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18541852 No.18541852 [Reply] [Original]

What's the redpill take on self improvement books? Post-modern philosophy or just flavor of the decade?

>> No.18541912

You probably don't need hose if you read a philosophy textbook.

>> No.18541982

"Self-improvement book" is a contradictio in adjecto. You can't improve yourself by reading books.

>> No.18541988

>With protests and women
>The same advice goes
>Always stay
>Away from the hose
(ERBoH - Martin Luther King Jr. vs Ghandi)

>> No.18542206


>> No.18542218

That's right, C ΠM G E N V S. You're perfect just the way you are, and don't let those mean boys tell you otherwise.

>> No.18542219

No. Self-help can be more helpful than a Bible.

>> No.18542222

But it comes packed in context. So they are not complete garbage, but most of them are somewhat obsolete if you know some philosophy.

>> No.18542259



>> No.18542273

All that muscle and yet I could still kill her in a single strike

>> No.18542286 [DELETED] 

self-help is from christianity


>> No.18542292

>roiding for this

>> No.18542296

This girl could probably kick the regular /lit/ anon's ass.

>> No.18542301

I don't understand the appeal

>> No.18542325


>> No.18542343

you can kill pretty much anyone with a well placed sucker punch thanks to knockout physics

>> No.18542457

The question is if you need a self-improvement book. They are usually written for people who need common sense advice on changing their life, but it’s possible they can inspire you to action. If you are already a self-made person you might find them boring.

>> No.18542521

Dangerously based

>> No.18542645

It's human's religiosity.
You do the same thing over and over again and hope that your life gets better

>> No.18542714
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I bet you arent even kidding...... Strike from the shadows, brother.

>> No.18542881

If your a guy start with this it'll teach you the history of masculinity from an evolutionary standpoint.

>> No.18542888
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forgot my photo

>> No.18543051

Dont fucking read this lmao, its written by a faggot for faggots who never had a father around.

>> No.18543097

Lmao. Kill yourself fucking poo stabber.

>> No.18543115


>> No.18543205
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Practice Magick, weightlifting, politics from the books you read.
Then get into fencing.

Start your own empire. If in the process you betray your best friend and become an anti-hero its even better for the bitter sweet end.

>> No.18543224

Or Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.18543607

she can outmuscle 99% of lit/

>> No.18543707

post-modern """philosophy"""

is neoliberalism bullshit bassically: IF your life is bad, if you are poor, unhappy whatever, is your fault for not trying enough, or not changing yourself etc. It appeals to your individualism , so you don't question the status quo or other possible reasons for your situation.

>> No.18543719

For once I agree

>> No.18543782

Yeah, but I'd prefer if she punched me in the balls instead

>> No.18543799

Okay, now replace "poor and unhappy" with "incel". see how fast you became a bootstrapper.

>> No.18543801

Can't tell from this angle, but how big is her dick?

>> No.18543812
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>> No.18543922

Christianity the religion that keeps al men mediocre.

>> No.18544114


>> No.18544502


>> No.18544592

Just read The Bible.

>> No.18544804

what the fuck is that lump in her arm, injections?

>> No.18544825

We put the gloves on and get in the ring, I corner-rape her and completely destroy her. After beating her into submission I put her head between the ropes, bend her over, pull down her pants, pull down my shorts and rape her there and there while still hitting her. I nut inside her without pulling out, probably the best orgasm of her life.
Take note white knights, this isn’t what women want.

>> No.18544890

Rather this is what women want, she’d probably leave her cuck of a boyfriend to become my personal human punching-bag.

>> No.18544905

Imagine actually going out in public dressed like that. How do women think they're entitled to even the tiniest amount of respect?

>> No.18544921

Women have no concept of virtues, they just want attention.

>> No.18544964

I came into this thread to write about how self help is rife with bullshit appeals to "evolution."

You should know that evo psych is filled with pseudo science and as respects human psychology is pretty much all hypothesis, not grounded theory. People think authors are giving them opinions with the grounding of "science." They aren't.

>> No.18544968

You retard are still around?

>> No.18544972

Because science these days gets things so right...

>> No.18544979

It seems reasonable to me and matches what I have observed about humans. "Science" is heavily politicized and is not inherently trustworthy.

>> No.18544983

The problem with books in general is that you forget the message (or teachings in self-help books) a week after you read it.

>> No.18545050

it's called a bicep

>> No.18545060

Yes, it actually does. You'll note that your lights come on consistently at the flip of the switch, thousands of aircraft ship millions of people around the globe each day, and you get peeved when instantaneous global communications time put for even a few minutes. Paradigm shifts aside, which are always irregularly timed, science is progressing faster now, with more accuracy than at any point in history. It always go things wrong. The only thing that is different today is that inherit contradictions within liberalism, i.e. the contradictions of property rights and equity, of equality before the law and rule by popular will, and of liberal national identities and the globalization of labor, are straining civil society. So you have more propaganda and media hysteronics. The process itself hasn't changed. If anything, the replication crisis has helped improve methods.

Yeah, but that's the thing, plenty of things that seem to make sense intuitively are wrong. Skepticism is what Western civilization bequeathed to us. Our history is full of great minds advancing complex hypotheses that "seem right," and are nonetheless wrong. Decartes pineal gland centered dualism, Spinoza's monads, Newtonian classical physics. In the case of the latter you get results and there is a level of truth to the model, it's just that it falls apart at a certain level of observation and the paradigm has to shift. It's like Hegel says, the flower doesn't refute the bud, knowledge is something that comes in stages.

A problem for modern right wing, evolution based ideologies is not only that they misrepresent science, but are self contradicting. If I'm a western chauvinist, why do I care how hunter gatherers organized. The West conquered those peoples on the back of the scientific method. Our triumph was based in higher levels of organization and specialization, not having more test and aggression.

As a Western chauvinist, shouldn't Plato and Aristotle take center stage? Both minds that would demand more open minded analysis.

It's contradictory to carp on about the need for carnivore diets and to return to the ways of early man whilst also celebrating the West. Why do Eurasians have higher IQ? It must be due to different selection pressures, since that is how traits are passed on. No candidate for a radical difference in selection pressures is better than settled agricultural society. Indeed, we have an example of specific selection pressures in the Ashkenazim, who were banned from owning land and farming, or practicing trades. They bred in a close loop for 1,000 years, with only those who could be successful in cognitively demanding trades surviving (losers could always convert and leave the gene pool). The result is a verbal-logical IQ gap of almost two standard deviations.

Similarly, that your ancestors ate mostly grains and lived in civilization, making them less like hunter gatherers, is what makes Eurasians generally more intelligent.

>> No.18545114

Brainlet take.

Books like the Way of Men aren't written for leaders or thinkers. Obviously it's a swiss cheese of appeals to emotional and identity. It's a book to give spine to the middle manager and enforcement class. You're elite prep school, future leader kid isn't being fed this. It's a good story for those that society needs to enforce norms.

An inevitable result of the fruits of liberal society is corrosive revolutionary developments that threaten order. The enforcer class needs an esprit de corps. They just need to also know their place and not get to light headed off huffing the bullshit their given, otherwise you get stone aged leadership.

>> No.18545200


If you're stupid or undisciplined, etc - how are you supposed to identify what will make you intelligent or inflict discipline upon yourself?

>> No.18545207

Self help is retarded because most of them focus on habits and discipline but honestly if you have the willpower to read 300 pages of nonsense you can probably stop checking your phone every 10 minutes.

>> No.18545797
File: 157 KB, 1359x960, 931B5B7A-17BA-4EAB-85F9-2BEAAB4A4F0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is every single self help book in one sentence. You ready?

Just do the thing, there is not other answer.

>> No.18546765


>> No.18546819

most are trash some are useful
reading positive things is good for you

>> No.18546833

forgot to add that the ones aimed at women are always trash

>> No.18546897

>As a Western chauvinist, shouldn't Plato and Aristotle
In my understanding Aristotle was a systematizer and a documentarian. Aren't there other greek philosophers that would better fit the bill of the "scientific" spirit you're hinting at here?

Also, in the first part of your invective you argue against intuitive science, but why don't you extend that to arguing against intuitive historicism? it "makes sense" that diets and trades and cultural mores would lead to present day outcomes and differences, but your golden scientific method is at its core empirical, not rationalistic. isn't your drawing historicist conclusions from rationalism instead of empricism a hypocrisy, then?

on a related note (to self), i've heard that seneca and empiricus are good sources that take the alternate route in epistemology

>> No.18546996

Stick to your own language kiddo. Abortive spawn is a contradiction.

>> No.18547010

Not to defend the cumgenius, but abortive spawn i think is a fine way to stretch out the image of stillborn and to make it easier to write as a noun.

>> No.18547015


Sad chubby incels

>> No.18547042

Perhaps in a more precise context I would agree with you, but cumgenius used it in an already soggy metaphor to the point where I could no longer make sense of what he was trying to get across. All that is really left is thing = bad.

>> No.18547084

(this is just autistic replying out of boredom so feel free to ignore)

killing the author here, it DOES make sense, and he was clearly trying to go for a deliberately terse style asking the reader to give a little more effort in parsing his words. by "abortive spawn" there's two things being communicated: geneolagy, in that self improvement is a descendant of self help, and death and nonviability. to the former point, he's communicating nonoriginality and maybe even calling self improvement a pastiche, or at least derivative of ideas that have come before, therefore stripping it of creativity and originality. the latter point is probably just a judgement call, but it could also represent nonviability in a life sort of way, in that nothing can further be created from self improvement. no change, no value, no spirit, nothing, since it's dead.

just my take

>> No.18547333

Sub 100 IQ retard detected.

>> No.18547336


>> No.18547544

Yeah I’m chubby. My untrained ass would ducking destroy her and rape her, and she would have the best orgasm of her life because that’s how women are.

>> No.18547548

Dubs don't lie

>> No.18547549
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Why is she trying to smell that weight? Is there something nasty on it or something? Seems like a weird thing to do

>> No.18547560

Chad's pheromones

>> No.18547573

There is no book that is going to show you how or why or when. Like Ernest Hemingway said: Bleed nigger, bleed

>> No.18547660

The red-pill take? If the author actually cared about improving humanity, they would release it for free, digitally. Read pirated copies, be circumspect with what you disagree, always question.

>> No.18547699



>> No.18547727

lmao jack donovan the gay cult leader schizo faggot... okay

>> No.18547732

in your fantasies

>> No.18547920

so who is she

>> No.18547923

Science proves me right
More likely than not she’d enjoy being used as a punching-bag and getting raped, women are more likely to orgasm during rape btw.
Sorry but being nice and respecting her isn’t to give her the hots for you, girls that go to the gym and get buff like her are signaling that they are looking for a strong man to make them submit.
I’d make it more fun (for me) by reclining against the corner and letting her whale on me for the first two rounds, the look of horror on her face as she slowly realizes I’m not going down no matter how much she punches me would be priceless. Then I would lay the hurt in her then rape her while still punching her.
100% chance she would enjoy the experience and get an orgasm.

>> No.18547933

Also if this bothers you you don’t belong on 4channel :)

>> No.18547944

This comment literally screams "Incel" lol

>> No.18547981

According to incel worldview you shouldn't rape women then because it makes them happy

>> No.18548046

That's because I'm not an incel.
The other anon is either a woman in denial or a male feminist that’s offended by women’s true desires. Truth is it’s a massive white pill because that means most women share a fetish with me and I’m happy to provide, especially if they can put up resistance, it’s not half as fun if they don’t try to defend themselves.

>> No.18548048

well then if that is so, you can go ahead and get out of your room right now, go out of your parents' house, go fucking rape somebody, faggot. go ahead and do it, what is stopping you? why are you wasting your time here? go and rape a woman, prove her you are an alpha chad, execute your fantasy, then you won't have to go on incels.wiki.

>> No.18548055

porn fantasies don't prove anything. fantasy isn't reality.

>> No.18548411

Because even I know the desires of women are dangerous for civilization. That’s why rape has been criminalized and made a taboo topic of conversation.
Honestly you don’t have to rape them really, just do rough sex, maybe choke her while doing it, try BDSM

>> No.18548478

Feast or famine with that guy.

>> No.18549205

>all women secretly want me to rape them and beat the shit out of them to near death, because they love real life rape that isn't a porn fantasy. me personally? i am not going to rape anybody ever. what do you mean? rape is criminal and taboo! i would rather go on 4chan and say i'd hypothetically fucking love to violently rape and beat the shit out of... err... that whore in the op pic who is just a bunch of pixels. no, it is not because i am a fatass bitch with a degenerate rape fantasy who'd never commit a real crime. it's because women's desires are dangerous and, you know... we live in a society. how do you do, fellow rape chads?
what a transparent cope, it's beautiful. did you just compare choking during sex to rape? hahahaha. fucking retard.

>> No.18549247
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I've read hundreds of them until I realized they were the same shit digested over a million times. Make it Stick, and The Habits of Successful People by Brendon Burchard are the only ones you need to represent all others. Read real books like The Complete Works of Plato and then you'll be a man who can judge books.

>> No.18549255

If you need to read a book to get in shape you already lost the game.

Reading for brain things like finances and cooking or whatever obviously makes sense. Doing proper research on fitness forms so you don't end up with fucked up issues in the long run is also good. But just watch videos on Youtube for that.

Unironically JUST DO IT
Get out there, feel the burn, embrace it.

Self improvement starts from within. Highly unlikely that reading something will have a long term lasting effect on you. When I was younger and read Oyasumi PunPun it made me so depressed I went for a long jog. But that was just for 1 day. The desire to have real long term improvements to yourself has got to start with (You).

>> No.18550178

Heh, clever triple entrendre.

>> No.18550186

slayyyyyy king

>> No.18550474

>What's the redpill take on self improvement books?
I think it's a meme. Most people are intuitively aware of their problems, they're just too lazy/demoralized to bother fixing them.

>> No.18550477

didn't read

>> No.18550487

I missed you one strike poster.
t. effeminate weakling

>> No.18550510

>noooo it doesn't prove anything women were evolved to experience pleasure over the idea of rape there's no correlation!!!

>> No.18550529

Christ's precepts are often simple to understand, but they nevertheless take a lifetime to truly master. Anyone who has done so can hardly be called mediocre. Even just refusing to shed blood and sticking to that for the remainder of your existence would put you ahead of the 99%.

>> No.18550533

That's where she keeps an extra loaf of bread, anon. For emergencies.

>> No.18550554

Simulated rape is not the same thing as actual rape, you complete and utter trog. In each of the (poorly sourced) links you provided, the women are viewing porn only. It is make believe, and there is thus an assumed underlying security. I have no doubt that the types of women who watch porn regularly would sometimes like to engage in rough sex, but the key word here is "simulated." Young men love to play games where they mow down hundreds with machine gun fire - but 95% of these same men would also despise fighting an actual war and would no doubt suffer lasting mental trauma.

>> No.18550632

The only thing you need to learn from self help books is that you need to take responsibility, own your mistakes and faults. Everything else follows

>> No.18550664

Hi Panjeet.

>> No.18550677

You sound like a leftist prog faggot.
>Simulated rape is not the same thing as actual rape, you complete and utter trog.
Why should people not assume there isn't a strong correlation?
>Young men love to play games where they mow down hundreds with machine gun fire
>but 95% of these same men would also despise fighting an actual war and would no doubt suffer lasting mental trauma.
Terrible example, war has been the main occupation of young men for the entirety of history - the only reason we "hate" it now is because we live in a matriarchal society.

>> No.18550682

>Why should people not assume there isn't a strong correlation?
there is, rather.

>> No.18550742

they almost always tend to exploit a fundamental lie—the promise of happiness. everything they sell tends to be based on the notion that you should be happy and that if you are not happy then something is wrong with you.
for one to seek improvement, one must first concede to taking the submissive role of requiring help from an author who claims to know better. this in itself is contradictory to the will required for achieving any sort of self propelled "improvement". you are looking to an author to tell you what to do, while being sold on the idea that you're the one who should know what to do. then the book is over, and the author isn't there, but you are supppsed to be able to independently help yourself.
it appeals to the ego to say that you are not only incomplete as you are and could be better, but you also somehow have the qualifications to help yourself.
know what people who really want improvement do? they find somebody who knows what they're doing and they study under them. a scholar finds a professor of the subject they wish to learn. an athlete finds a coach and trainer who specializes in churning out athletes. there is no delusion of being independent and doing it all on your own. you are openly accepting, in fact even delegating a lot of work to somebody far more qualified than your "self".
self help/improvement is the fast food of actual improvement.

>> No.18550749

you do all that with boxing gloves on? I'm not buying it.

>> No.18550754

have sone sons already you faggot. women were always the problem.

>> No.18550800
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>That's right, C ΠM G E N V S. You're perfect just the way you are, and don't let those mean boys tell you otherwise.

>> No.18550832

it's all just a massive cope against genetic determinism.

>> No.18550845

u're a fucking retard. having daughters guarantees that ur genes will survive because almost all women will find a man but the opposite is true for men.

>> No.18550973

>Why should people not assume there isn't a strong correlation?
Because the phrase "correlation does not equal causation" exists precisely for this sort of scenario. You might love to pretend to be a gangster online - but you'd piss yourself if you ever got into a real altercation.
>Terrible example
You're a good example of why stupid people should not be given the right to vote. People have never loved war; they have only ever loved the idea of war - an idea fed to them by those who might benefit most from its prosecution. The human nervous system is simply awful at dealing with any sort of prolonged, heightened stress; that's a scientific fact at this point. Even the army recognises it, which is why it won't let its men go on any more than six tours max. Pretty much ever other predator is better at dealing with trauma than we are. And that's because of intelligence... our capacity to recollect. Intelligence and brute force simply do not go together - we simply are not evolved for it: our fangs are weak, our muscles relatively feeble when compared with other meat eating animals. But our minds are gargantuan. Saying shit like shell shock and/or PTSD are myths despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary is genuinely retarded.

>> No.18551005

Why is she curling a 10kg plate? What is this supposed to achieve? A literal child can lift a sack of potatoes.

>> No.18551398 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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It’s not that hard. Just grab her, shove her between the ropes, pull down her yoga pants (boxing gloves have opposable thumbs) then pull down your shorts using the same method. You can use one hand to keep her body stable while you hit her with the other one while you thrust inside her :)

>> No.18551448

they are the wisdom of the neoliberal statu quo

>> No.18551995


>> No.18552112


Agreed. Autosuggestion is just secular prayer, but it works. However, the main issue with self-improvement is that improvement by the self, for the self will never be a strong motivator. Most people need a proper motivator for improvement ( god, family, etc. ) -- the self is insufficient.

>> No.18552408
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>> No.18552435

Are you implying that the regular /lit/ anon is able to fight for more than 2 minutes? Have you ever fought before?

>> No.18552580 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18552587

beating up cute girls is not cool

>> No.18552620

2 minutes is enough to knock out 120 women

>> No.18552622


>> No.18552637

most self help books are just pure dogshit

it's really rare to find a self help books that actually cares about science and human biology

>> No.18552641

My god
>Babylon Bee
>Star Wars humor
>starry-eyed 6-grader post “start an empirino”
Le Reddit Boogeyman is real.

>> No.18552644

this guy gets it

>> No.18552702

You're saying a vast majority of people have killed?

>> No.18552785

based as shit

>> No.18552798
File: 121 KB, 1080x1080, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls are meant to be loved and sheltered. The reason modern women are so vile is because men no longer "husbands" and allow them to run amok

>> No.18552849

>loved and sheltered
Yes, controlled and beaten, we agree

>> No.18552870 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 933x1400, 1624986016888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re right. It’s not cool, it’s hot :)
Also for the snobs who think women only get off to rape FANTASIES I’m sorry but burst your bubble but we know women orgasm from rape because victims have admitted as such. The numbers are probably higher because many are ashamed about it.

>> No.18552907

Women are not possessions. Get this through your thick skulls. You don’t “husband” them. You make a deal with them to safely bring little bundles of joy into the world. If you can’t handle that, you never deserved their companionship. They are always independent of males and need respect as much as protection. Their fidelity to you is payment for a task well done. Not something owed to you

>> No.18552913


A good post, for once.

>> No.18552917
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>> No.18552922

They don't, anon. If they are say that they do, they never had a real orgasm.

Would you get me some onions, please?

>> No.18552925
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Get a load of this guy.

>> No.18552942


All you got.

>> No.18552945


Growth, change, movement, etc. are all sanitized terms for death.

>> No.18552957

Is male fidelity a payment to women for them performing a task well, not something owed to them?

>> No.18552963


>> No.18553051
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Do you let a toddler do whatever it wants? No. Same with women.

>> No.18553066

They are mostly cope. Get into theology instead.

>> No.18553097
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MOREOVER, as there is no meaningful distinction between Western growth and entropy, the latter sucks the former into itself, death becomes a lifelong "process", not so much dying, an actual process with a plausible end, but "process" in the true sense of the pejoratively Heraclitean: dying would imply there is something TO die, but because all things are implicitly dying to being with, since there is no distinction between their growth and their entropy, their death, the exclusive "process", dying, has no object and thus Dialectically becomes the exclusive "thing", death. A death truly per the pejoratively Parmenidean: the resplendent eternal block Dialectically becoming the very Black Cube writhing with the undead. Indeed, motion contains neither motion nor rest, and rest contains them both

>> No.18553152

Theology is a cope. Everything is a cope for existence

>> No.18553163

Everything except sex. Cumming in pussy is the sole purpose of your existence.

>> No.18553166

Fidelity actually is owed to a husband. That’s the oath of marriage.

>> No.18553195

And yet it rarely works the other way around.
No. Fuck your laws. Let it be a bargain made between two people. Easily broken off if they want.

Implying the male has ever been the more mature. He says this on 4ailchan of all places.

>> No.18553209

>Fuck your laws. Let it be a bargain made between two people. Easily broken off if they want.
How old are you? Like 14? You may eventually get out of your edgy phase. Till then, try not to fuck things up too bad. Or you'll end up like a worthless fucking boomer.

>> No.18553242

A healthy marriage has it working both ways. There is also divorce if it’s completely broken. You are retarded.

>> No.18553262

You’re off by a couple of decades. I was actually law abiding at an early age. This notion that it’s childish to challenge lawmakers is actually immature.
The hippies did shit all, ya stupid git.

What I’ve been saying. It’s a mutual agreement between equals. Women aren’t pets or livestock anymore. Legal complications aren’t necessary. You might actually be autistic.

>> No.18553335

It can be equal but also unequal. Equal commitment by husband and wife to remain faithful, but unequal in that the husband takes the leading role in family life and exerts more influence than mom. Every ship needs a captain. Not that men are infallible but a family needs leadership which will naturally be unequal

>> No.18553348

A family is not a ship. No need to ruin a relationship by militarizing it

>> No.18553386

It’s a unit bro, there’s gotta be some central figure

>> No.18553422

Kek, found the boomer. Challenging secular law is fine but that's not what you are doing.

>> No.18553423

No. Family isn’t about maximum control.

>> No.18553446

I didn’t say it was, smoothbrain

>> No.18553458

Mate, it's obvious you are lost. Stop it.

>> No.18553477

This is saying "I'm actually alpha" levels of betaness.

>> No.18553514

That's fucking horrible. I could never kiss that arm. I'd feel like a total homo.

>> No.18553529

You did. A family does not need a central command. Clearly the parents need to teach their children. They’re subordinate. But again, the mother is no less than the father.

Eye rollingly stupid

>> No.18553570

Virgin sausage-fingers typed this post.

>> No.18553581

That's fine. I'll do it.

>> No.18553585

It can work, but it takes efforts, and you still need to go out of your comfort zone, which is mostly why most people fail.
Getting out of the basement is more important than reading 10 books on self improvement.
If you want girls, my advice is to go in many different activities. Not just the same activity many times a week, with the same people, but many different ones. For example, monday, yoga, tuesday, meditation, wednesday, theatre etc... Most people will not be compatible, but some will in the end.

>> No.18553597

Lol no I didn’t, you are being an obtuse moron who can’t separate family hierarchy from militarization. Definition of a midwit.

>> No.18553619

Worse A sex having woman

>> No.18553684

With your husband?

>> No.18553703

>reorganizes his life and larps with new hobbies just to get girls
Faggot, they're walking all over the street. Behind every corner is a new girl. You can just talk to them, you know?

>> No.18553734
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Any woman can have sex. It's like bragging you manage to take your pants down to shit.

>> No.18553796
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>> No.18554379
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>> No.18554540

you're actually retarded
if you pit a man and a woman of the same height, weight, and similar muscle build and body fat percentage in a fight, the man will win 99.999% of the time

>> No.18554693
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You're not accounting for the mental aspect. I'm a big guy (4u), but I couldn't throw a punch if my life depended on it. If a woman actually had it out for me I'd have no idea what to do. I assume most of the posters on this board, even the cringe alpha-larping ones, are similar.

>> No.18554772

can that can fight here. I'd never hit a woman, just like I'd never hit a child.
I would throw her to the ground though.

>> No.18554844

girl that has 15% bodyfat probably trains extremely hard and has a lot of discipline and probs some steroid induced anger issues
guy that has 15% bodyfat is a faggot and would get crushed

>> No.18554897

she really has a nice body

>> No.18554930

It's a matter of bone structure and upper body muscle and CNS

>> No.18555031

I found a cool video online that I want to share with you guys :)

>> No.18555051

>if you pit a man and a woman of the same height, weight, and similar muscle build and body fat percentage in a fight, the man will win 99.999% of the time

Implying that the regular /lit/ anon is anywhere near that girl.

>> No.18555069

Men, biologically, outperform not only women of similar comparison, but even when women are considered more apt, generally.

See the prime example of that out-of-shape/low-ranked tennis player defeating one -- or was it both? -- of the Williams sisters without much try, despite them being obviously more muscular. Or female soccer players being defeated by high-school males.

You can accept there are biological differences, which is a reality, or you can simply ignore it.

>> No.18555121

And /fit/'s too.

>> No.18555142 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555148 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555161 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555169 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555181 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555188 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555199 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555206 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.18555218 [DELETED] 

haerty kek

>> No.18555238 [DELETED] 

Fucking creep, back to the dark basement you crawled out of.
It gives me immense pleasure knowing you would be the one getting raped by niggers in prison if you tried that IRL.

>> No.18555462

>up for an entire hour
Pornchads... I kneel

>> No.18555715

Except that it's very popular with christfags

>> No.18555768

based guroanon

>> No.18555804

Ryona, not guro.

>> No.18555837

Those words are meaningless to me. I will pour my semen on her womb, take care of her while she's pregante and then run away.

>> No.18555860

hmm you're right

>> No.18555904

a most retarded remark. "self-improvement books" doesnt mean these books bring immediate improvement to one's life, only that they teach how one can "improve their own life"

>> No.18557139
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With girlfriends

>> No.18557263

>but I couldn't throw a punch if my life depended on it
You think so because you lived a sheltered life anon. I assure you, no matter what you believe about yourself, that if a woman started punching your ass you'd soon find yourself bashing her skull in without a second thought. You've probably never fought in your life but humans are animals, nothing more nothing less, and if you get assaulted you will have a fight-or-flight response and you'll never go for flight vs a woman, because your body knows you can fuck her shit up.

>> No.18557267

>out-of-shape/low-ranked tennis player

He was still like top 500 in the world.

Training matters. A well-trained woman will beat a man who has never fought in his life. Unless of course it's like a 120 lb woman vs a 250 lifter.

But same weight class a woman that is trained will beat a man who is untrained.