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/lit/ - Literature

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18568366 No.18568366 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Pope? What is your favorite work of his?

>> No.18568553

I think a lot of /lit/ would enjoy the Rape of the Lock

>> No.18569199

If—and it is difficult to see how the assertion can be denied—the doctrine expressed in various ways but best formulated by De Quincey that “nothing can go wrong by conforming to its own ideal’ be true, the couplet of Pope, in and by itself, is invulnerable and imperishable.
But it very soon appeared that a third adjective of the same class, which indicates almost a necessary quality of the highest poetic forms, could not be applied to it. It was not inimitable. The admitted difficulty, if not impossibility, of deciding, on internal evidence, as to the authorship of the books of The Odyssey translated by Pope himself, as compared with those done by Fenton and Broome, showed the danger; and the work of the rest of the century emphasised it.

>> No.18569284

He's pretty gud. Although I recently got a second hand copy of his complete works, get home and start reading it and discover some literal fag with the most passe takes possible has written notes all through it.

>> No.18569570

Consent is sexy.

>> No.18570846


>> No.18570878

Pretty great. His heroic couplets are the best ever. Period.
Even ts eliot removed a section from the waste land that described a woman taking a shit in pope-esque heroic couplets.
Ezra pound told him something like "joyce did the shit scene better and pope did the couplets better, so get rid of this section," and made the poem better.

>> No.18571709

Perì Báthous

>> No.18572533

But when our Country's cause provokes to Arms,
How martial music ev'ry bosom warms!
So when the first bold vessel dar'd the seas,
High on the stern the Thracian rais'd his strain,
While Argo saw her kindred trees
Descend from Pelion to the main.
Transported demi-gods stood round,
And men grew heroes at the sound,
Enflam'd with glory's charms:
Each chief his sev'nfold shield display'd,
And half unsheath'd the shining blade:
And seas, and rocks, and skies rebound
To arms, to arms, to arms!