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/lit/ - Literature

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18558475 No.18558475 [Reply] [Original]

new this board. why is a literature board so obsessed with philosophy?
I've been on other literature forums before and they're never this way.

>> No.18558479

Because there's no philosophy board? /x/ is too retarded and /his/ is too... history-oriented?

>> No.18558485

Fuck you, fucking nigger.
Go and talk about your YA shit on those other forums. Hang already, you strange fruit piece of shit.

>> No.18558492

And not to forget that /sci/ goes into a screeching meltdown if you mention something vaguely philosophy-like sounding.

>> No.18558498

this isn't a literature board in the sense you probably think it is. this is a place where people pretend to read (so as to appear intelligent/cultured/well-read in front of other autists that do the same thing); the same goes for the philosophy ''discussed’’ on here.

>> No.18558500

>why is a literature board, a board made for a medium of art that is inseparable from philosophy, so concerned with philosophy?

>> No.18558510

The best fiction and literature begins to encroach upon greater ideas of being and existence, transcendance, love, justice, society, war, etc, which are all ultimately the concern of the vast body of philosophy. They aren't clearly divisible as they're all part of the wider body of man's tradition of storytelling and commentary on what it means to be a human.

>> No.18558515

Because Plato is absolutely an alt-right Philosopher.

>> No.18558520

methink not, Plato was an extreme-left Piglosopher

>> No.18558526

Like a third of the post on /sci/ are philosophical. Another third is about race realism.

>> No.18558535

I never thought about it, but it’s kinda fascinating how an anonymous book forum is among the most elitist and least tolerant towards YA/fantasy literary communities in the world.

>> No.18558536
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>> No.18558546

Sure. I didn't mean to say that philosophical works are misplaced on a literature forum. Just that it's very disproportional how much they come up here.

>> No.18558551

So they can play out their 'intellectual' battles on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.

>> No.18558555

/sci/ takes personal offense to the very idea of philosophy.

>> No.18558557
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I really do read
I'm just not that well read right now because I dropped out of reading for quite a few years.

>> No.18558563

I think most people here are suffering from living in the world. I am among them. This is perhaps the only place they have on life to engage in some form a discourse, and it naturally tends towards matters of understanding even themselves, let alone the world around them. It's cathartic. Maybe the only justice is to have some kind of understanding of the flesh prison you clamber from day to day in: not like there's anything better to do.

>> No.18558565

What are you talking about? If anything this is the most tolerant forum. What would happen if F. Garner tried to shill shit books on /r/books? Insta fucking ban. This is a shit forum, but if anything this is definitely a lenient community for the worse and the better.

>> No.18558571

>literally invented a model state that inspired fascism

>> No.18558582

Also, enjoy your down vote because we hate reddit and love 4chan. Your thought doesn't really align with the herd mindset.

>> No.18558584

methink you think an interpretation of Plato is Plato, methink you're mistaken, methink you're a faggot, methink methink methink

>> No.18558588

I went onto sci to ask about some recommendations for books on math and the catalog was all anime, sneed and soijaks. it’s even worse than here

>> No.18558592

But you do realize that Plato is authoritarian af, righ?

>> No.18558607

Yes, faggot, >>18558520 that was a joke post. Who the fuck takes someone that says 'methinks' in a serious way?

>> No.18558614

So what? It wasn't funny.

>> No.18558624

Well of course it wasn't going to be funny to you, you dumb nigger.

>> No.18558625

I bet even you didn't even laughed at it. Otherwise you wouldn't be mad at it.

>> No.18558627

I didn't claim they were good discussion, but thread on why there is something rather then nothing and similar questions come up all the time.
>it’s even worse than here
Oh I fully agree. I didn't mean it as an endorsement. I haven't been there for a while, but I liked their /math/ general back then.

>> No.18558642

Yes, that is great humor right there, stupid fuck. Made a shit joke now you are fucking butt hurt about it. I don't care about your shit jokes, they are not funny, git gud, kid.

>> No.18558673

He definitely wouldn’t get called nigger on Reddit even if they banned him. This place is fairly intolerant towards anything written less than 30 years ago and God forbid you criticise any book from western canon here.

>> No.18558699

People literally shit on the Bible here. WTF are you talking about? Are you blind or what?

>> No.18559253

Most books are philosophical in nature and some lack it completely. Like, if you read Sanderson you probably don't give a shit but if you read LOTR (basic example but still) you might give a fuck.