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/lit/ - Literature

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1857585 No.1857585 [Reply] [Original]

Give me all your troll characters in literature.

>> No.1857634

"Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing"

>> No.1857633

James Orin Incandenza

Made a movie that killed people, stuck his head in a microwave.

>> No.1857643

"The case against Clevinger was open and shut. The only thing missing was something to charge him with."
I love catch-22

>> No.1857648

Tom Buchanan in the Great Gatsby. He sicks the husband of the girl he was fucking on Gatsby because he's jealous. Of course he does other fucked up shit through out the story but getting the main character killed is epic.

>> No.1857659
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inb4 not literature

>> No.1857665
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>graphic novels

>> No.1857671
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You can pick fruit from any tree in the garden
except this one

>> No.1857673



>> No.1857677

The Count of Monte Christo, specifically his revenge on Danglars.

>> No.1857678

mcmurphy from one flew over the cuckoo's nest

there aren't that many trolls in literature

>> No.1857689

Iago from Othello.
> Provokes an action from Othello on a subject he knows is sensitive.
> Acts against a moor
> Stirs up all of the trouble

>> No.1857693

Don Fernando from Don Quixote.
He takes on brides for fun.

>> No.1857695

Aaron the Moor from Titus Andronicus:

Promises to return Titus son's, brings back their heads, etc.

>> No.1857696

Colonel Graff from enders game

>> No.1857700

Lenny from Mice and Men

Come on, he was fucking with George throughout the entire novel.

>> No.1857704


>> No.1857712

Roger Chillingworth from The Scarlet Letter was a troll, I think.

>> No.1857730

that's a comic book, not literature

only difference between comic books/graphic novels is that at the end of the comic book, a new story begins, but with a graphic novel, that same story continues

graphic novel is not literature its just a very long comic book

>> No.1857773

Socrates. The original and still the greatest. Every conversation he ever had ended in a variation of 'lol why u mad bro'

>> No.1857777

from fable-litterature it's a tie between jebus and muhamut.

In real literature i mostly enjoy that book where a lot of religious people die? What's the hero in that book called again?

How come so many religious people are villains and wicked destructive people? I wonder..

>> No.1857781

thanks for citing examples
you dumb, agenda-driven cunt

>> No.1857911

Get over it, it's literature. It's accepted by plenty of academics as literature. Most comics aren't, admittedly, but Watchmen adds something that most comics/graphic novels cannot. Instead of embracing literary snobbery and elitism, go and read Time magazine's 100 Greatest Novels and see why Watchmen is just as much literature as any of the books mentioned in this thread.

>> No.1857918


"go and read time magazine" is a pretty hilarious appeal to authority

>> No.1857921


Atleast I got four of the seven kingdoms in my number. How many imaginary worlds do you hold while disregarding that everyone is "agenda-driven". Even the fictional death-sentenced felony called Jekus. I hope you don't mind me spelling his name in african.

>> No.1857960


I wouldn't say any specific character in Catch 22 is a 'troll'.

The entire book is essentially satirizing logic.

>> No.1857975


I have no idea how you can separate which comics are and are not literature.

I believe that all comics are literature.

>> No.1857996
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>Time magazine's 100 Greatest Novels
>list that puts comic books and Neuromancer and Snow Crash beside The Sound and the Fury.
>Thanks he has proved something.

Oh man, you are so adorable. Anyway, I'm not the guy you are replying to but The Watchmen not literature. You may enjoy it for what it is but don't pretend it's something it's not.

>> No.1858000

John Galt.

He's a capitalist who sticks it to the man by forming a union of sorts

>> No.1858002


Catch 22 still does not get the credit it deserves, probably because of it's similarities to Don Quixote, and also because the prose and dialogue used isn't very refined, though you could say that about any 20th century author.

>> No.1858004

Comic books/manga/hentai aren't literature. I don't understand why some people must believe them to be so. Can't you just enjoy them for what they are?

>> No.1858012


Yes, I enjoy them for what they are. Which is literature.

Why do you not think they are literature?

>> No.1858015

On the same Dostoevsky note, Ferdyshchenko.

>> No.1858023


new to the argument, but I would say because of the extensive use of pictures used to define emotion, settings, and action rather than words. It is like half literature, but still a lot like a play, I dunno yet. What is the difference between a play and a comic book? Why is one literature and not the other? I mean the dialogue in Shakespeare's plays is poetry, but what of Wild or Chehkov? How are they lit and not The Watchman?

I have never read a comic book.

>> No.1858030


Comics are an amalgation of words and images.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas had illustrations in it that added to the story and it is obviously literature.

Graphic Lit. simply takes this further.

>> No.1858035


ITT: Literary elitism and snobbery.

Although there is no agreed upon definition of literature, hoards of academics have agreed that Watchmen is literature because it does something that most comics do not and adds something that most traditional novels do (or indeed, do not).

Face it, if you weren't a regular on 4chan, where everyone's an elitist prick, you'd be fine in accepting Watchmen as literature.

It makes you wonder how people could deny Watchmen's literary significance and yet believe that many of the books in the new 'dark fantasy' wave are literature.

>> No.1858034
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Iago is My favorite troll/villain of all time !!!

>> No.1858041

It's Watchmen you guys, not The Watchmen. And my personal opinion is that the level of symbolism, parallelism, etc. in both the writing and the art, as well as the complexity of the story, makes it count as literature. Or if not literature, at least a pretty legit comic that's better than most.

>> No.1858043
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Graphic novels can be literature, but comic books and manga are another story.

>> No.1858045

I mean I can't see how reading one piece or bleach can be literature , but then again I might be wrong.

>> No.1858055

I've never heard it referred to as "graphic lit.", only graphic novels.

John Grisham isn't put on the same level as Hemingway, so why should comic books?

>> No.1858070


Classification does not give something worth.

You are of low intelligence as comparable to most humans, but this alone does not make you inhuman.

Graphics Novels are not comparable to Hemmingway, but this does not cease to make them literature.

They serve the same purpose in a slightly different fashion. They are, by all technical definitions, literature - whether you choose to accept that or not.

>> No.1858083


It's one of the most celebrated novels in recent history.

How much more credit does it need?

>> No.1858104


It's new term for it.

>> No.1858105

>low intelligence

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.1858108

Asano Inio is bigger genius than most classic literature author. Plus he draws well. That's an entirely higher level of art.

One piece and Bleach are to manga what Harry Potter and Twilight are to literature. If this makes you mad, you have shit taste

>> No.1858116

>One piece and Bleach
>Not Naruto
Narutard detected. Also, Bleach is surprisingly deep if you consider it a comment on post recession Japan.

>> No.1858119

Those were the ones that post listed. I'm not going to list every younger-teen manga out there.

>Bleach is surprisingly deep if you consider it a comment on post recession Japan
Twilight is surprisingly deep if you consider it a comment on contemporary American society

>> No.1858140

It doesn't make me mad i love one piece ,but I can't see it as literature.

>> No.1858148

>Twilight is surprisingly deep if you consider it a comment on contemporary American society
Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Serial Experiments Lain were really pedestrian and boring too.
>Those were the ones that post listed. I'm not going to list every younger-teen manga out there.
Bleach, One Piece and Naruto are the big three, and Naruto has sold way more than Bleach overall. Your Narutard is showing.

>> No.1858154


>> No.1858161

Draco Malfoy, ftw.

>> No.1858162

Did I even mention Naruto? Just in case you're not trolling, I'd like to inform you that I don't like Naruto or any other shonen stuff. I didn't even mention them. Stop putting words in my mouth.

>> No.1858173

If we are going to allow super-low tier forms of literature i guess i'll add The Joker into the mix.

>> No.1858180

serial lain is anime dumbass

>> No.1858181

/lit/ - I'd Like To Inform You That I Don't Like Naruto

>> No.1858186
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lolzors, nice. Love you man (no homo).

Clearly Dolokhov and Anatole Kuragin are the biggest troll duo ever. Handsome devils (literally).

>> No.1858208
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>"It's okay if it's Western, but fuck the rest of the world"

Come on now. I don't read either, but that's pretty bad.

>> No.1858282

>>(No homo)

>>Proceeds to talk about Tolstoy characters.

Come on, bro.
Come on.

>> No.1858362
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>> No.1858366

Judge Holden.

>> No.1858369


>not just samefag
>samefag who returns after 20+ minutes to samefag his own comment

>> No.1858376

O'Brien from 1984... his trollin has affected his brain so much that he thinks commuting the worst torture possible is for great justice

>> No.1858380

This inspires me to write a story about someone who becomes obsessed with trolling to the point where he devotes large amounts of his spare time to messing with people IRL.

>> No.1858516

That's called Fight Club.

>> No.1859671
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Exquisite thread guys, thanks.

>> No.1859944

Mr. Bennet - Pride&P

>> No.1859965

The Greek Gods. They are such assholes.

>> No.1859976

All the characters in Ayn Rand's bibliography.

>> No.1859988

>not Kenneth Branagh

also the protagonist from The Outsider

>> No.1859990
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>> No.1860070

Lord Henry in Picture of Dorian Gray