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18582978 No.18582978 [Reply] [Original]

Hey you. Yea that's right I'm talking to you. What's your favorite short story?

>> No.18582984

Bartleby, the Scrivener

>> No.18582993

Heinlein: '—All You Zombies—' (1958), it was trans before trans.

>> No.18582995

hey frogs don't have nipples!!

>> No.18583021

Heinlein was unironically ahead of his time. It's a shame people only remember him for Starship Troopers.

>> No.18583030

Hinterlands - William gibson

>> No.18583066

New Rose Hotel - William Gibson

>> No.18583633

The story of Princess Alatiel by Givoanni Boccaccio

>> No.18583645

The Judge's House (Bram Stoker)
The Last Incantation (Clark Ashton Smith)

>> No.18583665

The Life You Save May Be Your Own

>> No.18583676

Theodore Sturgeon - The Man Who Lost the Sea (the single greatest scifi short story without contest)

>> No.18583681

Death and the Compass by Borges

Seriously, if you haven’t read it, go do it right now.

>> No.18583695

A Hunger Artist - Kafka

>> No.18583697

I have a list
Bartleby the Scrivener
Conversion of the Jews
Funes the Memorious
A Real Doll
Good Old Neon
The Harvest (Hempel)

>> No.18583699

Library of Babel by Borges

>> No.18583704

The Big, Two-Hearted River by Hemingway

>> No.18583729

That one Bradbury story about the automated house.

>> No.18583742

There Will Come Soft Rains. Really the entirety of the Martian Chronicles is kino.

>> No.18583753

Kill all frogshitters

>> No.18583761

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.18583885

Ripples in the Dirac Sea.

>> No.18583998

Not a short story, you fugly transvestite.

>> No.18584043
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>Library of Babel

>> No.18584065

A Good Man is Hard to Find

>> No.18584104

it can be

>> No.18584148

the dream of a ridiculous man - dostoyevsky


>> No.18584167

Breakfast by Steinbeck

>> No.18584168

The Other death
What did you like about this one? It wasn't a great detective story nor a great idea story.

>> No.18584206

Conan - Crimson Citadel

>> No.18584213
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Giraffe and a Half by Shel Silverstein

>> No.18584214

Dolan's Cadillac

>> No.18584221

SIASL was shit

>> No.18584224

The prodigal son

>> No.18584225

Liar! by Asimov

>> No.18584228

Good choice. Probably the most life-affirming story I've ever read.

>> No.18584231

Can't remember the name, but that one story by Quiroga about a man stung by a viper slowly dying as he drifts out along a river always stuck with me.

>> No.18584244

Night Face Up - Julio Cortazar

>> No.18584252

Nevsky Prospekt, by Gogol

>> No.18584270
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The good Samaritan because it BTFOs kikes and the clergy.

>> No.18584507

I haven't read many maybe in the penal colony by kafka it has an accompanying song as well

>> No.18584512

Murders in the Rue Morgue

>> No.18584517

It was in its original incarnation you retarded fuck

>> No.18585529

> It wasn't a great detective story nor a great idea story.
Not a good detective story but absolutely a great idea story, i love the idea of the reincarnated philosopher attempting to solve a new conundrum over and over and getting entrapped by his own predictable logic. It’s also Bloom’s favourite Borges story

>> No.18585829

Rashomon by Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

>> No.18585849

Chess by Stefan Zweig

>> No.18585854

Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy

>> No.18585890
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Patriotism is pretty kino desu

>> No.18586752
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I am hunting down a short story about cheating the devil hopefully one of you knows what it's called basically a man trades his soul with the devil to gain something i believe he is a farmer and then his son cheats the devil of his fathers soul by extinguishing a candle and burying the wick with the deceased father also a fly just buzzed in my ear which reminds me of an african story i also read as a kid

>> No.18587203

i want to know what both these stories are. remember them please.

>> No.18587211

The dead - Joyce

>> No.18587227

oh shit i remember that candle story, i can't remember what it's called or who it's by though. if it helps though, i think it maybe was also in a kid's tv show?

>> No.18587453

The Heat Death of the universe - Zoline

>> No.18589139

Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin

>> No.18589147


>> No.18589166
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Kek, that meme

>> No.18589556


>> No.18589588

Little Cloud from Dubliners

>> No.18589590

the very hungry caterpillar

>> No.18589597

A Little Fable by Franz Kafka

>Alas," said the mouse, "the whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into."
>"You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.

Genuinely most funny shit I have ever read.

>> No.18590260
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>> No.18590274

The Old Man and the Sea, absolute lit kino

>> No.18590323

Just read that last week. I'm glad I read it but it wasn't really my style of story.
Hemingway's short story "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" is absolute kino though. Beautiful.

>> No.18590527

Gas Station Carnivals by Thomas Ligotti

>> No.18590537

the man who planted trees

>> No.18590570

I guess it all depends, I personally loved the struggle, roughness and unending endurance as well as the deep love and camaraderie between the boy and the Old Man. It was so good that I plan to read more of his short stories and will definitely add “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" to my list.

>> No.18590734

CENTAUR IN BRASS. Faulkner's best story. Fucking hilarious stuff.

>> No.18590743

What is Man by Mark Twain

>> No.18590754


>> No.18590819

The Killers is another famous short story of his

>> No.18590830

the house with the mezzanine by chekhov

>> No.18591522
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Some of the stories from this are solid

>> No.18591539

“Answer” and “Arena” by Fredric Brown

“The Jaunt” by Stephen King

“The Doom that came to Sarnath” by Lovecraft

>> No.18591540

Everything written by David Sedaris

>> No.18591609
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My life

>> No.18591639

movie was better

>> No.18591640

The most dangerous game by Richard Connell

>> No.18591643

enh the prose was weak and it was pretty one dimensional

>> No.18591663

>>18583665 >>18584065
Also good. All Flannery stories are based.
Underrated and good.
>>18583729 >>18583742
Overrated 'gee wiz' science fiction stories. Comfy but not great.
Very good, though I prefer McPherson to Baldwin. "Gold Coast" is such a wonderful story.

>> No.18591665


>> No.18591871
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The part where his dad fiddled him was pretty hardcore. Pic related.

>> No.18592804

The Last Question, Asimov

>> No.18592825

in the ravine - chekhov

>> No.18593202

I came to post this here because I knew it wouldn't be here. I am shocked. Why do you like it, Anon?

>> No.18593375

Normy pick, and I'm not sure if it even counts, but " The Emperor's Message" by Kafka was the first piece of his I ever read, and I'm not sure that I have ever seen a better metaphor for the struggle of man to receive the divine message.

>> No.18593381


>> No.18593392

The Game was pretty good

>> No.18593774

I'll add that too, thanks

>> No.18593823

You realize a Samaritan is a type of Jew?

>> No.18593897

Death in Midsummer

>> No.18593926

The Gambler by dostoevsky

>> No.18593932

Death in Venice by Thomas Mann too

>> No.18594140

Le Horla by Guy De Montpassant

>> No.18594425

Harlan ellison- jefty was five

>> No.18594430

The Signal Man, Dickens

>> No.18594457

This, if it’s considered a short story. Alternatively the black cat by Ed Poe

>> No.18594478

What we talk about when we talk about love

>> No.18594534

Raymond Carver is peak American Male.

>> No.18595780

The Swimmer -- Cheever
Pedersen Kid -- Gass
Aspern Papers -- James

>> No.18596024

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - Harlan Ellison

>> No.18596196

The three short stories at the end of Glass Bead Games

>> No.18596274
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The Sandman # 19 - A Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.18596705

The house of Asterion by Borges

>> No.18596722


>> No.18596733

The Overcoat

>> No.18597442

The Nose by Gogol
Based Gogol enjoyers

>> No.18597586

Lately I cannot stop thinking about La autopista sur, by Cortázar. I've been thinking a lot about the alienation of city life since I moved from my small town a few years back, and how I would be happy with a simpler life; something that maybe doesn't exist anymore or never did but I desire it all the same and I will never find it where I live now, with the life I chose

>> No.18597727

The God in the Bowl by Robert E. Howard.
Good taste anon.

>> No.18597733

9 billion names of God

>> No.18598162

Casa tomada by Cortázar

>> No.18599457

the death of doctor island

>> No.18599722
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>> No.18600182
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in 2003, Clarke reported having been told that the Dalai Lama had found the story "very amusing"

>> No.18600290

/sffg/ fags are all genuinely retarded and tasteless, they like Dune for fuck's sake.

>> No.18600383

Technically a novella, but, Of Mice and Men.

>> No.18601959

The Writing of the God.

>> No.18601974


>> No.18602028


>> No.18602134

The Bet - Chekhov

Bicycles, Muscles, Cigarettes - Carver (peak Americana, just drips off the page)

Those Who Walk Away From Omelas - Le Guin

>> No.18602310

I also remember that story but can't remember the name

>> No.18602467

Checked and good choice.

Came here to post this, also Tonio Kroger and Der Kleine Herr Friedemann.

Dubliners was really memorable for me in general.

>> No.18602472

Also >>18587211 checked.

>> No.18602649
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Day three, first story -Masetto di Lamporecchio pretends to be dumb, and becomes a gardener at a convent, where all the nuns combine forces to take him off to bed with them.

>> No.18602727

On Easter Eve by Chekhov. Actually, everything by Chekhov

>> No.18602966

Can you give me your favorite Chekov stories? I have a whole collection of his that I haven't touched.

>> No.18603020

Colette (First Love) by Nabokov

Reminder that
>Carver's original draft of the story "Beginners" was heavily edited by Gordon Lish, who cut out nearly half of Carver's story, adding in details of his own. Carver's original draft, released by his widow Tess Gallagher and published in a December 2007 issue of the New Yorker, reveals the extensive edits. For instance, the character Mel was originally named Herb, and the abusive boyfriend, renamed Ed by Lish, was originally named Carl. Additionally, Herb's story about the old couple was cut nearly in half, with Lish removing the story of the old couple's home life, love, and reunion in the hospital.

>> No.18603082
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The Fox, the Wolf and the Husbandman is a poem by the 15th-century Scottish poet Robert Henryson and part of his collection of moral fables known as the Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian. It is written in Middle Scots. As with the other tales in the collection, appended to it is a moralitas which elaborates on the moral that the fable is supposed to contain. However, the appropriateness of the moralitas for the tale itself has been questioned.

The tale combines two motifs. Firstly, a husbandman tilling the fields with his new oxen makes a rash oath aloud to give them to the wolf; when the wolf overhears this, he attempts to make sure that the man fulfills his promise. The fox mediates a solution by speaking to them individually; eventually he fools the wolf into following him to claim his supposed reward for dropping the case, and tricks him into a draw-well. The moralitas connects the wolf to the wicked man, the fox to the devil, and the husbandman to the godly man. A probable source for the tale is Petrus Alfonsi's Disciplina Clericalis, containing the same motifs, and William Caxton's Aesop's Fables—though the tale is a beast fable, not Aesopic.

>> No.18603092

There is a similar story to this in the 1001 Nights where the fox is stuck in a hole and the wolf I think was being pressured to help him out of it but then the fox killed him.

>> No.18603107

The Renegade by Albert Camus

>> No.18603695

My Kinsman, Major Molyneux

>> No.18603741

The Nose by Gogol

>> No.18604084

>/sffg/ fags are all genuinely retarded and tasteless
This does seem to be the case. It's a shame. I used to read a lot of sci fi stuff when I was a teenager, but I grew out of it by the time I got to university. I'm still amazed adults today so unashamedly read bad genre literature; they even boast about it in many places. smhtbhfam.

>> No.18604161

Dollhouse by Katherine Mansfield

>> No.18604476

Jack London's To Build a Fire.

>> No.18604520

A small good thing