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/lit/ - Literature

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1857218 No.1857218 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ it's been a while since we've had a nice chat. I'm wondering how you're all doing, hope you're well.

Maybe we could have a nice long chat about books? That'd be nice wouldn't it!

So I've just put the kettle on and I'm going to be here for about an hour (lucky you!). Why don't you all get the conversation started and I'll be with you shortly.

>> No.1857219
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>> No.1857220
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>> No.1857222

I don't want to play this game anymore,let me go home!

>> No.1857224

A Catch 22

>> No.1857225

Why did Tolkien steal the name of Shadowfax the horse from William Morris? Or was that homage?

>> No.1857226

I was given a copy of Catch 22 for my birthday, I look forward to reading it!

>> No.1857228
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>> No.1857231

Feel free to contribute Brownbear! Maybe we can talk about A Handful of Dust.

>> No.1857238

Just let him read the wikipedia page...

>> No.1857247
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it's my favourite book actually, i reccomended it to Tom but i don't think he's particularly enjoying it

>> No.1857252

I'm enjoying it. I wouldn't force myself to read a book I hated.

>> No.1857262
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Looks like nobody wants to talk about literature or just have a chat.

>> No.1857264
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>Hasn't read their favourite book
As expected.

>> No.1857277
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Do you want to discuss A Handful of Dust?

>> No.1857278

Maybe you could tell me more about Tony Last :3

>> No.1857280

>implying you could discuss A Handful of Dust

>> No.1857285

Typical anonymous trying to derail a literature thread.

>> No.1857288
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that's exactly what i'm implying.
why don't you give something to discuss WITH an opening statement and i'll discuss it?
or are you just talking about discussing a book you yourself haven't read?

>> No.1857289

Tom tell me some cool artists. this is hakas you missed my cleese batcall. i rly like basquiat im gonna go to a museum soon. also do you like the designers republic. also i love books you should read some books. did you find darkness at noon yet.
love your buddy hakas please reply dude ttyl

>> No.1857294
File: 32 KB, 200x255, As-for-living-with-Weaboos-Well-it-beats-living-on-the-streets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to discuss something
>Tell me what to discuss

>> No.1857295
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this isn't hakas, don't trust him Tom, he sounds like ttly gay

pic related, it's hakas personified

>> No.1857298
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>oh shit i got called out and can't think of anything! better pretend the other poster is a retard!

okay how about we discuss the place religion plays within the novel?
is that alright with you? i'll give you 10 mins to google something if it's not

>> No.1857301
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its totally me beeb

>> No.1857302

>okay how about we discuss the place religion plays within the novel?
>is that alright with you? i'll give you 10 mins to google something if it's not
>still don't want to give any insight in case my retard is showing

>> No.1857304

What the fuck, /lit/?

>> No.1857309
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oh okay i got worried there brah

okay i think that the novel beautifully illustrates the ultimate cruelties and snide savagery that humans are all too capable of, the final third of the novel points out that humans can be cruel, either from discussions discussed discreetly among friends in beautifully decorated drawing rooms or in the remote jungles and clay huts of the tropics.

I also think that the end is also laughable as Brenda, after her lurid affair with Beaver, chooses to be with Jock, just out of convienence, showing that Tony's death is in vain, his journey was pointless and that it just wasn't worth it. Also, Hetton, the manor that he dearly loves, passes to relatives who he hates, and he has
to spend the rest of his days trapped in a hut in the Brazilian rainforest reading Dickens to an ageing English man, with no chance of rescue.
and that all of that highlights the utter futility a Victorian sense of courtest and being a gentleman will get you. Let's not forget that Tony LAST is seemingly the LAST of the Victorian gentleman, surrounded by fakes frauds and refusing to leave his one hold on the past, the now terrible out of fashion Hetton.

>> No.1857329

bumping this thread so me and the anon can discuss it!

>> No.1857344

bumping again. discuss it with me anon!

>> No.1857352
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Looks like he's not interested!

>> No.1857356

I've been trying to read infinite jest on my e-reader but it's like pulling teeth. I have this useless pdf version where either you put it to small font and you have to put it up to your face to be able to read the entire page or if it's on medium one page takes about 5 screens to get through. fucking bullshit

>> No.1857358


>role of religion
>utter futility a Victorian sense of courtest (sic)

Great job.

>> No.1857359

did you read darkness at noon on your ereader?

>> No.1857365

Have you tried converting it into a different format?

>> No.1857366

Nah I generally try to avoid reading novels on my e-reader

>> No.1857368
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>didn't want to discuss the role of religion because it was very specific, tried instead to give the anon something more general to discuss if he didn't pay attention to the role of Religion within the book

okay kiddo, i think it's time to stop posting, you've embarrassed yourself enough


download the one Brian Sherbert posted

>> No.1857369

delete the pdf garbage, get the epub or mobi file here:

>> No.1857402

another bump

>> No.1857411

Cheers, I should've done that in the first place but I didn't really know about format quality