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/lit/ - Literature

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18559067 No.18559067 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that so many 4chan posts still call blood meridian the greatest, or most significant, or most influential work of 20th century american literature, still shows you how far the western genre is from being a serious art. Psychology majors have long recognised that Dostoevsky and Hugo are the best in their fields, despite not being the most famous or the most well paid. Romance critics rank the highly controversial Tolstoy over other more popular writers who pleased courts around Europe. Western critics are still blinded by archaic prose, desolate landscapes, and commercial success.

>> No.18559088

>the fact that many NEETs and anime watchers on a chingalese basket weaving boards think something means that western critics as a whole think the same thing

>> No.18559115

Who the fuck are "western" critics? Critics of "western" genre? The fuck. /lit/ will find the most obscure ways to look retarded.
>archaic prose, desolate landscapes, and commercial success.
Blood Meridian is the exception not the rule among westerns. And commercial success? Lmao.
Reminder that it was literary critics that revived the book and still suck it off.

>> No.18559140

>commercial success
book was a flop until figures like Bloom recognized it. OP sounds euro or underage.

>> No.18559190

The fact that so many books still name OP “the greatest or most significant or most influential” faggot ever only tells you how far faggotry still is from becoming a serious art. Gayness critics have long recognized that the greatest gay musicians of all times are Elton John and Jimmy Somerville, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical gayness critics rank the highly controversial Tchaikovsky over classical homosexuals who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Faggotry critics are still blinded by commercial success: OP sucked more dicks than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the gayest. Gay critics grow up listening to a lot of gay music of the past, gay classical critics grow up listening to a lot of gay classical music of the past. Faggotry critics are often totally ignorant of the faggoty music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that OP is a gigantic winged faggot.

>> No.18559230

Confirmed for only watching Jordan "cuck" peterson for psychology. Lol at victor Hugo.
Tolstoy was pretty popular among the soulless bourgeois of his time (he himself was one).
Book was a flop. Genre critics hate archaic diction and desolate scapes. Reading a single review tells us so.

Overall very misinformed/10. An Anti-Mccarthy staple.

>> No.18559900

>falling for modified pasta

>> No.18560116

the fact that these posts are starting to show up daily and the fact that even serious BM threads are almost as a rule shitshows, might mean it is time to update the filter list.

>> No.18560128

I knew it was pasta. But OP made a thread so he probably wanted thoughts on it. I obliged. Fuck you ungrateful OP.

>> No.18560154

anon, you are anonymous, just laugh at yourself for getting triggered pasta and move on. No one knows it was (You).