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/lit/ - Literature

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1858263 No.1858263 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I actually have a serious and legitimate problem.
I went to my local Coles bookstore (and also the one in the next town over).
I browsed the only section worth browsing in a megacorp bookstore (Literature-Fiction).

As I was going through, I was mildly raging on the inside at the horrendous selection. Then I stopped and all the sudden a blackness came over me. I was unaware of the bookstore or the people in it anymore: it was just me and the vast expanse of the universe.

A thought took hold of me and wouldn't let go.

Out of all the books that you have just seen, how many of them will be read? There are millions of fiction books that are written. You only have one life time to read all the books that you can, that is, until life takes you by the balls and your free time is condensed to the weekends. With this precious time, you must decide wisely on which books you shall read. You must read only the best.

But surely, there are tons of filthy books that aren't wroth reading. Shit books probably comprise 99% of the books ever published. What makes a book stand above all the others? How many books have been published that actually had merit, but nobody ever cared about. How many books have been recognized, sold well, and acclaimed, when they actually suck the balls of Hades?

I think I have good novel ideas, but how would they fair if I cast them out into the book world: which would be like adding a grain of sand to a beach. How does one become a diamond in the rough in the modern book industry?

So many books, so little time, how does one find a niche.

>> No.1858306

write about scat. make it filthy and controversial so people try to ban it. Streisand effect.

>> No.1858305


>> No.1858334


Probably none.

It's a retail concept designed by Chapters/Indigo to cater specifically to casual readers / occasional book buyers (i.e. the illiterate mass).

>> No.1858331

Was that supposed to make me rage?

I understand the ideas this guy is trying to convey, but he clearly is not an eloquent or fluent speaker: very disjointed and gets easily caught up with another idea before solidly finishing one.

>> No.1858365


brofist to another Canfag, just do your best to determine by quality review's or critic which books will best please your interests, but know that you can't win them all and you will read something shitty there and again.

btw how bout them canucks blowin it, I am a habs fan north of t dot and I was lovin it despite my black and yellow hatred... I guess i chose the least of two evils...

>> No.1858382

Fellow compatriot, I'm sure we could find better common ground than hockey on /lit/.

I'm a low-key hockey fan (Habs Fan as well).
Didn't give two shits about the Canucks. I find the fanaticism some people have with sports is really annoying. I love the super-competitiveness that arises from playing the actual sport, but cheering for it while boozing is so low-bro to me.

>> No.1858391

I don't think the anon wanted you to focus on how he spoke...

>> No.1858395

Ok, I get the picture, there is a small audience for tasteful and well-thought out literature, music, art.

>> No.1858398

>serious and legitimate problem
Bracing myself for something trite and attempting to be insightful.

>only section worth browsing
elitism, bias

biased term

>mildly raging, horrendous selection
Too easily offended and contemptuous

>a blackness came over me, I was unaware of the bookstore
You might want to get that psychotic break checked out.

>Out of all the books that you have just seen, how many of them will be read?
Existential crisis incoming!

>Shit books probably comprise 99% of the books ever published
As per your opinion.

>How many books have been published that actually had merit
Well, if you define merit as "sold well" then I hope that answers your question.

>How many books have been recognized, sold well, and acclaimed, when they actually suck the balls of Hades?

Yay for haters of the mainstream!

>I think I have good novel ideas, but how would they fair if I cast them out into the book world:
>fair, not fare
I guess it depends on your editor.

>How does one become a diamond in the rough in the modern book industry?
By writing stuff that people want to read.
This seems to be in opposition to your idea of "quality" though.

>> No.1858406


i dig it. I play for fun as well, I have from birth. I love watching the games and analyzing the style and quality of play, I am a huge fanboy during the season but come playoffs I tend to lose a little interest and am just happy I was provided with quality entertainment all season long, your right about the crazed fanboyz though, but what can you expect eh?

> I'm sure we could find better common ground than hockey on /lit/

I have been wanting to get at some CAN lit for forever, I feel it's my duty, I love the 19th century Amerifag stuff but that's just not the same, I feel left out. I havent even read any Atwood yet, I am disgrace. Been thinking of getting into Frye and Davies first though. What do you say?

>> No.1858421

If you write something literary and not filthy slop designed to mold itself to the grubby hands of philistines, you're probably not going to sell or be popular.

I suggest if you're worried about readership you cater to a small yet dedicated literary audience and make yourself content with that.

>> No.1858429

So do you like have a penis that is 5.5 inches or smaller?
Do you comb your hair?
Are you a female?

CAN lit!! I'm taking that course this coming September, I am psyched!

>> No.1858459


There's a course on that? What Uni?

>> No.1858463

Can't say, Anon will find you and anon can destroy you. Best not give clues.

>> No.1858466

If you're Canadian, just have your work take place in a Canadian place and it will have a better chance of being picked up as "CANADIAN LITERATURE!" which we Canadians splooge over with our inferiority complex that results from most of our media being American.

Especially if it takes place in a "rural Canadian town". Academics nerdgasm for that stuff.

>> No.1858472



>> No.1858476


true, i remember having to read two books in highschool called 40 Words for Sorrow and Crab... the former was written by an amerifag and merely took place in northern On., the second was written by some college pro. I didn't find them pleasing then, I can only imagine how bad they are now.



>> No.1858544

I took Can Lit at UofT (St. George) with Professor Robert McGill this past year. Shit was the worst English class I've taken. The worst part was I was taking 20th Century American Lit at the same time which is one of the best courses I've taken.

Also, Leafsfag here. Fuck da Habs.

>> No.1858551

I think Canadian literature is a difficult thing to teach.

Also I know Dr. McGill. He is a proper man. His area of study, from what I remember, does not match well with the observance of Canadian literature.

>> No.1858552

I took Can Lit at UBC with Professor Richard Cavell. He did a great job. We didn't actually focus on Canadian Literature. :3

>> No.1858554

How do you know him?

I didn't really have a problem with him per se. It was more the material was extremely unlike thing the sort of thing I enjoy (Munro, King, exploration narratives, etc.).

I did sometimes feel myself nodding off in his 2 hour lectures, though that was probably because it was a 10AM lecture.

I would never have taken the course if it wasn't a requirement for an English major.

>> No.1858556
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OMG we all go to U of T!?!?!

Mcgill is going to be my Canadian lit teacher. Anti-calender says that 84% of students would retake his class:"Students mentioned that the volume of the coursework was quite large and difficult to get through. However, many found the course material varied and interesting.
In regards to McGill, students felt he was very enthusiastic and engaging with the course material, and approachable for questions. He was well-prepared and a great instructor overall."

4.6/5 on Rate my proff

Dats right, I do my homework

>> No.1858559

>I would never have taken the course if it wasn't a requirement for an English major.

Just wanted to clarify that the course is not a requirement a credit in Canadian Literature (whether a Canadian short story, poetry, etc.) is mandatory. I just happened to choose Can Lit.

>> No.1858562


I never took one of his courses but I am an associate of some of his friends. He is a capable man but I hear that he is dissatisfied with his courses at UofT.

Canadian literature is beautiful when studied properly I think. I never took a single English class in university though.

I did not go to the UofT though. I visited there a few times though and it is splendid.

>> No.1858563

He's fine as a professor, I just really disliked the material.

Professor Rayter for 20th C American Lit I highly recommend. Great course.

I always look at the Anti-Calendar AFTER I pick my courses. Sort of defeats the purpose, I know.

>> No.1858567

You impostor, you're just makin shit up.

>> No.1858569


To what end?

>> No.1858570

I see. That's interesting.

Do you know his area of study? I know he was in the UK for some time. Is he more inclined to British Literature?

>> No.1858573

no strad never lies.

>> No.1858574


I do not. I just heard some things about him.

Polite sage

>> No.1858575

I really wanted to do American lit badly, but I couldn't due to a schedule conflict (200-level Poetry). So I chose Colonial+Post Colonial to satisfy a pre-requisite,which has a shitty proff. Rather that than the other ghastly and stomach nauseating choices.

>> No.1858579

I know that feel OP.

No matter how much I read I still feel like an ignorant cunt.

>> No.1858587

Alright, then.

200-level poetry? Why not just do a 300-level one? Contemporary Poetry with Prof. Campbell is really awesome. His own poetry is really good as well. He did a reading recently on campus from his book Running The Dusk.

>> No.1858594

I do have to say I like this evolution of Stradlater.
You being an egregious liar is much better.
First saying you are a published author with two novels and short stories and then claiming to know some random guy for no apparent reason other than to defend him?
Good work, keep it up.

>> No.1858603

I am just a guy for gosh sake. Why do you treat me like some soap opera star? This is just silly.

>> No.1858629

I'm taking 200 level this year because it's a long story. So we gonna meet up in the fall?

>> No.1858649

How'd you like Seasons of Migrations North vs HoD?

>> No.1858670

I have yet to start my second university year.

>> No.1858678


Trying way too hard. Three cheers for filters!

>> No.1858684

Ah, have fun with it. My friend complained about the low retake rate and how others complained about the Tamil prof but never really badmouthed him when he took it.

>> No.1858736

>I understand the ideas this guy is trying to convey, but he clearly is not an eloquent or fluent speaker: very disjointed and gets easily caught up with another idea before solidly finishing one.

His "eloquence" isn't the point, it's the meanings that he is conveying.

A great and meaningful story written simply is a lot more effective than a long meandering empty meaningless pretentious novella written purely to show off one's vocabulary.

Also you're shallow as fuck to criticize the man's speech and confidence, instead of the actual topic of the conversation. If you'd read up on him, he had extreme depression and other mental issues that were so hard to live with he killed himself.

>> No.1858738
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Dude.....projection much?

Textbook example.

>> No.1858888



>> No.1860350


>> No.1860375

lol so many UofTers on /lit/

>> No.1860383

Hopefully mainly master race St. Georgers.

>> No.1860386

Well I tend to think, feel free to disagree, that there are two ways of viewing things: from the macro large perspective that encompasses the entirety of humanity and history. Then there is the second which is on the individual, day-to-day basis of life.

If you view things at that huge level then almost all endeavors become pointless in the scale of things. But on the second level things can have much more meaning. I choose to look at things from the second level.

>> No.1860389

hah, I live so close to UTSC I kind of wish I went there. 1hr+ commute to UTSG is no fun.

>> No.1860399

I like in Scarborough (well, I'm across the street from North York so it makes no difference). The 1hr commute doesn't bother me.

Courtesy sage since this isn't really about /lit/.

>> No.1860401
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My English professor talked to me about this when I went to visit his office once. He said Milton was able to read every book ever published when he was alive, and now it would take a life time just to read all the books that are published in one day.

>> No.1860403

I get exactly the same feeling for Music.

>> No.1860409

I know that feel, OP. It goes as fast as it comes though.

>> No.1860414

I'm just complaining since I had most of my classes end during rush hour/high-school ending time. Impossible to sleep on the TTC let alone get a seat : (

>> No.1860422

I know what you mean. Shit, my classes all seemed to end around 3PM or 5PM this past year. It was horrible.

Winter is probably the only time I wish I went to UTSC or something. Commuting is such a bitch then.

UTSC is more bio-chem shit focused isn't it? At least that's the impression I get from all the brown people I know that go there studying that.

>> No.1860486

Woodsworth College Reporting in!


>> No.1860502

I don't know why but winters don't bother me much. Most of my UTSC friends are in management and that commerce area. I'm kinda jelly of their co-op since I'm jobless and skillless.

>> No.1860517
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> suck the balls of Hades

Just back from holiday, and this is what i see?

I'm going straight to bed...

>> No.1860532
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>> No.1860645


>implying college affiliation means shit
UofT is so pretentious with their Oxbridge style college system. It's cute.

Same. Same. Same. One of the few reason I regret not going to UTSC. I need shit on my résumé for internships and shit.

>> No.1860718

So we going to meet up and become best friends forever or what? Also, I'm looking for a roommate and an apartment: what is your situation for the fall like?

>> No.1860869

Mother. Fucker.

>> No.1861067

When and where, broham?

But seriously, I'm not looking for a place near campus. Staying at home and saving that cash.

>> No.1861250 [DELETED] 

Although I do live in Belgium now, doing a liberal art degree, I've been playing with the thought of working for some cash for 1 or 2 years after I finish, and move to Canada to study English at the UofT.
Belgian universities might be decent (and cheap) overall, but if I compare my current knowledge of the English language and language (mainly gathered through autodidacticism) to that of the Belgian English majors here, they ought to be ashamed.
I mean, there's this girl I know, who's going to graduate at the K.U.Leuven this year, magna, if not summa, cum laude, specialized in early 20th century American literature, but when I tried to have a conversation with her about DFW, only a couple of months ago, she actually had to admit she never heard of him.

>> No.1861253

Although I do live in Belgium now, doing a liberal arts degree, I've been playing with the thought of working for some cash for 1 or 2 years after I finish, and move to Canada to study English at the UofT.
Belgian universities might be decent (and cheap) overall, but if I compare my current knowledge of the English language and literature (mainly gathered through autodidacticism) to that of the Belgian English majors here, they ought to be ashamed.
I mean, there's this girl I know, who's going to graduate at the K.U.Leuven this year, magna, if not summa, cum laude, specialized in early 20th century American literature, but when I tried to have a conversation with her about DFW, only a couple of months ago, she actually had to admit she never heard of him.