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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 321 KB, 720x711, 1621620208272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18582219 No.18582219 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18582229

I don't even WANT sex at this point

>> No.18582289

stalking far behind me
feeling me lessen

>> No.18582292

I'm eating chicken nuggets but will they fill the hole?

>> No.18582293
File: 121 KB, 414x606, i smoke weed therefore i am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke weed, therefore I am...

>> No.18582295

I'm not a robot.

>> No.18582302

I live in a 3D world.

>> No.18582305


>> No.18582374

i'm lonely

>> No.18582473
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>> No.18582481

I had a vision of life as the eternal dancefloor at a nightclub. You are there with an endless number of other dancers, and you can leave the nightclub, but you won't be allowed back in-- and come to think of it, you don't remember how you even got there in the first place, much less what lies outside the door. People bunch about and fight and embrace, attempt to pull off this and that move, mostly imitating mostly forgotten dancers who had first innovated the steps, while a select few take it upon themselves to reconsider the possibilities of how one can dance on this floor. If enough glances are thrown in the direction of these upstarts, they begin to affect the mindspace of others, and parts of the dance take on a new form. Pessimists and life-denying ascetics do the dance with the shortest steps. But all must dance. It is the rule of the club: Dance or you will be removed. There is a person who looks at the structure of the club. He observes the wood of the dancefloor, feels the grooved walls with his fingers, listens closely to the rhythm of the thumping beats, not hypnotized by their thrum like the others, hoping to find a pattern, hoping that what small order he can discern is indicative of a greater world outside those walls- but he too goes on dancing, without ever truly knowing.

>> No.18582492


>> No.18582514
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thank you, that was nice

>> No.18582517

damn, the other thread got removed, anons were talking about meetups. to the anon who was telling the story about the dc meetup, could you elaborate? that was interesting. i live in paris but i don't know if i'd actually meet-up with anybody from this site, too many people here are mentally handicapped, not in a good way. but still.

>> No.18582525

good taste. vcr classique is kino

>> No.18582528

Why did the mod delete it? It was more active than this one. Shouldn’t this be pruned?

>> No.18582612

i agree it was dumb to remove that one

>> No.18582618

Bees are more valuable than people.

>> No.18582638

t. a fucking bee

>> No.18582642

I swear, what is the mod even doing. He’s been shit since the beginning.

>> No.18582650

Fuck niggers !

>> No.18582658
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>> No.18582669

>space before exclamation point
what did they do to you frenchie?

>> No.18582670

Don't anger him; he has more friends than you.

>> No.18582707

just bee yourself

>> No.18582738
File: 99 KB, 565x873, TomWaits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just rediscovered this, it was my fave track when i was 15. i remember when i was a dumb teenager reading the brothers kazamazov obsessively and listening to this on repeat. still one of the best guitar solos, feels good man

>> No.18582752


>> No.18583156

Turns out I don't have autism, I'm just retarded

>> No.18583242

Did the anime tranny kill himself

>> No.18583266

Why does he live in your head rent free?

>> No.18583278

Guy seems obsessed with him for some reason.

>> No.18583287

You will never be a woman

>> No.18583304

Never wanted to be a woman, but why are you obsessed with him and why do you call other trannies? Are you projecting onto others? Is this why he lives rent free in your head?

>> No.18583305

>Quickly resorts to the YWNBAW
You’re like a broken record. Take some time off from this anime website and go outside.

>> No.18583311


>> No.18583322

No, not seething, just curious. Why are you obsessed?

>> No.18583323

What is this weird cope?

>> No.18583348

If you are a non-white who values honour then your spiritually white in my book

>> No.18583360

Sorry phoneposting

>> No.18583439

How does having honor make you "spiritually white"? If anything whites are possessed by guilt and obsess over being a good person. White people seem the least motivated by honor.

>> No.18583460

Lefties are spiritually Jewish

>> No.18583467

If there is one thing in this world that I hate, it is deaf-mute people "talking"

>> No.18583474

>tell friends about my music production hobby
>"why don't you start producing hip-hop beats?"
>tell friends about my poetry hobby
>"why don't you start rapping?"

>> No.18583479

rapping is another form of poetry

>> No.18583500

Yeah a shitty one

>> No.18583504

Poetry is shit.

>> No.18583509

Ok dumbass

>> No.18583512

I want frogposting to be a bannable offense. That's what's on my mind.

>> No.18583520

Usually, yeah.

>> No.18583686


>> No.18583785

please can someone just tell me what God wants me to do? I believe God made us humans so we could for lack of a better term "glorify" him by being virtuous but I don't know what that means for me. Every time I try to change I fail. I don't want to seek my own happiness but I've realized at this point I can't be anything to other people because that's just the way I am. Think I might just go to hell if it exists.

>> No.18583831

She sucked on my tongue as she held me by my waist, but my favorite moment was when we walked together holding hands.
>have you never held hands before?
She said as I fumbled trying to interlock our fingers, it felt good, candid, innocent, like something I wish I had experienced earlier.
But now its gone

>> No.18583849
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Every time I dream about my high school, I would always go to the same place - the art room on the top floor. I either miss the place or the time the place represented.
Those were the days were I would just chill in the art room, sometimes even avoiding classes because of some 'project'. Even my art teacher would be in on it to let me skip classes sometimes.
My high school days felt like the calm before the storm in retrospect. Before life decided to throw every curve ball it could.

>> No.18583881

Almost everyone I talk to agrees that the West is in decline or is going to collapse, though generally these reasons are vastly different. Most seem to think that China is going to replace the U.S as the preeminent superpower. What no one seems to ever talk about is what will happen when the West collapses. What then? Where does the West go from there? What happens to the U.S? I'd ask this question on /pol/, but they're a bunch of retards who don't read at all and haven't really thought through their ideas.

This has been on my mind for a while.

>> No.18584116

>ThE wEsT

>> No.18584125

"the west" isn't a unified cultural and political entity STUPID FAGGOT

>> No.18584154

we have to do something about /pol/ bitches' psychological inclination for vague, semantically undefinable monolith thinking or i'll start going out and shooting them in the face

>> No.18584180
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Lmfao you won't do jack fucking shit you little limp wrist son of a bitch

>> No.18584250

I know it isn't healthy! You think I don't know that? All my therapists tell me I need to move on, but I can't
I'm desperately trying to hold on to her essence, every ounce I can get my hands on, but they're slipping through my fingers like sand...
I used to be able look around my apartment and see the evidence of her existence, but now it's all just fading away
God... I can barely remember her voice, her smile is only vague haze in my mind
I feel so guilty, I can't believe I just let her slip through my mind like that, I promised her I'd love her forever, and yet I can barely remember her
This pain, this familiar misery is the last legacy of her life in my possession, and I'm not sure if I can afford to lose it too...

>> No.18584255

i know you know deep down that it’s the retards on /pol/ who are limp wristed mentally ill shut-in autistic living-with-their-parents retarded socially inept fucking faggots who can’t even look the cashier in the eyes at the counter but keep coping or your mental constitution will dismantle

>> No.18584287
File: 533 KB, 1080x1080, 1625367456003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am losing my fucking mind.
I think I'm averaging somewhere between 7-10K words every day now, sometimes even more. Today I sat down and wrote almost 5K words for a single piece in just under two hours. I've never written with that kind of speed and conviction before. It was like my body had been overtaken by a preternatural force. Invigorating the whole way through, but once I ran out of juice I felt more akin to a puppet cut from its strings. But every time I do run out of fuel for one project, I pick up another. And another. And another. Truth be told, I'm doing way more than the average human being probably should be at any given time. So much so that some "important" responsibilities I need to focus on so I can maintain normalfag career connectivity/relevance has been falling far and beyond to the wayside.
I'm on a borderline psychotic quest to become a one-man army. I have a little less than two months of NEETdom left before I'm thrust back into my education and have to start dedicating time to ideas and feelings I no longer have much conviction toward. The future looks bleak from every angle and it's making me panic, making me throw as much shit at the wall as I can to see if it sticks. I've finally managed to count the number of ideas I have and, despite making a guess before, it turns out I was right. Thousands. 5,735 individual ideas for shit to create under a multitude of names in different creative, commercial, or alternative spheres. Many of the ideas are standalone works (novels, short stories, flash fiction, etc.) or series with a modest number of entries (typically 5-8 novels each), but that's only the tip of the iceberg. Some of the ideas are thematic YouTube channels covering specific topics. Others involve having to teach myself drawing or music to get those stories told. Some are serials with thousands of chapters. Three ideas are full-fledged series with over 100 novel-length entries each. Others still are so out there and experimental I have no idea how to describe them.
On top of that is everything else. Getting lost in the consumer culture. In understanding how different works of art do and don't work so I can apply quality to my quantity. I'm planning out a schedule of a smattering of media from various countries and eras I can use to understand how storytelling has evolved and how I can improve my works through the gifted creators that came before me. Though sometimes it's hard, always understanding things, when running on 6 hours of broken sleep every night.
But I can't stop. My body and mind won't let me halt in the creation/consumption cycle. It's a hunger. A festering hunger that I have to complete and consume all of these works before my life ends. But it's too daunting for a single person. I only have two options: Run headlong into a life of mediocrity I will never be satisfied with, or chase my dreams into the pit of an early grave.
And honestly, I think I'm going to choose the latter.

>> No.18584289

> 28
> been fat since I’m 15
I’m probably going to be this way forever aren’t I?

>> No.18584299

Considering how much of “The West” is tied to technology, it will probably find some way to more or less wipe itself off the face of the planet, along with much of humanity, via technology in some capacity. Just like classical culture no longer exists, so too will Western culture no longer exist. It will be exterminated or germinate into something new and altogether different.

>> No.18584309
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So boring you little limp wrist bitch. My girlfriend can cuss me out better then you. She's probably stronger than you too because unlike you she actually practices shooting just like me. You try so hard to be a bad ass motherfucker but in the end you're just another kitten on the internet trying to roar like a lion. Get the fuck out of my face pussy

>> No.18584316

what you're doing is what I fantasize about doing but will never be truly obsessed enough to do

>> No.18584395

You faggots know that I mean the United States and Western Europe, the latter of which is heavily connected to the United States culturally and economically. If you disagree, remember the BLM riots in Europe last year? Those surely were spurred on by the happenings in the United States.

>> No.18584421

Oh look, A fUcKinG ReTArdeD NiGGer

>> No.18584440

I want to talk to girls

>> No.18584626
File: 123 KB, 760x1281, 4a67fba43daf77d10cbb4b4111dbe142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been feeling depressed lately, and I feel like it's been getting worse. There are times when I oscillate between sheer panic at my inactivity and I can feel my head having this sort of buzzing feeling like I need to be doing something else but I can't quite figure it out and then also this sort of malaise I sink into where I don't want to do anything. I slept for four hours today in the middle of the day for no real reason. I feel awful for having wasted my Saturday but I didn't know what else to do.

I've been eating too much. I look at some of the people I go to the gym with and I think of how much better they look than me and how I need to change things because of how bad I look.

Things with girls aren't going that well. The girl I'm most in love with doesn't have the time of day for me, and I know I'm supposed to move on and forget it because that's the way it's supposed to work but I don't know how I'm supposed to when I felt such a magnetic attraction from the first time I saw her. The second said she preferred to be alone for now, which is fine, if disappointing. The third is a mystery I can't figure out.

My creative endeavors feel limited lately. Though I've been making steady progress on my book and I'm happy with that and I've been writing short stories and submitting them and I'm also happy with that, I feel like the writing is still a solitary act. At least until I can get somebody to read it and maybe talk about it with me and tell me if something about it connected with them, it does nothing to help me connect with others. I'd really love to learn how to play the drums but it feels like the noise prohibits where and when I could ever actually practice. Still, I need to. I've given up on too many things to give up on this without at least trying it. The idea of giving up on something like that because of simple logistics is so frustrating to me that I can't stand to let it go by.

>> No.18584633

Depends on you, but judging from what you wrote you're most likely correct in your assumption.
You have a defeatist mindset; you have given up before even trying.

>> No.18584735

Some mixture of Brazil, Mexico, and 90s Yugoslavia probably.

>> No.18584738

Just being in the physical presence of them is already too much for me

>> No.18584801

he's just doing the same thing the anime tranny did (start new threads extremely early) so he can beat him at his own game.
it's just a silent war between two schizos, but I'll admit it's nice to see a unique non-anime OP pic for the first time in ages. i'm sure anime tranny will return soon to seek vengeance

>> No.18584808


If there was an algorithm that generated 4chan threads this would be the default output

>> No.18584823
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Everything you read here is AI generated. You didn't think you were talking to real people did you?

>> No.18584836

Has anyone used reading as an excuse to run from porn and stop fapping? I’ve noticed that my sessions take up a lot of time, and I want to use that to read. Anyone in this boat? What’d you do to stop?

>> No.18584837

My friend from 6th grade just got arrested for, I think, sexual harassment. He's been on meth for months and messaging strangers pictures of his ass while saying incredibly raunchy shit.
Hopefully this gets his stupid ass off that, but it's entirely out of my hands.

>> No.18584848

I remember seeing the streets endlessly filled with BLM supporters in countries like France it was unreal. When America sneezes the world catches a cold, as they say.

>> No.18584879

If you haven't already, read Easy Peasy Method.
It gets memed a bit too hardly here but I did find it a genuinely useful tool to help quit porn.

Besides that, just forcing yourself to do something else when you feel yourself beginning to desire a fap works for short-term prevention.

>> No.18584911

getting off drugs is the least of his problems man. even if he doesn't land in jail he's fucked. good luck finding a job even cleaning toilets or a place to live once employers and realtors conduct a background check. charges will show up even if they're dropped. being on the sex offender registry (probably for life) won't help since every sex-related crime mandates that. ie'll probably end up on the streets doing even more meth until he ODs so

I'm not trying to laugh at his misery, he could be a good guy and unless he's done worse than you suspect he doesn't deserve that. had a 22 yo friend in the military who asked for nudes from his 17 yo gf while he was stationed in south korea, her parents found out and even though the age of consent was 16 here the nudes she was under 18 so they were still CP so his life is ruined and he now has to deal with all of the above.

>> No.18584921

It’s just one schizo who is genuinely mentally ill and thinks that anyone who disagrees with him, is an animetrannies

>> No.18584942


>> No.18585284

The West isn't collapsing, just America.
/pol/ has a better understanding of politics than the incels here for whom the main worry in life is being a virgin and/or a tranny

>> No.18585334 [DELETED] 

I need Butterfly to start posting a lot more often for me :3

>> No.18585418

My knees are hurting and I need to kill myself

>> No.18585420

You probably mean US. Europe is more likely to remain in tact and just elect in more right-wing representatives who will fight to maintain cultural identity. The US could become balkanized and we'll see massive decay in certain areas while others prosper. This could trigger something like a civil war perhaps but I think we might initially just see states secede. Another possibility is the USs refusal to step down from the reigns and cause a major conflict over the eventual invasion of Taiwan.

>> No.18585429

I was fat from age 9 to age 24 and am not fat now at 27, so perhaps not. Just eat less food anon.

>> No.18585436
File: 53 KB, 957x621, C4fqFP4VMAAJOjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies, trannies, and niggers should be shot on sight.

>> No.18585445

I've been seeing this girl for a few weeks and she's really great. The problem is I don't want a relationship but the feeling I get from her is that she does. I've also been fucking a couple other girls on the side and feel a little bit guilty about doing that without making my intentions and expectations clear to her. Also she lets me shoot cum on her face and her home library is sublime and I don't want to lose access to those books.

>> No.18585446

Lucky for you those groups all tend to do that themselves

>> No.18585475

Don't be stupid, if you live her build a relationship with her. Otherwise you will loose a beautiful thing that can't be replaced.

>> No.18585485

I want to start writing but I'm terrified of ending up like Jim Theis.

>> No.18585489

Leftists cannot maintain intellectual coherence and at the same deny that people can identify as different races. There are already famous cases


All fiercely attacked by leftists. Postmodernism is collapsing on itself.

>> No.18585512

Unless you've deceived her you shouldn't feel guilty. Men/women should always assume the other party is seeing other people or at least keeping their options open especially if you meet them on a dating app - I'm assuming you did if you have several side chicks, even if you're a Chad it's hard to meet new women irl once you graduate college. But even if she's naively assuming otherwise you should be sincere with her out of respect.
>she lets me shoot cum on her face
>her home library is sublime
She sounds like a unicorn, if you want a relationship someday good luck finding someone similar

>> No.18585598

We live in the best times. War is brewing, social tension is increasing, answers are needed, new direction are sought, the establishment is collapsing. Only the strong will endure and fight.

>> No.18585648
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I believe that for the proper writing of horror, one must first deeply hate humanity, and wish violence upon people. I know I'm sounding like an edgy nihilist teenager like the rest of you, but I'm actually going through a bit of a quarter life crisis and realizing several things about myself. The reality of the fact is, horror writing should be a healthy replacement for serial killing, and the vessel of the violent, anti-human desires of its authors. Only immense hatred can channel horror. It was never about writing what is relatable, your fears and your anxieties about the expectation of annihilation. It was always about showing everyone else your repulsive vile perversions and letting them feel the inverse orgasm of the terrible upwards goosebump through their spine. Like when you overshare in a social situation and the people involved in the conversation try to sneakily not allow you to notice they are disgusted by the glimmer of your demented mind you just allowed to be shown.

>> No.18585661

More like teenager "life crisis"

>> No.18585667

The real red pill is that in the modern day and age a quarter life crisis is basically just that.

>> No.18585683

The real red pill is that you're a homosexual who should go back to r*ddit

>> No.18585693

>you're a homosexual
Then give me your booty

>> No.18585718

Is nicomachean ethics worth reading? Also I heard Aristotle was a misogynistic and supported slavery, so it’s ironic he wrote a book called ethics lol

>> No.18585727

Nah just read a wiki page and then hop right into queer theory you'll love it

>> No.18585737
File: 998 KB, 2045x1355, 81B0112E-3F61-48C4-A889-5B5F08AA00D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read Leviathan or the social contract first?

>> No.18585747

yeah look in the mirror, there he is

>> No.18585751

Leviathan of course. Rousseau is responding and mostly agreeing with Hobbes. Also Leviathan is the most important modern political theory text. Kant agreed with Hobbes too. But if you want a proper understanding you should read Homer, Thucydides, and the Bible before Hobbes.

>> No.18585752

/pol/ is not about politics, nobody discusses politics on /pol/ ever, it never happens

>> No.18585757

Mad, seething, rent free.

>> No.18585780

In the recent decades it appeared that humans were getting closer to agreeing with things regardless of ideology, race, gender, etc. Not so anymore. The separation is increasingly stark.

>> No.18585859

Bros, I'm going insane for real this time. Maybe we'll meet beyond the gates. Good luck.

>> No.18585868

Stay safe schizo bro

>> No.18585872

Based and sigmapilled

>> No.18585896

The anti immigration leftoids are the most pathetic political faction in modern times. They're basically crypto-fascists but too gay to be right wing.

>> No.18585925

so many right-wingers are gay though it's not mutually exclusive at all

>> No.18585992
File: 28 KB, 625x174, 2021-07-04-130605_625x174_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't lefties admit they hate the "oppressor" more than they love the "oppressed"?

>> No.18586028

The only world where they don't directly admit to hating the "oppressor" is in the puppet play in your head

>> No.18586038

>Black Portuguese
Who is the "nazi" anyway? Kind of interested

>> No.18586053

>anti immigration leftoids
sounds fucking based

>> No.18586067

i agree

>> No.18586071

Yeah it's called National Socialism

>> No.18586108

I'm >>18583156. I went to the doctor sure that I had asperger, but he made a bunch of tests and it his conclusion is that I'm socially underdeveloped and have some type of personality disorder.

>> No.18586126
File: 85 KB, 800x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are mean to nazis, i can't take it, people are meanies

>> No.18586174

this thread is not lit related and yet the jan man does nothing . what the fucking fuck

>> No.18586191

people are writing what's on their mind chill fren

>> No.18586193

Ok thanks ;’)

>> No.18586327

sex is on my mind sex is on my mind sex is on my mind sex is on my mind sex is on my mind sex is on my mind

>> No.18586405

What happened?

>> No.18586474

A young man sits on a bench, in the light of a streetlamp, looking out to sea. The moon shines on the water, and his skin is pale, his hair black. --- He wants to be buried with you. The damp hole in the ground is already dug. You will share the coffin, pressed body on body, breathing into each other's faces as you sink down and the mud begins to patter on the lid. Your cocks are stiff and twitching.

>> No.18586592

>He wants to be buried with you.
This is actually really romantic in my language. When you propose traditional love marriage to a girl you ask her if she wanted to be buried with your family, and guys who really were head over heels in love with a girl would ask to be buried with her family. I think you should try to become the new Anne Rice.

>> No.18586594
File: 443 KB, 640x578, LV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While walking through a graveyard, they discussed Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Aldington writes: "I was surprised to find that Eliot admired something so popular, and then went on to say that if a contemporary poet, conscious of his limitations as Gray evidently was, would concentrate all his gifts on one such poem he might achieve a similar success."
Yeah, I think this is the way to go for us, bros

>> No.18586608

Eliot wasn't exactly opposed to the popular. Everyone should read his essay on Marie Lloyd

>> No.18586619
File: 81 KB, 1200x752, roerich &#039;thegreatestandtheholiestoftangla&#039;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who ever starts these threads should title the next one 'right whats on you're mind'

>> No.18586622

Can you guys rec me light novels? I can’t ask for them on /a/.

>> No.18586626

You can't force a poem though, much less labour over it. You can labour over something that looks like a poem, but those things don't last. The greatest poets have written no more than three great poems, and even though Shakespeare managed to write four, he lost his soul for it and perished. The only thing left for us to do is to write – and hope.

>> No.18586634

Kinda what Coleridge tried to go

>> No.18586637

Can you substantiate any of these claims?

>> No.18586673


>> No.18586688

this is the only consistently good thread on /lit/, suck my cock you stupid asshole

>> No.18586697

pretty sure it's been done before

>> No.18586714

this looks like the cover of a prog rock album

>> No.18586944
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>> No.18586952
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>> No.18586956
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>> No.18586958

50% of you should never read and 90% of you should never read anything outside of novels and I'm being generous

>> No.18586985
File: 820 KB, 1480x794, rite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when roerich came together with stravinsky and nijinsky to effortlessly change art history with the rite of spring (epic schizo moment)... hmmmm dare i say dangerously based

>> No.18587009

lit isnt writing

>> No.18587030

>90% of you should never read anything
We're going to have to get a lot of anons to read something to get the numbers that low.

>> No.18587041

What do you mean?

>> No.18587044

I'm not doing anything for Fourth of July and frankly I don't really want to do anything.
Not do anything makes me sad, and not wanting to do anything also makes me sad.
I am emotionally dead.

>> No.18587127
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Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn, or the Fourth of July? We’re all gonna die

>> No.18587175

You sound emotionally gay

>> No.18587327

And what makes you so much better?

>> No.18587351

Is there a worse holiday than the 4th of July? Music all day, fireworks all night. I'm about to go Ted Kazynski.

>> No.18587410
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>be me
>finish work on Friday evening
>sleep for an hour because of a lack of sleep on previous nights
>watch football, browse internet
>go to gym, lift heavy weights
>wake up on Saturday morning
>go jogging
>go driving outside, drink coffee, browse internet on phone
>buy junk food on way home
>eat regular food, eat some junk food
>spend rest of afternoon and evening browsing internet, watching sports on tv, eating rest of junk food
>feel so fat by end of the day
>waste last few hours of night online
>sleep, wake up on Sunday morning
>drink coffee, browse internet
>go to gym
>eat food at home
>have gone outside driving, drinking coffee
>about to read a book in car
>will go for a walk later in evening while listening to Cum Town and other podcasts

I went for a weekend walk on late Sunday evening last week as well and it was kino.

I'm worried by how quickly this summer is going by. I kept looking forward to it but nothing has really changed. I can't remember what I was expecting.

I was researching dropshipping in bed last night and I simply can't be bothered to do anything.

I did almost nothing on Thursday and Friday in my job. I have very little to do in the upcoming week.

I remember this time last year I had just finished an incredible video game that lasted for over 100 hours. It's one of those games where you feel a huge sense of loss after completing it because you no longer have access to the world. It had a spin off / sequel released this year but I'm saving it for later.

A game I played and loved over a decade ago is getting a sequel soon and I'll also eventually buy and play that. I'm not sure when the best time will be.

I bought a physical crypto wallet. I invest my money in an app that looks like it's aimed at kids. I buy premium bonds (midwit lottery tickets). Having money hasn't made life less clownish.

I'm hoping I'll start working hard on stuff tomorrow.

It really hit home how hard my life is solely due to ugliness.

>> No.18587429
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>ribs on the smoker
>beer in the cooler
>enjoying a book outside in the afternoon sun
feels good, Ameribros.

>> No.18587449

any books on female envy?

>> No.18587649

Not a tranny, but I wish I could experience what it's like being a cute girl.

>> No.18587721

I know a guy who's a crossdresser but not a tranny nor gay. He just identifies as queer and crossdress for events and for fun.

>> No.18587748

I'm not a crossdresser either. Neither of those things actually makes you a cute girl. I want to literally be a cute girl.

>> No.18587755

then you're trans

>> No.18587774

No because I don't think I'm a girl. I know I'm a dude, but I want to be a girl like in isekais where the protagonist is a girl in the fantasy world.

>> No.18587779

I think this is normal to feel sometimes as long as you don't let guys like this >>18587755 convince you to turn yourself into something a lot less cute than a girl

>> No.18587792

>I think this is normal to feel sometimes
you're a tranny too buddy

>> No.18587882
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I'm lonely but not being lonely is too much effort

>> No.18588072

On the subject of hedonism it seems to me that what is considered to be one thing is in fact several. Hedonism for the sake of escape from pain, physical or otherwise, is a natural and instinctive reaction. It is of a category with an allergic reaction or an aversion to spiders. Then there is hedonism for its own sake. Pleasure because it is pleasurable. This is a vice, but life is unlivable without ones vices. So hedonism for the sake of itself is forgivable but cautionable. To me the form of hedonism that is most unpalatable at face is hedonism for the sake of social posturing. Saying "look at me, aren't I cool" in the form of the consumption of pleasure is almost an alien thing to wrap my head around. To drink sexily one must be distracted from drinking. To smoke sexily one must be distracted from smoking. To fuck sexily one must be distracted from fucking. For one to bring social games into the realm of vice is akin to cheating at a friendly card game in my mind. I do not care to take my drink with schemers, my smokes with social climbers, or my sex with poseurs. Whether one is jaded to hedonism, or playing at vices that have no hold over the one who plays, it is a devilish thing in my mind.

>> No.18588079

>To drink sexily one must be distracted from drinking. To smoke sexily one must be distracted from smoking. To fuck sexily one must be distracted from fucking.
I'm not sure this is true. Some people are just naturals

>> No.18588091

To every rule there are exceptions.

>> No.18588111

this will now be my wallpaper

>> No.18588144

I hate the idea of sucking Mr. Goldberg's cock, but ritalin and being conscious of having adhd is indeed improving my life.

>> No.18588174

Is it wrong to think that Severin is a false masochist since he decides what Wanda should do to him? he seems like the one in control instead of his mistress.

>> No.18588182

There's nothing I can do for to you stay. I feel like a retard whenever I talk to you. I don't see the point anymore, maybe it's better for us to never talk again. God I hate myself, gotta go read

>> No.18588199

I had sex with a fat weeb and it was disgusting

>> No.18588231

Any one know anything about the actual pages book uses?
I have a paperback book and it's got these slightly yellow pages that feel "softer" and easier on the hand
and another one that's got these white pages that feels more akin to what you'd find in a printer A4 paper that's slicker and firmer

do these have a names?
is it a specification I should look for that indicates what kind of paper a book uses?

>> No.18588237

reading the Priory school and did Holmes really let an accomplice in murder and kidnapping get off in exchange for a bribe?

>> No.18588239

Nevermind she texted me

>> No.18588243

If you really believed that you wouldn't have fantasies about going outside to kill them you moron. Go ahead though, start a firefight with some methheads and kill yourself in prison. Beats whining about capitalism on social media, but if you really cared about that you'd be gunning for something that mattered.

>> No.18588286
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If the only thing that you care for on the board is some off-topic thread where people share how depressed and gay they are then you shouldn't be here.

>> No.18588314

Better than the "literature" threads on here

>> No.18588334

Not him but cry moar shitter. You know you will in a few seconds. You haven't been around long enough to the beauty in these threads.

>> No.18588469

I'll start a bullet journal

>> No.18588482

See the*

>> No.18588498

The world is so beautiful, so strong and so present that I find myself baffled at periods of melancholy. When I was 19 I took reading seriously, reading poetry and philosophy. I found the world a brighter place. Yet I still see it, after that turn, on occasion, stripped of colour. I see it barren, empty, painful. Why are we capable of such subtle pain?

>> No.18588510

I love to get involved in iron disasters. My cock stands stiff like a flagstaff to which the fascists tie their black banner.

>> No.18588513

Isn’t his writing old and super difficult to understand?

>> No.18588525

have sex

>> No.18588555

Ideas are the second color coat of the visible world. We do not reason in abstract terms, but see the invisible with abstract eyes.

>> No.18588617

It is if you're illiterate. You should learn to read before approaching philosophy.

>> No.18588663

Have you posted here before? Are you birtish??!

>> No.18588806

Two monitors in front of me
The right screen is David Attenborough telling me we may have crossed the point of no return.
Incest porn I've seen already on the left.

>> No.18588882

What point of no return? I thought he was narrating dolphins not preaching apocalypse

>> No.18588918

He might be that frog dude, there’s a name for him which I forget. IIRC there’s a compilation book of his posts

>> No.18589229


>> No.18589291

its new

>> No.18589299

my joints hurt...

>> No.18589444

I started a YouTube channel about a book series that I love but they've become the only books that I read lately. I did a video on a meme book but the book itself wasn't very good and kind of annoying to read.

Either way, the last book I read in that series was really good and I splashed out and bought two regular books and they're both really good so far. It's nice to actually read something normal for a change. Like, I'll probably make videos for them because I lowkey really enjoy making videos because it lets me put my opinion out there and then it's not on my mind anymore.

>> No.18589454

Oh climate hoax cool

>> No.18589494

I'm addicted to pillow humping videos.

>> No.18589516
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>The gulf is on fire! Holy shit this is the end!
And? Twitter is having an existential meltdown about the pipeline fire in the Gulf of Mexico that set a patch of the ocean on fire as if it were some apocalyptic catastrophe. What's the big deal? Scared for the fish? They can tell it's getting too hot and swim away from it. The ocean is not going to burn up because of it. Nothing else is going to catch fire. Why all the hand wringing. Buch of sissies. Find something of legitimate concern to gripe about.

>> No.18589525

when the water catches on fire
the end is nigh

>> No.18589544

I'm losing my few relationships and all because I'm still a shy asocial autist who can't play normalfag for too much time. That or maybe that Orson Wells quote about Woody Allen was right and I don't accept it.

>> No.18589593

Go back

>> No.18589601

better than being a cuckold

>> No.18589637

I pretty much lost them all. Try to hold on to them anon, it feels bad. I'm uniroically going on omegle now to get some human contact. Either that or I numb myself with weed.

>> No.18589696
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A mosquito bit me and now my finger itches

>> No.18589728

China will peak at 2030 after which their demographics will severely cripple them for decades to come.
All their posturing doesnt change the fact that theyre not having enough babies

>> No.18589729

You need to reach out to them now. Force it, put in effort. If you don't you'll hit the point of no return and be truly friendless. Remember that being social is a "use it or lose it" skill

>> No.18590029

I only see half of the posts in here I think the rest of you have been shadow banned

>> No.18590105

A friend asked if I would read the start of a short story they're writing. I'm always uncomfortable when friends ask me about their work because I don't know if you're supposed to just praise it, make suggestions, be at all critical or what.

So I put it off for awhile but finally read about half of it and liked what was there for the most part but I thought sections of it were overly wordy. I said I liked it and suggested editing back some of the grandiose description and now I feel like I wasn't supposed to say that. He hasn't talked about it since.

>> No.18590144

Technically the oil in the water is what's catching on fire.

>> No.18590147
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>All their posturing doesnt change the fact that theyre not having enough babies

Most of the world isn't. At least, "enough" in context with either increasing the hegemony of a country or keeping the consumerist system running full-gear.

>> No.18590148

yes, I know
but you can see how this might alarm the general public

>> No.18590151

Fuck him, he asked for criticism and can't take it, it's his fault.
I personally don't read what my friends write because they don't bother to reread themselves and correct typos, they're literally expecting me to edit their shit if I say there are mistakes somewhere. People have no shame, especially writers wannabes so I generally just say "it's good" and wrap it up. Don't waste your time.

>> No.18590273

There was a thread on here, a guy asking how to study, he seemed unable to retain information or whatever. A guy who was at med school told him to focus on the important, high yield stuff, what his professors think is important. I'm a medical student myself, and wish I went to a school like that. I get asked about the most absurd, irrelevant stuff all the fucking time. I could literally master all the clinical uses of a drug, and still get asked about the most absurd technical garbage instead. Fuck this gay life. Fuck everything. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.18590284

There is probably a reason for that, anon.

>> No.18590452

Ralph stood on the stage, hands shaking, heart pounding. Hundreds of eyes watching him. His first time at ‘toast masters’ to face his social anxiety. It was his turn to give an impromptu speech.

“I…I-uh, I’m here to overcome my social anxiety. 29 years old, and I just want to learn how to talk. Coming here today wasn’t exactly my idea of fun, believe me. During my drive, my palms were sweating, and I was having racing thoughts like, ‘What sort of people would be here? Will they be nice?
All my life, I’ve had anxiety in group situations. Although I recognise it as an issue, I know that others have it far worse than me, yet they’ve overcome this issue. So there’s no excuse for me not to overcome it too. Now, ladies and gentleman, that’s enough from me – I don’t want to bore you here today, so I will stop talking for both my sake and yours. Thank you for listening and giving me your undivided attention. I didn’t die; I’m still alive. Thank you.”

>> No.18590486

I hate who I am whenever I have to socialize. I like myself better when I just shut my fucking mouth and never speak.

>> No.18590625
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My man was stylish as fuck, I need to get some pants like these. I'm also looking for a neat night cap like Heidegger's.

>> No.18590916
File: 215 KB, 1080x1287, 40500147_2573073563017900_5615444280576153084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been kept up lately thinking about this woman. Not necessarily because of overt sexual attraction to her, but because instead of my mind registering her as a woman with a large ass, it registers her as an ass with a large woman as a disguise.
I view it almost like an angler fish; a prey fish sees the angler fish as just a worm or bright light, whereas a person can see the angler fish using a part of it's body to appear as something else. So to I see the ass as the true entity, using the woman attached to appear as a regular person, when it is in fact a giant ass.
If only I were exaggerating, but I innately view this 'person' as a giant ass using a person as a puppet. All of the 'persons' behavior is modeled around the ulterior motives of the actual intelligence in the equation; the ass.
I'm unsure whether this makes me a degenerate, the type to fall for fake eyes on butterfly wings, or one of the few to actually be seeing through a natural ploy of the sort. I'm sure if we could communicate to animals tricked by fake eyes on butterfly wings that they were just the wings of a butterfly, they'd find us insane for there's no way that they could process butterfly wings appearing as eyes. So to I may have difficulty communicating that this person is in fact an ass.

>> No.18590954

Look that dude was an army medical officer in Afghanistan who got fucked over on his pension, so ofc he'll take bribes. He is only living with a junkie because that is the only thing he can afford.

>> No.18590966
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Much like the the root and stem being a mere vehicle for the bloom of the flower, the entirety of hominid evolution and skeleto-muscular rigging is a vehicle for voluptuousness of this ass.

>> No.18590992

Absolutely based and asspilled

>> No.18591031
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Happy 4th of July everyone!
I'm on page 108 on mah writin' now an' slowly trudgin' through them there darn shadows an' wot not as per the usual.
Okay so quick rant, if you wear a hearing aid your earwax in that ear gets compacted and every time you say bite into an apple and chew your cheek presses against your ear and makes the microphone squeal if there's enough of a buildup.
The only solution to this is to pour hydrogen peroxide in my ear and lay there on my side for 10 minutes while it fizzes and breaks up the wax.
I don't wanna lay down right now so I keep putting it off but I know REEEEEE awaits me if I don't do it at some point before I go to bed.

>> No.18591272

Maximum kek

>> No.18591273

Is that a question, an offer, or an imperative?

>> No.18591278

I have crippling depression

>> No.18591299

I'm back from my ban.
It's been a rough three days.

>> No.18591438

i wanna coom but i am holding myself back

>> No.18591463

This unironically stopped me from cooming

>> No.18591521

A couple days ago I killed a bug with a rock because it was in my living room, it was a fairly substantial bug so it really crunched as it died, and I literally cannot stop thinking about bug and what it must be like to be a bug and whether it suffered as I killed it. I am not usually prone to this sort of faggotry, I'm not vegetarian or anything, I have no idea why this bug has gotten to me in this manner

>> No.18591569

I'm wondering if the reason my hyperfixation hasn't come back is because I've developed an expectation that it's not going to come back

if that's true I'm going to flip a shit. I hate my fucking feedback loop-prone nervous system

>> No.18591576

What did you do?

>> No.18591585

Spent my birthday alone, doing nothing. That makes for 2 out of the past 5.

>> No.18591599

Can’t decide if I want to learn Chinese or German.

>> No.18591606

Happy Birthday

>> No.18591622

I've been there before. I once intentionally stepped on a bee for no reason at the top of a mountain as a kid and felt really guilty about it afterwards.

Don't worry about it. Bugs don't have as long a life as we do, and in the scheme of things, what you did was not a big deal at all. What remains now is to make sure we don't unnecessarily contribute to the suffering of the world any further.

>> No.18591670

Happy birthday.

>> No.18591692

thanks anon, appreciate it

>> No.18591702

thanks anons, appreciate it

>> No.18592059

My mind is a worthless abortion, a garbage can baby. Wanted be no one, known by no one, and wanted to be known by no one. For good reason.

>> No.18592138

I dont know, the more I think about the bug the more I realize that we are probably a bug to something greater than us and they probably squish us in the same manner. I mean a bug can't even perceive its bugness and the nature of us, we obviously couldn't either. And this thought fucking eats away at me, the demons, aliens, whatevers you think are clawing at us. And I think about that little bug and I realize it was aware, it was dumb and vague maybe, but it was aware wasn't it? It was a little thing experiencing reality and it felt things. This means that its experiences could have meant something and if they meant something we are all going to hell. I mean we just slaughter these things. Hopefully god forgives us for all this evil

>> No.18592168
File: 56 KB, 960x500, Invasion-Of-The-Body-Snatchers-Horse-Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew human consciousness was fallible and parasitically controlled by outside forces. And that particular consciousness insulted you, would you punch it in the face as hard as you could?

Would it be appropriate to keep punching it?

>> No.18592334

Why's that? You wouldn't want a sentient ass?

>> No.18592354

damn i'm like so addicted to hades i have to stop playing this shit lmao

>> No.18592419

I'm a legitimate volcel. I have had multiple opportunities to have sex, from multiple women, over the years. I've turned them all down because I'm a devout Catholic and I'm saving myself for marriage.

I sometimes wonder: if I had given a girl what she wanted, at one point or another, would she still be around? I dream of getting married and having a family. There was one girl I know for a fact would have probably stuck around if we'd been sexually active. Or at least she wouldn't have left me as quickly as she did.

But my instincts tell me that they would have all left, sooner or later. And then I'd be left with just a few memories and all by myself yet again.

>> No.18592753

Strange. I turned them all down out of moral compunctions, lack of emotional connection, and one or both of us being batshit crazy at the time. I couldn't imagine doing something like that because I thought that I needed to wait til marriage.

>> No.18592967
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>Have a health scare that reminds me of my own mortality
>Suddenly extremely motivated
>feel the motivation fade as the thread subsides
anyway i can keep this motivation going forever?

>> No.18593011

A new class of mystic philosophers will arise from /lit/

>> No.18593020

It's not that great unless there is an emotional connection anyways, and who the fuck has the time or will to emotionally connect with another human being

>> No.18593026

Take your meds.

>> No.18593039

I want them destroyed

>> No.18593084

Is this what being a gynophobe is really like?

>> No.18593089

I just realised that the Lebanese are genetically close to Phoenicians

>> No.18593091
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>> No.18593094

>Cum town podcast

What the fuck?

>> No.18593095

keep doing things that put your life at risk. Do drugs, have unprotected sex, walk alone in a dark alley in a bad part of the city, insult random passerbies that could beat you in a fight, etc.

>> No.18593295
File: 138 KB, 1555x1062, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i seethe about it in this thread very regularly but holy shit communism was the worst thing to happen to russia and i'm not even a righty per se, man FUCK communism, i think about this all the time. it's like an obsession. i hate communism so much for ruining my beautiful history and my beautiful culture and turning it into what it is right now. i must express it in the second book i write, in a fictionalised manner of course. give russia... :(

>> No.18593315

People who tried to commit suicide by jumping from a bridge said they had similar epiphanies when they were falling down to their doom.

>> No.18593329


>> No.18593470

no, I should be here. the vast swathes of plebs that populate the board shouldn't, however. and I said the only consistently good thread - there are plenty of good threads that pop up now and again, mostly on niche topics, but ultimately they're few and far between

>> No.18593532

What's a good way to kill myself without it looking like an obvious suicide? I was thinking maybe the Turing method: having poison around the house that "accidentally" contaminates a piece of food that I then eat. I don't want my parents to be too upset.

>> No.18593549
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I think the time for me to quit vidya is nigh.

>> No.18593565

What games are ya playin

>> No.18593582

I just finished Iconoclast and DOOM(2016). Online I play Valorant and Tekken.

>> No.18593590

Because he produces shitty title images for these posts.

>> No.18593605

Pretty sleepy today lads

>> No.18593684

I can't even see myself in a relationship. I don't know what to do to start one or to maintain one, how to deal with the arguments, how to please, etc.

>> No.18593694

i am the devil

>> No.18593701
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>> No.18593703

satan pls apologize to god. stop being so uncooperative.

>> No.18594113

I fucking despise normalfags so much, and yet I also despite myself for not being normal. I don't get it.

>> No.18594209

you are normal and more normal than you think

>> No.18594211

What makes you say this?

>> No.18594219

Yes, self-hatred is part of what being an anon is all about. It makes some sense that suicide is a recurrent theme on a lot of different boards.

>> No.18594226

And let me be honest with you, anon. You should be your best friend, because that is how you get your best possible friend, no one can get you better than yourself. Try to figure the origin or come to terms with this self-hatred, and your life will improve a lot.

>> No.18594231
File: 34 KB, 500x500, artworks-000070503895-s4ze06-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shawty wanna fuck
Shawty likes it rough and
She's got a big, oily butt
A big round wet McMuffin
Shawty's got sexual techniques
And a big, round, oily butt
Goosebumps on her booty-cheeks
I wanna bust a nut

>> No.18594242
File: 53 KB, 564x720, 9780679405733.RH.0.x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where I can buy this exact box set of War and Peace? Every online retailer seems to be out of stock.

>> No.18594248

It feels like my mind is extremely fucked up. I'm tired of it
I've been my only friend for years but it gets old and I'm still no closer to figuring out what I want or what's wrong exactly

>> No.18594256

No your only friend. Your best friend, anon. Nowadays, your best friends are probably your parents or something.

>> No.18594262

If you consider how things are set now, I'm probably a better friend to you than yourself. It is not that I like you or anything, but I'm reasonably neutral, while you somewhat hate yourself.

>> No.18594267

But how do you like yourself? To be completely honest and unbiased, I'm really worthless

>> No.18594300
File: 133 KB, 777x1024, 10425331755_90d7af0891_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despising "normalfags" is just a case of not like other girls / special snowflake syndrome. most people who think they are extremely different compared to other people fail to grasp the complexity of the human psyche and have an egocentric view of the world. we are living our lives from a personal perspective, and we know ourselves more intimately than others, so of course we think that we are very special, it is only natural. we may have trouble fitting into the society around us so we feel like the underdog. but billions and billions of people have existed and will exist in the world before and after us and when compared to all of them our psychological structure is certainly not that exceptional. every person, whether socially fit or not, is a manifestation of genuine individual complexity and at the same time every person very much resembles all other people. it's a platitude, but, to put it in simple terms : "we are all the same but different".

>> No.18594301

Well, realize that this doesn't have to be a permanent state. You might be a mess right now, but it is not like you can't get over it. And keep repeating that until you make it. That was how I managed to start writing, took me some weeks.

Start writing for yourself, anon. This is the kind of thing that will dramatically improve your capability of thinking your life and problems. Because you will able to check them out in a broader frame of time. So this is what you are going to do, start writing about what is has been pestering you recently, if you don't know what that is just write how you are feeling, and build this habit. You will notice that eventually things will start to pop out and you will get a clearer picture of what is distressing you.

Now, there are multiple ways you can deal with this. I recommend you looking for professional help. But a simple one is affirming anything that you think it will help to have in mind to change this thought that you have. As in, if you feel worthless because you can't get a job, just say to yourself every night that you can get a job, and keep doing it.

>> No.18594323

I don't feel like an underdog or a misunderstood genius or anything of the sort. I just see "normal" society and the benchmarks of normality it has set up and it makes me feel bad that I'm either uninterested in them or not capable of attaining them. I think it's more of a bell curve where you have most people within the category of normality, then some outliers.
Actually I was thinking of journaling my thoughts about ten minutes ago, so I'll start doing this. Therapy wasn't very useful for me since the techniques (like affirmation) didn't feel like they addressed anything, at least not the root of the problems.

>> No.18594339

There is a book written by James Pennebaker that you probably want to check out. Expressive Writing: Words that Heal. And there are multiple ways of dealing with this kind of thing, did you tell your therapist that what they proposed wasn't working? There is another thing too, anon. If you don't trust them, it is worthless, you have to trust your therapist, otherwise don't even bother.

>> No.18594374

As in if you feel that you wouldn't ever trust them. Just tell them that straight away, check what are the reasons behind it, see if you both can work on it. They might even send you to someone else or whatever.

>> No.18594380

I don't see them anymore but no I never really brought it up. I don't think it's about the person, it's just that I can't bring myself to talk about my issues anywhere else than in a place where I'm fully anonymous.

>> No.18594384

i myself am autistic and have spent 3 years without going out of my room, also being my only friend, so i'm not talking from the perspective of someone who is naturally well-integrated into "normal" society. but, when i got the experience of interacting with people on an intimate and open level, without being prejudiced against them for being "normalfags", i understood that everybody is insane like men just better at navigating society. either normal people don't exist or everybody is normal.
if you are uninterested in the benchmarks of normality, you are not obliged to aim for them and set them as goals, by the way, do you know? do not judge yourself for it and live in the way that is natural for you, as you intend, if you are able to. personally i was able to find an occupation which is both outside of "normal" society and satisfies me. i say this without any hostility against you but usually hating yourself very hard means you think about yourself a little too much.

>> No.18594389

insane like me *

>> No.18594394

Yes, I understand what you are talking about. There are things that I don't even feel like leaving written down. Even considering that I am in an anonymous environment. I'm thinking about writing a book, but can't help but feel that I shouldn't write certain things.

>> No.18594412

>but can't help but feel that I shouldn't write certain things.

>> No.18594419

Because I don't know what is going to happen, anon. Certain things might look great when you are thinking then, but when they get out there it is like you are shooting on your foot.

>> No.18594428

so just write it and see what happens, if you don't like the result you can always write something else

>> No.18594447

I know, interacting with people isn't actually always unpleasant, I've had good experiences too but I always get the feeling that I'm so removed from them and their lifestyle, like I need to play a role otherwise they'll notice I'm a fucking weirdo loser and I don't want that.
Some of the benchmarks of normality I don't care about, others I do but they don't seem attainable for a variety of reasons. Noticing how impossible these things are for me while knowing most people would look at me weirdly if I mentioned having difficulty with such things makes me resentful and bitter.
Yeah I think a lot about myself but I don't really have much else to think about. What is your occupation?

>> No.18594499

This is good

>> No.18594514

No, anon. Nietzsche is right. Philosophers are dynamite. One has to be really careful and somewhat responsible on what they write down. I'm not making an argument in favor of censorship, but something along the lines of a categorical imperative, in the sense of being careful of what I'm putting out there. This isn't even cowardice on my part, because it is not like I got much to lose personally. More in the sense of harming other people.

>> No.18594520

>What is your occupation?
i'm a visual artist and i study history of art + history of dance/theatre. i tried to choose a lifestyle that would be in alignment with my interests which tend to be obsessive, so as to transform the "weirdness" i have into something fruitful. maybe you could imagine/find an outlet you like that you can adjust your life to? so that "I don't really have much else to think about" would be less of a problem?

>Noticing how impossible these things are for me while knowing most people would look at me weirdly if I mentioned having difficulty with such things makes me resentful and bitter.

i think the other anon said this already, but i recommend that you get therapy for such issues. they are fixable even though they seem like they're not. you can slowly build confidence and abilities you didn't think you could, which seems unattainable but long and hard work does yield results at least in my own experience. i hope this doesn't make me sound like a cringe motivational speaker charlatan, but i'm not kidding. it can happen to you i swear.

>> No.18594544
File: 19 KB, 1200x675, image_2021-07-05_180912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this ugly desu

>> No.18594568

Do you make a living with it or are you still a student?
I could indeed benefit from finding something like that, but I'm not sure what.
>long and hard work
The cognitive behavioral therapy thing doesn't do much from my experience

>> No.18594608

>wake up early in the morning before my alarm sets off in that typical hypnopompic state
>think of almost an entire poem
>"holy shit, this sounds like Rilke"
>fall back into sleep
>forgot it all

>> No.18594624

I think the best way to make myself stop coming here so often is to get banned. What should I do to catch one?

>> No.18594628

i make a living with graphic design/illustration (so not with my original artwork yet, but that's okay) and i study.
have you tried hypnotherapy? for me it is what worked, with a bit of cognitive therapy mixed in (consistency is what makes it effective). i always recommend hypnotherapy. you need to find the right therapist for you to work with, but once you do it yields great results. also not to be that person but meditation has helped me a lot.

>> No.18594636

I haven't tried hypnotherapy, I guess I will. Thank you for your advice.

>> No.18594638

KEK, this post triggered me on a cellular level

>> No.18594651

good luck man, all the best

>> No.18594699

Help an ESL out.
If a character's name is Lois, how do I say something is hers? Is it "Loises", or Loises' "?
Lois's is clumsy.

>> No.18594723

>Lois's is clumsy.
this is the correct form, clumsy or not

>> No.18594749
File: 58 KB, 700x700, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pronunciation Loisssssss.

>> No.18594826

isnt it Lois'

>> No.18594862

I can literally "see" music and I can "feel" shapes very strange feeling

>> No.18594961
File: 135 KB, 522x600, 1625411587190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18595082

I feel as though I have to continue working my job or jobs like it and that is radically depressing so I think if that’s true, I’m going to kill myself. Is this reasonable? I’m sincere in feeling this way but I’m a little ashamed about it as if I should feel that actually it’s not a big deal or I should even like it. I already don’t really care and don’t put in that much effort so it’s not like it should bother me that much but it does.

>> No.18595258

Post NSFW pics on blue boards, I posted a webm with some nudity on /tv/ and got banned for like 5 days

This is how I always do it, but Lois' and Lois's are equally valid

>> No.18595274

As a teen I really was able to forget about all my failures by just marathoning anime shows for days.
What a dumb lucky faggot kid

>> No.18595275

either Lois' or Lois's

>> No.18595441

havent been on 4chan in 3 months because this place makes me racist and depressed. how r u niggers doing?

should i finally read War and Peace or reread Infinite Jest for the 4th time, that is the question