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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 332 KB, 1512x871, Marx-Engels-Werke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18540222 No.18540222 [Reply] [Original]

marxchads, I fucking kneel...

>> No.18540230

I've been on 4chan for 12 years and probably wrote more than that in shitposts

>> No.18540245
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete Works of Mussolini

>> No.18540293
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Pathetic ...

>> No.18540431

you mean manuscripts of his schizo speeches?

>> No.18540502

Cry about it.

>> No.18540519
File: 70 KB, 602x338, main-qimg-c8babfbae1d696d24ddd0cb5c37fe48b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never meat il duce

>from Rudolf Borchardt’s Besuch bei Mussolini (Visit to Mussolini):
I could only be astonished that this man, the ruler of Italy, with all the burdens of the day’s work on his shoulders, found time to discuss with me the precise translation of individual words and expressions . . . He opened the first Canto and began to read. “That is a literal translation,” he remarked, and then said, “I understand it is written in a modern German style. Wait, what is this?” He pointed to a word he did not know, and I had to explain it to him. . . . Concentrated willpower and a positive sort of decisiveness mastered in large part the rounded and complete gestures of the kind one might expect from a dignitary of the Church or an aristocratic poet, reminding me of some pictures of the later Goethe. . . . Schlegel, Schelling, Hegel, King Johann of Saxony, Vossler, George – he made a brief appraisal of each. “Now to the fifth circle of the Inferno,” he exclaimed, adding rapidly and almost merrily, “Francesca da Remini.” . . . He went to the last stanzas, read out my German translation, then recited the original Italian verses from memory, read more German, and compared them exactly with the verses which he knew by heart. He pointed to a subtlety of tone in the Italian original and wanted to be sure that I had successfully reproduced it in German, reading out my German version slowly and carefully, with a strong but accurate pronunciation. Finally, he interrupted his own criticisms and suggestions by excusing himself, adding that he was only a layman and a mere reader. He closed the book, opened it once more, and finally closed it for good. “Thank you,” he said earnestly, and shook my hand warmly.

>> No.18540524

guess I am gay for Il Duce now sorry I am ESL

>> No.18540541

Say what you will about Hitler, the man at least had wits and class. Benito was a fucking retard

>> No.18540602

Benito was the last educated statesman of Europe.

>> No.18540609

Selected, complete or really complete?

>> No.18540638

Many such accounts. And he used to receive a lot of visitors, differently from today's leaders who are elusive or completely barricaded in their strongholds. Benito was a true man.

>> No.18540640

How many pages could we have of stupid ramblings of whatever was on marx and engels minds

>> No.18540669

>Stupid ramblings
Those are the works collected from his writings since he was an anarchist. The guy wrote a great amount of texts about subjects ranging from socialism, to the nature of the State, interventionism, nationalism, and so on. They're not merely the transcription of his speeches (which, by themselves, would be great literature to read, given his oratory).

>> No.18540807

Now compare the theory with practice, and see how retarded Marx and Engles really were.

>> No.18540880

God I love how in german works is werke
German language seems so strange and cute to me

>> No.18541148

Complete as far as I know. Everything written by him and Engels.

>> No.18541339
File: 214 KB, 527x650, 58436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new challenger has arrived.

>> No.18541380

Kneel before the 1,000,000 pages of Warhammer 40k

>> No.18541387
File: 316 KB, 612x816, 37504_bd7a597aad44e5576829aeab74f0396c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and no, this isn't the complete works, you could fill more shelves

Words for the Word God!
Books for the Book Throne!

>> No.18541422

I have all 45 volumes of the complete work of Lenin on my shelf. Got it at a used bookstore for 200 dollars because the owner did not want to break it up and couldn't otherwise sell it. Not sure why I bought them.

>> No.18541425
File: 274 KB, 615x655, 897A9C11-2BC8-460B-9E8D-697AFDA336C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the three giant Dan Abnett volumes?

>> No.18541654

Did you read them?

>> No.18542626


The most thorough Marx/Engels committed to the English language is the MECW, the Marx Engels Collected Works, which runs for exactly 50 volumes. This project has been concluded, although it is an incomplete view of the corpus.

The MEGA, on the other hand, is the real controlling edition, a mammoth project which is ongoing, in the original German and (I think) the other original languages where applicable (French, English). About 50 or so volumes have appeared, out of a projected 120. This is the one which includes correspondence to-and-from each guy, every grocery list, every jot and tittle. The project has naturally slowed following the collapse of the Eastern bloc, but is still technically in progress, and not concluded.

In Society of the Spectacle, one of the chapter-opening quotes is a correspondence between Marx and Ruge: "Shall we live to see the political revolution..?" I once tried to find this in the MECW, to no avail. It can be found in the MEGA.

I'm not sure what the OP actually is. It might be certain collected MEGA volumes, or else one of the German selected editions.

>> No.18542643


You should read "Capitalism: the highest state of Imperialilsm" and "what is to be done?" That way you can at least say that you read some of the important stuff in your set.

>> No.18542722

This; The Star Wars written material and Warhammer 40k have to be the most written about subjects in history

>> No.18542749

I'm sorry but what the fuck was their problem?

>> No.18543053
File: 74 KB, 478x456, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine dedicating your life to a socioeconomic system that has and continues to destroy free thought.

>> No.18543071

>words words words
Yep. It’s dilating time.

>> No.18543091

What is 'free thought'?

>> No.18543104

why are there always retards in these threads that ask "what is x" or "define x"
cant you retards use a duckduckgo or something?

>> No.18543116

It's bourgeois talk that just means flagrantly disregarding the immortal truth of Marxism. Pay it no heed, comrade.

>> No.18543122

Deviation from correct thought.
Also this >>18543116

>> No.18543127

you know what destroys free thought? wage slavery, dumb wagecuck.

>> No.18543141

Thought is far more free now than it ever has been, despite the massive prevalence of wage slavery compared to the past. If you live in proper first world countries (ie not America) you even have the option not to wageslave if you don't want.

>> No.18543167

I can smash my heaad on the computer a few thousand times too and print out the result does this mean I'm an intellectual yet /lit/. Most commies can't even slog through the 50 page manifesto.

>> No.18543219

Pound also raved about him.

>> No.18543276

Let's be honest, you would struggle with the majority of Marx's writings. It's okay to be humble anon.

>> No.18543302

Everyone does. That's why there are a million different schools of Marxism. It has everything to do with Marx's lack of clear thought and nothing to do with people not being "smart enough" to interpret it. Muddled writings can only produce muddled thoughts.

>> No.18543309

Threads like this are no better sign that we are in an age of genuine poverty. Politics may be futile when we consider the powers that be, but anyone who isn't calling for a return of classical education needs to have their craniums examined.
The only movement I am engaged in is one that advocates for the return of the grammar school system in Britain. It was the first time that gifted Working Class kids were taught Latin and Greek, but Thatcher/Blair and their cronies deemed this too much of a problem. I mean, how does it raise the GDP?

>> No.18543330

No, you are just cut off from the richness of western thought. You are on the side of those who seek to establish the average, Marx is clear to the genuinely educated.
I'm not a Marxist, I just hate people like you who would see humanity reduced. Go on, make some brainlet comment about le ebil Soviet Union.

>> No.18543372

>Marx is clear to the genuinely educated.
No, he's not, because even from the genuinely educated, as I said, those varied schools of Marxism sprang up. If you're really unaware of this fact, you have some reading to do. Start with Kolakowski.

>> No.18543418

>varied schools of Marxism sprang up
Oh dear, the infant is trying to think. His cute! This has happened for every thinker, including Plato and Aristotle, that Kowlakowski (who you haven't read) returns to. There are discussions, to this day, that ask whether Plato was a Platonist or Neoplatonist; whether Aristotle was anti-Platonic or Platonic. Clarity is more an indication of fruitfulness, not redundancy. Spend less time on 4chan, and more time reading. Otherwise you are doomed to be the embarrassment that you currently are, good day anon.

>> No.18543438
File: 17 KB, 403x389, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are discussions, to this day, that ask whether Plato was a Platonist or Neoplatonist

>> No.18543455

That you made this response is extremely telling. You are an infant. Return to the beauty and humility of the child-like state and return to this discussion once that return of aureate enthusiasm has carried your through the classical tradition and beyond.

>> No.18543463

zero pussy and too much free time.

>> No.18543498

Plato had esoteric (spoken, see Phaedrus for Plato's real opinion on the worth of writing) teachings which he never wrote down, unlike Marx, which is what Neoplatonism largely put into the written word. So I'm assuming you don't know much about Plato or Plotinus either.
>whether Aristotle was anti-Platonic or Platonic.
No, there aren't. Aristotle was clearly divergent from Plato, and that much is not in dispute. Go check out Metaphysics right now where there are entire chapters dedicated to refuting Plato's abstract idealism. There is no room here for interpretation. This is not to say that Aristotle did not build on Plato in his own way (through negation).
>Clarity is more an indication of fruitfulness, not redundancy
Exactly, which is why Marx should be considered redundant, which was my point all along. Reading Aristotle and Plato will give one far more wisdom per hour spent than Marx.

>> No.18543500

Eisenhorn I'm assuming

>> No.18543947

>wisdom per hour
Lmfao, imagine going into philosophy with the mindset of a RuneScape player

>> No.18544061

too much spook

>> No.18544069

Gaunts ghosts or something I think

>> No.18544078

Pfft, the Schottenstein talmud has way more volumes than that

>> No.18544111

No answer?

>> No.18544117

You don't know what you're talking about. Read more than Wikipedia before you try to contribute.

>> No.18544127

This. It really is fucking sad.

>> No.18544575
File: 495 KB, 960x540, werke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18545246

what makes anglos think we don't pronounce the "e" at the end? Same thing with "Porsch". It's PorschE

>> No.18546183

i work as a wage slave and i'm free to think of you as a dumb nigger

>> No.18546598
File: 467 KB, 597x530, LULala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking free thought even exists

>> No.18546699

Graphomania. There are people who are addicted to writing and it is obvious by their shit prose. They never stop long enough to reflect because their compulsion demands more words be written. Only a graphomaniac like marx could be capable of writing more words in critique of a guy's body of work than the guy ever wrote himself. That shows a complete lack of any synthesis necessary to critically construct an argument. At that point you are literally just seething and certain to repeat your ideas 10-20x over.

>> No.18546737

So this is what he was dong for almost all of his life before he decided to go ruin Russia

>> No.18546926

These large volume sets typically include all sorts of essays and letters on top of their books. Imagine if every shitpost, tweet, text, and essay were compiled in a bookset. A lot of people here would have multiple volumes. There are probably plenty of autists who have written more than these people because computers facilitate both the speed of writing and the amount of people you have to write to. These are probably some of the worst cases though. People who intersect in the roles of intellectual and leader are going to have to correspond with a lot of people.

>> No.18546937

all of it belongs in a landfill. what is it about worthless authors and their need to overcompensate?

>> No.18547044

You're not wrong. I'm not a turbo autist and by my estimation I've shitposted a bare minimum 400 words per day for 15 years. That's over 2 million words of casual shitposts. I also have written an additional 700k-1m words of diary writing, short story attempts, outlines, etc. I'm not even 30 yet. Fuck, if you did the math for Stephen king...

>> No.18547090

Ayo where the fuck can I get all of this in English? I’ve been studying Italian fascism for years and I can hardly find anything worthwhile. Gimme those primary sources

>> No.18547097

hitler was a fucking schizo

>> No.18547109

brainlets both of them

>> No.18547143

>implying is not the slavery of thought itself wich makes you think you have free thought

>> No.18547144
File: 340 KB, 1200x1569, 1200px-Luther_Weimar_Ausgabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic. Pic is the works of Martin Luther.

>> No.18547404
File: 83 KB, 500x666, usury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tl dr

>> No.18547455

>economically illiterate
>materialist in the exact way capitalism is
>braindead philosophy

>> No.18547457

Is this what peak anglo analytics looks like?

>> No.18547737

He devoted himself to capitalism? In a sense I suppose