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/lit/ - Literature

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1855226 No.1855226 [Reply] [Original]

why would you marry someone? /lit/

ive seen many of you say you are married on this board but i just dont see why'd voluntarily chain yourself to a person who seems destined to make your life hell eventually. were you just being irrational and thought you were 'in 'love' or?

i would love to hear your stories.

>> No.1855231
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I entirely agree with you.

>> No.1855229

I'd marry so I don't die alone
Implying anyone would ever marry me

>> No.1855234

My wife is my soul mate. I couldn't think of a better way to manifest this physically than with a nice wedding and ring for her to wear.

>> No.1855236


>> No.1855237

i'm even more pathetic than this guy in real life real talk

>> No.1855239
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>i just dont see why'd voluntarily chain yourself
You've confused marriage and the suffrage movement.

>> No.1855241

to make old people happy. yuck

>> No.1855243

Weddings are every little girl's dream. Women are essentially materialist, even before fully grown.

>> No.1855250
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I think people get married because they are bored and can't entertain themselves alone without "some significant other". I pity those people.

I don't wanna get married. I don't even wanna start family. But I'm well aware that my point of view could easily change while I grow older.

It won't though.

>> No.1855255

op is a faggot
but marriage really is an outdated institution and is largely pointless in today's society

>> No.1855262

where do i get wife slave to clean my clothes and suck my dick

>> No.1855266
File: 1.92 MB, 1000x1497, tx_705_f57_1750_front0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question from the same person who said I was in denial about loving my daughter and enjoying parenthood.

Your trolling isn't even related to lit.

>> No.1855268
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i can do that too.

>> No.1855271


I don't have a pension, any family, and I grew up dirt poor, so I married a woman with a rather wealthy father so one day I'll have a couple of houses, and a million quid in the bank.

>> No.1855273

>enjoying parenthood
people in that other thread told you not to speak so soon.

>> No.1855274
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The difference being you just edited that.

>> No.1855283

stop de-railing my thread.

>Your trolling isn't even related to lit.
it's generally agreed this board isnt restricted to literature, there's philosophy and politics threads quite often.

>> No.1855288

>implying d&e is worth anything compared to my majestic presence

quite a joker you are

>> No.1855290
File: 347 KB, 732x1598, 1305686591298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I won't.
Drop your trip for this thread only and I will.

>> No.1855291

what does that mean?

agreed by who? still, you could at least make the pretense. Frame it in terms of literature. Bring up "The Unbearable Lightness Of Being" for instance.

>> No.1855295

>Drop your trip for this thread only and I will.
lol, over on /mu/ they have a script auto-matically following certain trips around, and that hasnt stopped them posted.

i think you'd be better off on a forum tbh. or at least a non name+trip chan.

>> No.1855296
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>majestic presence
Pic is related, it's the sort of girl you are.

>> No.1855299

i think they meant if you're still early days in parenting then its a bit too premature to say you enjoy it.
dont you feel extremely claustrophobic being married -and- with family children though? is that why you come here?

>> No.1855302

i would do this except i'm really ugly and insufferable

>> No.1855305
File: 27 KB, 456x305, Jodie-Foster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tybrax, do you want a mommy who loves you.

because you don't have one d'awwww hahahhahahahaha

>> No.1855316

Comments like these are why you will always be relegated to the middling tier of tripfags despite being one of the most prolific tripfags.

>> No.1855313

why would you make an /r9k/ thread on /lit/?

>> No.1855317

i wouldn't mind being married. but married for the rest of my life? to me it seems more temporary. not a stormy affair, but just something where you enjoy it then part ways for a next phase of life. perhaps this could be summed up as 'long-term dating'.

>> No.1855319

of course, the divine mysteries of my passing are not revealed to numb skulls like you.

>> No.1855320

at least get your personalities right...

obsessions like this with personalities on an image board cant be good for you, you should find a healthier outlet for your frustration. and also relating to 'Anonymous' cant be good either, they're pretty disgusting.

shouldnt you be off revising your religion v.s. science textbooks right now?

>> No.1855323

My daughter's 8 and I've been married 15 years.

I come here because I work at a desk most of the day, supervising people at a library, and have chunks of time waiting for work stuff to move along.

Are you at home right now? If so, why aren't you out there living a life and getting your answers that way instead of posting your loaded questions here on 4chan?

>> No.1855327

what happened to you little baby. talk to me.

>> No.1855334

>My daughter's 8 and I've been married 15 years
both are pretty short to be saying you'll always enjoy it. i'd wait until your daughter is mid-teens at least, not sure about marriage. dont you worry about the possibly you might regret it. im not sure how easy stuff like that is to get out of.

>If so, why aren't you out there living a life and getting your answers that way instead of posting your loaded questions here on 4chan?
you honestly think married couples are going to be straight-up honest with me if they regret their decision to? same with parenting. and im at home because its evening where i am.

>> No.1855335

Being a tripfag in general isn't good for you. I suppose I'm just compounding my problems. There's a lot inherently wrong with anyone who tripfags in the first place.

>> No.1855339

>putting some text in the 'name'-box when you post a couple of times a week isn't good for you.
ok even assuming that ridiculous statement makes sense, doesnt it make you more pathetic to spend your time posting following around people that do this and hating them for it also? hmm...

>> No.1855343
File: 412 KB, 1000x623, Marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ok, to answer your question about feeling claustrophobic....yeah, I guess some people, maybe a lot of people, feel that way. I think a lot of people get married for the wrong reasons. They're connecting it with security or some other self validation. And they spend a mint on a big fancy wedding to make it so true and lovely.

Marriage itself doesn't make you more secure, or loved, or any of that Hallmark bullshit. And yeah, it;s work. And yeah, there are things you and your spouse will disagree harshly on. But neither my wife or I were looking for or expecting some BS soft-focus On Golden Pond BS.
But...did you ever see Kick_Ass? Well, it's sorta like that. You're on a team, you're both doing the best you can, and when I need someone with skills in an area I don't have, I'm covered, and vice versa. But you're both human and you fuck it up sometimes.

>> No.1855344

>implying my "hate" isn't just an act to attract attention, develop a reputation, and gain notoriety.

>> No.1855345

you say that like you're the only person who does it, your personality on here is completely forgettable.

>> No.1855349

OK, thanks for your opinion. I hope someday you get hit very hard with something very wonderful.

>> No.1855356

Actually that was a lie too.
Honestly, I'm just amusing myself.

>> No.1855452

Wow. This thread is wank. Total fucking toss.

>> No.1855457

what's your problem with it?

>> No.1855471

People get married because we're socialized into wanting to marry. There no inherent reason to spend the rest of your life with someone through the ritual that is marriage.

Also, love is a social construction. It doesn't "exist", but that doesn't mean people shouldn't believe in it.

>> No.1855479


It's complete arse - you dudes complain about Anon, then you bitch and kvetch at each other like women for hours and hours on end. It's just absolutely boring, and I don't understand why you waste your time like this.

>> No.1855480
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i think you'd make a great tripper

>> No.1855481

oh you mean that trip bitching about tripfags? was my first encounter with him and ive now said all that he needs to hear.

>> No.1855490


You take that back, brownhole.

>> No.1855521

You do not want to "chain" yourself to someone? Is you short attention span due to all the marihuana you smoke?

>> No.1855522

it's a metaphor. i do not smoke weed, i'm straight edge.

>> No.1855525
File: 11 KB, 200x150, 636744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't put on this bravado and raise those walls now, just let them down and let me and you be good friends okay?

>> No.1855531

I want to get married because it would make me feel like I've actually accomplished something in my life

>> No.1855538

but isn't celibacy an even higher achievement? don't aim too low, there's nothing you can't achieve Popplagio :)

>> No.1855542

I guess it's an achievement of some sort and that's why I tell people I'm a virgin but I'm saving myself for my one true love it's kind of corny but whatever i'm a romantic in that way