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/lit/ - Literature

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18575890 No.18575890 [Reply] [Original]

A few weeks ago, the wife of Logo Daedalus did an AMA from his account. One of the things she revealed is that he hasn’t read Proust, one of her favorite writers. But if you do a search he’s been talking about Proust as if he has for years. It’s no surprise that the guy constantly complains no one reads considers writers he hasn’t read great. The only thing he actually reads are literary and cultural critics like Frye, Bloom, McLuhan and LaRouche and then he decides from knowledge gathered from them who he will support.

>> No.18575898

fascinating OP perhaps you could tell this to him on twitter and not post it here

>> No.18575901

nice blog retard

>> No.18575902

Twitter sub--sub-celebrity conjugal meta-drama.

>> No.18575904


>> No.18575940
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Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.18575945

It’s startlingly cool that you can all anonymously pretend to be above something related to him when all of the people who argue with him are clearly /lit/ people. Anyway, if you actually truly don’t care, fuck off. A good chunk of people here think he’s a literary giant and this is to help them.

>> No.18575965

if you want to discuss his book then go ahead but don't post literal gossip about twitter users, it's just ridiculous

>> No.18575971

At least now you've found a way to heal the wound he left when he likely blew you the fuck out over something moronic you said.

>> No.18575975

More like Homo Dildolus

>> No.18576007

/lit/ - e-celebs

>> No.18576016

logo is a good dude. op is a room temp iq bap orbiter

>> No.18576025
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>A good chunk of people here think he’s a literary giant

>> No.18576043

>considers himself to be the next Shakespeare
>married a woman who uses though

>> No.18576052

his comment about Proust makes no sense

>> No.18576082
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who the fuck married this dude?

>> No.18576112

Blow it out your ass faggot, someone post his jawline

>> No.18576118

Wait does this fag live in Texas? That gas station is our great monument of the 21st century.

>> No.18576123

Ok, I got it, you are getting paid to shill his shit here.

>> No.18576126
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>> No.18576131
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>> No.18576139
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>> No.18576141

geez what a faggot

>> No.18576143
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friendly reminder that twitter literally rots your soul and recedes your chin. don't shitpost on there, and especially don't try to become a twitter "content creator" or whatever the fuck they call themselves. every single one of them is high on the stench of their own farts and their brains are 80% fart gas at this point.

>> No.18576148

why when someone like BAP shitposts and says obviously invented antics we laugh, but when someone like logo does it we find it cringy and feel the need to bully him?

>> No.18576158

seriously, the mechanics of twitter are so tailored to feed your ego that you cannot use it and not become a pretentious piece of shit. you're literally posting whatever thought pops into your head assuming people care, assuming people will listen to your opinions as if they are gospel. you will become filled with hubris. it's literally WORSE than some thot taking pics for instagram or making vlogs, because at least that takes effort. with twitter you're not taking a pic of food or something and sharing it, you're having a thought and sharing it. it's literal NWO hivemind wifi cloud alex jones shit.

>> No.18576163
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>> No.18576168
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I feel the same need to bully and ridicule when someone posts BAP screenshots.
That whole grifter scene is absolutely abysmal.
>Sol Brahs cook book
Fucking hell mate.

>> No.18576169

You retards literally take the written word too fucking seriously. I hate boomers.

>> No.18576171

BAP is also a dumb faggot.

>> No.18576182

He and KB are hilarious unintentional comedy.

>> No.18576201

lmao I literally dont know who this faggot is

>> No.18576204

Because BAP is funny and Logo is annoying

>> No.18576211

He said, as he browsed a board about written word.

>> No.18576214

eat shit logo. literally no one cares about your opinions. i respect you on some level for actually writing a book that wasn't just some edgy nonsense plagiarized from /pol/, but you would do better to not be such a faggot all the time.

>> No.18576226
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>a literary giant

>> No.18576706

I don't consider even the Gospels as the Gospels, anon.

What? I don't even use twitter, and I don't know who that guy is. I just hate how people view books in general. They are fucking STUPID RETARDS. Books are fucking words in a piece of paper. You are supposed to think about what you read. Something being written in a book doesn't make it any better than some shitt someone talk to you in a train.

>> No.18576716

And honestly, I hate gen X too. And gen z and whatever. Zoomers can fuck themselves too.

>> No.18576721

Also, before I forget: FUCK MODS AND FUCK JANNIES!

>> No.18576983

BAP is funny, logo_daedalus picks a new literary fandom to be a part of every few months and pretends to read the core texts from said fandom. Quintessential New England scribbler.

>> No.18577133

Logo often tweets about Bely, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, while /lit/ unironically thinks Doestoievsky is good.

>> No.18577142

Dostoevsky is at least as good as Bely. Pushkin, Lermontov are in their own tier and Gogol is also superior

>> No.18577163
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>> No.18577208

Faggots you're so ungrateful. Booktuber talking about YA? Muh culture muh zoomers are retarded. Some dude on Twitter that actually knows about literature and incites people to read the western canon has been a bit too cocky? Muh chinless manlet. If it's not him, it's a literal retard talking about The Hunger Games or something. He's not that bad, he probably got some kids off vidya and into good books.

>> No.18577225
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A computer scientist who works at Gartner.

>> No.18577231

F Gartner?

>> No.18577254

A good chunk of posters here are Russians that read those fags in school

>> No.18577280

You didn't read any of those books Logo, go back to Twitter.

>> No.18577290

>that throat
That's a man.

>> No.18577330

Why do we have Dusty threads daily then. I have never seen Lermontov discussed here

>> No.18577357

because Dostoevsky is extremely famous and accessible, and there are plenty of threads about Hero of our Times in the archive. Lermontov's poetry genuinely is underrated here though, I try to shill it occasionally. At least some people have read Demon

>> No.18577425

e-celeb posting should be a permaban

>> No.18577633

Poetry in general is overrated while philosophy is exactly.

>> No.18577644

Who's this guy again?