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18574354 No.18574354 [Reply] [Original]

Did Plato think that beauty was objective? If everything beautiful contains the good, and the good is universal, doesn’t that mean that beauty is not subjective and it’s possible for something to be beautiful no matter who perceived it?

>> No.18574369

who cares man

>> No.18574386

Of course Plato thinks beauty is objective. Plato is basically a realist all the classic philosophical questions ethics, math, aesthetics.
Something is beautiful to the extend that it participates in the form of beauty.

>> No.18574390

Yes. Subjective philosophies are trash and exist only until they contradict objective reality.

>> No.18574415

So people that think music is subjective are wrong? There is such thing as objectively bad music and having an objectively bad taste in music?

>> No.18574425

>"Therefore the maker of the same implement will have right trust concerning its beauty and its badness from being with the man who knows and from being compelled to listen to the man who knows, while the user will have knowledge."

>> No.18574435

Yes. Enjoyment is subjective. Quality is objective.

>> No.18574441

Yes and yes. Have you never heard pop music at a gas station or in a mall that sounded like cottage cheese buried in powdered sugar? The aesthetic effect of bad musical techniques is as definite as the digestive effect of consuming the above named concoction

>> No.18574498

>every concept has a perfect eternal form existing in another dimension
>there's eternal endless pederasty happening somewhere
What the FUCK was this guy's problem

>> No.18574527

He wanted to fuck boy butts, but limited himself to the space between their thighs because he didn't want to ruin their masculine spirit or whatever. He was literally one of the inventors of repression. And you ask what his problem was?

>> No.18574528

Music doesn't even exist as a real thing beyond Intersubjective agreement if objective Good and Beauty do not exist. There's no 'is' of any kind without meaning.

>> No.18574535

Yes, but that doesn't mean everyone sees the beautiful in the same things, they just for the most part do.

>> No.18574567
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Plato literally have faggots saved from hell because they were lovers, as in them loving each other saves them to the LOWEST heaven and without wings, BECAUSE they engaged in sexual activity as males.
You know what this means for faggots who fuck for only the pleasures sake? Make a guess.

>> No.18575075

>Plato literally have faggots saved from hell because they were lovers, as in them loving each other saves them to the LOWEST heaven and without wings, BECAUSE they engaged in sexual activity as males.
uuh based?

>> No.18575203


>> No.18575373

I guarantee this poster listens to jazz

>> No.18575390

Jazz is the closest genre to the form of beauty
Yes I am including classical

>> No.18576257

He does, but that would have to be qualified. He's not interested in whether every individual finds the same particular thing beautiful or not, but he does see that we all experience something we tend to call beautiful that can make up part of a psychological account of us.

For what it's worth, the identification of the Beautiful and the Good is always treated as a question, e.g. Symposium comes down on them being totally separate while Phaedrus sees more of a connection and one of the Hippias dialogues sees a more limited identification where the Good means what's beneficial.

>> No.18576376

there is a thing which is The Beautiful itself, from which all beautiful things derive their beauty
yes there is a spirit, or an idea, a soul, a god, of beauty
it is by acting through this that both the thing said to be beautiful, and the beholder beholding, both the beautiful thing, and beauty itself, participate in beauty

>> No.18576405

>subjectivity vs. objectivity
Imagine still believing in this.

>> No.18576408

What do you believe in?

>> No.18576486


>> No.18576519

my name is or was Jeffrey

>> No.18576527

Subjectivity it is

>> No.18576581

you fool only yourself

>> No.18576612

It's objectively true

>> No.18576655

Pretty sure it was common to believe that beauty was objective up to the 20th century

>> No.18576679

Where do the Forms exist? Just got done reading his 5 dialogues (the bit where Phaedo was crying made me tear up desu), and I can’t figure out whether they actually exist somewhere in another realm or something. Does this have something to do with his theory of recollection? Also, are immaterial, transcendental categories such as numbers and logic considered to be real existing things in modern philosophy? I’ve heard people try to argue for the existence of god on the basis of these things.

>> No.18576691

Depends on where can find universal good. With sufficient leaps of thought you can find it amywhere, and thus beauty is again subjective

>> No.18576711

Where does your mind exist?
Where do words exist?

>> No.18576714

Give it another read anon

>> No.18576722
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Forms exist here?

>> No.18576768

Well not in the material universe so they’re in my mind I guess
Yeah I will anon, this was my first time reading plato

>> No.18576786

You don't need to play stupid anon

>> No.18576835
File: 54 KB, 500x611, 8087E4D9-A573-4DEF-B701-32ED8E4F2AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not :(
Towards the end of phaedo he says that we live in the hollows of the earth, so the forms are above us?

>> No.18577116


>> No.18577733


>> No.18578374

Im pretty sure he mentions sexual activity simply for the sake of itself as being impious.

>> No.18578379
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Youve only just begun.

>> No.18578412
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Subjects are not objects to be negated. Beliefs are for people who don't know.

>> No.18578460

Beauty =/= shit taste

>> No.18579125

Based and jazzpilled.

>> No.18579684

How is meno about pragmatism

>> No.18579775

Was Pluto implying that our consciousness exists on a different plane or layer of reality?

>> No.18579848
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>> No.18579962

Where do I start with Heraclitus? Fragments?

>> No.18580046

There’s only the fragments, so yes.

>> No.18580120

>Also, are immaterial, transcendental categories such as numbers and logic considered to be real existing things in modern philosophy
Still up for debate, but subjective.

>> No.18580189

Let's try that again. Clearly too fucking early.
Subjective idealism isn't popular in modern times, usually it's going to be some form of crass nominalism.
Husserl distinguished essences as unreal but concrete. They don't exist per say, but they are what they are independantly of our participation (even when our participation is necessary to produce them on the spot).

>> No.18580202

tthe one sane nigga in this thread.

>> No.18580270


>> No.18580525

This seems like the current Greeks thread. Can anyone rec some good books which analyze Homer, particularly from a religious theological perspective?

>> No.18581398

define quality

>> No.18581438

Which translation of Plato's Republic is legitimate?
Thank you in advance.

>> No.18581450


>> No.18581476


>> No.18581523


>> No.18582489

worst chart ever lmao

>> No.18583550

You got a better one?

>> No.18584010

>If everything beautiful contains the good, and the good is universal, doesn’t that mean that beauty is not subjective and it’s possible for something to be beautiful no matter who perceived it?
this is ur brain on words

beauty and bliss are underlay and pervading all. we are undertaking preference that establishes selfhood. that selfhoods merit, preference, and bias is generally adopted by others by virtue of its abilities and the needs of the current time/space.

the way plato would see beauty is what gives you plato. if he didn't have a bias on beauty there would be no plato.
though these things can change. you can slip in and out to see the beauty in all. you can change the filter on beauty, standards, etc.

beauty is a state. once you achieve it, you see the beauty in all, or as much/far as you're prepared to see it anyway.
its like when they say "true love is blind". if you ever genuinely experience true love, you will know what this means. you are -experiencing- beauty and love for this person or thing, and therefore whatever it is becomes the 'image' of beauty.
take this concept and apply it to all of reality and u have like gosu enlightened masters

>> No.18584016

also i just want to say with a lot of objective types (which the greeks leaned towards), you will always get this "beauty standard" because they are, essentially, eternally on a mission
when you go more eastern and things are more subjective just in action, when they don't have a mission or expectation, then there is less objective standards.
and again what plato or the greeks would find beautiful would be relative to their values, relative to their directions, relative to how they were growing their empire etc.

>> No.18584024

>Yes. Subjective philosophies are trash and exist only until they contradict objective reality.
i mean all of the deeply subjectives tend to acknowledge "interdependent existence" and things like that
the subjectives have their place and purpose too, just that none of it is empirical
objectivity can be like suspended in 3 dimensions and seeing infinite paths stretching out from you in any direction, and they're all limitless

when you deal with the subjectives, you pretty much get to the same place just by different means, but the approach may offer some nuance along the way
once you spend enough time here, yeah, the objectives can be enticing because theyre...like flavorful. its like playing different campaigns in video games or something. unique identities and all that.
endless objectivity tends to get numb just the same, though.

>> No.18584045

this is the same thing
what constitutes quality? especially in art
youre still going to bring your values and opinions to the medium
what matters is what these things are able to illicit, and thats a relationship between sender and receiver

>> No.18584050
