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18576877 No.18576877 [Reply] [Original]

What is your most hated word, /lit/? pic related for me: has a bunch of different but similar meanings, all of them contentious, and the word comes from French, the worst language, and the word basically encapsulates why French is such an ugly fucking language that should be abolished.

>> No.18576889
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yup I hate this word, but I hate the term "bougie" and people who use it.

>> No.18576919

Literally any word the burgers have corrupted e.g colour => color, their descriptions with their fucked-up metrics (feets, fahrenheit and inches) and their awful expressions (walking on the sidewalk), I can't understand how everyone is speaking and writing the same English in the rest of the world except for burgers.
t. Frog baguette

>> No.18576936
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>> No.18577040


>> No.18577051

Pretentious. Almost always used defensively to avoid having to think or to dismiss with no basis or argument.

>> No.18577052

you are aware that you used to use inches and feet as well right my frog friend

>> No.18577055


>> No.18577228
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Bourgeoisie is based tho.
The word and the concept.
You are just a seething Anglo.

>> No.18577273

Intellectual, aesthetic

>> No.18577308
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> "Maybe if I disguise a bit this third France hatred thread I've made today, it won't turn into a France appreciation thread".

Opé, tu trompes personne, et en passant, t'es un pédé.