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/lit/ - Literature

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18570493 No.18570493 [Reply] [Original]

The year is already half over, anon! How are you doing on your reading challenge?

>> No.18570509

I read:
>Ryme of the Ancient Mariner
>The Waste Land
Im reading Starship Troopers right now and hating it, I hope I can find a better book next.

>> No.18570528

I've read nothing but genre fiction

>> No.18570544

4 books

>> No.18570549

28 books but idk it doesn't feel like I've been reading that much. I bought a lot of books recently and I've been jumping between them so I haven't finished anything in like 2 weeks and I didn't read at all in February. I don't think I will be able to read 28 books again in the second half.

>> No.18570556

>picked a high double digit based on a roll in the thread last year
>started behind but rapidly catching up
>will hit the target at this rate

>> No.18570574

yeah, same
I've read 24 books last month, and it was all genre fiction and romance

>> No.18570577

You read 24 books in 1 month?

>> No.18570582

Like 20 I think, was not counting. Quite pitiful effort. I am ashame.

>> No.18570598

most of them are just 300 pages to 500 pages
with a web fic that was like 3000 pages
I basically just cut off internet and made reading my sole source of entertainment
read Codex Alera, Bobiverse, The Morgaine Cycle, The first 3 books to the Foreigner series, Stardust, Armor, a web fic, 4 romance novels and various erotica which aren't worth mentioning

>> No.18570609

Like 40 books (all unfinished)

>> No.18570623

If I may ask. Do you work? Are you in school? How would you describe your life outside of reading books?
24 books in 1 month is such an unfathomable feat in my mind. I am very curious about what kind of life you live.

>> No.18570640
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Here's everything I've read. I've read a ton of short stories online, if that counts

>> No.18570655

I have an e-reader and I work night shift as security guard that can sit down
I used to play FFXIV with my friends, but that just died off abruptly once I started reading, they probably kicked me out of the guild
it isn't really that crazy anon
just imagine that reading is all I do for entertainment for a month, so no internet, no videogames, no television

>> No.18570661
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Do you people even read? What happened to this board? Most of my reads are ancient philosophy.

>> No.18570663

>your average /lit/ poster

>> No.18570666

you need to set higher goals anon, the challenge lasts a year

>> No.18570670

Fair enough.
I am a slow reader and do many other things outside of reading.
Anyways. Be proud of 24 books in a month. That's godlike in my eyes.

>> No.18570672

27 books:
Mostly philosophy, have read Machiavelli, Kant, Hegel, Schmitt, Strauss, MacIntyre and Rousseau this year.

Am currently reading some Kelsen and Kierkegaard.

>> No.18570673

True, 50 is a decent number but I've read 70-80 books each for last 2 years. Think I'll set 75 next year.

>> No.18572104
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Fastest I can go is a book a week if I really want to. Most of the time I just read whenever I feel like it. Other times I just do another hobby. Right now I mostly read fiction.

>> No.18572408
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>The year is already half
Is it really?

>> No.18572411

Only read 12 thus far. Trying for another 15 or so - a lot of longer fiction/philosophy in there which greatly diminishes my pace: took me most of last month to finish The Brothers Karamazov which was worth every second.

>> No.18572416

15/30, granted some of those books were shorter. Satisfied but im kicking the speed up

>> No.18572417

I'm glad that covid is letting everyone know what it feels like to be a neet
time flies by when you do nothing

>> No.18572945
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I read 28 last year and 30 the year before.
This year I've only read 5 books thus far.
Girlfriend and a job eat up alot of time. Don't know if I'll even be able to hit my shrunk down goal of 10.

>> No.18572976
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very well :)

>> No.18572985

Only 17 books in, but I am already passed by all-time record in pages read (not including all the shit in my "Currently Reading" section). Overall pretty satisfied since I made it through some really hard texts so far; Heidegger's Being and Time, Beiser's History of German Idealism and Freud's Intro Lectures being some highlights.

>> No.18573043

good year so far:

Novels and short-stories

Chesterton - The Napoleon Of Nothing Hill
Barbey d’Aurevilly - The She-Devils
Bataille - Blue of the noon
Bataille - L’Abbé C
Bataille - Story of the eye / Lady Edwarda / The dead
Bloy - The Desperate Man
Bobin - Prisonnier au berceau (hidden gem)
Bobin - The Very Lowly: A Meditation on Francis of Assisi
Bulgakov - The Life of Monsieur de Molière
Daumal - A night of serious drinking
Daumal - Mount Analogue (hidden gem)
Flaubert - Three Tales
Jünger - The Glass bees (worst novel so far)
Queneau - We always treat women too well (hidden gem)
Melville - Moby Dick
Rabelais - Complete works (best novels)
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam - Histoires Insolites


Bataille - Eroticism
Bataille - The Accursed share
Bataille - The tears of Eros
Bonnefoy - L’improbable et autres essais (hidden gem)
Bousquet - Papillon de neige
Cabantous - De Charybde en Scylla: Risques, périls et fortunes de mer du XVIe siècle à nos jours (hidden gem)
Eliade - The Sacred and the profane (worst non-fiction so far)
Girard - Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
Gracq - La littérature à l'estomac (hidden gem)
Groupe μ - Rhétorique de la poésie (best non-fiction so far)
Jünger - Diaries 44-48
Leiris - Manhood (hidden gem)
Polo - The travels
de Saussure - First ascents of the Mont Blanc (hidden gem)


Anonymous - Roman de Fauvel (hidden gem)
Char - Le Nu perdu (best poetry book so far)
Char - Recherche de la base et du sommet
Claudel - Cinq grandes odes / La cantate à trois voix
Coleridge - Selected poems (worst poetry book so far)
Eluard - Donner à voir
Jacob - The dice cup
Leopardi - Canti
Peguy - The Portal of the Mystery of Hope
Reverdy - Sable mouvant (hidden gem)
Rutebeuf - Complete works

Currently reading the Lais of Marie de France which is amazing.

>> No.18573085

I didn't set a reading challenge for myself, but I did start reading more books this year. So far I've finished about 10 books, not including novellas, VNs or other short stories. Summer kind of killed my pace, I lack the motivation to do anything.

Was it worth it? I'm starting to hate the internet more every day, but I'm too addicted to it.

>> No.18573109


>> No.18573110

I wouldn't know to be honest
it wasn't like a conscious decision to detach myself from the internet
I just naturally not let myself get distracted when I'm reading, and when something grabs my attention I become obsessed with it

>> No.18573121

This year I have read
>last exit to brooklyn
>collection of korean folk tales
>in the buddha’s words
>the fall
>narcissus and goldmund
>lore of the chinese lute
>confessions of a mask
>the republic
>nicomachean ethics
>the symposium
Damn I really gotta up my game...

>> No.18573131

Less than last year, but still very decent. In 2021 I actually started reading novels and poetry. The age of exxlusive non-fiction is over

>> No.18573135

Set myself a goal of 12 just cause that's the bar I don't want to fall below, a book a month.
So far I've read
>The Trouble with Being Born 5/5
> Fire & Blood 5/5
> The Golden Deed 4/5
> Penitent (40k) 5/5
> Salem's Lot 5/5
> Caste 3/5
> The Civil Wars of England 4/5
> Machines in the Head 4/5
> Black Leopard Red Wolf 5/5
> Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi 3/5
> Reamde 3/5
> Understanding Our Mind 5/5
> Ship of Magic 5/5
> The Denial of Death 5/5

>> No.18573157

Pretty pleased.

>> No.18574356


>> No.18574363

where's bookie anon with the monthly read poll?

>> No.18575252


>> No.18575285

I have read 15/30 out

>> No.18575306
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On the good side, I have passed the exams, so I can finish them.

>> No.18575318
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congrats anon

>> No.18575621

I really just wanted to read more, in general, this year. I'm happy to say I have and I've enjoyed every second of it

>> No.18575655

Heinlein fucking sucks, don't feel bad about giving him up.

>> No.18575686
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I'm at 25/24 Looking to lap myself now.

>> No.18575721

>reading during night shift as a security guard
Sounds comfy

>> No.18575753

Absolute shit taste

>> No.18576128

I set out to read 40 books and I'm at 31 right now. gonna add 3-6 this month alone.

>> No.18576186

>worst novel so far
shit taste, kys anon

>> No.18576207

~410 titles since mid dec. Defo not doing the math on how many unfinish, first 300 has a lot tho.

>> No.18576282
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>> No.18576312

please bros, how much should i read at minimum per day ? this lack of rigor has kept me falling behind schedule

>> No.18577146

I love Jünger usually, but the Glass Bess was really not interesting...

>> No.18577177

I am at 10 or so.

>> No.18577490

>On Pain - Junger - 3/5
>The Cossacks - Tolstoy - 2/5
>Introduction to Christianity - Pope emeritus Benedict XVI - 3/5
>Poetry of Keats - 2/5
>The Enchanted - Denfeld - 4/5
>Butcher's Crossing - Williams - 3/5
>Desire of the Everlasting Hills - Cahill - 4/5
>The Maltese Falcon - Hammett - 3/5
>The Power of Silence - Robert Cardinal Sarah - 4/5
>The Bone Lady - Manheim - 3/5
>Galveston - Pizzolatto - 3/5
>Killers of the Flower Moon - Grann - 4/5
>The Lost City of Z - Grann - 5/5
>The Origin of Satan - Pagels - 2/5
>Spice & Wolf 5 - 3/5
>Spice & Wolf 6 - 2/5
>Tao Te Ching - 3/5
>If on Winter's Night a Traveler - Calvino - 2/5
>The Cloud of Unknowing - 4/5
>Milk & Honey - Kaur - 2/5
>The Sun and Her Flowers - Kaur - 3/5
>The Savage Detectives - Bolano - 5/5
>The Dhamapada - 3/5
>Wise Blood - O'Connor - 4/5
>Swamplandia! - 2/5
>The Lamb's Supper - Hahn - 4/5
>The Comedians - Greene - 5/5
>The Child Finder - Denfeld - 4/5
>Selected Poetry of Rilke - 3/5
>Three Stories - Salinger - 4/5
>Twenty Love Poems & a Song of Despair - Neruda - 3/5
>The Rule of St. Benedict - 4/5
>Gothic Violence - Ma - 5/5
Currently working through War and Peace.

>> No.18577500

just a 1/4 book

>> No.18578096

An hour daily?

>> No.18578116
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Currently reading The Black Cauldron and the last novel in Kinky Friedman's Crime Club (3 novels in 1 book, counts as 1).

>> No.18578480
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im reading No Longer Human and other short books so i can catch up quick
manic depression is a frustrating mess

>> No.18578493


>> No.18578506

7/20, but five of those were shitty isekai LNs so really it's more like 2/20. I don't even have an excuse for not reading because I'm a NEET and pirate all my books. I'm disappointed in myself, but still hopeful I can recover and hit 20 (real books) by the end of the year.

>> No.18578630
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I don't have a reading challenge. I read these books so far, and for the rest of the year I'll read the Bible, practice Latin, and read poetry.

>> No.18578650

fuck goodreads they only allow books you read for the first time because they want you to consume

>> No.18578655

dont you have chunkopops to make

>> No.18578661

9/35, not great. I'll have more free time starting next week though, so I plan on reading another 10 or so over the next couple of months.

>> No.18578666

you can add new read dates when you reread stuff and it counts it

>> No.18578765

17/60 books. Life keeps intervening so I'm behind right now, hoping I can catch up this month.

>> No.18578844

I wish I was more like you. I mostly read philosophy books but I'm only able to read like less than ten books a year, and usually only during my breaks (summer and winter breaks). And that's despite trying my hardest to read 50 pages a day. And I'm a philosophy grad student so I feel I ought to read far more. I don't know how you and others manage to read so much more than I seem to and I would like your energy.

>> No.18578857

Post em, fag

>> No.18578889
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which ones and how do you read them

>how much should i read at minimum per day ?
15mn, because by then you'll want to read one hour instead

>short books so i can catch up quick
>rigging an optional game
(it's the first time i use that word, you deserve it)

>shitty isekai LNs
that's cool, i enjoy shitty fast food too
what did you read


>> No.18578903
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I set the bar low

>> No.18578967

Katanagatari is based anon.

>> No.18579005

72 this year get on my level

>> No.18579013

>reading these counts as reading

>> No.18579019

Anon, you can do better. I believe in you.

>> No.18579029

>which ones
higurashi, subahibi, reading umineko right now.

>how do you read them
what do you mean exactly?

>> No.18579046

Don't tell me you read VN on steam or something? How does it work.

>> No.18579054

oh i really like the OST of this but i've never read it because I don't want to pay.

>> No.18579176

oh, well they're like games, you just launch the application (.exe or whatever) and then 'play' it. you can buy them on steam but I mostly pirate them, only exception being subahibi, which I pirated and then bought.

you can also pirate it, I downloaded the Umineko Project version from nyaa.si. I definitely recommend it

>> No.18579193
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Can I still do it ?

>> No.18579196
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Thanks but I'm staying on Bookwyrm

>> No.18579382
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My collected works on Aristotle arrived last March (after a month's wait) and since, I've read nothing but him. I don't know if it's worth it but it did clear up some ambiguities later works said about him.

>> No.18579387
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Last year I read 0 books.

>> No.18579445

Besides 2 other small books I've been reading Ulysses since January, so not great

>> No.18579454
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It might be time to start a few tomes to make the race a bit more tense

>> No.18579463

22/52, i don't know if i can read 30 more this year, will try tho

>> No.18579579
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I know a lot of authors from lurking here and i'M shocked at how few I've read. 2021 is my first year of reading books if that matters.

>> No.18579600

Why do people count manga as reading a book? No hate, just thought this didn’t make sense.

>> No.18579608

>that pic
Uhh hello based department

>> No.18579692

light novels

>> No.18579770
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How do you have the energy to spend 1 hour reading non fiction per day? When a passage doesn't make sense, i try to decipher it, fail, then eventually lose interest and put it down for the day. This for me is an obstacle to reading philosophy and non fiction in general.

>> No.18579809

So, YA picture books.

>> No.18579820

Basically japanese Ya

>> No.18579825

Right now I'm reading Brothers K, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and The Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.18579891

I like your taste. Read Toaru Majutsu no Index!

>> No.18579896
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65% done Blood Meridian

>> No.18579899

Are you developer of that?

>> No.18579910

This hurt to read and view until that crucial last sentence which absolved you of sin. Lead off with that in future.

>> No.18579929

Why? I think it's half good. Ain't so bad

>> No.18579933

The only right answer is to persevere, idiot

>> No.18579938

good balanced list
don't let the pseuds get to you

>> No.18579945

Good so far, wbu?

>> No.18579949

Greasy hands typed this

>> No.18579966

Do you read visual novels too?

>> No.18579989

I never get the pictures and I read a LN. I download off mIRC. Where you do guys pirate your books?

>> No.18580036

I get most of my LNs from nyaa.si

>> No.18580105

Yes, i do. My favorite.is nekopara.
I type the LN title on google

>> No.18580115

Is it worth it to have goodreads account??

>> No.18580173

I gave up on it, as I do everything. Don't have the time/attention span for it these days

>> No.18580217
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Pretty good, my goal was to read the lit starter kit this year but it looks like I'll finish in august at some point and I'll start on next year's goal.

>> No.18580248
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Currently reading The Crowd by Gustave le Bon.
And Crime and Punishment.

>> No.18580316
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i feel like the biggest pleb

most of the books ive read are terrible

>> No.18580421

no the main dev is a fag or something but the software is FLOSS and anybody can run an instance and federate so it doesn't matter. It's still newer but is actively worked on. If you have feature suggestions or find bugs go make an issue on GitHub.

>> No.18580443

So far,
Little Women
Stranger in a Strange Land
Slaughterhouse 5
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Cat's Cradle
Next up is Methuselah's Children.

>> No.18580446

I've read 21 books so far. I have the next 10 weeks free and am unsure whether to read lots of smaller books or sink a decent chunk of that into one book (probably Ulysses)

>> No.18580565
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This is embarrassing anon please stop being gay

>> No.18580599
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who cares 90% of goodreads are faggots too
just don't associate with any of the tranny fags and just record your books and enjoy the better site
it federates over activitypub like I stated so just run a based instance and they can't do shit

>> No.18580729
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Stack on the left is what I’m reading currently, stack on the right is what I’ve read this year, minus Desert and Naked Lunch.

Didn’t really have a goal going into the year but hoped to read more than I’ve managed thus far. CCRU Collected Writings, Theologico-Political Treatise, and Deleuze on Spinoza lined up next. Not sure what I’ll do for fiction, have had luck with NYRB Russian stuff in the past though.

Fanged Noumena — 3/5

Spinal Catastrophism — 3/5 but together they’re a 4/5

Book of Disquiet — 5/5. A reread.

Diary of a Foreigner — 2/5. Only read if starving for more Malaparte.

Absalom, Absalom — 5/5

Possibility of an Island — 1/5. Pushed through bc I hoped it would get better. I’ve also read Elementary Particles and decided this guy is a hack.

Drowned World — 2/5. Kind of a shit Heart of Darkness, especially with the kurtzian antagonist. Still, ideas and images have continued to stick with me a few months out.

Three Novels — 5/5. Something good to learn from, I think.

Vineland — 2/5. Only read if starving for more Pynchon.

Desert — 3/5. Interesting but lacking compelling prose and not as fully fleshed out as one would like.

Naked Lunch — 4/5. I wish I had read this instead of On the Road when I was in my younger and more impressionable years.