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18587485 No.18587485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Incel: let's be happy with the small things in life, like a getting to play video games :)

meanwhile chad: shotgunning beers on expensive yachts while fucking your oneitis


>> No.18587511

No one wants your shitty tictok and posting on 4chan isnt asceticism.

>> No.18587522
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 3D257D94-8A02-4F24-87E3-1A4DBC3C25CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you have never shotgunned a beer and fucked a hot girl.

If you have, as I have, you’d know that it provides you no feeling of fulfillment, no meaning, not even real happiness.

That being said, its hard to believe me, if you have never done it.

>> No.18587542

I would rather inject 5meodmt in the company of a few good friends who will care for me and do their best to ensure it's comfortable.I would rather spend a month backpacking through some of the most beautiful places in the world with little to no human contact. I would rather have passionate sex with one person I respect. I would rather go to war.
Shotgunning beers on a yaught is not a good life. Neither is being a shutin virgin NEET. It's not a dichotomy of party gay time vs being a complete loser.
Do something you love for work, do something you love in your free time, build strong relationships with good people, and create something worth sharing with the world.
Was your post worth sharing with the world?
I don't think so.

>> No.18587547

Good. I've learnt to hate life so much that I actually enjoy seeing this. Like a cucking sitting in the corner watching carefree Chads fuck happiness up the ass and high fiving each other.

>> No.18587562

Asceticism is the means by which certain people have to act to preserve life by surviving difficult circumstances and suffering, so that it can be affirmed later. It's not an end unto itself, which Nietzsche points out. If your life sucks and you're not a richfag you might need it.

>> No.18587574

tiktok shills. this is the state of this board.

>> No.18587599
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I see alot of frantic cope replies by 4chan virgins

The truth is you should have just saged with the word "nigger" somewhere in the text and reported for off topic

That would be the Chad move to do.

>> No.18587601

There's nothing enviable about such a dissolute lifestyle. It doesn't appeal to someone with a brain worth using. Who wants to just laze about like a meat puppet surrounded by other vapid and uninteresting meat puppets? Only other dullards such as yourself.

>Incel: let's be happy with the small things in life, like a getting to play video games :)
Maybe stop spending all day on tiktok and find out what the word "asceticism" means :)

>> No.18587608

Things like sex and parties give me no satisfaction at all. And yes I have had them
On the other hand I get genuine pleasure from music, walks in nature, that kind of stuff

>> No.18587610

Copebot 9000

>> No.18587618

The fact that tiktok reached /lit/ is my cue to fucking leave forever and admit this board is beyond repair

>> No.18587626
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The True Chad shuts his laptop and does something productive.

Everyone who replies beyond this point has failed the incel litmus test.

>> No.18587638

Time start slipping out of your hands, age happens, body decays, beauty fades, disease creeps in on you and death is omnipresent and it can call you at any time. After every orgasm the emptiness of void hits, as Schopenhauer puts it the devil's laughter can be heard. There is a limit to every pleasure after achieving that pleasure you get possessed by the painful boredom. After every intense pleasure you need more intense pleasure than the last one and there is no end to this slippery slop. Incels are fools who think that they could fulfill their life by affirming the manifestations of the Will.

Stop getting fooled by these illusionary world of images, there is a psychosis behind those smiles.

>> No.18587715

What about love

>> No.18587722

Schop was a seething incel with mommy issues, the pinnacle of all copes. Someone post the grape incident.