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/lit/ - Literature

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18574236 No.18574236 [Reply] [Original]

There’s a Holiday Weekend sale at NYRB classics
20 percent off two books
30 percent off three
40 percent off four or more

Free US shipping for orders over 50 dollars

Sale ends July 5th midnight Eastern US time

>> No.18574366
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Neat, these any good lads?

>> No.18574376

I enjoyed Morte d’ Urban. Haven’t read the rest though

>> No.18574552
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Come the fuck on! Japan is a vassal state of the US. Fucking Hawaii is more independent than this shithole.

>> No.18574612

Alright fellas help me trim this list. Not pictured: Stoner. Actually I realize that I can probably get that same edition on thrift books for cheap

>> No.18574623
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Retard alert

>> No.18574626
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Anyone read this one?
I enjoyed Memoirs of a Revolutionary by Victor Serge and this sounds intriguing.

>> No.18574631

That's what you get for LARPing as someone worldly in ching chong wing wongland.

>> No.18574651

If you don’t mind older translations you can get Dead Souls for free as a pdf

>> No.18574657
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there's too much I want, have to narrow it down

>> No.18574681

I fucking hate yanquis, but my life would be easier if they would annex this island for good. I want international free shipping!

>> No.18574708

Loaded up on the bongs
One Fat Englishman
The Traveller’s Tree
Henry Green
A Month in the Country

>> No.18574764
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Hello, anons. this is my cart so far. I would like your recs for American lit published by NYRB. Nearly all the prose I read is in translation and I feel a little uneased about it considering I'm a burger and all. If it helps, I like books that reject location, so anything that feels otherworldly while still clearly being somewhere on earth, and not an alien planet or something. Anything that is fantastical or "anti-realist" while remaining literary, essentially.
I have read Dead Souls, Moravagine, and Stoner from your list. In fact, Moravagine was my first NYRB book, but that being said, Dead Souls is my favorite along with just about anything else Gogol has written.

>> No.18575253

Bump for my NYRB Classics loving friends

>> No.18575294

Got a bunch of books but immmost excited for the non fiction works. The Thirty Years War was right up my alley and appropriately massive. Hope it’s good

>> No.18575319

I like your books, I will check it out.
I already have Life and Fate and Gaddis.
What are some gems ?

>> No.18575367

The book On The Yard sounds interesting for American Lit

>> No.18575376

>$27 shipping to UK


>> No.18575379

Thanks anon.

>> No.18575398
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>buys books brand new
...are you retarded?

>> No.18575430

Okay but I can get all of these for free by refund-scamming on AbeBooks with no delivery charges.

>> No.18575457

not just that, they're buying -translations- lmao

>> No.18575483
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I consolidated all the American fiction into one expensive American history book. I have to agree with this anon >>18575294 there's something compelling about NYRB's nonfiction tomes.

>> No.18575521

Any recs for authors who play with language and form while still having something to say. So far I am getting JR, probably one or both of Queneau's books and On Being Blue by Gass.

>> No.18575528
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Anyone read this? What did you think?

>> No.18575554

just get an ereader lol
nice try nyrb

>> No.18575558

How are people supposed to know what book you’re carrying around with you in public?

>> No.18575564

>not just immediately telling everyone you see about what you are reading

>> No.18575599

Does anybody have PDFs/Epubs of Pages from the Goncourt Journel or the NYBR translation of Lazarillo de Tormes?

>> No.18575606

all about h hatterr rules

>> No.18575702

It's one of my all time favorite books. Search the /lit/ archives. It's well loved here.

>> No.18575712

Thanks, I'll probably order it then.

>> No.18575714

I enjoyed it despite remembering most of the major plot points from Latin class and the BBC version of I Claudius.

It’s a little different than I Claudius. Augustus’s wife isn’t as monstrous but still has her own agenda. She’s a bit cold but more pragmatic than homicidal.

The ending gave me a sad. When Augustus realized he fought so hard and brought peace and prosperity to Rome and the people turn out even bigger shitheads than they were during years of civil war

>> No.18575722
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>nice try nyrb
you're joking, but I wouldn't be surprised if OP is a NYRB intern

>> No.18575737

Moravagine is too strange for my taste. I paid two dollars (when converted) and it felt like a waste of money.

>> No.18575752

Would Jews dare to post here?

Alternately would NYRB ever hire a goyim? I’ll bet Sephardic is about as diverse as they would dare.

>> No.18575837

What is the most beautiful and honest book in the sale?

>> No.18575851

>Augustus wakes up from a nightmare. AURELIAN NO
teared up a little

>> No.18576304

Thanks anon, good things coming.

Balcony in the Forest - Gracq
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country - Gass
Speedboat - Adler
Marshlands - Gide
The Seven Madmen - Arlt
J R - Gaddis
On Being Blue - Gass

>> No.18577289

bump for research

>> No.18577708

Rarely but i reallly like these editions
No i don't read in public

>> No.18577752

Spent $187, can’t wait to get lit af

>> No.18577915

Shill or no shill the quality of their paperbacks is almost unparalleled and barely age at all compared to the same Penguins or Oxfords I bought at the same time

>> No.18578009

Publish the rest of Chateaubriand's memoirs please

>> No.18578029
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Most books including hardcovers are horribly printed and bound these days.

My NYRB recommendations:
The Merchant of Prato
The Rim of Morning

Both are very different. One is non-fiction history and the other is horror fiction.

>> No.18578033
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Any opinions of this book?

>> No.18578300

Recc me something from their african lit collection(limited as it is)

>> No.18578368

I thought it was a great read. Like an old adventure novel but entirely true.

>> No.18578377
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Remove one book from my cart.

>> No.18579383

the shortest one ;)

>> No.18579392

That is generally what I do.

>> No.18579408

Even after the discounts these books are too expensive.

>> No.18579429

Make sure you DON'T remove David Jones.

>> No.18580249

>so many translations
at least i can save money

>> No.18580287

Drop the Invention of Morel. Don't waste your money and your time on that garbage.

>> No.18580292

Are you Argaytine?

>> No.18580301

Remove In Parenthesis.

>> No.18580391
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What is this Jewry?? Why do they use USPS's expensive faggory? Fucking use DHL like a man.

>> No.18580435

They want you to spend more money so you get the >free shipping, goy.

>> No.18580451

It’s international
Free shipping is only for USA

>> No.18580470
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I'm too poor to afford their international shipping but I will post nice NYRB covers that I found.

>> No.18580477
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>> No.18580486
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>> No.18580492
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>> No.18580496

Based. I’ll read it.

>> No.18580501

DHL is a joke!

>> No.18580509
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>> No.18580533
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>> No.18580548

They've been pretty good in my experience.

>> No.18580593
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fuck nyrb and fedex

>> No.18580612
File: 370 KB, 1500x2400, 2984AD1F-612B-409B-A77F-AD9D83CFF564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this one?

I liked the synopsis
And if Fermor likes it…

>> No.18580836

I'm not too poor to but it doesn't seem like a good deal? Most of these are £9 on Amazon.

>> No.18580867

It’s a good deal in the US.
With the international shipping costs, it’s not so much of a deal.

>> No.18580924

Aye, you're right.

>> No.18580985

This. There’s a website where you can read the entire thing in English but it doesn’t compare to having the thing in your hands. If it’s any consolation, the consensus is that the first part of his memoirs are the most literary anyway since they were written during the heights of Romanticism

>> No.18581019
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wtf, you mean this masterpiece is not in print in English?

>> No.18581066

If any anons happen to live in Toronto, the BMV used bookstore chain carries a ton of NYRBs in really good condition. $5-$6 a pop. Most are down at the Bloor location I believe, though I know there's a small selection at the Eglinton one.

>> No.18581100

Hell yeah, got the urge for more serge

>> No.18582329

I'm going to need a third party here.

>> No.18582405
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It goes without saying if you haven't read Fermor you won't regret it.

>> No.18582445
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Does anyone know this one? Is it good?

>> No.18583288

Nope, and it's a damn shame. Penguin has an abridged version, there's the NYRB first part, and that's literally it

>> No.18583319

I'd hold off on the Lazarillo de Tormes. While it is a classic, it's well known enough that you can find it other editions for probably a much better deal than you would be for getting something that's only around like 100 pages. In fact, Penguin has an edition that has that AND another picaresque novel called El Buscon by no one other than the extremely under-read Franciso de Quevedo himself. None of those other books I believe are really in print anywhere else

>> No.18583340

That's what you get for fagging it up in fake France land you ohh la la c'est Moi fuckboy.

>> No.18583344

Those prices are gross. Probably still cheaper on Amazon and you’ll get them quicker

>> No.18583355

Don't worry, the American lit published by NYRB is way inferior to the non-English titles chosen anyway (for the most part). Grab that new edition of stories by extremely underrated Adalbert Stifter or something whose writing should stand up there with Melville with some of his descriptions of nature (and protip NYRB, publishing some of Melville's lesser known works in your editions would certainly not be a bad business decision, and is worth 100 times the paper than another dumb horror anthology or some shit)

>> No.18583486

The books on sale seem to be around 2-5 dollars cheaper than on Amazon. Not an amazing discount by any means.

>> No.18583539

hey anon this was a genuinely nice thing to post! thank you!

>> No.18583592


>> No.18583598

what did you get?

>> No.18583613

I'm not OP but do you have any more recommendations? Doesn't even need to be from NYRB. I'll probably try out Stifter in German soon.

>> No.18583683
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This is great, real cozy Viking novel

>> No.18583728

Seconding the request for more reccs

>> No.18583799

I hate when companies do that. They’ll hike the price up and then have a “sale”

>> No.18584109

NYRB books are all around $15-$30 normally, they do not hike the price, amazon just sells bellow cover price since selling the books costs them nothing, they can get by with making a $0.25 profit per book. NYRB is not just reselling, they need to make a profit to cover their expenses, as such they stick to cover price for most of the year and have a few big sales to tyy and turn the heads of some new customers.

>> No.18584117

is there free international shipping?
do they do hardcover books?

>> No.18584143

I always tell myself that one day I’ll check out some NYRB Classics at random. I never do it though because there is always something else that I’m interested in reading

>> No.18584226

No and no.

>> No.18584279

Take that back.

>> No.18584556
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I assume you want some underrated gems, because otherwise I'd obviously recommend everything by the obvious heavy-hitters Goethe and Mann (especially Goethe's memoirs Dichtung und Wahrheit which I would place above his Italian Journey because of how situated in history it is). Georg Büchner is an author well-known in Germany but is quite due for a new appraisal outside of it because he accomplished a remarkable amount in his short life and was an innovator in a truly German theater that left most contemporary plays coming out in other places like France in the dust.

Pic related though is one of the best things I think published by NYRB due to the almost total obscurity of Hungarian literature other than Bela Tarr in the Anglosphere. For its Berlin counterpart there's also obviously Berlin Alexanderplatz. A Journey Round My Skull is another title from an author well known in Hungary but obscure here that's a darkly humorous memoir about the effects on the mind of a writer from a brain tumor. Also would highly recc everything published by NYRB by the pseudo-aristocrat Gregor von Rezzori, who being born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was born in what is now a Ukrainian city, lived in Romania, was of Italian origin, and wrote in German. Other "fun" titles I liked was the wonderful Book of Ebenezer Le Page, Serge's memoirs and novel The Case of Comrade Tulayev, Shalamov's Kolyma books, and what is a totally unprecedented book called "The Glory of the Empire" by Jean D'Ormesson which has only about 100 ratings on Goodreads and is the closest I think we will ever get to an entire Borges novel

>> No.18584757
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If you like The Gulag Archipelago then get this

>> No.18584791
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How is it?

>> No.18585986

Came here to recommend this. Have you read the second part yet?

>> No.18586057

Don’t read the introduction or preface or whatever until after you finish it. It gives away a couple major plot points

It surprised me how much it effected me emotionally particularly since I didn’t like the main protagonist as an angry young man, but he changed and really grew on me.

>> No.18586146

Is Apartment in Athens good?

>> No.18586383


Filtered hard

>> No.18587121

Sorry, but I haven't read it. I bought the book on its synopsis alone and it hasn't shipped yet.
American lit OP here to say thanks for the interesting recs. I actually bought Temptation in an NYRB sale a few months ago, but have yet to read it. I will start it today because of your post.

>> No.18587165


>> No.18587314
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thanks for the tip i went on a free spree

>> No.18587421

$50+ to continental Europe. And since you anglobros left, it's been cripplingly hard to get literature in English over here, everything over 20 quid is subjected to import fees now :(

>> No.18587613

For me it's Manchette and Malaparte. Dunno what that says about my taste.

>> No.18587890

I tried The Mad and the Bad and it was underwhelming. What is his best?