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18565962 No.18565962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing it. What is that book about euthanasia and assisted suicides/suicides that gets recommended on here? It's written by a doctor and they detail peaceful ways to go.

>> No.18565970

Well hurry up. We're waiting

>> No.18565984

Dude please don't. Please. I love ya man. I'm gonna stay with you for a while, alright? Just for this thread you're not going to be alone. How old are you?

>> No.18565989


>> No.18565992


>> No.18565995

you're just gonna fuck it up get brain damaged or something

>> No.18566022

I appreciate your words, but this is something that always loomed in the background for me and I feel this is a perfectly rational decision I'm taking. I'm plagued by a host of undiagnosed mental illnesses which have fucked my relationships with literally everyone. I cannot stand my parents, and I don't think they can either. I'm 18.

>> No.18566036

Yeah, I always had a tendency to fuck everything up. I have the funds to pull this off and I'm okay with preparing for this for a few weeks as well.

>> No.18566053

>plagued by a host of undiagnosed medical conditions
>perfectly rational decision

Do you see the contradiction here? If you're self-aware enough to think you have mental problems you need to deeply consider the idea that you're suicidal desire is a component of that.

>> No.18566061

>I'm 18
it's bait

>> No.18566064


>> No.18566075

I do see it, but I'm too much of a pussy to do something about this like moving out. My parents do not believe in mental illnesses, and I'm not financially independent. I also don't know shit about the world because I was homeschooled (or rather unschooled) for the first 16 years of my life.

>> No.18566078

You need an escape but not that kind of escape. If you've got the money to neck yourself you've got the money to buy some camping gear and get out into nature. Our modern lives are so absurdly fucked up, it's absolutely no surprise that people can't handle it. Get out into the bush, create some breathing space in your mind and allow yourself to recalibrate. I can guarantee you that if you go on a 3 night + hike you will start to feel better. What are your parents like?

>> No.18566104

I believe in mental illnesses too. But I don't believe that they're an a priori thing that people have that they can't heal from. Unfortunately our western paradigm makes people so blind to the dysfunction and disconnect that is the pillar of our culture that it doesn't point the finger at itself when it comes to mental illness. You're not connected to the pulse of being alive. You're not feeling what it is to be human. Youre not actually doing what humans are supposed to be doing. No fucking wonder you don't feel okay. No fucking wonder you think you're a terrible, useless person. But those are just thoughts.

>> No.18566109

I'm afraid I'm too retarded for that, anon. I cannot seem to enjoy nature (or anything else for that matter) no matter how hard I try. This is not due to mental illness, and I just lack the brain cells to enjoy them. The most tolerable thing I was able to do was read stupid post-modern philosophy I couldn't understand.

>> No.18566115

1) 18 is way too young to kill yourself lmao not to lean into the 'you have so much to live for' cliche but you are young enough to direct your life in any direction you want to.
2)>undiagnosed mental illnesses
not real, they're just personality traits that are subject to change. think less about them and they will cease to be as big a deal
3)>cant stand your parents
then move out. you are old enough to get a job and move into a shitty flat or something

>> No.18566124

Please just give me the book

>> No.18566137

How much exposure have you had with nature? I can guarantee you it's not a lot. The reason being, substantial time in nature CANNOT fail to change your life. It's not up to you. You're hardwired into the universe. It's not about your human volition. It's about the reality of your human EXISTENCE. If you haven't spent 3+ days in nature without technology you haven't even opened the door through which you can begin to appreciate nature. There's a necessary buffer which naturally breaks down when you spend significant amounts of time out there.

>> No.18566164

It's bait Jim, but not as we've known it before.

>> No.18566175

Give me the book, anon. I beg of you.

>> No.18566179

Suicide is only rational if there is no 'reason' you would do it. If you have a reason, it's already too late. I have no doubt in my mind that you are an insufferable thing to be in the same room with, I can also believe you cope with your social inadequacy using these "undiagnosed" mental illnesses. So anon, looking for the least painful way to go isn't going to cut it. You deserve the most painful one. Your self-hatred is palpable so I'm sure you would agree that you don't deserve painless death. And the most painful way to die is to live a long meaningless life and get some sort of cancer. That is what I recommend. As soon as you find meaning in your life, a purpose, a sense of fulfillment, only then should the thought of suicide return. Depressed people never commit suicide. You aren't depressed. I hope I'll never see another faggot thread like this one.

>> No.18566209

Anon, not having a reason to commit suicide in itself is a reason. Doing it for the sake of it is a reason. You cannot escape reason. I am insufferable. And yes, my self-hatred is very evident. But I simply do not care about what I deserve. I just *want* to die.

>> No.18566233

Go watch some birds, eat well, and exercise. That you feel it is perfectly rational is just the depressive realism talking, in which you mistakenly believe lack of happy emotions makes you less biased - it doesn't. I tried to kill myself around your age, maybe a year younger, I'm glad I was a few pills short now, believe me when I say you just aren't thinking straight at that age. There's always opportunities to change and get things right again

>> No.18566335

Read the Bible

>> No.18566403
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If you really did, surely we would not be having this conversation. As for the book you are looking for, there is no such thing. The amount of pain death takes is irrelevant to the question you are avoiding. Will you do it? Don't listen to the anon trying to shove meaning and nature down your throat. It is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you will find beauty nowhere unless your way of seeing things is changed. Will you do it? You can off yourself now, you can pursue whatever little meaningless thing you have left to pursue and do it once it has failed, or you can wait in indifference for things to change (they will not change). It is ultimately your choice and only yours. Every suicide is a product of circumstance, and no book will help you find your own suicide. It is quite literally only in your hands and your eyes. Close this thread, and ponder on this. Maybe write some poem as a little challenge for your suicide note (it will be terrible but it's worth a try). If you truly are hopeless you will not do it. If you do it then you weren't hopeless. I hope you have no friends left to disappoint. Your parents probably deserve it for their ignorance. Have a good one, Anon, I'm sure you will make the right choice.

>> No.18566427


>> No.18566457

Imagine killing yourself when you still have an easy 4-8 years of non wage cuck life ahead of you.
If you were newly entered into the workforce after graduating college, having only just recently having had the wool pulled from your eyes then I would have been able to understand your sentiment, but this is just vanity.

>> No.18566458

Good post, listen to this guy OP, though I'd still argue aspects of nature have a transcendental beauty that don't necessitate a clean perception

>> No.18566679 [DELETED] 

The man with the largest ego and the man with the smallest ego have the same disregard for the judgement of others.