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18562434 No.18562434 [Reply] [Original]

Is Orthodoxy just a LARP for westerners? Is Catholicism the one true Church? I’ve been orthodox for three years but I feel like an outsider with the community

>> No.18562509

>I’ve been orthodox for three years but I feel like an outsider with the community
Can you go into detail about that?

>> No.18562529

Sure. I go to an Antiochian church but unlike most it’s full of Arabs and not converts. The converts I do know are for the most part racist and misogynistic and use the exclusivity of orthodoxy for that reason. I don’t know, I just feel like I don’t connect with any orthodox people anymore. I’ve been going to a Catholic mass and I’m starting to enjoy that community more.

>> No.18562552

>Is Catholicism the one true Church?

>the fullness of orthodoxy is to be found only where the indefectible faith of Peter is safeguarded by the See of Peter. Only the Catholic Church maintains the visible unity of the Church as understood in the ancient patristic Church. There can be no fullness of orthodoxy without the Pope, and that is the evidence of all Church history during the First Millennium when various heresies were successively supported by hundreds of bishops. It was only communion with the See of Peter which preserved orthodoxy in the East when patriarchs and bishops fell into heresy.
-Reply to a Lapsed Catholic,now Eastern Orthodox by James Likoudis

Read the whole article. History and scripture teach that the Catholic Church is the one true Church.

>It is the possession of a divinely instituted center of visible unity that enables the seeker of truth to determine which group of Bishops formally separating from the others to be in Schism or Heresy! Thus, the famous axiom of St. Ambrose : "WHERE PETER IS, THERE IS THE CHURCH".
-Reply To a Bulgarian Orthodox by James Likoudis

>> No.18562602

Going to church at all other than for family functions or christmas is larp.

>> No.18562621

You feel like an outsider because you are. Find your nearest SSPX parish and join the one true Church, Christ's organ on earth.

>> No.18562631
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Read BVLLinger.
Become Reformed.

>> No.18562632

Orthodoxy is ethnically grounded, orthodox stick to the church they're born in: greek, russian ukrainian, romanian, syriac, etc

>> No.18562645

Did you at least get a qt antifragile gf out of it?

>> No.18562655


>> No.18562668

This is what makes childless anglo cyber racist zoomer orthodoxy so interesting as a phenomena. For the people who thought neopaganism was too larpy but that the other christer denominations weren't epic enough for their grand politics of impotence, there is now a small-scale invasion of immigrant spaces by these alienated kids. It's the most inorganic thing in the world. At least if you start your own autistic religion with a few of your kindred friends it's authentic community.

>> No.18562704

You seem angry at some people there, but the little phenomenon of catholics fleding to orthodoxy is more related to the Rod Dreher's type, catholics or would-be catholics disillusioned with the current state of the church.
Also orthodox may be immigrant but they're certainly not left wing and people going there for right wing values and even "racism" aren't wrong. They're just not born into it.

>> No.18562709

where do you live? where are you from? these are quite important things to take into account when you are selecting which church to attend. other anons on here are partially right - orthodoxy is usually quite ethnically homogenous, and this homogenaiety is seized upon by anglo larpers who want to "retvrn to tradition" or whatever. however, this doesnt mean that this is the true form of the church. i have lived in bongland for most of my life, and attended many russian and greek services with a community mostly comprised of anglos and a mixture of others. there is a fantastic sense of comunity there (obviously not perfect), but a place where newcomers were welcomed and invited to participate in services. you should look around where you are, and keep your options open.

>> No.18562712
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It's also just, frankly, non-Christian, when looked at from the other direction. Christianity is a proselytizing religion, a missionary religion. Jesus calls on His followers to go out into the world and spread the Gospel, baptizing everyone on Earth. The Orthodox have basically not done that in almost a thousand years. Now, you can say that they've had to deal with a lot of shit--the Ottomans, the Turks, the Soviets--but beyond that, it almost feels like there's no active desire by Orthos to proselytze.

Compare this to the Catholic Church, which has been super gung-ho about spreading the Faith in the last 500 years or so. It existed in the Middle Ages too but it really kicked into high gear with the discovery of the New World and the opening up of the East. Fuck, the Vatican literally has a "Congregation for Evangelization." Some of the most famous saints in the Church's history, like St. Francis Xavier, are famous because they converted millions and personally baptized thousands. And isn't that what Jesus Himself says Christianity should be doing?

>> No.18562747

See I really love this aspect of the Catholic Church. They’re not content to sit on their hands and let people find them. I was baptized Catholic but I never have it a chance before going Orthodox. Now that I’ve been Orthodox I can see that they’re very isolated from everyone.

>> No.18562794

I don't think one's religion should be downstream of their politics but sure the Orthodox are generally, well, more orthodox. I can't imagine that will last very long in the absence of migration from the parent countries. Look at what happens to Catholics in the United States. They are just mainline protestants who accept the idea of a pope. So the church shoppers will inevitably be disappointed
The global reach of catholicism benefited greatly from the Spanish and French colonial empires while Orthodox countries mostly lost territory to Islam or were taken over by communists.

>> No.18562800
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>> No.18562820

Stop typing this way.

>> No.18562830



>> No.18562837

cum genius is a living example of why people convert to orthodoxy

>> No.18562865

Raised Roman Catholic. I started going to a Melkite Catholic parish about 9 months ago. Best decision ever. Though the Melkites are Lebanese in ethnic origin, only about half of the parish is Lebanese- and about like 30% are/were Roman Catholics. And they're extremely welcoming while still cherishing and upholding their tradition.

From what I can tell most of the Eastern Catholic parishes are extremely welcoming- even though they're all "ethnic" churches.

If you enjoy the Eastern approach to spirituality and liturgy, but want the fullness of the One True Church, or better connection to the west, join a Byzantine Catholic church. They're less common than Orthodox but they exist.

The west wouldn't be the west without the east. And the east wouldn't be the east without the west. I pray someday visible unity will be restored, but until then... have faith and stay strong, my brother.

>> No.18562866

>Is Orthodoxy just a LARP for westerners?
>Is Catholicism the one true Church?
Both are

>> No.18562871

>Christianity is a proselytizing religion, a missionary religion. Jesus calls on His followers to go out into the world and spread the Gospel, baptizing everyone on Earth

I don't mean this as a troll or a snark. Were you raised in an evangelical church, or are you the sort of disaffected evang who seeks the liturgy and history of other traditions?

t. latter-day Anglican

>> No.18562872



>> No.18562886

people absolutely leave due to their own weakness but it certainly speeds their departure along when theyre bombarded with the zoomer "muh tradition" cringe larp which you epitomise

>> No.18562895
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Protestantism is Catholicism.
Roman Catholicism is not Catholicism.

>> No.18562901

Absolute retard

>> No.18562904

I think that’s why I’m drawn towards the Roman rite though. I don’t really enjoy the eastern style of liturgy. I’m thinking of trying Tridentine Mass next

>> No.18562906

Actually another thing- I don't exactly know what your church is like at all, and I have no idea what you have done there, but you should perhaps make a point to start volunteering to help with parish meals, or to cantor, or read, or serve at altar.... whatever. If you want to stop being an outsider don't be an outsider.

Also if you're just being an antisocial sperg don't be suprised you're coming across as a LARPer. I presume you've read a share of theology since you're on this board. Ask questions with the clergy or laity, engage with the texts, embrace the rich tradition.

The eastern churches place a heavy emphasis on participation. You're supposed to make a real effort to be a part- not just show up and maybe give alms.

TL;DR: make sure that YOU are trying to be a part of your parish

>> No.18562909




>> No.18562921

I’ve been to three separate orthodox churches in my area and in none of them can I find people who want to volunteer, which for me is very important. It seems to be a chronic Orthodox problem. With the Catholics they volunteer every week. Don’t get me wrong I love both I’m just thinking Catholicism might be that little something extra.

>> No.18562934

If you don't like the byzantine liturgy don't stick with it. I love it. I know it's kinda weird. Not for everyone.

If you like proper reverence and piety, go to a Tridentine mass.

And with all options- give it a few times. Also there are a number of guides out there to the Latin mass- it is a little inaccessable but a lot of that is because to so many folks these days their introduction isn't to it as an organic tradition they've grown into, but to a certain extent, a LARP.

Unpopular opinion: There are some "new order" masses out there that aren't bad. If they do it ad orientem, that's a good sign.

Godspeed and praying for you anon.

>> No.18562952


That is troublesome.

Anon do you mind if I ask geographically where you are?

>> No.18562986

Southwest US

>> No.18563263

read this very long and informative article by a form orthodox now catholic convert :)


>> No.18563288

people like you make me very sad

>> No.18563296

based uniates

>> No.18563303

>but I feel like an outsider with the community
same but I only tried visiting once
I will say if they're read they're far more prepared spiritually than other sects to handle spiritual deception or prelest

>> No.18563534

>The converts I do know are for the most part racist and misogynistic

You say that like a bad thing. Also, my experience has been the opposite. Traditionalist, Latin-mass "Novus Ordo isnt valid Catholicism" converts tend to hold the most extreme views.

>> No.18563853

Do you fags even read books? Haven't seen a single Church Father or Scripture reference. Also Orthodoxy is the one true Church. I know it's weird to be Orthodox in the West, but it is what it is. Protestantism borders on not even being Christian.

>> No.18563877

>claims to be christian
>uses foul language
pick 1

>> No.18564073

>I don't mean this as a troll or a snark. Were you raised in an evangelical church, or are you the sort of disaffected evang who seeks the liturgy and history of other traditions?

I'm actually a born and raised Catholic, though I've become more devout in the last few years. I was mostly just using logic. I mean, let me pull up this quote from the 28th Chapter of Matthew:

>Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

These are the words of Jesus Himself. Christians have to be missionary and have to proselytze. I feel like to avoid this is to avoid the Gospel.

>> No.18564235
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Because we have an aspect of eternity within ourselves therefore the finite will never truly satisfy us.
Because God is the ultimate Good for all beings, not just man, but man especially because we are made in his image. Because the truth is in us, the closer we get to the truth the more we become who we truly are. The more we chase finite and temporal desires the more alienated we become from God and from ourselves.

>> No.18564236

I wasn't raised Christian but most of my family is Syriac Orthodox. Is there a difference with Eastern Orthodoxy? Where can I learn more about it?

>> No.18564350

your family might have come from a Miaphysite background, its a term relating to cristology i think. basically armenians, copts and some other eastern christian groups believe in a different theology for the nature of christ or maybe the relationship between christ, god and the holy spirit. you should do your own research on this term given my lack of understanding in the specifics

>> No.18564358

I should probably just ask them directly next time I see them. I went to a coptic mass once and I remember it being quite different from Catholic liturgy.

>> No.18564377

well it comes from a different cultural tradition, as i can discern eastern Christianity tends to be more ethnically differentiated, like when the slavs began to be converted more, old slavonic was introduced instead of giving them the greek liturgy primarily (when compared to the catholic church just making everything latin based), or how ethiopian churches are unique in that they are round and have unique murals on all the four winds of different themes

>> No.18564385

>Christianity tends to be more ethnically differentiated
Do you know of any books on this particular subject? The evolution of the different Christian denominations in accordance with the cultural and ethnic background of the places where they took root

>> No.18564397
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I'm still seeking but this video about an EO/Old Believer's journey to Catholicism is really really interesting


>> No.18564647


>> No.18564672

Yup it's pretty ridiculous

>> No.18564714

Christianity itself is a retarded semitic religion, just leave it. Call paganism a larp all you want, at the end of the day there's no difference between me and and a couple of friends coming together to practice our rituals and you going to church. At least I don't have to accept gypsies and all the other races of the Earth as my brothers, give donations so that they can build another church that remains empty while there's people starving in my country, and deal with the Church getting involved in politics, making statements on BLM or housing "refugees" like they do in the west (and would the same here if africans started coming in en masse).
I don't want to worship a foreign people anymore or call a country I'll never see the promised land.
I was born and raised Orthodox in Romania and I still live here. I've also had quite a bit of experience with Catholicism since I live in Transylvania and have hungarian friends btw.

>> No.18564725

I don't hate jews, or anyone for that matter, but I don't want them in my country or getting involved in our affairs. If the chosenites would all just go back to the Levant and stop trying to ruin our countries I wouldn't care about them at all.

>> No.18564748

no, ive mostly just made observations based on what ive gleamed from more general history and the little i have read

>> No.18564760

I've been thinking similarly anon. Also Orthodox for three years. Started in an OCA mission - the smaller community was awesome and very welcoming. Easy to get to know people and help each other out. Then I moved across the country and the only English service available was at an Antiochian parish. The parish was very big and impersonal. Good mix of converts and different ethnicities, but this only led to it feeling more scattered and heterogenous for me. I am moving again and will see if the next parish is a better fit.

I really want to live a more Christian life but find it very hard when you don't fit in with the community. Maybe this is a sign of immense pride that needs to be overcome. I felt at home when I first started going to Liturgy, now I've practically stopped going entirely.

>> No.18564771

there is one book, that is "Saint Maximus the Confessor" With commentary from Andrew Louth. It goes mainly into the controversies around the 7th century situation of christianity with iconoclasm and the theological disputes of the time along with of course translating the works of that man, maximus in a pretty good form in english. thats where most of my knowledge about those things comes from

>> No.18564884

Thank you

>> No.18564892

What is wrong with people? Just read bible and believe in Jesus.
All this conflicts between catholics and others are just human stupidness and politics. It has no place in religion.

>> No.18564905
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Puritans are the most powerful people on earth

>> No.18564978

So what? A-rabs are fun. You can gawk at their noses during mass, and they probably don't smell like the others do.

>> No.18565023

I left, after a lifetime of being raised Catholic, in Catholic school, with clergy family, because I came to find the Catholic Church itself and it’s positions absurd but you’ll just insist that it was my personal weakness.

>> No.18565037

LARPities of LARPieties

All is LARP

>> No.18565041

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