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/lit/ - Literature

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18569579 No.18569579 [Reply] [Original]

What are the hardest burns in literature?

>“Thomas Mann produced thoroughly lower-middle-class works, I told Gambetti, addressed to lower-middle-class readers who fall upon them with gusto. For at least a hundred years we’ve had nothing but what I would call binder literature, lower-middle-class-bureaucratic writing, and the masters of this literature are Robert Musil and Thomas Mann, to say nothing of the others. The one exception is of course Kafka, who actually was a bureaucrat, was the only one who produced not bureaucratic literature but great literature.”
>"Goethe's work, as a whole, is a philosophical truck farm."
>"Heidegger is the petit-bourgeois of German philosophy, the man who has placed on German philosophy his kitschy nightcaps, that kitschy black night-cap which Heidegger always wore, on all occasions. Heidegger is the carpet-slipper and night-cap philosopher of the Germans, nothing else."

>> No.18569591

>Such-and-such writer's works appeal to members of such-and-such a class
Is that really such a hard burn? I dunno.

>> No.18569600

Nabokov had some pretty harsh opinions on other writers

>> No.18569637

Your post appeals to midwits
And, of course, me

>> No.18570049

idk just sounds like weird classist and elitist whining from some butthurt germoid

>> No.18570097
File: 63 KB, 441x600, 441px-L.-F._Céline_c_Meurisse_1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But on page 462 the little turd shocks me! The damned rotten asshole! What does he dare to write? “If Céline supported the socialist theses of the Nazis it’s because he was paid.” And I quote. Yes! This then is what this little dung-beetle wrote while I was in prison risking a hanging. Filthy little bastard full of shit, you come out from between my ass cheeks to soil me from outside! Cain anus ptooey! What are you hoping for? That they murder me! It’s obvious! Here! Let me squash you! Yes!... I see his photos, those bug eyes...that hook...that slobbering leech...he’s a cestode! What won’t he invent, this monster, so that they assassinate me! Barely out of my caca and he denounces me! What’s best is that on page 451 he has the venom to warn us: “A man who finds it natural to denounce men can’t have our notion of honor. He doesn’t even see those for whom he is a benefactor with our eyes; his generosity, his kindness is not like our kindness and generosity: it isn’t possible to localize passion.”
>In my asshole where he can be found we can’t ask of J.B.S. too see clearly or to explain himself simply. J.B.S. it seems has nevertheless foreseen the solitude and obscurity of my anus...J.B.S. obviously is talking about himself when he writes on page 451: “This man fears every kind of solitude, that of the genius as well as that of the assassin.” Let’s understand what this means...Based on the weeklies J.B.S. only sees himself in the skin of a genius. For my part and based on his texts, I am forced to see J.B.S. only in the skin of an assassin, and even more, of a fucking police informant, cursed, hideous, a pain in the ass, rumor monger, a donkey in glasses. Here I am getting carried away! It’s not appropriate for my age or condition!... I was going to close here...disgusted, that’s all...I think it over...Assassin and brilliant? We’ve seen this before...After all...Maybe that’s the case with Sartre. An assassin he is, he wants to be one, that’s understood, but brilliant? Brilliant tiny turd of my ass ? Hmmm?...That remains to be seen...yes, to be sure, that could blossom...make itself known...but J.B.S.? His embryo eyes? His mean and petty shoulders? That fat little gut... and philosopher!

>> No.18570153


>> No.18570276

it is

>> No.18570283

Cringe from a pretentious twat who was jealous of their greatness

>> No.18570301

based retard

>> No.18570416
File: 217 KB, 1000x704, AKG8512782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate Austria
'ate National Socialism
'ate Catholicism
'ate Mann
'ate Heidegger
'ate Goethe
'ate Schoenberg
'ate Weburn

'ove Montaigne
'ove Pascal
'ove Novalis
'ove Wittgenstein
'ove Schopenhauer
'ove Shakespeare
'ove Musil
'ove Pavese
'ove Valery
'ove Dostoyevsky
'ove Woolf
'ove Kafka
'ove Mozart
'ove Matthias Hauer

>> No.18570915


>> No.18571156

>>"Goethe's work, as a whole, is a philosophical truck farm."
What is a "truck farm"?

>> No.18571185
File: 491 KB, 1621x589, Screenshot 2021-07-02 012831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18571313

He burns hard.

>> No.18571318

In that specific case, yes, specially in the case of Mann. You can tell that particular insult would have hurt him.

>> No.18571337

You forgot the 'simple as'.

>> No.18571364

>'ove Musil
You may want to reread OP's quote from Auslöschung again

>> No.18571377

I did read it. That passage is from Extinction. Bernhard did have respect for Musil despite what he said in that passage. He really did hate Mann though.

>> No.18571381

Thomas Bernhard is the funniest writer I have ever read.

Was legitimately losing my shit reading Woodcutters

>> No.18571435

>Read that quote from Auslöschung again
>Muh, that quote is from 'extinction'
Anglo idiot.

>> No.18571446

I only read the part of your post that said reread the quote I didn't read that you included the title

>> No.18571450


>> No.18571606
File: 376 KB, 1485x2048, VIDAL1-obit-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of the most bitter public feuds in the history of American letters raged between Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal from the early 1970s all the way into the mid-eighties, when they finally reconciled. It was conducted in print and in person in various joint television appearances, most spectacularly on an episode of the Dick Cavett talk show in 1971. Away from the public eye, the feud most memorably manifested at a party in 1977, when Mailer punched Vidal in the face over the latter’s scathing review of his book on feminism The Prisoner of Sex. Legend has it that afterwards the latter looked at his assailant and said, “Once again, words fail Norman Mailer.”

>> No.18571688

based critic calling out the entirety of this board amirite

>> No.18571722

maybe truck is used in place of "f*ck",
which then makes it seem he didn't actually like him.

>> No.18571998

Not racis' just don' like 'em.

>> No.18572030

And i sympathize with pol pot again. God i hate these fartsniffing intellectuals.

>> No.18572040
File: 26 KB, 400x400, D_4iSv1U4AEH6s9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said above, the Jews had brought forth no true poet. We here must give a moment's mention, then, to HEINRICH HEINE. At the time when Goethe and Schiller sang among us, we certainly know nothing of a poetising Jew: at the time, however, when our poetry became a lie, when every possible thing might flourish from the wholly unpoetic element of our life, but no true poet—then was it the office of a highly-gifted poet-Jew to bare with fascinating taunts that lie, that bottomless aridity and jesuitical hypocrisy of our Versifying which still would give itself the airs of true poesis. His famous musical congeners, too, he mercilessly lashed for their pretence to pass as artists; no make-believe could hold its ground before him: by the remorseless demon of denial of all that seemed worth denying was he driven on without a rest, through all the mirage of our modern self-deception, till he reached the point where in turn he duped himself into a poet, and was rewarded by his versified lies being set to music by our own composers.—He was the conscience of Judaism, just as Judaism is the evil conscience of our modern Civilisation.

>> No.18572041

>they were a nigger and a jew, why would I ever respect them as human let alone validate what they wrote?

>> No.18572044

These comments ultimately say nothing, I say this as someone who has no particular affection for those three writers.

>> No.18572072

sounds like a pretty accurate assesment of literature and philosophy

>> No.18572084

I don't trust writers as critics much. They're often over-invested in their own 'ideology' of aesthetics, not to speak of the rivalries that might exist between contemporary authors.

>> No.18572144
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>Which makes me wish you’d change your lakes for ocean.
absolutely BTFO

>> No.18572150

You can tell that Byron is too afraid to truly insult Coleridge (one of the most intelligent men to have ever walked Albion's soil).

>> No.18572153

Keats was killed by criticism.

>> No.18572174

no one would have been hurt, except you.

>> No.18573066


>> No.18573080

'luv Wagner

>> No.18573947


>> No.18574371

It's always the lower-middle class bourgeous who is the most self-conscious about being perceived as such.