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File: 1.69 MB, 1444x1636, Serebryakova_SefPortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18583052 No.18583052 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some worth to read book written by a woman?

>> No.18583063


>> No.18583070

No, read /lit/ posts.

>> No.18583289

I want to read about cute women like pic related too

>> No.18583301

That would be my waifu.

>> No.18583413

Normal People.

>> No.18583433

If you enjoy the book sure. Dismissing an entire gender is lazy.

>> No.18583438


>> No.18583441

10 days in a madhouse

>> No.18583447


>> No.18583449

Read Jane Austen
Emily Dickinson
George Eliot
Jane Eyre
Virginia Woolf (Orlando)
Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon
God I wish I had been born as a woman

>> No.18583483
File: 239 KB, 1323x2000, 71+MBKdHpjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a must-read.

>> No.18583493

Also Ursula Le Guin and Hope Mirrlees

>> No.18583530

I don't understand what the purpose of this book is. Can you elaborate?

>> No.18583554
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that's russian artist zinaida serebriakova. quite based, by the way.

>> No.18583561
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"let me take a selfie..."

>> No.18583565
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>> No.18583586

Why would you think there isn't any?

>> No.18583616

It's to teach you three of the seven liberal arts (grammar, logic and rhetoric). Great intellectuals learned to think with the help of the seven liberal arts.

>> No.18583802
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OP here
Thank you very much for the recommendations. If you were a woman I'd eat your ass btw.
Seems interesting; I've learnt classical rethoric at the university, would be great to check it again.
God, her works are so fucking beautiful.
I'm becoming slowly an incel.

>> No.18583816

She’s so cute.

>> No.18583844 [DELETED] 
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I can't think of any at the moment but, I know there are some great books written by women

>> No.18583851

waifu material

>> No.18583859

Very much enjoy Jane Austen. Agatha Christie can be fun sometimes as well.

>> No.18584711

what should i read on the topic of female envy

>> No.18584734

Carson MCCullers
Edith Wharton

>> No.18584766


>> No.18585964

the only ones i have read are mangas

>> No.18586124

yeah man, tree frogs are also excellent authors. Anyone who says otherwise would just lazily be dismissing a whole species.

>> No.18586137

Unica Zurn, Dark Spring
Virginia Woolf is a great prose stylist, a level below proust

>> No.18586177

go back to your circlejerk containment board retard

>> No.18586727

Thank you for assuaging my doubts about whether or not I'm being brainwashed by feminism by proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that feminists are correct and you genuinely are whiny manbabies who don't understand the world. I'd say have a good life but we both know you won't

>> No.18586801
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>> No.18587036

That would be contingent on tree frogs producing books. Since there have been females that produce books this disproves. OP asked what's the worth of reading books written by women this acknowledging that women write books.

>> No.18587218


>> No.18587229

Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging

>> No.18587894

Literally only the Harry Potter series

>> No.18587902

>Harry Potter
You have to go back

>> No.18587942

Made me think of this kek

>> No.18588202
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I think it’s a question of focus
Male writers focus on creating books that I love and enjoy
Female writers focus on taking things I love and enjoy away from me

>> No.18589103
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Women authors are garbage but there's always an exception that proves the rule.

>> No.18589125

I love women so much...

>> No.18589148


Also Flannery O'Connor, Austen and the Bronte's sisters are worth reading desu

>> No.18589157

2 got the biggest tits but a butterface. still would

>> No.18590012

Frankenstein was bretty gud

>> No.18590473

btw dont search for the paintings she made of her nude sister

>> No.18590531

The Fountainhead is the best book ever written by a woman. You don't even have to agree politically with Rand to acknowledge that.
Unlike Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead holds up perfectly regardless of your philosophical position.

>> No.18590566


This is one of the greatest novels I have ever read.

Also, to my mind (and I have read a lot of poetry) Emily Dickinson is by far the greatest lyric poet of all time. Her metaphorical exuberance is awe-inspiring. She is like Shakespeare or the poet of the Book of Job working in far smaller scale poems, usually compressing metaphors and imagery to the densest possible state.

>> No.18590580

Is that the one with rape?

>> No.18590698
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, FAF0664B-9AAE-4653-9DC8-5EAF6F61F617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a woman hate thread.

>> No.18590719

I could kill them all with a single blow, it's amazing how much better men are than women

>> No.18590731


>> No.18590814

I want to have sex with a woman. does that count?

>> No.18590821

Who was that saint philosopher lady that had some threads the other week?

>> No.18591079
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>> No.18591086

Literally only the Sorrows of Satan and Frankenstein, but Sorrows of Satan has this one retarded part with the author's self insert. Typical of a woman, turns it from a 10/10 to an 8/10.

>> No.18591112

She don't say nuthin', but baby makes her blue jeans talk.

>> No.18591188

I have to admit that Frankenstein is one of the only books by a woman that I enjoyed.
Which makes me suspect that her husband wrote it

>> No.18591620

Great recc

>> No.18591638

Million dollar idea with half assed execution

>> No.18591786

Toni Morrison is based

>> No.18592276
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>tfw when you'll never have a cute painter waifu in 1920s Soviet Russia
just kill me now

>> No.18593358
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Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor