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18566072 No.18566072 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18566076


>> No.18566096


>> No.18566100

congratulations anon. that's a great book

>> No.18566107

That's the best thing to do with it.

>> No.18566119
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Emily B, like Shakespeare, understands that true love can only bear fruit in death, this illusory world is but a joke, and therefore everything is permitted but disloyalty to love, thus making Heathcliff one of the great romantic heroes of English literature. In conclusion, the great mystery can't be reached via pajeetlike contemplation of the One but through the love of a woman so fanatical and devoted it leads one to commit the most monstrous crimes. Thanks for reading.

>> No.18566141
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>The marriage of sulphur and quicksilver, sun and moon, king and queen, is alchemy’s central symbol, and in the light of its meaning we can clearly distinguish between alchemy and mysticism . . . The starting point of mysticism is that the soul has alienated itself from God through turning itself towards the world and that it must be reunited with Him. . . Alchemy on the other hand takes the standpoint that through the loss of his primordial “Adamic’ state, man is rent with inward discord, and can only regain his full being when the two powers whose strife has robbed him of his strength have been reconciled with each other. Human nature’ s inward dividedness, which has become as it were organic, is moreover a result of its having fallen away from God, inasmuch as it was the Fall which first made Adam and Eve aware of their opposition and thrust them out into the vicious circle of generation and death. Conversely man’s winning back of his full nature, which alchemy expresses through the image of the male-female Hermaphrodite, is a necessary prelude to union with God though it may also be considered from another point of view as a fruit of that union...
>The marriage of the soul’s masculine and feminine forces ultimately opens out onto the marriage of Spirit and soul. . . which is none other than the mystical marriage. Thus the two states overlap: the realization of psychic plenitude leads to the soul’s giving itself to the Spirit, and the alchemical symbols have, correspondingly, more than one meaning: the sun and the moon can denote the two powers of the soul which are termed sulphur and quicksilver; at the same time they are images of the Spirit and the soul. . . Closely connected with the symbolism of marriage is the symbolism of death: according to some representations of the ‘chemical marriage’ the king and queen are killed at their wedding and buried together, thence to rise up rejuvenated.

>> No.18566242

From Googling I've discovered a gent named Avrom Fleishman had the same take in a book from 1978 and even used the exact same quote. I'm just an NPC.

>> No.18566338

Emily B certainly reminds us of Shakespeare. They have much in common: power; psychological insight; complete lack of sentimentality towards their characters. But all this Tristan & Isolde 'love=death' stuff is going overboard. Only the first half of Wuthering Heights is a tragedy. Hareton & Catherine are going to make it.

>> No.18566916

I wouldn't say it's a tragedy, in the general sense of the word, like Antony & Cleopatra it ends on a happy note: Heathcliff's death and internment beside Cathy. The love of Hareton & Lesser Cathy is of the mundane, secular sort, which is why the pleb narrator woman can appreciate it. Similar thing in the last book I read, The Return of the Native, the true lovers Eustacia & Wildeve unite in death, which results in the wordly marriage of Diggory and Tamsin.

>> No.18567300

Did you feel trolled?

>> No.18567441
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