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18576497 No.18576497 [Reply] [Original]

>spoils your book’s ending in the 2nd page of the introduction
How much of a fucking idiot is Harold Bloom?
Also how much of a group of fucking idiots are the people who allowed this shit to be published?

>> No.18576513

I don’t even want to read this shit anymore

>> No.18576539

The amount of Blood Meridian threads getting through my filters lately is getting annoying. Title you fucking threads properly.

>> No.18576545

Eat shit and die you fucking faggot. Get off of /lit/ if you don’t want to see books.

>> No.18576574

I want to see books, just prefer threads which conducive to discussion. Getting near filtering all Cormac threads but seeing a Suttree thread the other day was nice even if it did not seem to develop much from what I saw of it, we did have some nice Suttree discussion in another thread though.

>> No.18577687

I wonder how many (you)s this flimsy bait will farm

>> No.18577846

They do it so they can re-release the book and charge more money. Same with putting expensive covers on books like moby dick to charge like 50 bucks

>> No.18577910

>caring about muh plot twists and endings
this is your brain on genre fiction

>> No.18577929

>flimsy bait
Do you have this copy of the book, the only hardcover still printed today? If you do, read the 2nd page. This isn’t fucking bait.

>> No.18577938
File: 243 KB, 680x709, 91C1FC01-C1E1-4B02-A8FA-524C3576F7E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring about reading and experiencing the story and all its plot points yourself rather than having an (((academic))) spoil it for you

>> No.18578893
File: 40 KB, 750x709, 1605570741562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggled with this book until I just put on the audio book. Now its the best book I've ever read.

>> No.18578975

oh kek i didn't realise you were talking about the harold bloom intro, i thought you were talking about foreshadowing or some shit. in that case i hate the fat faced cunt even more now

>> No.18578987

Who reads introductions?

>> No.18579166


>> No.18579909

Wtf do you read books for the plot are you gonna tell me that you read them only once too

>> No.18580373

Blood Meridian is far above the caliber of trash books that can be ruined by spoilers. If you've ever reread a book you know that spoilers don't actually matter, since you can enjoy a book despite knowing what happens.

>> No.18580406

introductions should just be skipped, half the time they are clearly written for people who are rereading the book

>> No.18580416

Every introduction does this you faggot. You should know by now to skip them.

>> No.18580490

Lolita did the same thing.

>> No.18580495

what is this book even about?

>> No.18580508
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 5C30F44F-55EE-4255-8C7C-211B2C69DC43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo not my heckin ploterino!

>> No.18580626

Doesn't history itself spoil Blood Meridian? The glanton gang was a real after all

>> No.18580639
File: 12 KB, 177x188, 1508541283946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book starts off in Tennessee
>US Geography class in 4th grade fucking spoiled this book for me

>> No.18580649

The ending in the outhouse has left me feeling really disturbed. I actually liked Judge Holden until that moment. Him descending naked from the closet and basically absorbing the Kid was just too gross and inhuman. Such a bleak ending

>> No.18580764

If a book cannot be enjoyed if you know the end, then chances are it's not a very good book. Not everything has to be Harry Potter or whatever.

>> No.18580889

Read the introduction AFTER the book (if at all).

My Dante will have a long, ranting "introduction" in which I denounce the modern world. However, I will at least have the decency to put it at the end. That way, people will only read it if they enjoyed the translation and feel they want to know more. So I have to EARN their attention.

To put an introduction first is pure arrogance.

>> No.18580907

>I actually liked Judge Holden until that moment.
Haha, imagine reading BM and coming to that part and thinking "No, no, Judge, I was on your side until now but I'm sorry, this is going too far."

>> No.18580978

>call it introduction
>You actually have to read it last
What the fuck????

>> No.18581179

McCarthy wrote him to be somewhat charming. Obviously he’s still a rapist and serial killer. But you’re a straight retard if you weren’t looking forward to the Judge parts. After that scene he just made me a lot more uncomfortable in a way that say, Anton Chigurh doesn’t

>> No.18581340


>> No.18581667

haroldd bloom is a brainlet who didn't get the ending, so it's not a spoiler

>> No.18581684

Spanish words with double Ls

>> No.18581686

yes, the fucking MUH SPOILERS normalfags disgust me. Now everything has to be completely unexpected and make no sense. like that shitty game of thrones ending or other tv series that changed entire seasons becasue it got leaked. it's the mentality of consoom and move on to the next thing and consoom more

you read the book once to get the story and more times for the images and the details and the message/"morality" of it

>> No.18582089

Yes. I basically absorbed the prose. I can now formulate my sentences with the same taste while using actual punctuation.
Midwits don't @ me. Denying yourself a voice to guide you through a book does not make you smarter, nor does it threaten your individuality.
Just grow the fuck up.

>> No.18582105

>reading an introduction that isnt by the author
That was your first mistake

>> No.18582143

Stupidity. Plot twists are for children. Nothing of Shakespeare is spoilt by reading a plot description before the play, it rather deepens the enjoyment. The only thing that can be "spoiled" is genre fiction that has nothing to go for it but plot.

>> No.18582151

Dumbest post in this thread, and with a lot of competition. Congratulations.

>> No.18582154

>Plot twists are for children.
What plot twists are there in Blood Meridian?

>> No.18582157

Why keep on posting? Why not accept your own stupidity and shut up?

>> No.18582179

Why are you asking (me)? The fag I answered to cared about having plot twists spoiled for him. Blood Meridian has almost no plot at all.