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18557699 No.18557699 [Reply] [Original]

>Kant knew of Hume’s racial views and approved of them. In one of his essays, in an attempt to reinforce Hume’s dismissive views of Africans, Kant cited a story by a Dominican missionary, Father Labat, concerning a Negro carpenter. Labat criticized the carpenter for his haughty treatment of his wives, Kant tells us. The carpenter replied with what certainly sounds like a rather shrewd dig: “You whites are indeed fools, for fi rst you make great concessions to your wives, and afterward you complain when they drive you mad.” Kant adds a comment that I personally consider the single most appalling sentence ever written by a great thinker: “And it might be that there were something in this which perhaps deserved to be considered; but in short, this fellow was quite black from head to foot, a clear proof that what he said was stupid.”


>> No.18557763 [DELETED] 

Epic misogynistic negro BTFO'd christcuck cum skin

>> No.18557769

powerful dialectic exchange

>> No.18557770

true. as a commited racist this quote made me reconsider my views and suppose that blacks may indeed be equal in intelligence to whites

>> No.18557817

Kant is basically the ideal platonic form of bugmanism.

>> No.18557837

>well you're right but you're still a dumb nigger lol
wow... so this is the power of philosophy...

>> No.18557840

What is with liberals and being "appalled" at a bit of racial horseplay

>> No.18557848

feigning outrage = I am more virtuous

>> No.18557856

Kant absolutely BTFO beyond belief by the chad Ngubu Carpenter
>y-y-you’re black stfu!
why is this loser finding bantz “appalling”. it sounds like a funny conversation desu.

>> No.18557887

My hatred of woman and hatred of niggers have left me unable to respond to this comment.

>> No.18557902

Is is the legendary based nigger?

>> No.18557927
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Just threw out all my Kant. But seriously, if Kant who's one of the Wests greatest philosohers thought like this about some random black guy why should we take anyhting he says as literal

>> No.18557959
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>> No.18557968

True but that was a rare case of a based n*gger who understood the necessity of misogyny. I'd say he was an honorary Aryan

>> No.18557970

>rare case
blacks understand the necessity for misogyny more than anyone else except for maybe hardcore mudslimes

>> No.18557973


>> No.18557975

>You whites are indeed fools, for fi rst you make great concessions to niggers, and afterward you complain when they drive you mad.”

>> No.18557981

Anon, not all black people are niggers. Just the vast majority of them.

>> No.18557982
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Kek <——

>> No.18557985
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You Kant be more based than that

>> No.18557986

>not throwing your Kant out after all the Reichenbachposting

>> No.18557991
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>Kant adds a comment that I personally consider the single most appalling sentence ever written by a great thinker
I can only imagine pic related when i read this.
However, the African was completely correct in that westerners gave their women too much freedom.

>> No.18557994

Kant's ethics strike once again

>> No.18558002 [DELETED] 

>defends women
>gets chastised anyways because of a racist quip
we can't win kantbros

>> No.18558011
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>> No.18558012
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>> No.18558030


>> No.18558057
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>Manfred Kühn comments in passing on the Observations: “To be sure, there is irony in some of these passages.”
>Susan Shell also sees irony, suggesting, “Kant’s argument, in that essay, is beset by a too-often-neglected irony: the words of an African whom Kant notoriously cites not only belie the ‘cowardice’ that Kant attributes to all Africans, but threaten to expose the tenuousness, in Kant’s own mind, of a claim crucial to his thesis as a whole—namely, that European women deserve the reverence that is paid to them.”
>Shell also suggests that with a celibate priest telling and in turn being told how to relate to women, Kant introduces further irony.

>> No.18558089

So basically kant thought what the negro said had merit, but because it was said by a negro it's still retarded even if true?

>> No.18558189

It's the 95% making the rest look bad.

>> No.18558197

more like he couldn’t refute it so resorted to “n-nigger”

>> No.18558223

OP here. That quote was taken from an introductory philosophy textbook "About Philosophy" by Robert Paul Wolff. The author describes himself as a Marxist in economics, anarchist in politics and atheist in religion. He's actually a pretty interesting guy and a renowned Kant scholar and his lectures on Kant which are available on YT are a great way of getting into Critique of Pure Reason. But you're right in the sense that he often peppers his writings with retarded liberal anti-racist bullshit. In the first chapter of this textbook he is worried that the lecture is about to become too "Western" and "eurocentric" but instead of introducing some actual non-Western philosophy like Confucius or Shankara he settles for W.E.B.Dubois of all people because apparently being black made him a non-Westerner despite him being imbued with a Western way of thinking.

>> No.18558299

You could have just said he was a complete fucking moron

>> No.18558368
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>Negro carpenter: 2 + 2 = 4
>Kant: what nigger stupidity!!!1!
but what did he actually MEAN by this?

>> No.18558490

Based black man

>> No.18558496

Quick rundown?

>> No.18558527

check warosu, someone posted excerpts

>> No.18558553


>> No.18558669

>the lecture is about to become too "Western" and "eurocentric" but instead of introducing some actual non-Western philosophy like Confucius or Shankara he settles for W.E.B.Dubois of all people because apparently being black made him a non-Westerner despite him being imbued with a Western way of thinking.
This is pretty much the same thing with all anti-colonial thinkers. Even though they rant against Eurocentrism, their philosophy is almost always Anglican, German, French, or a mix of those. It's the same with Said and Fanon. They cant really deal with actually non-western thinkers.

>> No.18558690

How is this news? Kant wrote a book separating races and placing them on a hierarchy. Look at his geography or his anthropology. Read more, faggots.

>> No.18558702


>> No.18558951

Kant is a hack

>> No.18559461

what a dumb fucking pseud

>> No.18559484

>Kant adds a comment that I personally consider the single most appalling sentence ever written by a great thinker

>> No.18559494


>> No.18559525

>y consider the single most appalling sentence
This modern age is so fucking gay and stupid. You have philosophers talking about purging the weak and this guy is upset Kant insulted some black guy

>> No.18559577

Intellectual buck breaking. Look it up. Many such cases.

>> No.18559781
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>> No.18561106

Unfathomably based.

>> No.18561113

I think he was just trying to be funny.

>> No.18561404

It was an ironic dig at hume you retards. There are good papers about this. In the context he writes this it's clear

>> No.18561434
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That negro was unironically smarter than Kant. Any African books you guys would suggest to give up on Prussian garbage and move to another level?

>> No.18561465
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>And it might be that there were something in this which perhaps deserved to be considered; but in short, this fellow was quite black from head to foot, a clear proof that what he said was stupid.

>> No.18561468

>the Chinaman of Konigsberg

>> No.18561549
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Kant rejected his views on racial hierarchies as his critical system was taking form (as it is made utterly evident by his essay on perpetual peace, and his 1790 Anthropology). People who stress on Kant's views on race are in bad faith. It is as in bad faith as claiming that Kant believed that logic offered a proof for the existence of God, even though he abandoned that view as soon as he started writing the books that actually matter to us.

>> No.18561652

>despite what evryone else thinks let me tell you why akshually
No I dont think so

>> No.18561670


>> No.18561680

George Ayittey's Indigenous African Institutions.

>> No.18561708

Theory and Practice of Esoteric Georgefloydism by Ngugu Mbappe

>> No.18561757

Cope harder, kant's philosophy wasn't racist

>> No.18561803

His philosophy has nothing to do with race at all. Kant was aware there were smarter and dumber people

>> No.18561838
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How different things would be now if we had listened to the wise nigga instead of the "enlightened" German goblin...

>> No.18561924

Kant was actually concerned about race for a) his philosophy of nature (especially his teleology) and b) his practical philosophy, since racial hierarchies as they were theorized entailed also a moral hierarchy (as in, people lower in the ladder would be deemed less moral). For both a) and b) an account of race that entailed racial hierarchies would pose major problems to Kant's critical system.

>> No.18561940

It would imply no more a problem than there being individuals smarter than other individuals which he obviously knew was true. God you faggots are tiresome you just lie and lie and lie

>> No.18561962
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nigga was right tho... bitches need to be slapped or you'll end up with modern western women

>> No.18561998

Try reading the third critique and his essay on Perpetual Peace

>> No.18562001


This seems made up by the OP. I've never ever heard a negro say anything wise. Not even bothering to go and Google it to find out

>> No.18562003

Try reading the third critique and his essay on Perpetual Peace, and then tell me that racial hierarchies do not fuck his entire work up. And stop trivializing it, as if the problem is "duh some people smarter some people dumber duuhh", Kant had actual philosophical reasons to deem racial hierarchies problematic

>> No.18562027

It is literally the exact same as some people being smarter than others. 'This group happens to have somewhat more smart people on average'- if that is a problem for his philosophy then it's a problem if anyone at all is smarter than anyone else

>> No.18562044

It's a problem if these differences are not distributed uniformly among all human populations since a) this fucks up his theological and biological concept of humanity and b) this 100% fucks up his entire political philosophy and philosophy of history (especially his cosmopolitical theory)

>> No.18562055

How fine does this distribution have to be? Every country? Every region? Every town? Every street, every family?

>> No.18562069

Every racial group. For example, if African are in general dumber than Europeans, and if this stupidity is of a genetic nature (as in, intrinsic to their organisms), then Kant would have to retract his essay on Perpetual Peace. For Kant's political philosophy to work it must be that no general population is to be intrinsically dumber than any other population (differences should all be accounted with appeals to nurture rather than nature)

>> No.18562076

But why? If you can get people within a population of different intelligence to cooperate why can't you get people between populations to do so?

>> No.18562202

Because Kant's cosmopolitical program requires also that every population can possibly be at the same level of competency, since no hierarchy must be established between nations, and since at the same time it is established that nations must be ran competently. Kant is not willing to settle down for some sort of paternalistic cosmopolitanism, where more competent nations get dragged down by least competent ones. If this level of general equivalent competency cannot be achieved not even in principle (since, in this scenario, differences in intelligence between populations are intrinsic), then the whole cosmopolitan project loses all its normative power (it is not relevant that these differences might be present at the moment; what is important is whether they can possibly be neutralized or not). Too bad that this project is literally the highest and most important point in Kant's practical and political philosophy (that's where all our aims, as the human specie, are directed at)

>> No.18562208

Hm then I retract all my posts, you are right about Kant having become antiracist

>> No.18562219

I'm glad to have cleared that out for you, anon

>> No.18562274

Sounds like a bit of banter but in the way Anthony Cumia does where he’s still being racist

>> No.18562454
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>"Yo my nigga Kant I see you and you white boys simpin for your frigid bitches on this hood what on earf is up with dat?!"
>Kant props up his collar and pats his wig
>"Ahem. Fuck women. But also more importantly fuck NIGGERS"

>> No.18562491
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Black here. Can you guys stop being racist please? I feel like this is a consequence of y'all having anglo-centric libraries. read phillis wheatley and get woke or sum shit

>> No.18562586

Even nigger hands looks ugly. What the fuck is wrong with your race

>> No.18562594

Thought you were holding some Gardner novel, that'd be gold

>> No.18562615

i bet you believe in "white genocide" and that type of dumb shit, stupid ass cracker

>> No.18563279

Holy based.. where do I start with this man??

>> No.18563294

please return those books to the white man from whom you stole them.

>> No.18563309

Bugmanism holy shit that’s a great word.

>> No.18563333

The black man was right, in restrospect, and Kant was wrong. Holy shit, an African carpenter was more correct than one of the most infuential philosophers.

>> No.18563337

It’s a complex social process that many people are incapable of understanding.

>> No.18563405

The carpenter was correct. What an embarrassing response from Kant. So this is his power huh.

>> No.18563422

bitches ain't nothing but tricks and hoes

>> No.18563441

Peak intellectual dishonesty, yes.

>> No.18563442

>one of the most influential western philosophers got btfo by some poor new world negro
Woah...so this is the power or european intelectuals huh
This thread unironically cured my racism.

>> No.18563444

Liberals know negroes are dumb talking chimps but it goes against their fake and gay leftcuck religion to consciously recognize such. So to assuage their cognitive dissonance they become the protectors of and spiritual mothers of all the world’s dumb retard sub human brown “people”. Jews exploit this to no end.

>> No.18563446

wtf I respect blacks now

>> No.18563459

I was in that thread. That post was a top 25 of all time in the 10 years I have been ruthlessly shitposting

>> No.18563460

>This thread unironically cured my racism.

>> No.18563462

>>You whites are indeed fools, for fi rst you make great concessions to Jews, and afterward you complain when they drive you mad.”
Please take down this VERY anti Semitic post.

>> No.18563469

#Cancel white people
(But keep all their ideas and technology and civilization)

>> No.18563512

God I hate white “people” so fucking much

>> No.18564046

I believe you're an ugly ass nigga lmaooo

>> No.18564543

I mena of course he is still racist. You have to be an idiot not to be racist. You dicover these dark skinned creatures that look similar to you but are heavily primitive in almost every way imaginable in a time of stern belief in progress and enlightenment. You would be a laughing stock if you would claim those are as equally human as us.

>> No.18565785

racism is not cool! I will talk to God about you, He’ll set you straight.

>> No.18565803


>> No.18566866

Lol this is an obvious brown Indian. Can’t run game on a nigga

>> No.18566880
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