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/lit/ - Literature

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18552281 No.18552281 [Reply] [Original]

Post the one book you would recommend to anyone, which would change their lives the most. The one book that had the most impact or value.
Doesnt matter how weird, cringy or niche it is.

>> No.18552290

The Bible

>> No.18552301

The Last Messiah.
I'm convinced it is the key to world peace.

>> No.18552385
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It's both useful if you're interested in that period of time, and it's also extremely well written for an autobiography

>> No.18552855

Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, as somebody raised in a christian household who no longer believes in god no book has affected me and my views on life more

>> No.18552879

I always recommend Farenheit 451. The world needs Bradbury's tirade against personal technology and media manipulation. Lots of great satyrical work in that book.

However, the most important messages the book imparted for me were the value of a living memory, and the importance of reading, and this is what makes it my go to first recommendation.

>> No.18552900

A philosophy textbook.

>> No.18552921

which one

>> No.18552931

Little book called The religion of man by Rabindranath Tagore, it's a collection of his lectures about god, mysticism, etc. Basically just to intimate that there is something beyond 'material' world and you can see/experience it here in this life. I think it is presented in a way that is intuitive for most people and Tagore's writing has a very strong sense of this divine presence in it, especially his poems, of which a couple are included.

>> No.18552947

Any, probably better than the Bible (and nothing else). Which is what most people read.

>> No.18552976

mindfulness in plain english

>> No.18553024


>> No.18553030

the Quran. Alhamdulillah.

>> No.18553041

Doctor Glass by Hjalmar Söderberg

>> No.18553412


>> No.18553680
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If you get past the "doing mindfullness to increase production" phase, then it's actually pretty good

>> No.18553790

>implying that there aren'r Christian Philosophy textbooks.

>> No.18553954


>> No.18554345

Nah it's overrated. It's basically the french version of the origin of the Buddha.

>> No.18554378

I think it is about Leibniz. And a critique of his 'best of all possible worlds", which is probably unfair if you consider it properly.

>> No.18554411
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I know people are recommending the Bible, but I can't do that in good faith because I've never read the entire thing all the way through.

I would say that my recommendation would be the Republic. Reading it at 18 transformed my life. It fundamentally changed how I saw the world, and I think it did so for the better.

>> No.18554427

biography of napoleon

>> No.18554454

literature is not self-help, if someone framed the question like you did i would tell them to kill themselves; kill yourself

>> No.18554455

Yeah but you'd never do that cause youre a pussy IRL

>> No.18554471

I grew up a Christian as well. I'm about halfway through and nothing has really blown my mind yet. He's pretty profound but nothing he has said so far has really affected me. It all seems just a matter of course. I'm curious how your views changed. Did you still believe in God when you read it?

>> No.18554474

i don't talk to humans irl so we will never know

>> No.18555431
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Investing for Dummies
cost me $7, made me $60,000 during this stock market bubble

>> No.18555437

Creative evolution by Bergson

>> No.18555440

Daodejing helped me be calmer

>> No.18555446

I also love Tagore, Bergson would genuinely be right up your path

>> No.18555699
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this shit goes ridiculously fucking hard

>> No.18555763
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>> No.18555924

No dude you need the one that comes with the little lego luke in it with the medal

>> No.18556598
File: 77 KB, 473x461, IMG_20210630_062704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Golem by Meyrink

>> No.18556628

The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence - Baltasar Gracian

>> No.18556972

Read it when I was a teenager and it taught me that everyone is alone, really. Everyone just wants to be accepted.

>> No.18556987

I am so fucking SICK of you faggots.

>> No.18557007

This. I didn't get it when I was eighteen, just thought it was just cringe-y poetry but it's legit one of my favorites nowadays at 30.

>> No.18557032
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You may not understand it, but it's a beautiful work if you can get %5 of what's written

>> No.18557187

The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. Forget the movies, just immerse yourself in the world the book provides and it's one hell of a ride for any walk of life.

Also, true men of culture right here.

>> No.18557209

>Claims to read intellectually
>Doesn't read holy books
You're a liar

>> No.18557315

Swiss Family Robinson

>> No.18557435
File: 11 KB, 267x400, reignofquantity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possibly the greatest work of the 20th century

>> No.18557775

meme choice or genuine?

>> No.18557804


>> No.18557811

Meme, ok

>> No.18557820

Candide is more like the book of Job.