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File: 173 KB, 1000x1000, philosophy_tube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18550837 No.18550837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think?
newfag here

>> No.18550851

He will never be a woman.

>> No.18550857


Lefties massively becoming trannies implies that dysphoria is a contagious disease.

>> No.18550858

tranny faggot
doesn't even know what he's talking about

>> No.18550859

He got btfo'd by an old ginger.

>> No.18550863

Would feed and seed desu

>> No.18550865

don't care about the trans stuff but their videos are massively oversimplified and the reason we have so many teens debating politics who don't know what the fuck they're on about

>> No.18550872

Does anyone have the picture that demonstrates his obsession with Contrapoints.

>> No.18550877

Some good insights and I like how she sees the video essay as an opportunity to explore aesthetics, like with her video where she read Ada over fitting incidental music and talked about perfume-making. Really pushing the genre in a good direction. Though it’s also funny just how wrong she can be, it’s almost like she doesn’t even try with some of the content she puts out, just that typical leftist attitude of “no, that’s wrong. That doesn’t even dignify an answer” like where she won’t read Kant or whatever bc das raysist. And that video on the housing market was of course an embarrassment. Take what you can from the channel, but just keep in mind it’s beholden to the same feet of clay as the leftist Twitter-sphere

>> No.18550889

Her economic takes are complete dogshit (just watch her video about the housing market) and her video on consciousness make me physically sick.

Back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.18550893

>like where she won’t read Kant or whatever bc das raysist
He shouldn't have read Marx, then.

>> No.18550902

tranny dumber than kraut

>> No.18550903

Why are you calling that man a “her”? Delusional beta nigger loving simp,

To op I’ve never watched that tranny and I likely never will, I’m more of a demon momma supporter. Watching him and riley the tranny fight in dressed while acting exactly like men was incredible. Truly lynchian

>> No.18550905

The video on data is kino and the video on 'When Will Airport Security Go Back To Normal?' would also be great if I didn't know for certain that he would balk at comparing it to covid restrictions

>> No.18550908

I remember some Reddit comments where so many people talked about how they looked up to him as the perfect role model of a man.

As someone who does not have a major in philosophy, is the content good?

Or is pseud shit for teen lefties?

>> No.18550911

Engels too, since he called for "a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians"

>> No.18550916

Got owned on the subject of evola by survive the jive.

>> No.18550918


She doesn't quite understand Kant, or even worse, misrepresents Kant's concept of Critique in purpose so as to be able to conveniently trash his (truthfully) problematic ethics without dealing with it.

Other than that it's the usual (mostly harmless, left-lib tending) pop philosophy that cannot be dismantled apart from her identity-as-a-profile persona. This is not something of her fault either, it is inevitable on social media that people's ideas become mingled with their online profile(s), and that their profiles are promoted to identity by proxy. She needs to curate this image of herself which boasts enough likes and buzz to perpetuate her ideas and so the ideas cannot be considered apart from her image - death of the author can never happen here, which doesn't do much for the philosopical aspect.

>> No.18550919

PhilosophyTube is a theatre kid who blathers about quarter-baked philosophy as a front for role playing and dressing up in costumes.

>> No.18550923

>As someone who does not have a major in philosophy, is the content good?
No, he gets torn apart by other people constantly for being a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.18550934

why is it /pol/ tier thinking to think that guy is a guy?

>> No.18550938

>/lit/ - mentally ill e-celeb trannies, apparently

>> No.18550942

cringe theatrics, very little substance

>> No.18550950
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 1624259136042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses him of mansplaining
is this the video that broke him and caused him to troon out?

>> No.18550951

faggot pseud tranny e-celeb like 99% of breadtube, exact same audience as the anti-SJW crowd from a few years back just with different politics

>> No.18550963
File: 83 KB, 943x815, 285729864185481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the redditor tranny youtuber isn't it?
OP,are you a redditor?If not,don't watch her videos,it's a waste of time (like watching any debate streamer for example,it's all brainwashing)

No matter what author both of you like,it's a gigantic waste of your braincels to lower yourself to ''her'' level,and to try to understand ''her''
Leave ther redditors to reddit,don't bring them here,reddit culture and humor has been spreading in the past two years and I hate it
>inb4 I have to watch her videos b-because akctually ...
No,I won't bother with what redditors have to say,every single one is the same,I won't ever take you seriously.

I expect this retarded thread to reach over 100 replies btw,MOST of it is going to be bait
>inb4 someone responds with bait to this post and some 80 iq retard gets angry and defends me

>> No.18550966

Thoughtslime also now goes by a female name and is well on his way to embrace troondom
Capital T Truth right here

Calling it now, Hasan Piker will troon out soon enough

>> No.18550981

>Calling it now, Hasan Piker will troon out soon enough
No Chad will ever become a troon. As a member of the genetic elite he's got too much to lose from a gender reassignment

>> No.18550983

That's what porn addiction does to a man.

>> No.18550988


>> No.18550991
File: 82 KB, 934x803, 285729864185481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18550992

>Hasan piker
Nah despite his faggy leftoid views he still has turkic alpha bvll energy
Not like those mentall Ill algoid troons

>> No.18551010

That is so obvious only a religious fanatic would deny it.
It's basically white men hating themselves so much that they become women instead. *Some trannies even continue being heterosexual and fucking women*. It's basically a way out of being hated by everyone in their mentally-ill social circle.
Either that, or they fall prey to the "women are better" meme which is implicit in contemporary Western culture, and want to become women because of how "amazing" it looks to them.

The more I look at the US, the less I despise China, Putin, and Islam.

>> No.18551013

PhilosophyTube threads always reach at least 200 replies before getting deleted

>> No.18551032

I really think a camp could be designed to snap people out of this tranny coomer shit. If there's a place they could live
for about 6 months where there isn't any internet and they have no contact their circle of friends who support and encourage that shit, I really that's all it would take.

>> No.18551037

I sincerely hope he doesn't think he passes.

>> No.18551045

Except it's well known by psychologists that the only effective treatment for gender disphoria is transitioning and being treated as their gender of choice

>> No.18551046
File: 151 KB, 960x983, D23D46F5-67E0-4755-BE26-2BCEC91CD4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18551052
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>> No.18551053

>the only effective treatment for gender disphoria

>> No.18551057
File: 2.31 MB, 1109x1972, 915B6BAB-7F8B-4E4F-B2D5-F5F0A215120D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18551068


>> No.18551072

Paedophile. Anime freak. Porn addict. Autistic loser. Faggot. Incel. Subhuman. Abomination. Tranny.

>> No.18551074

Bunch of pathetic incels. y'all just mad that she made a significant choice regarding her body. It's none of your fucking business if what he wants to do with her body

>> No.18551076
File: 2.83 MB, 1242x2425, 8316236F-0BE5-4466-B1D4-EDAE6A1DBBB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18551080


>> No.18551085

i really feel bad about the fact that he's just ruined his life all for something that is retarded.

>> No.18551093
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1181, 08A9FDF4-1008-41C1-89D9-C4F121D52BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All trannies are paedophiles no exceptions.

>> No.18551094

Wait he's a woman now? Lmao I thought that was just make up for a one time video

>> No.18551097

>literally just 1 test subject
Is this the power or polchuds?

>> No.18551105
File: 73 KB, 452x464, 55612009-95DD-4249-BA1A-BA33182EF3CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the bet he’s going to kill this other tranny and wear its skin?

>> No.18551107

>newfag here
well you are definitely a fag

>> No.18551108

The only one who will troon out will be Vaush. He strikes me as crippingly insecure about himself and he's already a bi degenerate who preys on kids. Hasan is pretty normie.

>> No.18551111

The Jordan Peterson and Steve Bannon analyses were good, to name a few, but sometime she would over-explain something for no reason.
Pre-transition stuff were way better.

>> No.18551113
File: 77 KB, 450x544, EAEB0756-4C5B-4B10-9CB7-B24564BF012C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one become a woman? Wearing a dress and growing out your hair? Dilate.

>> No.18551114


>> No.18551124

Normal humans rightly consider those things bad.

>> No.18551134


>> No.18551136

What's wrong here? It's a solid speech.

>> No.18551146

He's getting surgery no? Seems to me a woman is someone with tits and a vagina and if he has both, I don't see why anyone would say otherwise

>> No.18551155

Based YouTube channel
Fairly educating entertainment: Not philosophy.

>> No.18551156


>> No.18551169

Ahh, the real human female vaginas like these >>18551057 >>18551076 ones? How is he going to undo thirty years of testosterone? How is he going to undo his brain chemistry and skeletal structure? How is he going to reproduce like a female? How is he going to change his chromosomes? You cannot become a woman. You are a man, even a pathetic failure of one. There is no becoming, only being. Dilate, Untermensch.

>> No.18551174

No it's not. You people are miserable and you can't even deny it. Well, maybe you people can deny it since you're so accustomed to living contrary to the truth. Everyone else can see it though.

>> No.18551179
File: 81 KB, 600x338, 2bf799313685b310-600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what I got from a video related to Schmitt of all people
Of course I didn't watch the video since you're right,all redditors are indeed the same and it would be a waste of time to watch it

>The Presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has revealed something interesting about politics. The ideas of philosopher (and Nazi) Carl Schmitt, and the black activist Kwame Ture, can help us understand how the right-wing and left-wing criticise liberalism…

And here are some comments

>I had a discussion with someone on the comments of a video (not one of yours) about how ironic it was to support military invasions in other countries because they saw it as a threat to America's sovereignty. What the hell do you think you are doing to them?
>Anyway, the discussion diverted to this point: I was arguing that to at least help the people from these other countries who want to protect themselves, you need to open up the borders and accept them as your own because, after all, they're human and all humans deserve their rights to be respected. And to that his answer was: "I think I get it. Your a globalist and I'm a nationalist." And that's it. Simply because he tagged me into a group, the "Globalist" he just shutdown the whole argument by saying "Those are two different point of view" without even addressing the ethical issues. It happened to me several times afterwards. Instead of addressing the deep question, they simply resort to tag their interlocutor with a name and tag themselves with a name to avoid discussing their points further as if, suddenly, because you are part of a group, your argument is unquestionable and ethical.

>you need to open up the borders and accept them as your own because, after all, they're human and all humans deserve their rights to be respected.

300 likes btw


>> No.18551182

Gender and sex are different things. If trannies want to mutilate their bodies, let them.

>> No.18551184

Here's the things that rubs me the wrong way about Abigail (besides her shitty economic takes): she's really disingenuous about her position. She makes it out in that speech like she's putting her career on the line when we all know (her included) that it will only make her richer.
On that note, she purposefully hides her income and the facts that she's rich. That alone isnt bad, but she then tries to act as if she's going through the same struggles as her viewers. For example, the rent strikes last year. She was grandstanding about how she was going to join the movement of not paying rent during the lock down despite that fact that she probably makes more than her landlord

>> No.18551200

Epic counter there bucko! Be sure to publish your findings

>> No.18551209

Can't you people even try to act human?

>> No.18551218

Not literature, is YouTube

>> No.18551226

oh he does. he thinks he's hot as fuck. just watch this shit.
he's literally getting off to himself pretending to be a woman. he just sits there moaning to himself and then has a borderline orgasm from all the praise he's getting

>> No.18551230
File: 37 KB, 426x719, 22BB324C-E12D-48C9-AB5F-A77F882F9E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender is just the word meaning the “sex” of a word like in g e n d e r e d languages. Paedophile commie faggot academics twisted the meaning and you’ve fallen for it like the loser you are. Dilate, faggot.
Dilate, faggot.
Dilate, faggot.

>> No.18551231


>> No.18551232

idk how you guys can watch this shit. the guy puts more effort to look better in his videos then in explaining the material better

>> No.18551239

Why am I being told to dilate when my post is against her?