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18572325 No.18572325 [Reply] [Original]

What book are you currently reading?

>> No.18572340
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Moby Dick
He's talking about how awesome whalers are and I'm going to agree

>> No.18572352
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.18572375


>> No.18572379

Sword of the Lictor

>> No.18572383

He's funny and comfy.

>> No.18572388

Is it a comfy detective novel?

>> No.18572396

Moby Dick. On the Cetology chapter.

>> No.18572405

Enigma, Robert Harris.

>> No.18572427

Yes, but kinky focused more on his interaction with his friends and NYC, than on the mystery itself.

>> No.18572439

How to Win Girls and Impregnate Them by Chad Thundercock

>> No.18572604

The fellowship of the ring and Marco Polo's Travels

>> No.18572609


>> No.18572912

Pet Sematary.

I'm reading it for my american gothic class. It's ok.

King has a bad reputation, but some books have some interesting elements to discuss, albeit treated very superficially by him.

I read Carrie by him, and I plan reading Salem's Lot later this year. This will be enough King for a while.

>> No.18572936

Posthumous works of De Quincey, David Scott Wilson’s “Spenser’s international style” which is a long stylistic analysis of Edmund Spenser.

>> No.18572940

a romance novel
trying to get in touch with my feminine side

>> No.18572946

Voltaire's Micromegas and Other Short Fictions

>> No.18572973

The master and margarita - bulgakov
The logic of gospel criticism - palmer

>> No.18573021

Great expectations, just finished part 2

>> No.18573076

Mythos by Stephen Fry

>> No.18573218

just finished reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, now im reading Candide and a fren lent me The Lighthouse at the End of the World which ill read after this one
also another friend lent me some of Lenin's books so ill check them out

>> No.18573308

ernst jünger biography by kiesel. it's comfy at keeps me from finishing my shitty thesis

>> No.18573328

The Illiad
The WASP Question
and Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master

>> No.18573350

A Farewell to Arms and a book called The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints that I took from my grandfather's house.

>> No.18573411

>Beyond Esoteric by Brad Olsen
>Secret teachings of all ages by Manly P. Hall
>Slaughterhouse 5 for the fourth time

>> No.18573427

And House of leaves too

>> No.18574087

12 rules and confessions of st Augustine

>> No.18574115

Literatura FUVEST 2022: resumo e análise das obras.

>> No.18574323

Ezra Vogel's Deng Xiaoping biography.
It's a very good book. Has tons of details without being textbook dry. It's like I'm reading a novel in a sense.

>> No.18574413

>>Slaughterhouse 5 for the fourth time
ready for arthoes pussies?

>> No.18574466

Today I'm finishing
>Wasp Factory, Iain Banks
Sat/sun continuing
>A Pillar of Iron, Taylor Caldwell
>Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How, Theodore J. Kaczynski
>Unknown Market Wizards, Jack Schwager
as well as one-offing both
>Robert Hunter 09 - Gallery of the Dead, Chris Carter
>Travis Chase 2 - Ghost Country, Patrick Lee
Last two, and first are top priority; and gonna speed thru
>The Mysterious Stanger, Mark Twain
during the week, and hopefully thoroughly enjoy
>Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare
at my own time.

>> No.18574496
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Pretty short but nearly as many characters as pages
Having a tough time keeping track of who’s who

>> No.18574514

Herodotus and Chaucer

I’m slowly trying to shift my reading to mostly pre romantic writing

>> No.18574524

The Worker by Junger. It's been challenging to understand what Junger is trying to say, but so far, I think he's saying the average person (the worker) took the ideals of the elite (bourgeois) and misapplied them such that all they can do is change the social contract perpetually.

>> No.18574532

can you elaborate on it, i wanna know if it's actually good or not

>> No.18574539

The fountainhead by Ayn Rand

>> No.18574574

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

It's alright

>> No.18574576

Reading catcher in the rye with my book group. I'm the only one to finish it on time so I'm reading down and out in Paris and London by George Orwell while I wait for everyone else to finish.

>> No.18574618

Sveto pismo

>> No.18574655

The Hobbit. Need to finish House of Mirth and Blueschild Baby

>> No.18574746

i'm also reading moby-dick i just finished "the hyena"

>> No.18574752

none of your business

>> No.18574758

Augustus and Demian

>> No.18575082

Po-tee-weet my ninja

>> No.18575093

The old man and the sea

>> No.18575137

Is it good?
Just finished carpenters gothic and now I’m reading the erasers by Robbe-grillet

>> No.18575146

A Storm of Swords, just started

>> No.18575150

Great intro to Greek mythology. Good choice anon.

>> No.18575239
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Just started this
Anybody else read it?

>> No.18575247

I just started.
It seems okay.

>> No.18575500

Honestly one of my favorite book. Short and a very vivid read. Worth it. I finished it in an afternoon

>> No.18575593

Hey, so am I! While some of the chapters about whale facts are a bit dry, I find myself utterly fascinated and engrossed in the Pequots story

>> No.18575645

kek the Frater and Spenser really go hand in hand. I always think of you when I see him mentioned, I really should read the Faerie Queen one day

>> No.18575661

2666, started the fourth book today, i don't like reading about raped women bros..

>> No.18575665

ignore what people say, you should read on. I really liked Feast, probably my favourite

>> No.18575673

Faust and after that either The Vicar of Wakefield or Outer Dark by McCarthy

>> No.18575689

Just finished Demian today and starting Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.18576533

S. J. Kincaid - Insignia

>> No.18577531

infinite jest but only so I can impress my crush