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/lit/ - Literature

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18552983 No.18552983 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read to help me get a girlfriend?

>> No.18552994

The Bible.

>> No.18552993

The call of the crockpot

>> No.18553001

If you don't hate women, you aren't reading enough.

>> No.18553003

Do you think it's better for you to just forget about me?

>> No.18553007

Something dull and monotonous
Like >>18552994 so that you’ll chuck it across the room and get the fuck off your ass and go find a nice girl to talk to

>> No.18553042

The best thing to do is to interact with women in an activity like cooking or yoga / hiking or something like that.

>> No.18553049

Anti-Tech Revolution.

>> No.18553058

How can the Bible help?

>> No.18554022
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You should read about cryptography, so far nobody cracked the code

>> No.18554033

whatever books that a book club that contains women is reading
literally nothing else could possibly result in having a girlfriend
if you hate all genre fiction, even /sffg/ type stuff, you're fucked, or rather not fucked given the gf situation

>> No.18554046

It can't, it's just christdrones preying on the weak and vulnerable as usual

>> No.18554103

The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships

>> No.18554117

When you give it up in disgust, chuck it into the trash and go find a girlfriend. Like I said!

>> No.18554135

If you know how to read it is basically a "how to start and maintain your own Christian family".

>> No.18554157

(114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

>> No.18554171

Wtf? So only trannies and men can enter?

>> No.18555694

Yes, ofc. It is heaven after all. Aren't you gay?

>> No.18556935

yep this

>> No.18557025

lolita desu

>> No.18557077

Harry potter, unironically/
>Anon, you like book too?I like harry potter
Then you impress her with your potterhead knowledge, that's the most common way to get boook laid anyway.

>> No.18557702


I'm agnostic, but the Bible is all about that. If you didn't get that out of it, you definitely have to step up your reading, I'm just not stupid.

>> No.18557717
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Probably politics or law, then you can always win a debate, and possess the demeanor of a Chad. The girl will look at you and know you can put her in her place

>> No.18558382 [DELETED] 

No, she'll think you're creepy and weird for being obsessed over it. Woman don't get obsessed with niche autistic shit in the same way men do, and are disgusted when they see men getting obsessed because they instinctively detect mental illness.

>> No.18558386

How to speak, how to listen

>> No.18558390

No, she'll think you're creepy and weird for being obsessed over it. Woman don't get obsessed with niche autistic shit in the same way men do, and are disgusted when they see men getting obsessed. This is because they instinctively detect mental illness.

>> No.18558418

Bullshit. Obsession is valued by women. You don't think bitches were fawning over Kobe?

>> No.18559865

Wtf showing passion for something girls love is the most common way of losing you virginity

>> No.18561004

So are you telling me that I can be passionate about shitposting on /lit/ and that I should talk about it with women?

>> No.18561012
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gnostics are literally trannies lmao

>> No.18561028

Only if you’re 6ft and handsome;)