No.18588308

"Only the semen of the dead," she thought. Rachel scurried out of the empty execution room with a vial tucked in her sleeve. Of course, her husband wouldn't be happy; his theories predict that only waiting three days before extraction enables maximum potency.

>> No.18588371

off your panties, you shall take
o shit a penis, she has?
broaden your pelvis, nevertheless

>> No.18588443


>> No.18588462

I felt empty.
Then I met her.
But she's gone now.

>> No.18588477

I ate some Pizza. Pizza took out a gun. His bullet pierced my skull.

>> No.18588652


>> No.18588664

Do you often eat tranny pizza? That shit is not good for you anon

>> No.18588713

John was playing the piano badly.
God was fed up of his music.
He struck John with a thunderbolt.

>> No.18588789

In spite of the heat, he was content. His walk, winding and without clear beginning or end and which carried him clear from the green manicured morning, plaid shirts matching plaid lawns, to the near peak of the sun's ascent where it stranded him somewhere near the frontier, just past the last McDonald's on uneven pavement cracked and covered in grime as an urban salt flat, and here, although he was still walking; pulling feet and aching knees through the heavy air, pavement to asphalt to pavement... his walk was over and he was left with the few stray thoughts that had followed him all this way. He looked back and decided now he might now turn around, satisfied with his progress, and see it undone.

>> No.18588893

Jesus fucking Christ.
A chocolate milk bar, unwrapped, on the side of the road?
Count me the luckiest man alive.

>> No.18589285

She moves as the iron scratches her thin red skin.
Wanting to cry, wanting to scream.
Little did she know she was just another discarded little that can't be seen.

First time trying to write anything.. Thoughts?

>> No.18589308


>> No.18589551

10/10 excellent reversals

0/10 derivative

3/10 too obvious

2/10 boring

6/10 long-winded

2/10 predictable

1/10 cliched

4/10 nonsensical

1/10 deus ex machina

1/10 meaningless drivel

7/10 suspenseful

2/10 lazy

Two gay old dogs went for a walk on the beach. One was happy. The other was on a leash.

>> No.18589560
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A second shot whizzed by, unnoticed, as John, transfixed, only registered the intensity of the scene, stuck in the traffic jam of thoughts competing for space in his head as he watched Jess stare blankly skyward, choking on her last bloody breathes.

"No trespassing, John"...would be the first of many haunting recollections to make it through, flashing from a new and growing blackness, striking him like a bolt of lightning.

It was the last thing she said to him, (the last thing she would ever say, period), before he scoffed back "stop being such a wimpy girl", and guided his sister through the hole in the fence, anyway.

(Yeah, yeah, I abuse the shit out of commas.)

>> No.18589575

He's sending a telegraph from the gas station that houses the world's very last telegraph machine: "Hey how's it been STOP I hate to ask like this STOP but when we were dating were you having sex with other men STOP it's really been bothering me STOP."
She replies after only a few minutes: "yes I was STOP."
He looks up towards the sky for a moment, then he looks to the man behind the counter and shrugs and says "Well, what can you do, right?"

>> No.18589576

Nigga. Big. Penis

>> No.18589577

Hello son, where is your mother?
Hello son, where is your mother?

>> No.18589599


0/10 Genuinely bad takes.

>> No.18589616

Invisible boy
What a nonsense story
My uncle fucked hard

>> No.18589666

Enveloped in comfortable darkness I sit. Within a pale screen played a brief moment of history, one of too many to count, too many to feasibly know of or hold. And in it, wrapped in the waves of digitalized sounds, of harmonized binary counts, I once more meet God.

>> No.18589697

>10/10 excellent reversals
Thanks, I do not deserve this

>> No.18589845

Everyone in the 4chan thread tried either to be funny, or to be creative.
For no reward, to no avail.
It's all already decided.

>> No.18589872

It was a thrust like lighting.
Unmissable strike.
Lol he missed.

>> No.18589897

I almost like this one. Cliché as anything, but weirdly poignant if you meant it in a metaphorical way

Worse version of the guy above

Worst in the thread. Words words words but no substance. Put the thesaurus down please

How did you get into my 7th grade diary? Terrible. Unless it's satire, then it's genius. If not, you need to banned for being underage. Do you actually chop yourself in 2021?

A little pretentious and slightly too flowery, but I like this one if you remove a few things

>> No.18589937

His phone fell and hit the ground. It then scurried into the dark bushes. People really ought to keep a leash on those things.

>> No.18590145

On July 1st, 1999 four teenagers discovered a cave one afternoon. They decided to get some supplies and go exploring. Little did they know that they would never see the sun again.

>> No.18590182

In bed he lay, with ice round his jaw.
On oxy all day, his wounds still raw.
Wisdom he lacks, in body and spirit.

>> No.18590294

>How did you get into my 7th grade diary? Terrible. Unless it's satire, then it's genius. If not, you need to banned for being underage. Do you actually chop yourself in 2021?
Kek, I was watching video about abortion for some reason and the idea just stuck

>> No.18590322


The clock struck midnight and they brought in the New Year together it was no longer 1999 but 2000

>> No.18590362

Another morning waking up too early; the same familiar starry sky. I clean the lighthouse and return to sleep toward daylight. How long this time--one hundred, two hundred years?--it won't be long enough to escape those familiar stars.

>> No.18590490


>> No.18590502

Not very subtle

>> No.18591610

nonsense I think
or perhaps I thought
odd, but that is what happens when your blood clots.

>> No.18591802

Champagne milk. Biden won. Reply to this post or you mother dies in her sleep tonight.

>> No.18591826


>> No.18592162

My sister had her baby recently. In the morning we ate banana pancakes and buttered toast. I still remember how thin you were.

>> No.18592192

I ate cheese
The cheese ate me

>> No.18592204

just the dregs of old tires. The speed of smell. Outdoes itself.

>> No.18592216

To fuck a large buck
Is divine in many ways
Love, control, hard work.

>> No.18592247

"Will you?" she asked.
"I don't know..." he demurred.
"That's it, I'm taking the kids and leaving you."

>> No.18592291

Me and my wife used to have sex once or twice a week.
Then, she died.
Now, it's 4 to 5 times a week.

>> No.18592304

this is funny

>> No.18592391


>> No.18592399

I always fall for this

>> No.18592418

The glue keeps me from moving.
My head spins and buzzes.
A little fire is crawling on my leg.

>> No.18592428


>> No.18592449

A parasugmatic occilateral multi-vitamin.
Where is soce?

>> No.18592510

nice fishing hahaha

>> No.18592558

>7/10 suspenseful
Stolen from the Simpsons, pleb

>> No.18593571

A faggot's post is bait for most. Lacking subtlety, disconnected fragments. Kys, anon.

>> No.18593698

I remember one day a stranger came to our small town, clean and sharply dressed, riding a wagon adorned with all sorts of flowers.
He's stopped his cart at the town square, and when enough of curious folks gathered around him, he dropped down his trousers and unleashed a mighty stream of urine at the small crowd at his feet.
The following events, sounds and sights have put me on a long, perilous quest to never be in a presence of other people ever again.

Not very simple, but eh. Also, pardon my ESL.

>> No.18593927

Her water broke.
I was about to be blessed with a child.
It came out black.

>> No.18594031

Fetid porridge leaked from my mouth. His excrementum touched the door. The scooby doo marathon just was about to commence.

>> No.18594063

You either a sussy baka
or a bussy sukka
The internet has ruined me

>> No.18594092


>> No.18594665


>> No.18594714

"You need to leave now" the bouncer said to the drunken businessman. As he staggered back to his car, a mugger demanded his wallet and his watch, and beat him unconscious when he didn't immediately comply. He woke up in a pool of his own blood, forgiving his assailant, feeling purified by the touch of divinity.

>> No.18594752

The trees swayed in unison as we walked through the forest. I was so absorbed in the beauty of nature that I didn't seem to notice my partners fears. He turned to me and said, "There's no wind"

>> No.18594772

Hi, I'm our resident /pol/ cross-poster.
I'm an American true, from coast or
flyover State. And all I can think
about is a big bulging dick
and my wife fucking that prick.

>> No.18594785

I wanted to sit down.
Stomach grumbling with half digested indian food.
I lost, it won, the entire train smelt like an indian street.

>> No.18594894

I stood at the cliff and watched as the sun began to set.
Each day is another day of lackluster behavior and bad habits.
Although I know my sun shall rise again tomorrow.

>> No.18594913

After this one time, it won't happen again. I think this everytime it happens. Then it happens again.

>> No.18594933

Based on what?
Your mom

>> No.18595547

"I had a great time, let's see each other some time again."
"Sure, just give me a call whenever!"
I think that was the last thing we ever said to each other.

>> No.18595897

Sneed's Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck's
Chuck's Fuck and Suck

>> No.18595964

I walked into my kitchen to get a snack. I opened the fridge and we had some baby carrots and hummus, so I got those. I had a delicious and healthy snack.

>> No.18596188

*knock knock*
"Who's there?"

>> No.18596245

I had a dick. She had a beaver. We made it quick.

>> No.18596467

"Do you know them," he asked.
"No," she replied.
She lied.

>> No.18596681

To quote the GIGN from csgo.
" Die Pirates Die."
The pirates are dead.

>> No.18596711

Piss splattered pube covered toilet: opened
Pants and shit-stained semen-crusted undies: down
I sat and shat, but little did I know that it would be my last excremental release.

>> No.18596731

I opened the fridge door and unloaded my meat
I closed the door
I was found dead a week later inside my fridge covered in discolored yellow fluffy semen

>> No.18596739


>> No.18596746

A man walks into a bar.
He chats with the bartender and gets extremely wasted, spending his entire paycheck.
A man walks out of a bar, ending usual routine, drained of his vitality and spirit.

>> No.18596753

"Greg, quit being so useless and pick up the kids while I make dinner, will you?"
Greg wiped the sweat from his brow, gently closed his eyes and stole a deep breath before replying.
"Where are the keys?"

>> No.18596771

A horse walks into a bar.
The bartender asks "Why the long face?"
The horse explained that he had facial reconstruction surgery due to his deep insecurity, subsequently breaking a half empty beer bottle and slitting his throat with it, to the pleasure of the unshaken bartender who gleefully pointed to his custom stitched 'sneed patch'.

>> No.18596775
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>> No.18596784


>> No.18596803

Anon is a huge faggot. Fuck you. Kill yourself.

>> No.18596831

He ran off (probably with her, if we’re all being honest) for fear of what I would do to him.
“I couldn’t care less.”
I lie to myself.

>> No.18597237

Shit, the attic door.
Too late.
It's already here.

>> No.18597291

You read this sentence.
You later take a shit.
You face yourself and recognize that you are a flaming homosexual.

>> No.18597302

You open /lit/.
You browse and find a thread.
You read through the posts, get bored, and later return to repeat the cycle (at your funeral you were described as someone that loved browsing the internet and died doing it).

>> No.18597305

Charles get the fuck out of my house you bastard and I do not want to see your face again!
I see you didn't change a bit mom, still liking that liquor are not you?
You son of a bitch, you owe me 5000$; and I want it by the end of the week...

>> No.18597309

My mind has become so enmeshed in 4chan culture over the years that I spent many seconds trying to figure out the reasoning behind the ant/tranny relationship before realizing the obvious (to anyone else) meaning of the word trap.

>> No.18597315

My sister (Summer) and our mom talk.
They talk about their special time.
Suddenly female scorpions attack.

>> No.18597383

Fuck me!
Gas prices,
three fifty a gallon.
And the NIGGERS, they could
be anywhere.

>> No.18597831

Waking from the cataclysms that tend to company such events. Fog entranced clings to the surveyor's linens. A tear fell for a million dead and a million to come.

>> No.18598111


>> No.18598130

Sneed. Feed.

>> No.18598142

They wanted so badly to fit in.
To be liked by random strangers who don't know them.

>> No.18598570

My bed beckons softly as the night grows late.
Yet I cannot tear myself from 4chan, as it casts a pale glow from my screen.
A friend, even a bad one, cannot be so easily abandoned.

>> No.18598633

No Anon I am here with you in this whole crazy wild world.

>> No.18598785


>> No.18598796

A Materials scientist was trying to develop the heaviest of them all.
Little did he know, that it was in fact the wood .
Wood from his own son coffin.
ESL, also scared as fuck about the feedback

>> No.18598805


>> No.18598806


>> No.18598994

I like this one, honest and raw
this one is cool too, but it lacks something else


when something is simple and escape all forms of pretention, its great

>> No.18600602

no i don't wanna die i don't wanna die no please
i don't wanna die no
help me please help me nooooooo

>> No.18600709

Click and clack
Anon tapped, a stupid sentence
Of no value but a (you)

>> No.18601036

Girl, I have something to tell you
Pee pee poo poo
I want you too

>> No.18601204

I finally turn my eyes from the monitor and towards the window. It’s night already. Oh well, I’ll do something productive tomorrow.

>> No.18601229

I was reading /lit/
I found a half decent thread
OP was a fag

>> No.18601272

he was eating dinner with his folks. he'd rather be playing cs:go. he was alienated from this world.

>> No.18601274

Awful and gay

>> No.18601299

Biden will die in his sleep

>> No.18601321

“O lord, have mercy,” thus did I shrill.
The ominous tiger was ready to kill.
He openeth his mouth, letting me in.

>> No.18601340
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At the very least, it rhymes.

>> No.18601352

Could you tell me what's wrong about it?

>> No.18601415

Icarus fell into the dusty soil
his client was mad at him
his boss was also mad at him

>> No.18601422

You enter and make your way throughout a desolated, decaying school.
By chance, you find a doll on the ground.
There's a name tag on it : "Elizabeth, 6 years old".

>> No.18601554

On a bus, a slim, tall man sits in the very back, staring out the windows constantly.
Is he seeing and feeling the same things as me?
He asked himself.

>> No.18601557


>> No.18601559


>> No.18601590


>> No.18601756

I sat upon a chair of broken glass.
The first women to ever touch me were the EMT and the nurse.
I thought, "If I have to pay for it, I might as well go big."

>> No.18602019

nice 8/10

>> No.18602040

You're sus.
But the imposter
Is no longer among us

>> No.18602050

Yesterday, I dropped my coin into a slot.
What dropped out was screaming, spitting, shouting.
Consent is a funny thing.

>> No.18602292

A box of HRT
Half used
41% off

>> No.18602432

He said she had told him to move out, she said, I said to Galotti. Indeed, Galotti, I said, she said just that to him, in a most direct way. Galotti, who had said good things about her before, had, I would later say, a look in his eye that said less, and yet more than she had said to him, Galotti, when he had demanded the same thing of her before.

>> No.18602435

On July 1st John Doe timidly kissed his wife on the lips.
Dismissed work and shame, danced drunk till sundown on the nearest train tracks.
Meeting headlnes at July 2nd.

>> No.18602473

"Do a flip".
That he did.
As he split.

>> No.18602666

He was a boy.
She was a girl.
Can I make it any more obvious?

>> No.18602690

His memory was incredible.
Years ago, he had a conversation with a girl.
Her face was still ever-present in his dreams.

Roughly based in a true story.

>> No.18602838

The lights stalled and flickered for a bit then they never came back on again.

>> No.18602985

Horse cock.
The woman cried.
As men fondled amidst other men.

>> No.18603001
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Standing, on the edge
of the underworld,
looking at the abyss.


>> No.18603040

nice totally not replying to my own post here

>> No.18603361

emaciated figures writhing
fornicating transforming into beasts
the ceiling breathed

>> No.18603377
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>> No.18603407

Traps aren't trannies.

>> No.18603733


>> No.18603819
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I was told to write a story with only three sentences.
I couldn't.

>> No.18605285

Baby shoes for sale
Often worn
She grew up too fast

>> No.18605348

the truth.
the truth?
i've got work to do.

>> No.18605667

Twenty-eight US marines, pulling up in black Ford Raptor trucks. Ram Ranch is under siege, under lockdown. US marines are gonna fuck Ram Ranch cowboy butts.

>> No.18605707
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There was something, insomuch as something posits nothing, and the two, opposed, as it were, in perfect contradiction must form a synthesis - thus becoming. This is the Absolute being, that is to say, in as much as we can come to know what is, it will be fractal glanced at the absolute, albeit this knowledge will not progress from mere wissen to wissencraft without the conquest of the Concept, and the creation of, as it were, a science. This is the manifest role of Christ, who subsumes in Himself, the perfect knowledge, perfect being of the historical mold of man coming to be, at is we're, a lover of knowledge, but insomuch as the Absolute includes that which is not humanity, so it includes also Spirit, which is to say, the force that gives rise to the Absolute seeing itself within itself.

>> No.18605737

The ebony skin of the man shuddered about the corded muscles of his back as he struggled. Against the dark brown of his skin, the Breaker's arched phallus shone, a porcelain enormity, a brute fact of being, menacing the poor man with its animal potency.

"Well, boy," the Breaker spat as the women around shuddered at the horror about to cum, "think about it this way, at least we ain't making you into a crab person.

>> No.18605773

Fat man fall and hit his head.
Baby evil go to bed.
Family guy, the funny.

>> No.18605792

General Simius Gorrildor was the first through the breach, leading his men as he howled his Gorriloid throat song, his plasma hurler throwing off trails of feadly blue lumenesence ahead of him. The raptors broke, reptilian fear spreading among the foot soldiers for the intensity of the mammalian onslaught. Yet battles are wont to turn quickly, and even as the raptors descended into route, Tyranox Althogagi, T-Rex Duke of the Firestone Keep, emerged from behind one of the ship's great bulkheads, one tiny arm gripping a diamond bladed chainsaw, the other a laser great sword, his shoulder mounted rocket launcher already locking on to the warm-blooded heat signatures filling the breach in the starship's hull.

>> No.18605857

"Any last words, mister?"
I turn and faced the loathsome glass, and replied,
"A life squandered."

>> No.18605874

I asked her out on a date. She said no. We all die alone.

>> No.18605938

Basically I didn't know what a trap is before coming to 4 chan. In my native language there's no such ambiguity btw, so it probably sounds better. I almost didn't write it, because of this.

>> No.18605949

Thanks, I forgot to type

>> No.18606326

>not "Just two."
I hope that you will reflect on this, Anon.

>> No.18607272
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We're all born.
We all live.
We all die.

>> No.18607584

The positions must be reversed because the pepe face looks right while the npc looks left: pepe on the bottom npc above

>> No.18607653

I don't get it. Is it because "just two" has two words?

>> No.18608704
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I'm. I'm. I'm.

>> No.18609045


>> No.18609078

Expired condoms.

>> No.18609105
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Through my headset I heard bumping overhead.
"Dinners ready come on up!"
Chicken nuggies, fuck yeah.

>> No.18609741

My words will capture you like a sweet melody. My actions will destroy you, so cold and calculating. Run away sweet one, I am the boogeyman.

>> No.18610702

It's dark. Thousands of tiny little scuttles surround me in this void. They're getting closer.

>> No.18611284

It is big
He said
To the Horse

>> No.18611494

Once, I thought I was someone.

I finally did it.

I woke up.

>> No.18611497


>> No.18611516

"i'm leaving you" she said. "i don't give a shit, your a whore". Bang went the gun.

>> No.18611527

>the world's very last telegraph machine
one of the 2 last telegraph machines in the world, otherwise it couldn't be received or reply sent.
but i like it, it's like a 60s movie scene

>> No.18611544

The cat carefully watched the bird.
Quick as lightning he leaped, claws extended.
My TV is ruined now.

>> No.18611775


>> No.18611777

I'm interested, how can I reach you for closing the sale?

>> No.18611933

My rapier in hand, i stare at my hated opponent intensly. I charge, thrusting my blade towards him, burying it in his shoulder.
I win, is my last thought on this world as my life's blood spills on the marble under my feet.

>> No.18613019

There was a man. He died. There no longer was a man.